MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 17 ways to make money

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After getting three summoned soldiers, Yang Yuan tried many of his ideas.

In the end, I found that the three people have their own thoughts, but they are absolutely loyal to themselves.

This made Yang Yuan's evaluation of the summoned soldiers very high. If he summoned a group of puppets, it would be useless.

Secondly, he also came to a conclusion that the newly summoned soldiers can live in the portable space and improve their strength in the training ground, but once they are released by Yang Yuan, they cannot come back.

That is to say, Yang Yuan can only come in alone in the carry-on space, and there are no restrictions on going out.

"It seems that you have to keep some gold in the future, otherwise it may be too late when you need soldiers."

Moreover, the area of ​​the carry-on space is limited, which made Yang Yuan's idea of ​​using it as a troop transport depot in vain. At present, the camp and the farmland next to it can hold a total of 500 soldiers.

However, Gong Yi told Yang Yuan that the barracks, farmland, and warehouses can be upgraded, but the conditions for upgrading need to be discovered by him.

At present, Yang Yuan only knows one, which is the best jade.

This one condition has already made him very embarrassed.

There is also the gold needed to summon soldiers, which is also a factor limiting Yang Yuan's development.

"It seems that I need to find a way to make a fortune. This year is not a stable year. Only by having the power to protect the village early can I make myself and my family live easily."

The growing strength made Yang Yuan's mentality slowly change, and he was no longer satisfied with a leisurely life.

He began to want more people to live easily and happily with him.

Make money, make money, I will find a way to make money.

Set a small goal first, get 10,000 taels of gold.

10,000 taels is only 2,000 summoning places, so that's not too much!

Yang Yuan was moved by his plan and left sincere tears.

Not too much, not too much, it's easy to achieve, baba!

Yang Yuan has lived in Giethoorn Village for 14 years, and he has never heard that there are 100 taels of gold in the village.

If you really explore it, with the accumulation of the Yang family for hundreds of years, there is still a hundred taels of gold, but it will not exceed too much.

After all, the most commonly used money is copper coins, and even if it is silver, there is not much storage in the village.

The wealth of Giethoorn Village is more reflected in the grain, cloth, metal farm tools, land deeds and other items in the granary.

The money reserves are also mainly copper coins, and there are not many gold and silver reserves.

Moreover, Yang Yuan's generation is still unclear. Giethoorn Village also supported Shun Wang's rise to the army back then, and the accumulation of more than two hundred years contributed more than half.

Although the money is gone, the stability of Giethoorn Village is still there.

The ancestral hall is still enshrined in the handwriting of Shun Wang and later Shun Taizu to reward Giethoorn Village for its contribution to Shun country.

And as we have said before, Shunguo's system does not support the rise of an independent big businessman, and it is very unlikely that Yang Yuan wants to make money through business.

Of course, if Yang Yuan aspires to become a businessman, he can still achieve it with the support of Giethoorn Village.

However, this means that he will be exposed to the eyes of many people.

Yang Yuan is not used to such a life, so it is destined that his method of making money cannot be open and aboveboard.

At this time, it is time to reflect that there is an old man and a treasure in the family.

Yang Yuan released Gong Yi, Zhao Long and Shen Quan from the space and asked them to find a place to rest.

For the first soldiers of the three arms, Yang Ding still valued them very much, and remembered their names on purpose.

"You three find a place to live nearby, and I have a task for you soon."

Before leaving, Yang Yuan instructed the three of them.

"Yes, my lord!"

The three of them clasped their fists in answer to the order, and then cooperated with each other to build a wooden house and hunt for food.

Yang Ding left some tools and food for them, and then went home with confidence.

Before leaving, he made a special confession, trying to avoid the sight of the villagers in Giethoorn Village as much as possible.

After returning home, Yang Yuan found his grandfather who was resting under the shade of a tree.

"Grandpa, are you awake?"

Yang Yuan walked to the rattan chair softly, looked at the grandfather with his eyes closed and asked in a low voice, for fear of waking the old man up.

In fact, the old man really didn't fall asleep, he just closed his eyes and opened his eyes immediately after hearing the voice of the eldest grandson.

"Well, I'm awake, what do you have to say?"

Yang Yuan looked around and found that neither his younger siblings nor his grandmother were nearby, so he asked his grandfather, "I want to make money, is there anything you can do?"

"Huh? How did you think of this?"

Grandpa Yang Yuan became interested in his grandson's intentions.

He remembered that his eldest grandson was a little different since he was a child. He was born slow, and then he suddenly became enlightened and had the appearance of early wisdom.

Afterwards, the old guys also saw what they did. They taught people to practice martial arts, secretly built their own secret base, and often brought out prey, although they didn't know how Yang Yuan did it.

But they all think he has the potential to become the head of the Yang family.

Yang Yuan didn't let them down either. He has his own plans for every thing he does, and these plans seem to be relatively successful now.

Now he suddenly cares about how to make money, does he have a new plan?

As a grandfather, it should be normal for me to be concerned about my grandson's plans!

Yang Yuan looked at his grandfather who was obviously very interested, and felt a little more confident. UU reading

"I need something, and I have to spend a lot of money, so now I want to find a way to make money. It's not because I don't know much about the situation in Dashun Country and our Sanyang Town. I want to ask you for advice."

Yang Yuan selectively told his grandfather his purpose. He needed money to buy other things, a lot of money.

Grandpa Yang Yuan understood what he meant. Hearing what his grandson meant, he wanted to find a way to make a lot of money, which was a bit difficult.

"Tell me your thoughts first, and I'll help you with the staff."

"Grandpa, I don't want to be an official businessman." Yang Yuan said his fundamental problem.

In Shun country, the official businessman is not the official businessman colluding with the official businessman, but the official businessman.

Grandpa Yang Yuan knew what he wanted to do as soon as he heard it.


But he did not directly deny Sun Tzu's idea, but wanted to know more.

He lived to be nearly sixty years old, and he had already understood many things.

Some things are either done by you or done by others. Anyway, someone will definitely do it, even if they are in the government, some people will do it again.

What they did, why can't my eldest grandson do it?

As long as the reasons are sufficient, do it.

"I don't want to be restricted too much," Yang Yuan replied, and after thinking about it, he added, "I don't want them to know what I bought."

Grandpa Yang Yuan nodded, this is rather like Yang Yuan's character.

"Then what business do you want to do?"

Making money requires capital. He wants to see what his grandson can do to make a lot of money.

Yang Yuan pondered for a while, and finally tentatively said a business that made Yang Dingbiao stunned, "How do you feel about the food?"
