MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 843 yeah command heart treasure

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  Chapter 843 Yeye Command Heart Treasure

   Then the court issued a notice.

  It is said that the little princess was about to leave the palace to go to the hanging pot, and only then did she know that someone was going to kill her after she got a report.

   Then he denounced the crimes of Zhou Yuanbo and his son, only saying that because they were demoted, they held a grudge, set up a trap with the lives of innocent people, and had no conscience, so they beheaded for public display.

   At the same time, it also explained that as long as rabies breaks out, there is no cure, even the little princess.

  But the little princess feels this, and she is gathering people to develop a good medicine.

  At the same time, an additional explanation is attached, which explains in detail the principle of rabies, emergency treatment after being bitten, various stages after the onset of the disease, precautions, etc.

  Announce it, and the people will be uproarious immediately.

  Because the little princess is a **** descended from heaven in everyone's mind, she is omnipotent, so many people can't accept that the little princess also has incurable diseases.

  But Emperor Ming Pei discussed with Yan Qingshan and the others, and felt that it was precisely because of this that this kind of notice must be issued, and it should be sooner rather than later.

  Because Xinbao is not a fairy after all.

  There will always be diseases that Xinbao can't cure in the world, making them think that Xinbao is omnipotent, but it will be difficult to deal with it when the time comes.

   It is better to take advantage of the disgusting things the Zhou family has done to announce this fact now.

  In the words of Xinbao, this is called abuse fans.

   Sure enough, the princess fans headed by Chen Sande fought the other side for 300 rounds, and the group of people who refuted them had no power to fight back.

   Gradually, everyone also felt that there are incurable diseases in the world, which is a matter of course.

  If the little princess can cure any disease, how can the medical profession go forward?

   Doesn't it mean that the little princess has come to an end alone? Isn't it possible for everyone to live forever?

   It is precisely because the world cannot be successful that the little princess encourages the donation of medicine and encourages everyone to brainstorm, which is reasonable.

This is something.

  Xinbao got up on time the next day, and practiced martial arts as usual.

  In general, although there were a lot of premonitions this time, it really had no effect on her.

  Emperor Ming Pei also felt relieved, and then asked someone to call Xu Zhiyu.

  Emperor Ming Pei handed over all the government affairs to the crown prince, and he usually reads leisurely here, so when he first called someone to come, Xinbao was curious and glanced a few times.

  Emperor Ming Pei coughed, Xinbao quickly lowered his head and continued practicing calligraphy.

  Emperor Ming Pei slowly talked to Xu Zhiyu.

   After Xinbao finished practicing calligraphy, she climbed onto Yeye's lap knowingly, picked up a teacup and drank half of it.

  Xu Zhiyu saw the ceremony, and Emperor Ming Pei asked her: "Xinbao, this lord is the son of a lord you know, guess who it is?"

  Xinbao then stared at him openly.

  Xu Zhiyu looks very upright, with big round eyes, and he looks like lying silkworms when he smiles, and he looks so sweet.

  Xinbao looked left and right, no matter how he looked, he didn't think he looked like anyone.

  Xinbao shook his head: "Xinbao can't guess."

   "Huh?" Emperor Ming Pei said, "When you saw Li Songqing, why did you guess it right away?"

  Xinbao said: "Because the two of them have a very unique temperament...but this lord..."

  Xu Zhiyu hurriedly said: "Your Highness, my surname is Xu Minglin, and my name is Zhiyu."

  Xinbao nodded: "Master Xu smells a little bit like Wang Ronggui, but not exactly the same..."

  She suddenly remembered something: "Could it be Xu Shenxiu?"

  Emperor Ming Pei smiled and said, "How do you know?"

  Xinbao said silently: "Since everyone's surname is Xu, Xinbao only knows one Master Xu."

  Emperor Ming Pei laughed and said, "Yes."

  He said: "Then guess, why did you call Zhiyu over?"

  Xinbao thought for a while, "Do you want to help Xinbao make a rabies vaccine?"

  Emperor Ming Pei smiled and said, "Does Xinbao know who to contact for this vaccine?"

  Xinbao shook his head: "I don't know."

Emperor Ming Pei said: "Xinbao knows what kind of things he wants, but he doesn't know who to ask for, and these things can't be made by just looking for one person or one place, it's very cumbersome and very worrying. So Yeye found such a person for Xinbao, Xinbao only needs to tell him what he wants, and let him do the rest."

  Xinbao thought for a while: "Should he be transferred to the Medical Department?"

  Emperor Ming Pei said: "Yes, as long as Xinbao thinks it is suitable, he can be transferred to the Department of Medicine and Dao."

  Xinbao sat upright immediately, with a serious expression, and his little hands were flat on the table, like an examiner, staring at him fixedly.

  Xu Zhiyu didn't know what to do.

   But at this time, he was not good at talking, so he could only keep smiling.

  Xinbao thought for a long time, and then asked Emperor Ming Pei seriously: "Well... yeah, did you order Xinbao to accept this person into the Department of Medicine and Dao?"

  Emperor Ming Pei: "...??"

  He said: "Xinbao doesn't like him?"

  Xinbao shook his head: "There is no dislike."

  Even Emperor Ming Pei didn't keep up with his granddaughter's brain circuit: "Then why do you have to order it?? Yes, it's not mandatory, it all depends on whether Xinbao likes it or not."

   "That won't work," Xinbao said without hesitation like a domineering president, "Yeah, you have to order, or it won't conform to the process."

  Emperor Ming Pei: "...??"

Xinbao explained: "Ye. Ye is Xinbao's boss, and Xinbao is the biggest official in the Ministry of Medicine, so if Yeye orders Xinbao to take over, it will be in line with the process...or if Yeye doesn't order, then he will To enter the Ministry of Medicine and Daoism, he has to write a self-recommendation letter himself, or the leader of his unit should go to Mr. Gan, and then Xinbao will hold a meeting with Mr. Gan to discuss it. Our Department of Medicine and Daoism is not a casual department. strict standards."

  Emperor Ming Pei: "..."

  He supported his forehead: "Okay then, Yeye ordered Xinbao to accept this person."

   "Okay." Xinbao nodded, and then called Yanke: "You help me to call Master Gan."

  Emperor Ming Pei raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "Yeah, didn't you already order it? Why did you call Master Gan?"

  Xinbao said: "Our department will hold a meeting to discuss how to arrange this person."

  Emperor Ming Pei deliberately said: "Aren't you the biggest official in the Ministry of Medicine?"

  Xinbao was silent for a moment, then glanced at Yeye.

Then she bit her ear: "Although Xinbao is the biggest official, it's because Xinbao is a princess. In fact, Xinbao only cares about professional knowledge, and Mr. Gan is in charge of the rest. So Xinbao doesn't know what position there is in the Department of Medicine, and doesn't care about it." I know where to put it for him, so I have to ask Mr. Gan."

   She pondered for a while: "Does he only care about the rabies vaccine?"

"No," Emperor Ming Pei said: "What I mean is that he will follow you all the time, and you can entrust him with all your affairs, even if it is the affairs of the Ministry of Medicine, you can let him convey them. When he comes forward, he can represent you."

  Xinbao suddenly realized... Got it, leading secretary!

  (end of this chapter)