MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 897 the emperor is a terrible creature

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  Chapter 897 The emperor is really a terrible creature

  The cup holder was very hot, she was startled by the heat, the cup holder fell to the ground and shattered, she shook her hand vigorously, "Oh!"

  Emperor Ming Pei hurriedly ordered someone to fetch ice, while scolding Fang Wuyou: "What kind of tea did you pour!"

  Fang Wuyou: "..."

   It was you who said that His Highness blew a cool breeze and told the slave to pour **** tea... the slave feels bitter.

   In fact, the child's skin is tender, and it was scalded. When the ice was brought, Xinbao didn't hurt anymore, but it felt a little shameful.

  With tears of shame in her eyes, she nestled in Yeye's arms and said firmly, "It's like this anyway, do you understand?"

  Duanhe Jun Wang dared not say that he didn't understand, and nodded his head like garlic: "Understood, understood, Xinbao, Sixth Uncle really understands."

  Xinbao said again: "There are also hanging ones. You can add a glass surface. You don't need this kind of copper bell jar underneath. You only need a pendulum. That way it will be flat and it won't be top-heavy."

   Duan and the king of the county responded again.

  The two discussed for a long time, mainly because Xinbao said that Duan and the county king were in charge, yes yes yes.

  Emperor Ming Pei watched them finish talking, and then said: "Liu Lang, let's go to the Ministry of Industry after the Chinese New Year."

  Duan and the county king were overjoyed, and quickly agreed.

Xinbao straightened up immediately, and said to him: "After you go, don't bully brother Xiang, he is Xinbao's good friend, and you must give the genius the greatest freedom, so that he can create powerful things. And even though his workshop is named Gong like the Ministry of Industry, it actually belongs to Xinbao, although Xinbao is good to you and can give you some credit, but if he bullies his younger brother, Xinbao will...just..."

  She couldn't think of a strong threat for a while, so Emperor Ming Pei said: "Then Xinbao will transfer the workshop from the Ministry of Industry."

   "That's right," Xinbao nodded, "That's how it is."

  Duan and the king of the county are so sad.

  He could tell that this "brother" had a much higher status than him in Xinbao's heart.

King Duanhe hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Xinbao, Uncle Liu will never bully him! Uncle Liu admires these craftsmen the most, so Uncle Liu has long wanted to know this younger brother Xiang. Why don't you wait for Uncle Liu to go?" Xinbao helps to introduce, we two also get to know each other, is that okay?"

  Xinbao nodded: "Yes."

  So the two reconciled, continued to chat, and stayed for a meal in the evening with the cheek.

  Ms. Lin finally came back, holding Yan Xiaoyuan in her arms, making each other affectionate, as if nothing had happened.

  When they heard about the laundry boat, they also went to have a look, and then the Eighth Prince came to look for him.

  Because the matter of wool and rabbit fur is still temporarily in charge of the inner government, the Eighth Prince thinks, can you give a similar laundry basket, which can wash wool and rabbit fur?

  So the two princes were not afraid of the cold, so they went out together to find the craftsman.

  Xinbao was reminded by them, and suddenly remembered one thing.

She originally made a big vow to knit a pair of socks for each of Yeye, her parents, brother, wife, and apprentice... But it was too troublesome to use her consciousness to do such delicate work, so it was very difficult for her to do it. It took a lot of effort to weave half a... half an inch long.

   Then one morning, a magical hand washed her memory, and she forgot about it all at once, and then never thought of it again.

   Now it has been several months, and there is still only that half.

   It’s almost Chinese New Year, and rabbit fur socks can’t be given away in summer.

   So Xinbao pretended not to have forgotten, and continued to weave.

  Weaving and weaving, weaving and weaving... until it was time to return to the palace, it was still half.

  From a half-inch long sock to a two-inch half sock, Xinbao stared at the half sock and felt that it was impossible to knit so many socks years ago.

  Weaving a pair is a possibility.

  However, don’t worry about being few but not about being uneven. If you weave a pair and give it to Yeye, your parents, brothers and wives will definitely be jealous.

  So... let's just pretend this never happened!

  She threw the half of the sock into the farthest corner of the space. As long as it can't be seen, it can be regarded as non-existent.

  For two consecutive days, Xinbao was a little cautious when he saw Yeye.

  Emperor Ming Pei inquired quietly in private, but did not find out what was going on.

  So Emperor Ming Pei gave Xinbao a handful of melon seeds and a small person who cracked melon seeds, and asked her to knead melon seeds for him to eat, while asking: "What has Xinbao been up to these two days?"

  Xinbao was a little wary, and secretly glanced at him: "I'm not busy with anything."

  Emperor Ming Pei said: "Oh, it's quite cold."

   "Yes, it's cold."

  Emperor Ming Pei said a few more gossips, and seeing her relax, he said, "Then... why can't I finish my work?"

   "That's right," Xinbao didn't realize it, and nimbly picked out the melon seeds with his little hands, and secretly ate the spoiled ones, and then came out bald: "Xinbao is almost exhausted and can't finish weaving."

   "Oh," Emperor Ming Pei said, "What are you weaving?"

   "Socks," she said foolishly, "Xinbao originally wanted to knit a pair for Yeye's parents... but it's too difficult to finish..."

   blah blah blah...

  She was bald from beginning to end, and what she explained was clear.

  Emperor Ming Pei raised his eyebrows, understood, and said again: "The snow has stopped."

   "Yes, it stopped."

   "Huashi is probably about to stop."

   "Yeah, stop soon."

   "What would Xinbao want to eat tonight?"

  Xinbao finally came out of the state of not wandering, thought for a while: "Eat the pot."

   "Okay, just eat the pot."

  Xinbao grinned at Yeye with his small mouth open, his big eyes were bent, and his teeth were still showing, but he didn't notice anything.

  Yuan Shenjue, who watched the whole process from the sidelines: "..."

   Your Majesty, what a horrible creature.

  The second day after returning to the palace is New Year's Eve.

  Emperor Ming Pei wrote blessings as usual, and Xinbao's Codonopsis wine was also distributed.

  This year, Gongkehou's mansion also received blessings. Gongkehou received the word of blessing very respectfully, and then packed up and prepared to enter the palace.

  It was already too late for them to leave. On the way, Gong Shunhou and his wife's carriage caught up.

  Gong Shunhou greeted all the way: "Second brother."

  Gong Kehou also opened the curtains, nodded to him, Gong Shunhou said affectionately: "I haven't seen you for a long time, why don't you get on your brother's carriage, let's have a chat."

  At this moment, the female relatives are also in the car, so he is really boring.

  Gong Kehou only said: "No need, let's talk after entering the palace."

  Gong Shunhou gave way twice more, before he said: "I heard that the second elder brother received the blessing from the palace today?"

  Gong Kehou knew that he was here for this, so he said, "Yes."

   "Congratulations," Gong Shunhou said with a half-smile, "It's hard for the father to still think about the second brother."

   Gong Kehou spoke cautiously, and only said: "Father is kind, father is benevolent, and a son is naturally grateful."

  Gong Shunhou closed his smile, and said hehe: "I just don't know what His Highness the Crown Prince will think."

  Gong Kehou glanced at him: "It's getting late, brother go ahead."

  He lowered the curtain and ordered the coachman to speed up.

  (end of this chapter)