MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 910 Normal people would never think of Xinbao

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  Chapter 910 Normal people would never think of Xinbao

  Xinbao was talking to Zhong Limin in the car, while Yuan Shenjue and Xin Yiyingwei, who was on duty today, were outside to "watch the wind" for them, one by one very strictly.

   Don't care if you can really see the wind like this, it's an attitude.

Xinbao took Zhong Limin's hand with both hands, with a dignified appearance, it seemed that he was discussing important matters: "Brother Zhongli, Xinbao wants to ask you for help, because Uncle Shen is not at home, so I can only look for you. "

  Zhong Limin smiled and squeezed her little hands, one side and the other side: "Don't worry, no matter what, I will help you. I don't know what you plan to do?"

The little girl said seriously: "Xinbao's father went to war with the eldest brother, the third brother, the second brother was in charge of the country, and the fourth brother was in disaster relief... Xinbao can't fall behind either. Now that Xinbao has grown up, it's time to create his own career .”

  Zhong Limin asked strangely: "Aren't you in charge of the Medical Department? And your brother's workshop?"

   "How can it be the same!" Xinbao is now learning and selling, and educates him earnestly: "The workshop is the workshop of the imperial court, and the Ministry of Medicine and Dao is the Ministry of Medicine and Dao of the country! It's not Xinbao's own. Are you not clear about public and private?"

   "Oh!" Zhong Limin nodded silently, and didn't say that your father and brother were fighting for the country's war, and they were also helping the country's disaster. He just said, "So what exactly is Xinbao going to do?"

  Xinbao said: "Xinbao wants to do business! Saving private money!"

  Zhong Limin: "...??"

  Is saving private money a big business? Zhong Limin smiled and said, "Do you need money? Shall I give you some?"

"No!" Xinbao patted him anxiously: "Why don't you understand, Xinbao even said that he wants to do business! It's not that Xinbao doesn't have money, but he wants to earn more private money, so that he can give it to him in the future! "

  Zhong Limin said again: "...??"

   Didn't he take off his pants and put... Ahem, forgive him for being a rough man!

  He said: "But you are the emperor, right?? The whole world belongs to him!"

  Xinbao said solemnly: "Hiding wealth to the people, how can it be the same as directly giving it to Yeye? The national treasury and the inner government are also different!"

All right! Let's do it!

  Zhong Limin said: "Then what business do you want to do, tell me."

  Xinbao said confidently: "Xinbao has already made up his mind. Let's find a place and start the business of 'flower and fruit tea'. But don't tell others, this is our secret."

  She took out a handkerchief from her bosom, opened it nimbly with her small hands, and a sweet fragrance overflowed.

There are a few small, translucent tea cakes inside, the diameter is only as big as an egg, like a big copper coin, on which you can see a few petals and fruit material, the petals are slightly spread out, and the fruit grains are also kept original color.

   Not to mention, it's really pretty.

Xinbao said: "These are three kinds, this one is chrysanthemum pear, this one is peach oolong, this one is rose pu'er, mainly one kind of flower, one kind of fruit, this cake is made from fruit pulp and juice, soaked in In the water, it will be very fragrant..."

  Before Xinbao finished speaking, Zhong Limin picked up one and took a bite.

  It's easy to bite, but it doesn't melt in the mouth, but the feeling of slowly turning into pulp in the mouth. It's really sweet and fragrant.

Xinbao said: "Is it fragrant? Xinbao is thinking that at that time, it can be sold in glass cups. Until the taste is gone, it still has the feeling of flower cakes. It will not spread and float at the bottom of the cup. Beautiful! Xinbao was made with great difficulty."

Holding the handkerchief in her little hand, she stared at him with big eyes, while persuading him in a soft voice: "Aren't you already ashore now? You will gradually become poor in the future, so that both of us can earned money…"

  Go ashore Who taught her? ! What does it mean to go ashore!

Zhong Limin laughed twice, took the handkerchief, put it in his sleeve, and said with a smile: "Selling must be easy to sell, but it has something to do with you, right? No one else can make such a delicious red cake. "

  "No," the little girl said with great confidence, "the dan is round, this one is flat; the dan is smooth, and this one is colorful. They are completely different. Normal people would never think of Xinbao!"

All right, anyway, this kind of thing is just coaxing children to play, so Zhong Limin smiled and said: "Don't worry, leave it to me. I'll look for a place first, find a suitable bottle and cup, and then we'll fix the price. By the way, What's the name of this store?"

  Xinbao said sonorously: "Private flower and fruit tea!"

  Zhong Limin raised his eyebrows: "Is that... so clear??"

"No," Xinbao said, "private house has many meanings, such as private house food, which means that the master of the house is good at cooking; so this means that the master's good at tea, which is very precious and very precious. It’s rare, and it’s not the same as private money.”

  Zhong Limin thought for a while, and said seriously: "But most of the people outside have never studied, so they may not understand what you mean. Maybe they think that the name of the shop means that the money earned is the owner's private money?"

  Xinbao: "..."

  She thought for a while: "Then, let's get another one?"

   "Well," Zhong Limin said, "Don't worry about this, I will find a place first, and then I will find a way to notify you."

   "No, you don't need to think of a way!" Xinbao waved his hand, very generously: "Xinbao now has an exclusive shadow guard, and then Xinbao can ask them to ask once a day!"


   So the consultation between the two ended.

  During this period, the patrolling Long Xiangwei has always made a U-turn one mile away, and then patrolled here, and then made a U-turn one mile away...

   Until Xinbao came out, Yuan Shenjue hugged the little girl, climbed over the wall and went back, Zhong Limin put on the bamboo hat silently and left, Xinyi also sent the carriage away.

  At this moment, there is no one in Chengqian Palace, the whole family is away, and no one knows whether Xinbao is practicing martial arts or not, so Xinbao eats two pieces of snacks at ease, and when the usual time is exhausted, he goes to Qianqing Palace.

  Emperor Ming Pei glanced at her.

  Wei Fengting reported, only saying that he had discovered the meeting between the little princess and Zhong Limin, how and how it was arranged...but no one knew what the two said in detail.

  Emperor Ming Pei really couldn't guess why for a while, looked at the little girl, Xinbao was obviously very happy, and when he saw him, he smiled toothlessly.

   Then Xinbao took off his outer robe to practice calligraphy as usual.

  Emperor Ming Pei looked at her calmly, and saw that she put a handkerchief on her wrist very smoothly, raised the other hand, and started to practice.

  Emperor Ming Pei twitched the corners of his mouth.

  Before, Xinbao learned to tuck up his sleeves, even if he was wearing narrow sleeves, he had to tuck them up.

  Now she has learned how to lift the sleeves again, but she can’t lift the sleeves through the arrow, so she puts on a handkerchief to lift the handkerchief... The sense of ritual is very precise.

  He took a few glances, and then at Yuan Shenjue.

  Yuan Shenjue quickly looked away, pretending not to see it, obviously promising something to Xiaotuanzi, such as not telling him or anyone else.

  Emperor Ming Pei... Hehe!

  (end of this chapter)