MTL - Possibility of Getting Off After Being Dressed As a Non-human [Zerg]-Chapter 8

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"haven't seen you for a long time"

Mu Qi's thanks made the subcutaneous worm member of the Xiongbaohui account blushed for a while, and when he received the news of Mu Qi again after he finished posting the nympho, Mu Qi had already filled in the registration and guided the female worm selection.

When the subcutaneous worm opened it and saw the familiar name, he was so shocked that his typing speed for Mu Qi doubled.

【You better not choose him! 】

【He has a criminal record! Ji Lang Xiongzi is still lying in the hospital bed, for your safety, please withdraw! 】

[Even if Ji Lang Xiongzi wakes up later, the compensation paid to the male may wipe out his savings for so many years. It is only dangerous for you to marry such a female! 】

As females, subcutaneous worms don't think there is anything wrong with persuading males in this way, and even take pride in what they are doing.

Look! I'm good for Your Excellency the male insect!

In this way, the Male Insect Protection Association sent dozens of messages, and it didn't stop until Mu Qi, who had a bright brain, was a little annoyed.

Mu Qi breathed a sigh of relief, his eyebrows furrowed due to the non-stop sound unwinding.

When he asked if he could revise the bug selection, it wasn't that he would regret it, but that he needed to ask Lu Zhao's opinion.

Even though the Male Insect Protection Association said that sinners have no right to choose, Mu Qi still decided to ask the other party's wishes.

Frankly speaking, Lu Zhao is the type he likes, and on the Alpha starship, Lu Zhao is also good to him, and he seems to be a very easy worm to get along with. But if the other party refuses this situation of getting married as soon as he comes up, he can also choose to stop temporarily, and then go to get to know each other with Lu Zhao before the second transformation.

Commonly called, chase him.

Of course, these are all based on Mu Qi's core as a Blue Star person. If his thoughts are known to the worms of the Xiongbao Association, in less than a minute, the mental experts in the hospital will arrive at his ward.

When the male insect protection association was quiet, Mu Qi sent him another message.

[Can I request to meet my guide female now? 】

The subcutaneous worm member of the Male Insect Protection Association said that he is very tired now.

Not only did the uninterrupted persuasion fail to move the male worm, but he received an application to meet the male worm and the sinner a few minutes later!

The hypodermic worm wanted to roar to stop the male worm, but he was still discouraged when he thought of the indifference of the male worm just now.

[Please wait a moment, I need to ask the superior's opinion. 】

[Yes, as soon as possible. 】

Mu Qi waited patiently. Three minutes later, he received a video call from the Male Insect Protection Association.

The moment it was just connected, the insect on the opposite side was excitedly lying in front of the screen.

It wasn't a male worm guard, but a blond male.

Mu Qi smiled and greeted him.

This worm was exactly what Mu Qi had seen before, Xia Yi, the president of the Xiongbao Association.

Xia Yi was stunned for a moment because of Mu Qi's smile, then instinctively greeted Mu Qi, and then started outputting.

"Mu Qixiongzi, your choice is too impulsive!"

"If you don't know about the female worm Lu Zhao, I suggest you go to the single worm ward on the fourth floor of the hospital to see, where is the male Ji Lang! After reading, you will withdraw the registration of the worm..."

Mu Qi was taken aback by the sudden shout, and paused for a while. After realizing that Xia Yi said that he chose Lu Zhao to guide the female for his second transformation, he replied quietly.

"I know. I saw the news push on the star network today."

Xia Yi's chattering persuasion on the screen stopped, her mouth was slightly open and her eyes almost didn't come out.

I can't believe that after knowing Lu Zhao's behavior that angered the public, there is still a worm who wants Lu Zhao to be his guide female despite the danger? ! You know, after this incident broke out, the males who wanted Lu Zhao to be the guide for the females in a hurry in the past, all hid away!

In Xia Yi's opinion, Mu Qi is crazy and doesn't want to live anymore!

The call was quiet for half a minute, Xia Yi brainstormed for a long time, and finally managed his expression well, and his voice was gentle and calm.

"I am also a male worm, I can understand your plight, and I also understand that you will do something similar to repay your gratitude because the other party is the worm who saved your life.

But you can't take a life-threatening path for this. Every male is a treasure of the empire, it is Lu Zhao's duty to save you, if you die because of this, it will be the loss of the empire..."

Xia Yi said with deep affection, showing a distressed expression at the last moment.

He should have known, he should have thought!

Mu Qi is a strange male who only waves goodbye to Lu Zhao when he leaves the Alpha starship!

Mu Qi stared blankly at the male worm as he gave a long speech, and quietly lowered the voice of the video call.

The male worm saw Mu Qi's appearance that the oil and salt did not enter, and he said with sorrow: "The trial will be conducted in two days, and Lu Zhao will first need to compensate the male worm for a large amount of star coins, and the subsequent judgment will need to wait for Ji Lang's physical condition.

If Ji Lang Xiongzi didn't make it, Lu Zhao would be dead! Why do you have to settle for a female that won't live long! ? "

This time, Mu Qi finally reacted.

"You said it yourself. Lu Zhao may not live long, so I don't think it's much different. If he's going to die, I'll change it. I need to see him now. I wonder if you can agree?"

Xia Yi obviously did not expect Mu Qi to say this, and was stunned for a while.

Mu Qi continued: "I just wanted to see him. I heard that the worm was detained in the Male Insect Protection Association, so I came to you."

Finding that she couldn't persuade Mu Qi, Xia Yi rolled her eyes, and after thinking for a while, she found that what Mu Qi said was not unreasonable.

And even if Lu Zhao survived, Mu Qi could still be a worm. Besides, when Mu Qi saw Lu Zhao, maybe he would be frightened by him, and he would change worms immediately when he came back.

The male worm rekindled hope in his heart, but still hesitantly appeared to be very embarrassed, and after fighting with Mu Qi for a long time, he agreed to Mu Qi's request.

According to Mu Qi's strong and unchangeable request, the Male Insect Protection Association sent a worm to pick up Mu Qi.

From the time the two of them hung up the communication, it took less than ten minutes for the bugs from the Male Insect Protection Association to arrive.

Mu Qi changed out of his hospital gown and put on his casual clothes to follow. In another ten minutes, they arrived at the Male Insect Protection Association.

Xia Yi picked him up at the door, and when Mu Qi arrived, he first cared about Mu Qi's physical condition, and then led Mu Qi to see Lu Zhao until Mu Qi could wait.

In addition to the office building, the Male Insect Protection Association has built three underground floors from the first floor. The three underground floors are all used as prison cells. The females or sub-females that attack the males and pose a major threat to the rights of the males are detained.

Lu Zhao was locked on the third underground floor.

Mu Qi followed Xia Yi to take the elevator. As soon as they arrived at the third basement floor, the pungent smell of blood mixed with the pungent turbid air rushed into the nostrils, and there were also some not-so-obvious stench.

Mu Qi, who had seen a lot of zombies in the last days, was used to it, but Xia Yi frowned and covered her mouth, almost vomiting.

If it wasn't for Mu Qi's insistence on coming, in order to ensure the safety of Mu Qi, who is a diseased insect, he would not have come down together!

Mu Qi walked out of the elevator quickly and stopped in front of the corridor on the left and right.


"On the right, the fourth cell."

"Wait for me here if you're not feeling well." Mu Qi looked at Xia Yi, "Give me the key by the way."

"What's wrong with that!?" As soon as he was excited, he released his hand covering his nose. The smell irritated his stomach. Xia Yi hurriedly covered his mouth and nose again, "He's too dangerous, you can just watch outside. The cell does not block out the sound and does not interfere with speaking."

"That's fine too."

Mu Qi stepped forward and walked to the place Xia Yi said.

Xia Yi looked at him from behind, why didn't he seem to be able to smell blood and pungent odors?

As soon as he turned the corner, Mu Qi ordered the female following him to stop in place. The females who were responsible for protecting him looked at each other, as if discussing with their eyes, whether to listen to the male Xia Yi to protect Mu Qi, or to listen to Mu Qi. The words of the males are waiting in place.

After a few female insects were tangled, Mu Qi had already walked a certain distance in.

Mu Qi counted the cells and stopped outside the fourth cell.

The surrounding cells were empty, which made it easier for Mu Qi to speak.

The Zerg's cell is not small, Mu Qi glanced at it, enough to put in many insect supplies, and it can even be used as a small bedroom. There are three walls, and in front of it is a transparent wall. Mu Qi reached out and touched it. It was a bit like the high-tech products he saw on TV before, and the place where his fingers collided with a circle of ripples.

In the center of the cell stood a cross-shaped overhead. The female worm raised her arms to the top of her head, and the chains were wrapped around her wrists to hang the worm. She wore a black collar around her neck. . The prison uniform had been whipped because of this worm, and it was tattered with blood on it. The bloodstains drawn by the whip on the collarbone were clearly visible, and the waist was even more blurred. Large areas of blood dripped along the waist and legs. the ground below.

Mu Qi's eyes moved, and he could almost see the other's full chest muscles from the broken clothes.

When Mu Qi appeared in the corridor, Lu Zhao heard the movement. He just came over to check on the bugs who humiliated him by the way. He didn't even open his eyes, he closed his eyes in a restrained posture.

"Major General Lu Zhao..."

Mu Qi's voice sounded.

To this day, he will still be called Major General when he is called. Except for the females of their Fourth Legion, there are no other insects. The one who came to watch the joke was not insulting him, and by the way, he felt sorry for Ji Lang, who was still lying in the hospital.

Lu Zhao was curious about the worm's strange behavior, and later realized that the voice was somewhat familiar.

Lu Zhao slowly opened his eyes.

The male's beautiful face made his breathing stagnate, and the other side smiled harmlessly when he saw him open his eyes.

Lu Zhao's heart beat violently for a moment for the beauty in front of him. After taking a few deep breaths to adjust his heartbeat, his eyes fell on the handsome face of the male insect.

"Long time no see, Major General Lu Zhao, I'm Mu Qi. I came here today to confirm with you whether you are willing to be my second transformation guide."

The author says:

Mu Qi's words are, in a sense, a marriage proposal -v-