MTL - Powerful Skull in The Last Days-Chapter 9 Bow down, weak chicken

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"Boss! Great, you're fine!" Yu Kun looked back at the familiar voice, and saw Gao Shuo shouting joyfully.

Gao Shuo came to the little skull and reached out and patted his smooth skull. The little skull saw his expression and retracted his posture. It turned out that there were several younger brothers. The boss picked up the younger brother very quickly, so, Turning their heads to the two new brothers began training.

"Kacha!" Listen, I'm the first younger brother beside the boss, except the boss, you all have to listen to me.

"Ah!" Cheng Feifei screamed directly, her eyes widened slightly and her eyes trembled a little, and Sun Yang immediately opened her arms and waited for her to flutter into her arms. Feifei finally looked like a girl.

Sun Yang, fantasizing about her beauty, was proud, and even with a little insignificance, how did Cheng Feifei rush to the small skeleton in three steps and two steps, his face was full of excitement, and there was no fear at all. .

"Wow, that's a beautiful skeleton. It's full of gold and cane, and it's still alive. I've never seen it before." Cheng Feifei walked to the small skeleton and poked at the other's finger boldly. She, who came from a medical background, never saw bone She is not afraid at all.

"Kacha!" Of course, I'm the best-looking skeleton. For you to praise me so much, it's hard to take care of you. There are more weak chickens than before. The little skeleton nodded to Cheng Feifei.

"The more you look the more cute, can I touch your hand bones?" Cheng Feifei tentatively explored the small bones of the hand bones. Seeing that the little bones didn't move, he immediately touched a few boldly, his eyes were full of amazement.

"Kacha!" Seeing how you adore me so much, I will share your loot in the future, don't thank me too much.

"Do you have your own memory? Can you understand me?" Cheng Feifei was more curious.

"Kacha!" Of course I can understand. Are you questioning my IQ?

"It's actually turned on. It's amazing."

"Kacha!" Of course I'm the best, you are all weak chickens.

One person and one skeleton just like that, you say a word, I chatted, I know what they are talking about? Sun Yang really wanted to bow down to these two goods. I knew the expression on his face. He didn't see what Cheng Feifei was afraid of. He didn't look like a woman at all.

A few people found a place to rest. The little skeleton and Dajin Jindao sat next to Gao Shuo, again pretending that they were a wise man. Every time a new brother came, the boss had to meet and talk. It was really troublesome. He turned to look. With Gao Shuo, can't I say something simple, why do I pick him out?

Gao Shuo saw the blankness of the little skull, reached out and handed the notebook on one side, and at the same time, changed a movie to the little skull. He really didn't want to see a little skull playing Tai Chi. The little skull immediately threw the boss. Behind my head.

"Boss, this skeleton is absolutely terrific. I hit it with all my strength, and I didn't even get a little bit of damage. Your new team member is so powerful that you can kill everyone in the mercenary group." Yu Kun said with admiration.

Sun Yang met Yu Kun and Cheng Feifei, with a depressed expression, why did he think it was scary to see a skull alone? Still fainted, "You guys, don't you think a moving skeleton is strange? Isn't it magical to have a skeleton member?"

"This is the end time, even the zombies, what's strange about the skeletons." Yu Kun said, of course, it would be really strange to play Tai Chi, but he wouldn't express it.

I set a fire and made something to eat. When Yu Kun raised a bowl of broth, the little skull came forward automatically and put his hand in front of Yu Kun.

"Kacha!" I want it too.

"..." Yu Kun hesitated and handed the bowl to the little skull, and looked back at Gao Shuo, "Boss, don't tell me he will still eat."

"No!" Gao Shuo answered while eating.

Of course, the little skull does not eat, but the boss and the younger are both taking this thing, how can he be behind, so the little skull just put a bowl in front of him, then stared at it, waiting for Gao Shuo to finish eating, Quickly dumped himself, no one would think that the speed was fast, the little skeleton threw the empty bowl to Yu Kun.

"Kakaka!" As a younger brother, hurry up and wash the dishes.

Just looking at the movement, Yu Kun understood for a second. He touched his nose and quietly retracted the bowl. He couldn't care about a skeleton.

Gao Shuo glanced at the meat in the bowl, feeling a little bit of emotion in his heart. It would be nice if the little skeleton was human, strong in strength, simple in mind, and must be a good member. Unfortunately, he was just a skeleton.

All the way through the city of H, several people finally arrived at their destination. The fog in front was misty and the visibility was very low. In this case, it is obviously more dangerous to enter the forest. Who knows what will be encountered in the next second?

Although the strength of several people is very strong, their expressions still can not help but condensed. Only the small skeleton is the happiest. He walks around Gao Shuo, and the whole skeleton frame trembles during the walking process, as if at any time. Disintegration is the same.

"Be careful, there are many mutant plants near here, especially the front, where there is blood spikes." Gao Shuo urged.

"If only the wind-powered person is good, it is not a trivial matter to get rid of these fogs, I blame Lu Jincheng's bastard, which has caused problems for our team." Cheng Feifei pursed, her face full of anger.

Just after walking a long way, there were suddenly black shadows coming out of the fog. As fast as lightning, there seemed to be some stench in the air.

Take a closer look, these dark shadows are wearing a pair of huge wings, eyes are red, and there is a long mouth on the head, like a straw. This is the most famous zombie mosquito in the forest. Mutated from blood-sucking mosquitoes.

"Fifi!" Gao Shuo shouted, and with a wave of his hand, a large number of dense ice blades appeared at once, and Cheng Feifei on the other side did the same, throwing out an ice blade.

The overwhelming ice blades hit out, and immediately many zombies were annihilated, and a few sporadic ones who wanted to continue to rush up were burned out by the fire of Sun Yang.

At this moment, a sharp Soro's voice came from the fog, and at the same time, countless breaking sounds rang out, and everyone was not the weak. They immediately backed away when Gao Shuo's voice came out.

Suddenly, countless dark red rattan swarmed from the mist, like countless flexible snakes, twisting their waists and rushing at several people.

"Everyone be careful, this is the bloodthorn vine!" Gao Shuo hit the ice cone to stop the swarming tree vines, while paying attention to the surroundings. When he came last time, there was no fog around him, but now the fog has blocked his sight. It is not so easy to find the root of Bloodthorn Teng accurately and destroy it.

Sun Yang patted his hands on the ground, and a piece of ground fire rose up. The fiery flame and the tree vine seemed to chase each other in a strong place. Bloodthorn was afraid of fire. When he saw the fire, he would automatically retreat, but he wanted to In order to destroy it, there must be a powerful fire department. Sun Yang, as a logistics staff, majors in the space department. The fire department is not strong. Such a large flame can not sustain for a long time.

Of course, Gao Shuo also knew this problem. He frowned slightly. His original plan was to take Sun Yang and the two rush to the roots of the Bloodthorn Teng, and then kill the Bloodthorn Teng with his own powerful ability, but the fog The plan was interrupted, and the air conditioner suddenly increased, and a piece of ice spread forward with his feet.

"Sun Yang, stop!" Gao Shuo took a step forward, and the ice continued to spread. Numerous ice cones appeared in the midair, chopping all the tree vines that he wanted to rush into pieces, and he walked forward two more times. In the step, the ice diffused into the mist and explored forward. This is a new skill developed by Gao Shuo. In this case, the situation inside can just be discovered.

Countless Tenman continued to rush towards several people. The people did not dare to carelessly, and exerted their best skills. Once the blood spines entangled in the body, the toxins would spread in the body and people would have no energy. This is Very dangerous thing.

The little skull hid from the left and right, he hated these slippery and greasy things. There was a lot of mucus sticking to the hand when it was cut off. It was really annoying. Unfortunately, Tenman was too much. The little skull was angry. He decided Make a big move to destroy all these pesky things.

He raised his head and issued a silent growl, and a burst of golden light burst out all over his body. The right hand bone grabbed the left hand bone and rushed into Tenman. The crowd only saw a golden light flashing in place, bringing countless afterimages, as if There are countless small skeletons in the same place, and as soon as Tenman appears, he is immediately cut off mercilessly.

Tenman also seemed to have a sense of wisdom, and felt the danger of the little skeleton, and he actually retracted into the mist and was not attacking. The little skeleton fell back to the ground with mighty domineering and looked back at Gao Shuo. Find him so reliable, these are still too weak chicken, but not too powerful, otherwise his status is not dangerous.

Gao Shuo couldn't help but give his thumbs up to the little skull. The little skull was very excited to see this gesture. He raised his chin to some younger brothers, bowed down, weak chicken. 2k novel reading network