MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 454 1 more person

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Among this group of people, Qianjian Kodai knew the least about Shiraishi.

So she actually planned to use this time with her to observe Shiraishi's habits, and by the way, she thought about what method to use if she wanted to kill him, or how to not affect Shiraishi when she wanted to kill someone alone, which would affect the effect of killing deterrence. .

In addition, going to the Dusk Pavilion with someone is more likely to make people lose their vigilance than meeting them again at the place, and it will also deepen the impression that she is just a participant, not a planner.

Qianjian Kodai sat in the car, looked around for a long time, and finally found an opportunity and topic.

She adjusted her mentality and tone, and just about to speak, she suddenly felt a terrifying feeling of being stared at.

Soon, she found that this was not an illusion - above the seat in front, there were really a pair of green eyes floating, and only eyes!

…what? !

Thousands of people of this age are somewhat in awe of ghosts and gods, and she knows much more than the detective who was tricked by her to come here.

When Yi Shunjian found out that she had encountered a supernatural incident, Qianjian Yudai immediately remembered the grievances of those scholars who died tragically in the annex 40 years ago, plus she was guilty of being a thief.

So a second later, Kidd was forced to get up again—a scream that nearly pierced his eardrums.

He steadied the car that almost strayed, and looked back in surprise and doubt: "What's wrong?"

While speaking, Kidd turned on the headlights.

Human eyes are not suitable for seeing objects in dimly lit places, so when encountering emergencies in a dark environment, the first reaction of many people is to turn on the lights.

As soon as the car lit up, Kidd saw the surrounding situation clearly, and immediately guessed why the old lady was frightened.

—The cat on the co-pilot fell on the back of the seat at some point.

It was probably observing the person behind him before, and he probably didn't expect Qianjian Kodai to suddenly scream. Now his cat is crawling on the seat, looking a little shocked, and his tail is frozen.

Kidd thought about it from the perspective of the grandmother, and then expressed deep sympathy and understanding for her experience.

The photo film under the cat's eyes would reflect light. The old man may have been walking for a while. When he raised his eyes when he wanted to talk, he suddenly met two glowing and floating eyes.

... Having said that, as a detective, she seems a little too timid.

Is it because this kind of easy chair detective doesn't go to the crime scene very often, lacks a gallbladder training environment, or is she influenced by some other information? Just like people who have just watched a horror movie, when they encounter a scary environment, they will be more shocked than usual...

Kidd turned back and continued to drive, thinking about the possible doubts about the old grandmother as he drove.

The goal of his action tonight was clear - to find out who was impersonating him, to understand the purpose of the impostor.

If the impostor has any last resort, do yourself a favor. And if that person's motives are impure, stop the impostor from doing things. At present, in Kidd's eyes, everyone is suspect.

Qianjian Kodai also understood at this time, and realized that he was overreacting.

She smiled awkwardly, and for a moment she forgot what she wanted to test, so she had nothing to say: "Haha, you also brought a cat."

As she spoke, she also began to think—this is an important piece of new information.

Cats have a keen sense of smell and hearing, they can also get into narrow gaps that people can't reach, and they can climb high places neatly. If the detective's cat has been trained, it might really help in finding the treasure.

And when the treasure is found and the detectives need to be silenced, the cat can also come in handy—applying poison in places the cat can't easily lick. When a person touches a cat, a large area of ​​their hands will be contaminated with highly poisonous.

If the cat is relatively cold, this can at least poison the cat owner Shiraishi.

If the cat is more clingy, everyone who sees it will want to rua, and it will be poisonous...

Thinking of this, Qianjian Kodai no longer mind the fact that he was frightened by the cat just now, and it was a lot more pleasing to the eye.

And after the light is on, if you look closely, the cat is actually quite cute.

She reached out and wanted to touch it. On the one hand, she felt that it must feel good, and on the other hand, she also wanted to see how the cat's relatives were, and to estimate the difficulty of applying poison to it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she moved, the cat suddenly released its claws on the back of the chair and slid down the back. Qianjian Kodai only touched the hard car seat.

From the rearview mirror, Kidd met Chima Yoyo, who was feeling the sky, and felt that she was very embarrassed.

After thinking about the character of Shiraishi he had observed before, he thoughtfully helped smooth things out: "Don't mind, this cat has a good temper, but he's just a little afraid of life."

While speaking, Kidd also stretched out a hand, because this kind of line generally needs to match the appropriate action, such as touching the cat's skull twice, indicating that it is really good-tempered.

However, before he stretched his hand halfway, he saw the cat turned to look at him, and a few sharp nails popped out of its paws on the chair. The threat was beyond words.

"..." Kidd stopped silently.

Then, because Qianjian Kodai was blocked by the back of the chair, he couldn't see himself and the cat, and a non-physical performance came on temporarily.

He touched the air twice, pretending to be having a good time interacting with the cat.

Then silently withdraw his hand and continue driving.

The cat next to him slowly retracted his fingernails and yawned. It slapped the crumpled luggage flat and lay down again.

Kidd watched from the corner of his eye for a while, feeling that the cat might be about to become a sperm.

The place where Qianjian Kodai was encountered was not too far from the Twilight Annex. After crossing another bridge, you can vaguely see the Dusk Pavilion standing in the mountains and forests in the background of lightning.

When he got there, Shiraishi got out of the car and glanced at the parking apron, where a row of luxury cars such as Ferraris and Porsches were parked.

It mourned for a moment of silence for the money that was about to was about to follow Kidd and Qianjian into the museum, but halfway through, it suddenly saw the bushes in the corner, which seemed to hide what.

It was dark behind the bushes, and the light in the annex was not here. Shiraishi approached suspiciously, pulled away a few weeds, and saw a Rolls-Royce with a square head and a square head parked behind him.

The car looked very clean and had no dust deposits. Shiraishi went around to the back again and found that the ruts were quite fresh. It should have just been driven.

Probably because of this incident.

But there are still vacancies in the parking lot. How could the owner park the car here?

Is it because Dashang Zhushan hid here and wants to wait for the others to die and drive the car to find a way to go back to the city, or is the owner of the car someone else, and this person knows that parking the car in the parking lot is easy to be forced to burn money?

Baishi watched around the car for a while, but didn't see anything coming, so he threw a bug beside the car and went to the annex first.

After all, the car is not in its rescue range, so just be optimistic about not dying.