MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-Chapter 477 Shame of being undercover

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The two vehicles left the city one after the other, and finally pulled into the desolate port.

Without the disguise of the traffic flow, this tracking relationship becomes very obvious.

Judy glanced at the following car in the rear-view mirror, and suddenly turned the steering wheel with a 180° drift and stopped the car.

The road here is not wide, and as soon as she stopped, "Shinichi Chiming" also stepped on the brakes.

The two got out of the car at the same time. After a confrontation and exchanging vests, Judy and Belmod exchanged their communication from Japanese to English, and then from English back to Japanese, and finally Belmod tore off the disguise on her face. , and was questioned why not getting old, Judy also exposed the identity of the fbi.

Belmod tries to touch the gun, but Judy shoots the weapon away.

After removing Belmode's weapon, the naive fbi thought everything was settled, and Judy shouted in English "Okay, come out and arrest her!"

According to Judy's arrangement, after she brought Belmod here, the companions who were in ambush in advance could cooperate with her to catch Belmod.

However, unlike Judy's expectations, her teammates did not rush out aggressively, and no one attacked Belmod.

On the contrary, there was a sudden sound of gunshots that should not have appeared, and almost at the same time, a bullet grazed Judy's waist.

The pain wasn't very painful, but Judy's body went numb in an instant. She couldn't hold the gun, and she sat on the ground with her teeth gritted against the body.

Shiraishi fired a shot, followed by a little distressed. That bullet was also specially made by the q-version assistant. It contained anesthesia ingredients, and everything related to q's props... it was a bit expensive.

In fact, if you want to make Judy incapacitated and hit deeper with live ammunition, it will have the same effect, but the fatality rate will be much higher.

For the sake of credit, Shiraishi finally chose special ammunition.

Judy was wearing a black woolen dress today, the blood was barely noticeable, and Belmod's eyes couldn't catch the bullet's path.

She saw that Judy's clothes were damaged and she couldn't move, so she didn't think about other things, but turned around and blinked at the place where Shiraishi was: "Thank you, little corn~"

Then Belmod glanced at Judy, whose face was ashen, and continued happily: "Don't kill her for now, I still have something to ask."

"..." Conan, who was sitting in the car, felt a chill when he heard the phrase "Little Corn~".

He also followed Belmod's line of sight and glanced over there, but probably because of the different heights, he didn't see anything.

Conan remembered that the killed tequila used to call "Bourbon" corn, and now, according to his speculation, the black cat is the "corn" in these people's mouths, which should be a nickname for the black cat.

Now Belmod is shouting so nauseously, and his tone is still sweet... Hiss, the reason why the black cat doesn't want to catch her, maybe it's because the two are actually secretly dating in private.

But didn't the black cat go undercover?

Even lying down, he found an enemy object for himself. It's also very reckless. If it also affects the judgment of the work because of this, it is simply the shame of being undercover...

Thinking of this, Conan suddenly remembered another thing.

- Every time the black cat talks about the topic "Belmode cares about Kudo Shinichi", his tone seems to be a little subtle.

... He's not jealous, right?

Conan's neck froze, and he shuddered violently.

As a result, his desire to do things has been suppressed a lot. If the black cat was very upset to see him because of jealousy, he suddenly found that he wanted to catch his girlfriend...

Before, Conan felt that he and Maurilan didn't need Belmod's protection, and it didn't matter if they caught her, so he thought about how to send Belmod to prison.

But now, if the black cat is firmly on Belmod's side in this matter, then they have almost no chance of winning - Judy has already pounced, and he alone pks Belmod and the black cat... This is What **** on earth.

Conan was a little distracted when he suddenly saw Belmod move.

The woman approached unhurriedly, took away her gun in Judy's unwilling eyes, and happily explained the mystery of Judy's teammate's disappearance.

— When the fbi was investigating the whereabouts of Belmod, Belmod also observed the fbi in turn. After realizing the plan of the fbi, she disguised herself as Judy a little earlier, came to this port, and told Her companions "close up tonight, come back tomorrow."

Judy's teammates quit the team.

Judy tragically became a human being.

Seeing the ugly face of the fbi in front of her, Belmod smiled even more happily. She turned the gun on Judy, and was about to send this man on the road.

But before the last sentence was finished, the car window above Judy's head was suddenly smashed from the inside, and a football flew out of it arrogantly.

The ball was originally aimed at Belmod's face, but when Belmod dodged, the football only smashed the gun in her hand.

When Belmoder saw the football, he felt bad.

In addition, something happened to her earphones, and after finding out that Haibara Ai was picked up by FBI, Belmod's eavesdropping target changed from Dr. Agasa's house to a ghost ship.

Originally, she was listening to Kudo Shinichi's live broadcast of saving people, but she didn't expect her voice to change suddenly. Judging from the movement over there, it seemed that "Kudo Shinichi" had torn off the disguise, and the tone changed back to an Osaka accent—then Not Shinichi Kudo at all, but another high school student detective.

Belmod stared at "Shirley" in the car, and found that her face was cut by a small piece of broken glass, but the wound did not bleed, but raised a little That pair The appearance, Belmod can understand at a glance - "Shirley" has a disguise on her face!

This is fake Shirley.

And the disguise technique also has its limits. If you want to pretend to be a child, unless the person disguised is also a child, and the child also uses a football as a weapon...

Conan looked at Belmod's changing eyes and knew that his true identity had been exposed. He tore off the face of "Haihara Ai", and then took advantage of Belmod's distraction and targeted her with an anesthetic needle to threaten her.

And Conan didn't forget the black cat's previous instruction to "just treat me as if I don't exist". He regarded the "corn" that was hiding somewhere behind as a complete enemy. In order to avoid his muzzle, he hid in front of Belmod. .

According to Conan's temporary intelligence acquisition plan, he should use an anesthesia needle to coerce Belmod into the car, and then let her drive to the police station.

But now, Conan feels that it is not good. If the black cat and Belmod are really in that kind of relationship, even if he successfully coerces Belmod into the car, the black cat will definitely blow the tire without face, making it difficult. end…