MTL - Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan-~ How could I hurt you

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There are a lot of principles of changing dragons written on it, and some mysterious professional terms are also quoted. Although Du Linbiao didn't understand what it was saying at all, and even couldn't even recognize the Chinese characters in it, he felt that it was very reasonable. .

And although he didn't understand the principle, he at least understood how to do it - to be similar in shape and spirit.

To implement specific actions, it is probably to make oneself into a long strip, so that it is like the "five-clawed golden dragon" described in the book.

First become a dragon, and then cultivate into a human form, he can also become a dragon king, hehehe...

Du Linbiao lay on the carpet, expecting his cousin to help him roll a towel.

It stands to reason that after finishing the matter, he should feel a burst of divine power pouring in from the top of his head, and then filling his body...but he didn't.

Du Linbiao was a little strange. He wanted to take the collection and compare it to see what went wrong.

But in order to become the most "dragon" shape, his arms were also tightly wrapped in the quilt, with only his head still exposed.

Du Linbiao then went to instruct his cousin.

But the cousin ignored him and grabbed two wide bags that had been placed under the towel quilt beforehand, and tied the towel roll tightly so that it would not suffocate people, but the people inside felt that they could not escape by themselves.


Du Linbiao met his cousin's treacherous gaze, and finally felt that something was wrong.

He subconsciously wanted to hide away from his cousin, but the quilt was so tightly rolled that Du Linbiao couldn't even roll over, so he could barely squirm on the ground, and he was trampled after only two squirming.

Then he saw his cousin feel on the edge of the rug and bring out a washed wooden stick that looked like it had been stolen from the fireplace.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you before that Hualong actually has a trial procedure."

The cousin slowly patted the wooden stick in the palm of his hand, and the sturdy sound made Du Linbiao's face pale: "Only good people who are helpful and obedient can become dragons, like you..."

Baishi took out a fancy piece of paper, and it was full of "criminal evidence" of Du Lin's mark.

With Du Linbiao's terrified stare and the struggling voice of "Let go of me!", Baishi recounted the bad things he had done as if he was reading an official document, and expanded them reasonably.

For example, in the case of overturning the cake, Du Linbiao is sorry for Shiraishi who has been looking forward to the cake for a long time but can't get it in time, sorry for the maid who cleans the floor, sorry for the pastry chef who makes the dessert, sorry for the chef who buys the raw materials, sorry for the hard growing wheat And the chickens who work hard to lay eggs, sorry for the milked cows, sorry for the workers on the raw material processing line, sorry for the designers who make the machines...

Count one, and hit it with a wooden stick.

The combat effectiveness of a three-year-old child is not strong, and his strength is indeed small, but that is relative to an adult.

But for a peer who was only two years younger... Du Linbiao didn't feel the pain, Baishi couldn't experience it, anyway, in the end, his hand that held the pole hurt a bit.

That day, the servants finally noticed Du Linbiao who looked like an invisible man—it was because he cried too loudly.

Beaten with several layers of quilt, it is not easy to leave obvious scars.

Baishi handled the scene before the servants followed the sound, leaving Du Linbiao who couldn't get up, slipped away with a pile of "true criminal evidence", escaped the servants all the way to the living room, threw everything in and burned it evidence.

Then he picked a room closest to grandma's bedroom, sat quietly on the sofa, wrapped in a small blanket, and pretended to be reading a book.

The bear boy, who had received a strange education, did not give in immediately, and soon Du Linbiao limped over with red eyes again.

The servants were puzzled at first about what he was going to do, but just followed.

Later, it was discovered that Du Linbiao wanted to hit Baishi, and he immediately stopped him.

The grandma next door, who likes to bask in the sun on the balcony, heard the movement and went out to check with a cane.

Then, the cute little grandson plunged his head into his arms and the grandson complained in a low voice: "My brother wants to hit me, obviously he tripped himself..."

"He hit me first!" Du Linbiao was shocked to find that his cousin was distorting the facts. He had never experienced this kind of backlash. He was so angry that he didn't know where to start, and finally thought about it, as if the origin of everything It's the story my cousin told me.

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But the story that Shiraishi can tell, a child over four years old wants to retell after hearing it only once...

When Du Lin labeled "nonsense", Baishi hugged his kind grandma and didn't speak.

The people present looked at the quiet Baishi, and then looked at Du Linbiao, who was a head taller than him, and couldn't help showing the expression "Young Master Ye not only bullied people, but he also learned to rake and lie".

No matter in terms of personality or size, no one with a discerning eye would believe that Baishi could hit Du Linbiao.

Although the servants often ignored Du Linbiao's bad deeds, they often remembered it when they saw him again.

At this time, a group of people remembered the overturned cakes, the torn picture books... They decided to tell the tutors about these things when they reported tomorrow, and see what the children were like.

Du Linbiao's grandma, who has always liked very much, failed to see the truth as he hoped this time.

Although grandchildren should be treated equally, it is undeniable that under the same conditions, the visual creatures are the ones who will unconsciously be biased towards the better-looking ones.

What's more, Baishi and Du Linbiao can't be regarded as "equal conditions". Who can not like a good and sensible child compared to the arrogant child.

In the end, Du Linbiao suffered a double blow to his mind and body and temporarily ended.

But only temporarily.

Du Linbiao is still very vengeful. What's more, from that day on, he always had nightmares, and it was difficult to forget them.

That feeling of suddenly falling from the sky into the ground, the horrific experience of being tied into a silkworm chrysalis and being beaten unilaterally, with no way to ask for help, and not knowing how long it will take to be trampled and beaten, is a terrifying experience for a four-year-old and not yet five-year-old. It's too heavy for a young bear.

Although the child is forgetful, he has to be reminded of nightmares every day.

After being woken up by a nightmare for the fourth time in the morning, Du Linbiao was determined to avenge himself.

But the sinister cousin took precautions.

Du Lin Ting thought that he could just rip up his cousin's picture book or knock over his cake, just like when the maid was not paying attention, he suddenly rushed punched his cousin and left, and then followed the same method until the All the hits you've been hit go back...

But things didn't go according to his script.

Every time he secretly rubbed himself to the door, before he could see where his cousin was, he would hear him innocently asking the servants for help: "Brother is here again."

Then the maids would stand in front of Shiraishi like a formidable enemy.

A low sense of existence does not mean that he can really be an invisible person. It was clearly pointed out by Baishi, and of course Du Linbiao couldn't succeed. Grandpa's selection criteria are still very strict. Even a maid who looks delicate and soft can't control a five-year-old kid.

In short, after so many times, the servants became more and more sure that Du Linbiao was bullying his younger brother. Once he appeared around Shiraishi, they could automatically lock onto the target without Shiraishi's reminder.

As a result, Du Linbiao's mood was very complicated for a time - being noticed is actually quite a happy thing for a child.

But why is it when he intends to use the advantage of "inconspicuous" to carry out a surprise attack...