MTL - Princess Medical Doctor-~ 929 battle! Give the Three Emperors a lesson

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The empire came to the forefront, and the robbers’ princes, although the family had a robbery, could be a purely good people. I really don’t know how to deal with this.

When I saw Xiao Tianyao coming back, the robbery leader was like seeing a loved one. After simply saying things over, I asked Xiao Tianyao: "Xiao Xiaoye, what do you want to do?"

This matter... It’s really awkward to know how to end it. If you know that it’s so troublesome, they won’t get anything to kidnap. They will throw people directly into Moriyama’s old forest, let the little emperor walk slowly, and let the empire slowly find someone.

However, it seems a bit stupid to do this!

No need to robbery the leader to say more, only a look at Xiao Tianyao guessed his thoughts, immediately throwing a voice: "Afraid of what, you have a quality in hand, the three emperors hit the door, fight with them."

The reaction of the empire was expected by Xiao Tianyao, and he would be surprised if the empire did not send out a private redemption.

The royal family has the pride of the royal family. The empire has the dignity of the empire. If everything is compromised, everything will be done according to the will of the other party. Where is the style of a big country and a strong country!

This battle is inevitable!

However, how to fight is not the empire has the final say, but they have the final say!

"But we can't beat it. There are 100,000 soldiers in the empire, and a hundred black armies." They only have five Wusheng, and even Xiao Wangye can't beat, where is the opponent of the empire.

"Take the seven emperors in front of the front line, they don't dare to move." This time is more daring than anyone else.

The three emperors dare to speak out, it is to eat the robbers for the sake of life and safety, in order to get the ransom, will not hurt the hostages, because once the hostages have something, the robbers have no way to live.

The three emperors dared to do this, not because he did not care about the life and death of the imperial emperor, but because he cares for a fearless look, lest the robbers take hostages to threaten him.

At this time, whoever timidly loses, whoever cares about whoever loses.

"Xiao Xiaoye, are you sure?" asked the robber's head and couldn't believe it.

"This king is sure." Perhaps in private, the three emperors will not care about the life and death of the seven emperors, but in the public, he still does not have the courage.

"Well, I believe in you." There is no better way anyway. It is better to do it according to Xiao’s method. If it fails, it will be a big death. Anyway, the little emperor of the empire and the prince of Dongwen will be buried with them. They still have something to fear.

In the evening, three cents, the three emperors of the 100,000 soldiers in the back, a hundred iron armored in front of the charge, driving a warship toward the island, can be hundreds of nautical miles from the island, they encountered a robbery boat.

"Well, etc., but come to surrender?" The three emperors stood in the bow and saw this scene, and there was a glimmer of darkness in their eyes.

"Survey?" The robber laughed and pointed to the mast on the boat. He said: "His Highness, look at who is above?"

When the words fell, I saw that the mast slowly turned. Before everyone thought that a piece of cloth was hung on it, this rotation only found that the person hanging above was personal.

"Small seven?" Three emperors were shocked, and there was a worry in their eyes.

"Three emperors have good eyesight. I will give the three emperors a day to raise money. If I can't get one hundred and two gold, I will cut the arm of the seven emperors first, then wait another day, and then I can't get gold. I I cut the legs of the seven emperors, and I couldn't get the gold on the third day. I cut the head of the seven emperors." The robber's head looked arrogant and did not look at the three emperors.

"You dare!" The three emperors are extremely angry, but the robbers are in possession. He has 100,000 soldiers and does not dare to move.

"We even dare to tie people, are we afraid of killing?" The robber's head glanced at the black armor behind the three emperors, and coldly reminded: "Three emperors, I will not move if you and I, After all, the lives of these people are not worth the money. The life of the seven emperors is very valuable. You have to move... that is to kill the seven emperors."

With the support of Xiao Tianyao, the robbers’ heads are very calm, and they do not put the threat of the Three Emperors at all.

The three emperors never dare to bear the reputation of a dead seven emperor. As long as he grasps this matter, he can force the three emperors to retreat.

Sure enough, if the robbers threatened to be full, the Three Emperors, though extremely angry, did not dare to move, but they were resistant to the temperament: "One million two gold is too much, I can’t get it out at a time, or less. Either give me two more days."

"Oh..." The bandit sneered: "If you talked to me three days ago, I can still talk, I can still, but now? Sorry, everything has not been discussed. I can't see gold before sunset, I will Cut the hands of the seven emperors. Three emperors, you remember, you only have one day, otherwise the seven emperors will be disabled or killed because of your mistakes, I am not responsible."

"One day is too short. I will give you 500,000 gold first. You will put the seven emperors first. After two days, I will give you another 500,000. You put Xiaowen and Xiao Wang in Dongwen." It can't be said to be savvy, but it can also be stretched. Although his previous plan was a strong attack, when things changed, he didn't mind changing the strategy.

However, he is not a fool in his savvy: "Tomorrow I am 500,000 gold, I put the East King and Wang Hao. Two days later I saw the other half of the gold, and then put the seven emperors."

It is the individual who understands that the empire only cares about the seven emperors. As a subsidiary of the empire, Dongwen has always been what the empire said, what is a prince who died in the empire, and Dongwen dared to send people to find trouble?

Even if the East sent people to find trouble, the empire would not be in the eye.

"No, you put the seven emperors first." The three emperors refused to agree, saying in a commanding tone, don't forget that the other is a bandit leader, not a good citizen of the empire, how could he listen to his orders.

"Three emperors, I am not talking to you, I am telling you, you can only do what I said, if you can't do it... It doesn't matter, I will take the seven emperors' hands and feet down and then block them. Send it to the Imperial City." The head of the bandit was unwilling to speak with the three emperors, and ordered the sailors to turn around when they finished.

"Three emperors, then I will talk about it here, and you will be allowed to retreat immediately. Otherwise, don't blame us for being polite." When the words of the bandit's head fell, the big ship began to turn around and go back, but at this time the three emperors suddenly ordered: " Put an arrow and save people!"

Yes, although the Three Emperors have been negotiating with the bandits, they have not given up their plans to attack and save people from beginning to end.

The empire only prepared him for the soldiers and horses, and did not prepare gold for him. The attitude of the empire was already timid. They would never bow to the bandits and redeem the people with silver...