MTL - Princess too Young, Prince too Old-Chapter 1172 Did you see me then?

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"But I will be sent to Jingshi until the New Year's Eve. Whoever thinks that Gongfufu will be delivered to Wanfu. There is no more movement. Father and mother waited until the Lantern Festival, but did not wait to talk about the two thousand silver in advance. Dad The mother had to go to Beijing to ask for it. Whoever wanted to say that she had n’t even entered the Mansion. The father and the mother could n’t even enter the city gate. The father and the mother knew that it was being played by the Mansion, and the mother could n’t take the blow. That night, Suddenly committed suicide. Dad wrote the paper, but what kind of doorway is the Wan family? So who would dare to accept his paper?

Speaking of which, Song Tongxi hooked his lips. He paused and said, "That was the spring of the year. Long lived with my father and I who had no choice but to change our identity and name, and my father stayed in the palace as a housekeeper. Du Heng and I worked together with Long lived to study martial arts. .I have always wanted to repay King Wang's kindness. So six years later, Long live the Lord with Du Heng and they went to southern Xinjiang. I came to Beidi quietly. "

Auspiciously, he listened to these old events and looked at the peace on Song Tong's face. But she felt a dull pain in her heart. Suddenly she bent down and took the fire fork and pulled it in the stove. After a while, she pulled out a gray, fluffy round object from the little sparklers. She patted the ash on it and looked at Song Tong with a smile: "Brother, have you eaten as a kid?"

Song Tong stared at the things under her, with a smile: "I have eaten it, but I haven't eaten it for 20 years."

Auspicious lowered his head and smiled, patted the ash on the thing, exposed a fragrant sweet potato, opened it, and sent the big half to Song Tong, with a smile: "Come, relive childhood fun . "

Song Tong smiled. Next, while peeling, he was eating white and soft sweet potatoes. The sweet potatoes were sweet and glutinous, and as delicious as childhood, Song Tong couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The best bite when I was young."

"Minger bake one for Keer," Jixiang nodded, holding her lips, "the little girl must like to eat."

Song Tong looked at her eyes, smiling and bending, and then she bowed her head and continued to eat the sweet potatoes in her hand.

"It's time. When my brother came to Beidi, the princess hadn't been to Dali, then I was still in Beidi," when Jixiang suddenly remembered when he looked at Song Tong with excitement, "brother, then you Can you see me? "

Song Tong glanced at her. The twenty-nine-year-old woman wasn't really young, but those glittering eyes seemed to be as clear as cardamom girls.

It was auspicious to see that he didn't speak. For a while, his heart was inevitable and he comforted himself. How old was he then? What identity is it again? Where does Song Tong think of himself, even if now Song Song does n’t recognize himself as a righteous daughter, how can Song Tong look at her nearly 30-year-old, ordinary woman?

Auspicious was arrogant, but suddenly he heard Song Tong open his mouth.

"Yes," Song Tong took the last sip of sweet potatoes into his stomach and looked at the auspicious smile. "When you and the princess went to Dali, I still sent you to Chucktu and handed it to Dali's guard. At that time, you were crying terribly. The princess didn't cry, but you have such a bright voice, and you bring the princess to tears constantly. At that time, I was a half-size kid and I would coax the child. At the time, I was so busy with your two unstoppable girls that I was almost anxious to cry with you. "

Jixiang a bit do not remember the scene at that time, just remember that he was indeed crying, listening to Song Tong's description, it is inevitable a little embarrassed: "Really? I really cry so hard?"