MTL - Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith (Don't Mess with the Dark Princess)-Chapter 4866 Name never heard

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Lot 4866

From the bottom of his heart, Zhang Shenyi does not want the one who wins in the end to be An Yuyu.

He has always been shameless in the actions of the Baize people.

In fact, before this apprenticeship, the Baize tribe offered him goodwill several times and promised him a bunch of benefits, hoping that he could become a visiting guest of the Baize tribe.

However, Zhang Shenyi confessed to be inconsistent with the concept of the Baize clan, and all declined politely.

Although he did not like An Anyu as a person, he had to admit that the young master of the Baize tribe was indeed the only genius he saw in his life ...

Zhang Shenyi extended his hand to the proctor, but the proctor did not immediately pass the examination papers, but hesitated.

"Zhang Shenyi, you are mistaken. This answer is not from An Shaozhu, but ... Well, you can see for yourself."

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Shenyi took the answer sheet, looked down, and couldn't help it.

In the name column, a name he had never heard of-Liu Buyan.

Zhang Shenyi's gaze swept down quickly, and he quickly finished the information filled by Liu Buyan.

Terran, a prestige psychiatrist who has only been registered for one year, has no subordinate power ...

It doesn't look like a medical wizard.

Zhang Shenyi squinted his eyes, turned the answer sheet, and went to see the answer written by Liu Buyan. The next moment, his surprise was written directly on his face, "This ... how is this possible? This is really written by this person? You seen it myself?"

The invigilator nodded solemnly, "Yes, Zhang Shenyi, I watched him hand in hand. But if he has any other fools, I can't guarantee it. I don't see any problem anyway. By the way, he deduced It's very fast. The earliest one to submit the paper was him ... "

Zhang Shenyi frowned, remembering, "Is that the one who handed in the paper faster than An Yiyu?"

The proctor nodded.

Zhang Shenyi's face showed a little thought, and for a while, he said, "You go back and continue with the examination. This answer is left with me, and I have to take a closer look ... By the way, don't say anything."

The invigilator responded and turned back to his original position.

The voice of the two was very light, and the auditorium was far away, so no one could hear their conversation clearly. They could only see the invigilator holding a answer sheet and went to Zhang Shenyi. Zhang Shenyi said to him in shock. words.

For a while, everyone in the stands couldn't help speculating, not knowing what exactly happened.

"It seems that An Shaozhu's score is too high, which made Zhang Shenyi startled."

"No, right? An Shaozhu's talent is excellent. Everyone knows that even if the score is high, why is Zhang Shenyi so surprised?"

"Maybe Young Master got a perfect score?"

"Isn't that possible? Didn't you just listen to Zhang Shenyi? That's the heaven-level Danfang handed down from ancient times! An Shaozhu said that there is only heaven-level. How could it be performed in half an hour?"

"It's so early to submit the papers, what's so strange about all the answers?"

The crowd was divided into two factions, arguing with each other, and being dissatisfied with each other.

However, there is one point that no one doubts is that this answer sheet shocked Zhang Shenyi, and it must belong to An Yuyu!

At this moment, the psychiatrists who have just completed the essay test, whoever feels that they have a hope of entering the top 100, stay near the examination room without leaving.

The scene where the invigilator and Zhang Shenyi talked to each other just now was in their eyes.

For a moment, everyone cast an envious glance at An Yiyu.

(End of this chapter)