MTL - Qizi-Chapter 48 Golden House

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The officer saw a sudden burst of laughter.

"I didn't have anything in you here. You have to come in. If you don't insist on it, you don't have to sign this document now. Even if he refuses, he will not be able to go to jail. Have you regretted it?"

"If I didn't come in, he has now chosen to go to jail, and your purpose will not be reached, so you should thank me for sitting here now."

Ling Xiao did not expect the hurricane to see his mind, the hand holding the pen trembled, and the smile on the officer's face gradually disappeared.

"You are very confident, young. If you say that your deed is not to let you go to jail and choose to agree, then would you choose to refuse for him? I advise you not to think too complicated, it is to give a blood a week. At other times, you are all free. Moreover, if this experiment is successful, it will be a great event for the whole world."

The hurricane is not moving. "For us, imprisonment is a very serious punishment, but for you, it doesn't matter whether we are in jail. You don't need two useless prisoners, you need blood. If we refuse, we will suffer losses, but you will not get any benefit."

The expression of the officer's expression was unclear, and the two men silently stunned for a long time.

"It seems that our negotiations are a bit stiff," the last officer opened his mouth coldly.

"We can't sign this document," Hurricane took the opportunity to give in, "but the premise is that we have the right to know, including the flow of your experiment, the purpose, the identity of the subject, and most importantly, whether this experiment It will hurt the body of my deed."

"Is your request a little too much?"

"We will not sign this before we see the subject myself."

The officer thought for a moment, "Well, anyway, you will meet sooner or later, but don't blame me for not reminding you. If you still insist on keeping up this time, the consequences may not be as simple as it is now," he sighed pretendingly. You could have stayed out of the way."

"You don't have to remind me all the time, and I have a responsibility for getting into the lab. I didn't intend to stay out of the house from the beginning."

The officer got up and left. "It’s really moving."

The two followed the officer and kept a distance. Behind them, they followed the two soldiers.

"You have invaded my thoughts without permission?" When they walked out of the way, Ling Xiao whispered.

"So I guess it is true? If I didn't go in, would you like to go to jail alone?" Hurricane did not squint, "Don't worry, the Lord does not have the ability to peek at your brain. You are free in thought." ""

Ling Xiaoji said, "Things are stolen by me alone. Why do you always want to get involved?"

"But the interest community is also raised by you. If the goals are the same, shouldn't we advance and retreat together? I have a new exchange condition now. I want to test the joint combat department of Yutian. This profession is difficult to test. You promised I won’t drag my hind legs.”

"You..." Ling Xiao didn't respond at the beginning. Why did he suddenly mention a request that he couldn't match? Later, he realized that he was trying to prevent himself from personally negotiating with the military, and he just did. Have such an idea. The hurricane said that he could not invade his own thoughts, but he could accurately hit what he thought in his mind every time.

In the joint operations department, he had to admit that it was also his heart's goal.

"The condition of my exchange is that it will be up to me to decide whether or not to agree."

"The exchange was successful."

The two took the military aircraft, all the windows were closed, and they could not see the outside world, so they did not know where they were taken.

The aircraft finally landed. As soon as they got out of the hatch, they found themselves inside the room. There was a long tunnel behind them. They just came to the tunnel.

The officers walked in the front, and the two men followed him on an elevator. The elevator went straight down and stopped for a long time. They realized that the destination of the trip was in the deep underground, and what place was to be so concealed. ?

"We are here," the officer stopped outside the door, and there was a sign on the door - the Tiansu Gene Research Center. He pulled out his card and brushed it, and the door opened to the sides. A brand new world appeared in front of the two. .

Ling Xiao was stunned. He thought that the area of ​​the base of the base was huge enough, but the visual display of the venue was two or three times larger than the base. The officers did not explain anything and went straight inside. The two followed, and took the opportunity to look at the space. Computers and instruments with unknown uses were everywhere, with complex lights and numbers flashing on them.

There are many staff members in the venue, who turn a blind eye to the strangers who appear here, as if the visitors are transparent. The same white uniform, but different from the base and the CDC, wearing these people is cold and inaccessible, with their unchanging expression, if it is not forbidden to prohibit the development of any artificial intelligence entity, Ling Xiao almost think they It is a robot.

The officers led them to open the door and the incredible level of security, so that they no longer believe that it is just a normal experiment.

The last door was finally opened. Hurricane and Ling Xiao also saw the true face of the experiment for the first time. A human being similar to the young figure was quietly lying in the vacuum chamber, as if he had been sleeping there for thousands of years.

When the hurricane looked at the past, it was strange. There were many hair color in the sky, but the yellow was rare. Among the people he has seen before, only the hair is light yellow, but at this moment the person in the vacuum warehouse, the hair is very pure golden, he has never seen anyone have such hair color.

However, he only had such a slight discomfort. He just wanted to ask Ling Xiao’s feeling. When he turned his head, he saw Ling Xiao’s expression biting his chest in pain.

"what happened to you?"

Ling Xiao’s eyes are full of uncertainty and disbelief. “I, I know this person.”

The hurricane is also wrong. "Do you recognize him?"

Ling Xiao himself also shook his head and denied it. It seemed to be struggling. He had a heartbeat from the moment he saw the other party. It seems that there is something to be called out. "I don't know, it seems like I have seen him."

No, not just seen, they should have a closer connection than they did, long and long ago.

Compared with the two people's attention on the person lying on the back, after the officer entered the door, the line of sight stayed on Ling Xiao and did not leave. When he saw that he was different from the hurricane, There was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

He really is the person they are looking for, only the blood of this person can wake him up.

As long as they can wake up this person, they will do whatever they can.

However, Ling Xiao’s performance made the hurricane alert. He turned his attention to the officer. The other person’s eyes on Ling Xiao’s eyes were full of chilling greed.

"You lied," the hurricane suddenly said.

The officer was reluctant to take his eyes back. "Why do you say that?"

"You said that as long as you just completed the blood of the deed, you can wake him up. That is, there are many people who meet this condition, but why does he have this unusual reaction? What you want is the blood of the deed. Or is it the blood of a particular deed?"

The officer revealed an unclear smile. "Is there a difference? No matter which one, it is necessary for him to complete."

The hurricane sank into the face. "This is not in line with the content we communicated in advance. I think the truth that you concealed is more than this. If you can't determine your true motives, we would rather go to jail."

When he finished, he wanted to take Ling Xiao away, but when he pulled it, the other party did not move.

"I," Ling Xiao lowered his head. "I want to accept."


"I want him to wake up. I want to know why I feel this way. More importantly, I think he knows who I am."

"You are Ling Xiao, I know even this."

"Ling Wei is the name of my life. My soul randomly flies into an energy warehouse to get a surname, and randomly gets a name, but my last life? Going to the world? The earliest how I changed from a soul Adults, I always feel that this person can tell me the answer. He is definitely not a stranger to me. We must have been very familiar with it. I am familiar with it. I can even perceive this person's thoughts. I am familiar with him."

Ling Xiao closed his eyes, and the memory fragments that did not belong to him were presented in a chaotic manner. The mixed emotions were extremely strong emotions. Sadness, remorse, hatred... All were dark, negative, and powerful enough to swallow people. This boy, who looks completely harmless, has accumulated hatred that is enough to destroy the whole planet. What happened to him will make him hate the world so much.

The officer’s voice rang loudly. “Your deeds have said this. What are you still insisting on? Do you want to use the ability of the covenant to force him to refuse?”

He said this, Ling Xiao also looked at the hurricane nervously, seems to be reminding him of the conditions he had just exchanged.

"Let's go," the officer said openly. "Since you have already arrived, you don't mind letting you know more."

Their group returned to the hall just now. This time the officers took them to a place where they should be the host. The person in charge was different from the others. When they saw someone, they immediately stood up. "Sir, they ......"

The officer waved his hand and gestured. "Introduction, this is Dr. Gang He. You have to deal with him a lot in the future," he said separately. "This is the person I mentioned before."

The Ganges is stunned. "You are Ling Xiao? It is great to be able to find you. You are very important to us."

The officer interrupted his embarrassment and "shows what you are doing."

Ganges hesitated. "Is this appropriate?"

"If they are not allowed to see it, they will not agree to cooperate."

"Oh... well," Ganga banged on the keyboard a few times. "You see, people are evolving, viruses are also evolving. We just found a virus variant in the plain wolf, there is no in our body. The antibody to this virus will become ill once infected. So I developed an antibiotic for this virus, and then translated it into a genetic code, implanted into the original program, and in plain language, a patch. Then upload it to..." He glanced at the faces of the two young people and knew that he didn't have to talk anymore. He sighed. "I know, it's hard to understand. Some things can't be explained in a few words. Clear, and for you, the amount of information you need to accept at one time is too big."

Ling Xiao was only able to find his voice. "Open, what kind of joke, we are human, how can people be controlled by this kind of thing," he looked up. "These computers, instruments, data, how could it be used?" Come and control our tools, why we will not get sick, it is determined by a piece of code, what exactly are we?"

"You don't need to explore our source, because you can't explore it," the officer inserted. "You just have to remember that we have evolved in this way for thousands of years, and it will become as perfect as today. It’s also powerful. If you change it in the past, you will not survive when you lose in adult rituals. You can stand here and thank these machines without feelings.”

"No, this question is still for me to explain," Ganga was afraid that he would scare them both. Just the adult had not developed yet. In his eyes, it was a child. "A long time ago, the triggering conditions for adult rituals were not like this. There is a very complicated judgment. Only when a series of hormones such as dopamine, amphetamine, and adrenaline in the human body reach a certain value, adult rituals will be triggered. Simply put, this condition is love."

"In ancient times, adult rituals had only one ending, that is, the one in love killed the other and gained all his abilities. The lost person entered the cycle and repeated the process."

"While such rules make us stronger, but also makes our hearts extremely lonely, we have the power, have the territory, have the subjects, but can not have love, for thousands of years, we are working hard Change this setting to minimize the impact of adult rituals. Today's adult rituals can only be initiated by humans, or passively triggered by **** hormones, and people who lose will not die. We are also working to alleviate the disorder. The pain brought by the period is not good enough, but after all, this is not something that can be done overnight."

Ling Xiao has not fully come out in the huge shock. "What does this have to do with the people lying inside?"

"Because we can change the cause and result of adult rituals, there is no way to completely cancel it. The reason is that we can only improve the code of the surface without modifying the permissions of the kernel. Like the generation of adult rituals, the existence of soul traction, It is impossible to reincarnate after death, and it belongs to the kernel of the program. Only when the person of a particular lineage personally authorizes it can the change be allowed."

"A person of a specific lineage? Is that person?"

“Yes,” the Ganges looked very excited. “Ling Wei, you are the one we found the most relevant to this person's genes. If you can wake him up, adult rituals can be banned, we can be like other races. In that way, if you fall in love on an equal footing, no one will die as a result, no tragedy will happen, everyone is free, and all of this can only be done."

"Good words have been heard so badly. I think you should have a decision in your heart," the chief reminded them kindly. "I still have one thing to forget to tell you. If you signed the document just now, you can at least join or Choose one of the two prisons, but you have to go further and the price will naturally be greater."

His words seemed to be an order. The people who had been burying their heads around all of them put down their work and turned to the two. The expressionless face made the scene chilly, and Ling Xiao and Hurricane were subconsciously close. each other.

"Now you still have only one choice, accept our terms, or leave everything you see here as a secret forever."