MTL - Quick Wear: The Host is Dangerous and Sultry-Chapter 1044 Women disguised as men: the delicate palms of powerful ministers (45)

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   Chapter 1044 Women disguised as men: the palms of powerful ministers (45)

   is such a group of people, wise saints and foolish people, who made this world.

   made this. disgusting, ugly, deformed and insensitive world. The outside is bright and beautiful, but the inside is already rotten, so rotten that it stinks, so rotten that it is disgusting!

   She stayed in the dilapidated backyard, and as she expected, she was quickly left out. She is also happy to be at leisure, and when she has nothing to do, she weeds and decorates the courtyard.

   It’s okay to do it yourself. When you grow up, you have never experienced any hardships.

   Everyone else said she was a weirdo, and she laughed it off. She was a weirdo, and such remarks have long been taken for granted.

  Why is she alive? She doesn't know, she only knows that it is better to die than to live, even if there is no hope for life, is this the reason why she wants to die? No, she will always be alive, like every brick in this yard, like the endless weeds in this field.

   She is not a delicate flower, she is just a weed that no one cares about and cherishes, so what? Since she can't be killed, then she will try her best to live and use her whole body strength to live. When the wind blows in the coming year, she will grow again and live endlessly.

   Only later did she find the meaning of her life again.

  Her child, her daughter, how lovely she is. Those black grape-like eyes, with a good-looking smile, would call her "A Niang" crisply.

   But she was stunned, on the body of her daughter, she seemed to see another self, a completely different self, but not herself. At that moment, she decided that no matter who touched her daughter, she would fight as hard as she could!

   If the last thing she wants in her life is for her daughter to repeat her mistakes. Jiaoyang, those powerful children, if you stay with them, there will be no good results. Beautiful flowers on them, just decoration, just embellishment.

  They will only rob you as an item, treat you as their plaything, and treat you as the icing on the cake on their way to success. How can those men who have been powerful and powerful since childhood say that wind is rain, how can they understand what love is? Even if they sincerely want to marry you, can their parents agree? Can the family behind them agree? A man's sincerity is something that a woman can't afford to gamble the most in her life, and she shouldn't gamble.

  You are the icing on the cake for them, but to me, you are everything to my mother.

   In this life, Auntie has tried her best to protect you and keep you away from those powerful children, but why did it backfire.

   Aunt Zhao fell to the ground, crying so hard.

  Niu Tau Mian bandaged the wound on Jiao Yang's hand, thinking of the scene when he broke into the Xiang's mansion and saw her bleeding just now, his heart was about to be torn in half in pain.

   He tied the knot, retracted his hand, and looked carefully at the indifferent expression on Jiao Yang's face at the moment, as if he was unconscious.

   He bit his lip and shouted, "Sorry, I'm sorry."

   "Huh, huh?" Jiao Yang blinked, looking at the wound that had been bandaged, and looking at Niu Tau Mian, "Why do you apologize."

   "The thing I feel most guilty about is now and just now."

He lowered his head and looked at her injured hand, "I'm sorry, Jiaoyang, I always get the news so late, I do everything a beat, so I didn't come to you as soon as something happened to you. by your side."

  God knows how panicked he was when he heard the news that Sheng Yuzhi was given a marriage because he was in the Hou's mansion because he was worried about her.

   He knew Sheng Yuzhi's temper, and of course he knew her better.

  Jiaoyang was stunned for a while, then smiled: "But you were the first to come." And the only one.

   "Jiaoyang." Niu Tau Mian frowned. Seeing her smiling, he didn't know why, but he was even more worried in his heart. A faint unease haunted him, dull and depressing.

She continued to laugh and said the next sentence: "I was really angry just now. When I was angry, I wanted to kill everyone in this world. Anyway, there are only two kinds of people in this world, those who give orders and those who obey orders, except for Auntie and you."

   Niutou's face was stunned, and the next moment was a little panic, grabbing her hand: "Hot Sun."

"Just kidding," Jiao Yang hooked the corner of his mouth, it was fun to scare the fool, "Sir, of course I won't do that, just think about it, I'm so lazy, not to mention that if I do that, the world will only do that. The three of us are left, who will cook for me, and who will serve the young master's food and daily life, just rely on you, the eldest young master and the tigress who grew up in fine clothes and food."

  Jiaoyang said with a smile.

   Niu Tau Mian looked at her distractedly, stared at her carefully for a while, and then let out a sigh of relief.

   What worries him more than her hands is her heart.

But what Niu Tau Mian didn't expect was that things that he thought had become taboo and should not be mentioned by others, he actually took the initiative to say, and even his tone was flat and relaxed, like an ordinary after-tea talk: "My brother is going to marry a wife. He is still a full-fledged wife. He is nineteen years old this year."

  Jiaoyang leaned back, resting the back of his head on the back of the chair.

   Niu Tau Mian was afraid that she would fall, so he stretched out his hand to support her. The funny thing was that the older brother by his side would do things for her in the past. It seemed that someone else had done it for her before she knew it.

  The people behind her have changed, but she still has the habit she has formed, but it has never changed.

   This should be a good thing.

  Jiaoyang was in a good mood, and the legs that were resting on each other began to sway.

   "Hmm." He replied.

  Jiaoyang began to fantasize about what it would be like when her brother who had always belonged to her got married and had children.

   First of all, she will have a sister-in-law, and children are still too far away. After the sister-in-law passes the door, what will her life be like? Her reputation is so loud, she should have heard that her brother has a brother who is very dear to him, what would she think?

   "Li Qingluan, the daughter of the Taifu, sounds familiar to me." Jiaoyang pinched her chin. She has always been curious and will become a family in the future, so she should investigate first, right?

   "How's your talent, how's your temperament?"

   Niu Tau Mian glanced at her, that look was full of meaning.

  Jiaoyang looked over inexplicably, a little annoyed: What did he mean!

  Niu Tau Mian can't understand what kind of emotion Jiao Yang has towards Sheng Yuzhi, is it a habitual dependence, or is it out of a monopoly, or.

   But she asked, and he replied: "It's normal for you to feel familiar. Li Qingluan, the daughter of Mrs. Li, is a well-known and talented girl in the capital, and her name is second only to one person."

   "Second to one person?" Jiao Yang raised her eyebrows, and it didn't sound too good. Why did the whole house listen to it just now, with a paralyzed face and a big kindness.

   (end of this chapter)