MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 145 don't make trouble

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After winter, there are fewer days. The filming cycle of "Watch" also exceeded expectations. Expected to be in mid-November, partially completed. After such a flash, it is estimated that it will take until mid-December. Not to mention the beginning of winter, it is estimated that the winter solstice must also be in this small mountain bag. This drama also went from the hottest time to the coldest time.

"Don't touch me." Cheng Jinzhi screamed again, wrapped in a quilt.

In summer, Cheng Jinzhi really wanted to get close to Rong Si. Because Rong Si was very cool. But in winter, she wished she could throw Rong Si out of this room. With Rong Si's cold demeanor, once she stood in the room, the room would be an octave lower. Before Rong Si sat on the bed, Cheng Jinzhi trembled and screamed. There is no heating equipment in the room, except for the stove next to the table, which basically relies on shaking.

From the beginning of winter, Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si shared the quilt and slept together. Now that I think about it, why divide the quilt, she can tell Rong Si to go back to her room. "Don't come here, go back to your own room."

"Yes." Rong Si hugged the thinnest quilt. In summer, there are quite a lot of quilts. In winter, everyone needs quilts, and there are only four beds for them. Now there are only three beds, and the other one was given to director Wang Zhang by Rong Si, who is still covered with a thin summer quilt. When Rong Si went to see her off, Cheng Jinzhi rolled his eyes. Wang Zhang didn't know it at first, but now he probably knows that they slept together.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, Rong Si left the room, and Cheng Jinzhi felt that the room was much warmer. When Cheng Jinzhi was about to lie down, Rong Si came again. She also brought a stove and placed it in Cheng Jinzhi's room.

"what are you doing?"

"I lit another stove for you." Rong Si put the thermos on the side of the table and opened the window again. "I'll come back in the middle of the night."

"Then do you still have a stove in your house?"

"I have a quilt."

"Just the quilt you carried away just now?" So thin.

Rong Si nodded.

"Just be brave." Cheng Jinzhi lay down. "If you are freezing, I won't feel bad."

"Well, go to sleep." Rong Si said.

The room was indeed very warm, and as soon as Rong Si left, Cheng Jinzhi closed his eyes and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Cheng Jinzhi was awakened by thirst. Probably too warm. Cheng Jinzhi sat up and remembered the thermos by the table. The thermos was placed by Rong Si. Rong Si is really a "pervasive" person. No wonder it fell on her hands in the first place. The water in the thermos was still a little warm, and Cheng Jinzhi felt better after taking two sips. When she got into the quilt again, she thought of Rong Si in the other room. Rong Si's room didn't have a stove, so it was covered with a thin quilt.

It's none of her business, it's Rong Si who wants to be brave. forget about it. Cheng Jinzhi closed his eyes again. A few days later, during the daytime shooting, Rong Si was a little out of shape, and her face was not very good. While eating, Rong Si coughed twice. Cheng Jinzhi was a little worried, Rong Si won't catch a cold, right? Don't, a cold will delay the shooting plan. If you keep procrastinating, don't even think about going back next year.

"Let me tell you, I did it for the sake of filming." Cheng Jinzhi looked at Rong Si who was going to bed. She felt that Rong Si was acting a bit awkward. I regret it. She felt that Rong Si was being delicate on purpose. "If it weren't for..."

Before Cheng Jinzhi finished speaking, Rong Si rushed over. Rong Si was already taller than Cheng Jinzhi, but with this pounce, he hid Cheng Jinzhi under her body, hiding it tightly. Rong Si pulled up the quilt to cover the two of them. "I know."

"..." What do you know? Go back to your own quilt, don't squeeze mine.

Rong Si hugged Cheng Jinzhi with peace of mind, and fell asleep under Cheng Jinzhi's quilt. "I'm warm, let's sleep."

Cheng Jinzhi put his hand on Rong Si's shoulder, trying to push Rong Si away. Touching Rong Si, she really warmed up a lot. The bed was too hard, it would be more comfortable to nest in Rong Si's arms. Anyway, Rong Si also warmed up.

"Miss Rong, are you angry?" Director Wang Zhang opened his eyes and looked at Rong Si again.

Cheng Jinzhi also looked at Rong Si. The director didn't know it until he said it, but she also felt that Rong Si got angry when he said it. The eyes are red and swollen, and there are bloodshot eyes. I only found out that night that before Rong Si went to bed, she squatted by the stove to warm her body.

Seeing Rong Si curled up next to the stove, Cheng Jinzhi rolled his eyes and dragged Rong Si to bed. "Stop baking."

"I'm not warm yet."

"Rong Si, I warn you, don't make trouble." Cheng Jinzhi knocked Rong Si on the head twice. The last time I insisted on going to the field with her, I stepped on the fence. After being hit by Cheng Jinzhi, Rong Si became obedient, she shrank into Cheng Jinzhi's quilt. He hugged Cheng Jinzhi carefully again.

During the winter solstice, the filming of "Watch" in Xiaoshanbao was almost done. Director Wang Zhang was happy, so he also came to Rong Si and Cheng Jinzhi's room. The director did not know where to get the stove, and said he wanted to celebrate. A thin layer of snow fell outside, and the house was filled with smoke. The fragrance is overflowing.

"This is good wine, you guys have a taste." Saying yes, Wang Zhang also filled Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si's cups.

"Director, there is still a show tomorrow."

"I won't be filming tomorrow, just take a day off." Wang Zhang said, "Hurry up and let everyone take a break."

Cheng Jinzhi wanted to finish filming early and go home early. But the director had spoken, so she had no choice but to clink glasses with the director. The wine is good wine, but a bit strong. Rong Si took a sip of the meat. She rinsed the meat in the pot and gave it to Cheng Jinzhi and Wang Zhang. Rong Si didn't speak, and only occasionally added a few words, looking like Cheng Jinzhi and Wang Zhang's food handlers. Once the conversation started, it was a bit unstoppable. The atmosphere before the hot pot is the best. This chat lasted until two or three o'clock in the evening. Director Wang Zhang drank a lot, but her assistant carried her back. After taking a bath, Rong Si carried Cheng Jinzhi back to the bed. It was a little quiet outside, only the sound of falling snow. No wonder the director said that he would not shoot during the day. It is estimated that this snow will fall into the daytime. The village head said that their production team is a lucky star, and it has not been such a heavy snowfall in the village for a long time. Cheng Jinzhi blushed. Cheng Jinzhi, without makeup, looks very young, as if he was still in college.

Rong Si rubbed Cheng Jinzhi's cheek, Cheng Jinzhi snorted and nestled into her neck again. The fire in the stove was still beating, and there was a lot of snow. In the blink of an eye, so many years had passed.

Cheng Jinzhi slept until noon, feeling drowsy, and only remembered that Rong Si fed her some porridge in the morning. The snow had stopped, standing at the door Cheng Jinzhi raised his hand, the snow all over the yard was a bit dazzling. The world was white and clean. Cheng Jinzhi rubbed his hands and walked out. The snow was a bit deep, and he made footprints every time he walked. She looked at the rice fields not far away, and breathed into the palm of her hand again. Now that it's snowing, it's time for the weather to warm up. At this time, Rong Si also came out. She stood beside Cheng Jinzhi. They stood outside for a while, Cheng Jinzhi turned his head and met Rong Si's gaze. Rong Si rubbed her hands together and put her hands around Cheng Jinzhi's ears. Cheng Jinzhi's ears turned red from the cold. "Cold?"

Rong Si probably just finished cooking, and her palms are still warm. "fine."

"Let's go in and eat." Rong Si said.

"it is good."

After another two days of filming, the role of Xiao Shanbao was finally over. At the end of the day, the hospitable village head held another banquet. After Cheng Jinzhi finished the banquet, he went back to the house to pack his luggage. DC is coming tomorrow and has booked a flight ticket for her. Go home and rest for two days before leaving the notice. In the past few months of filming, many announcements have been suppressed.

Nothing to clean up either. After Cheng Jinzhi cleaned up, most of her supplies could be given to the villagers. After living for so long, I always feel like I need to put an end to it, and tidying up things can be regarded as a picture sentence. If you want to say reluctance, there will definitely be a little bit. But most of the mood is still, finally leaving this ghost place. Nostalgia belongs to things after leaving. While sleeping, Rong Si came in again.

"Don't you want to pack your things?" Rong Si came back a bit late, Cheng Jinzhi thought she had slept in her room tonight.

Rong Si's cheeks were flushed, and she still smelled of alcohol. When she came in, she cupped Cheng Jinzhi's face, and she sucked her lower lip.

"Jinzhi." A murmur full of reluctance.

Soon, Cheng Jinzhi was crushed by Rong Si. Rong Si was also very excited tonight, tossing her until two or three o'clock in the morning.

"Rong Si, take it easy..."

"Tomorrow, you're leaving." Rong Si held Cheng Jinzhi's cheek.

"Aren't you going back?"

"I can't see you anymore."

Cheng Jinzhi laughed, and pressed Rong Si under him again. Cheng Jinzhi rubbed Rong Si's chin with his fingertips. "How come, I won't let you escape from my grasp."

As soon as it landed, the media and fans flocked up. I have been in the deep mountains and old forests for a long time, and this feeling of being surrounded is quite long-lost. "Has Ms. Cheng finished filming "Watch"?"

"Thank you for your concern, "Watch" is still in the process of filming." There are still some scenes that will be completed at the film and television base.

"Jinzhi, it's great for you to come out. We miss you so much." Fans said: "Go home this time and have a good rest. If you have time, update Weibo. You haven't updated for a long time. You won't forget Password?"

"No." Cheng Jinzhi laughed. "The signal in the mountains is not very good."

"That must be boring, right?"

"It's not very boring." During the few months of filming, Rong Si "relieved a lot of boredom" for her.

The video was over, and Rong Si, who was leaning against the desk, looked at other news. Cheng Jin was on the trending search, and Rong Si opened the trending video. It's a video of Cheng Jinzhong's connecting flight at noon. Cheng Jinzhi was wearing sunglasses in the video. The sunglasses were a little too big, almost covering her entire face.

The video shakes a bit, and soon the voice of the person shooting can be heard. Probably a fan of Cheng Jinzhi. "Give up, I can't take pictures of Jin Miao's face."

Cheng Jinzhi seemed to have heard the fans' voices, and his steps slowed down. She took off her sunglasses and looked back at the fans again. "Um?"

"It's captured, it's captured." The photographer was a little excited and screamed.

Cheng Jinzhi raised the corners of his lips with a very bright smile. She turned around and quickened her pace, as if she was going to catch a plane. This video was reposted by major marketing accounts. Attached topic #血流空空成锦之#.