MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 161 Bright star

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After hanging up on grandma's phone, Cheng Jinzhi was still a little worried about grandma's health. After talking to my family, I went up the mountain to see my grandma.

"Why are you here again?" Grandma's tone was a bit reproachful, but there was still a smile on her face. "Aren't you very busy recently? Why do you keep running to my place?"

"I miss you." Cheng Jinzhi was worried about his grandma's health. In his last life, grandma had already been hospitalized by this time. "Grandma, I brought you a present."

"Gift? Let me see." Grandma is still quite interested in presents. "Are you back from America? Is it a new product from Fashion Week?"

Grandma is still very wet.

"This. You wear it." It was said to be a gift, but Cheng Jinzhi actually bought it at the foot of the mountain. Cheng Jinzhi took out a very down-to-earth old woolen hat from his bag. "It's too cold, don't catch a cold."

Now that Cheng Jinzhi saw some thermal products, he wanted to buy one for her grandma. Cheng Jinzhi's eyes widened. "Grandma, you're not wearing thermal underwear!? Where's your long johns? Have you put on your long johns?"

"Why are you so nervous, I can still catch a cold if I don't wear it for a while?" Grandma said.

As Cheng Jinzhi said, he put on a wool cap for grandma. "I'm not worried about your body."

"My health is better than yours. You catch colds every year." Grandma said.

Entering the house with grandma, grandma said again: "This time, how many days are you going to stay?"

"During this time, I'm fine. I might as well spend the New Year with you," Cheng Jinzhi said.

"Stay so long?"

"Grandma, do you find me annoying?"

"You know it yourself?" Grandma said, "I'm dizzy when you walk in front of me every day."

Two days later, the "Contemporary" program team also came over. Cheng Jinzhi has already agreed to record, and they came to the mountain this time to do some simple edited interviews for her. Cheng Jinzhi thought it was a casual shoot, but he didn't expect the program team to be serious. They found a lot of film and television materials about Cheng Jinzhi, and the timeline was very clear. The program group is very professional, completely different from the entertainment nature of variety shows. The team is so serious, Cheng Jinzhi is too embarrassed to be "sloppy".

When the team edited, Cheng Jinzhi also watched it. It is the film and television material of "The Silver World" filmed by myself. "The Silver World" is a TV series produced by CCTV. It was almost a drama Cheng Jinzhi filmed ten years ago. Back then, she won the Magnolia Award for "The Silver World". The self ten years ago must have looked more immature than now.

"Miss Cheng, your Master Huo was also selected as one of the top ten classic screen characters last year." The team leader of the program said.

Last year, the rebroadcast plan of "Silver World" was launched, and the ratings of the first few episodes even ranked among the top three in the country. In addition to word-of-mouth nostalgia, a large part of the reason for the high ratings is the starring Cheng Jinzhi. The audience has already tacitly accepted Cheng Jinzhi's transformation, thinking that she is a well-known movie star. Cheng Jinzhi's remuneration has been rumored to be high, and the audience thinks that Cheng Jinzhi will never take on TV dramas again. Cheng Jinzhi has not made many TV series, such as "Jiangshan Beauty", "Silver World" and "Benevolence". With Cheng Jinzhi's popularity, the rebroadcast rate of each of her TV series is very high.

"Miss Cheng, are you still planning to make a TV series?" At this time, the assistant director of the program group asked Cheng Jinzhi.

"It was filmed." Cheng Jinzhi said, "If there is a good script."

After the lens adjustment was completed, the camera made an OK gesture. Cheng Jinzhi brushed his hair and faced the camera. I did interviews for about a week. The director is really very responsible. Almost in time for a movie director. As a result, I actually made a movie. Later, he was admitted to the establishment and has been the director of CCTV's "Contemporary" program group.

When the director was chatting with Cheng Jinzhi, he also talked about Cheng Jinzhi's injury while filming "Jinyiwei" a few years ago. "Outsiders don't know, but we people still know how serious your injury is, Miss Cheng. We thought you were going to take a rest after you recuperated for a year. I didn't expect you to return to the production team, or to the production team of "Jinyiwei" Supplementary record."

Cheng Jinzhi's re-recording of "Jinyiwei" was very well received by the industry. It should be said that every director hopes to cooperate with dedicated actors. "This time Taili passed the proposal of "Contemporary" because of your positive influence on society. Professionalism and dedication, the power of role models."

The director was a little embarrassed to praise Cheng Jinzhi. "Director, don't say that. I didn't do anything either."

In fact, I don’t know without reading the materials. Cheng Jinzhi only knows that he has done so many things after reading the materials. It was minus degrees Celsius, soaked in ice water and had a high fever. In order not to affect the photogenic effect, he even poured several layers of powder on his face. I was bitten by an insect, and I got small blisters all over my body. When I moved my body twice, the small blisters burst open. When I went through it, there was only discomfort left. Looking at it now, I feel moved by my original professionalism. Not to mention that everyone in the group listened to the director's instructions. Day and night were reversed, and the whole person was floating in the filming. At the beginning, I didn't know how to survive. I could obviously go home and eat and wait to die. Like most of my friends, I took over the family business. Maybe it's just that she has no interest in doing business at all.

The documentary was filmed until February. Before the Chinese New Year, Cheng Jinzhi and the crew attended the nominees' lunch together. During the lunch break, Beate, the heroine of "Fire of War 5", chatted with her. Cheng Jinzhi didn't expect that Beate knew her, after all, she was only famous in China. When Beat talked to her, she mentioned Laura. It is estimated that Laura introduced her to Beata. When Beat clinked glasses with her, Cheng Jinzhi screamed a little in his heart. At the same time, he politely asked Beatt for his autograph. Beate is a very famous Hollywood movie star, and this year she broke into the list of the world's richest women.

When Beat turned his back, Cheng Jinzhi quietly reached into his handbag. He took out the business card signed by Beatt and read it again. Be low key and don't laugh too silly. When Cheng Jinzhi looked up again, he saw Rong Si standing opposite to Beata. Beata looks very familiar with Rong Si?

...Why does Rong Si know everyone? He obviously has a face that should not be entered by strangers. Rong Si and Beata communicated very smoothly, the two should have chatted before. As he spoke, Beata glanced at her again, his rolling eyes looked a little playful. And then Beat whispered something in Rong Si's ear.

"What are you talking about?" Cheng Jinzhi asked when Rong Si came over.


"What are you talking about with Beata?"

"She said that the director of "Fire of War" intends to invite you to be a guest star in "Fire of War 6."

The playful look in his eyes just now must not be talking about this. But Cheng Jinzhi's attention was completely attracted by "Fire of War". "real?"

"Well. The director will contact you in the next two days."

"It's over, I haven't been able to sleep well for the past two days." Cheng Jinzhi said, "Rong Si, are you sure? If you lie to me, I will..."

"Huh?" Rong Si laughed and looked at Cheng Jinzhi again. The tone is very sincere. "I kid you not."

"That's the best." Cheng Jinzhi's mind is completely disturbed by "War".

For the next two days, Cheng Jinzhi has been waiting for an invitation from "Warfire". I don't know if they forgot, or Rong Si was talking nonsense. By the end of the month, there was no news from "Fire of War". In mid-February, Case voted on the nominees, and the Case Golden Man Awards at the end of the month were held as scheduled. Thousands of stars, bright lights. Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si walked the red carpet together. This time there are a lot of domestic media, there were not so many before. "Miss Cheng, Miss Rong, hurry up, here. We are Chinese media."

There were no surprises at the awards ceremony, and "Force of War 5" almost won the awards. Surprisingly, "Watch" won the best foreign language film.

After Cheng Jinzhi returned to China, "Watch" also passed the approval of the relevant departments, and was released after being greatly reduced. At the same time as the release, "Contemporary" also made progress in the documentary about Cheng Jinzhi, and the official released a five-minute promotional film. The duration of the documentary is ninety minutes. The promotional film attracted a frenzy of ratings for "Contemporary".

"Cheng Jinzhi, the best actress of the Chinese youth generation, won the China Youth Progress Award and the Social Outstanding Contribution Award. The most worthy of learning from the youth representatives in the country. At the age of 19, he won the most promising newcomer of thousands of stars with "New Datang" At the age of 22, she was shortlisted for Warner's Best Actress with "Girls Besieged". Since then, this actress named Cheng Jinzhi has officially entered the international market dominated by Western cultural thoughts. At the age of 23, she won the Magnolia Award for "Silver World". Actress. At the age of 24, she gave up the popular variety show to take over the filming of "Jinyiwei". She was seriously injured in a prop accident and was hospitalized. "was shortlisted for the Warner Film Festival. At the age of 28, she was selected as the best actress in Warner with "Alien", becoming the youngest Warner actress in China and the young actor with the most nominations in China. Breaking the long-standing Chinese record and letting the world begin to remember This is a 28-year-old Chinese actor. At the age of 31, he was nominated by Keith for the film "Watch" directed by the well-known international director Wang Zhang. This is the first time a Chinese actor has been nominated by Keith in history. It is the first affirmative recognition of oriental culture in the international market. "Watch" is an authentic oriental cultural thought theme. Through Cheng Jinzhi's superb acting skills, oriental culture will get rid of the old traditional concept in the world and reshape the exclusive Chinese The delicacy of culture and the 5,000-year ideology and civilization. Cheng Jinzhi’s tenacious will and professional attitude are rare treasures in the history of Chinese film and television dramas in fifty years...”

This five-minute promotional video attracted crazy reposts from fans on the Internet. After the documentary was broadcast, some fans made foreign language promotional videos and bought advertising space for Cheng Jinzhi abroad. A fan named Jiang Wei bought the most expensive screen advertising space in the International Plaza. During the half-day publicity introduction, passers-by shouted. "Cheng Jinzhi's fans are too wealthy."