MTL - Rebirth: Fight For Life-Chapter 766 The most advanced method of drilling wood to make fire

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  Chapter 766 The most advanced method of drilling wood to make fire

  Besides watching the live broadcast, there is no quiet etiquette that needs to be maintained at the scene, and discussions have already started.

   "Read brain signals and control smart devices? My darling..."

   "If it's just like this, what does Gu Dabao say about worrying about the future? Can it be read now, but can it be written in the future?"

   "Virtual reality coupled with a brain-computer interface, the brain in the vat is really hammered...Isn't I going to be regarded as an evil scientist?"

   "I think of transforming people... Damn, I have to make up for a wave of dystopian sci-fi movies."

   "The world of gun dreams is coming!"


   At the scene of the speech, the cold scene did not last long.

  People are obviously just in shock, and there are not many admirers of various new technologies.

   But when Gu Song saw the person raising his hand, he was surprised to see a face.

   He laughed: "Mr. Harold, would you like to try it too?"

   "Sure, I'm interested."

  Beside him, Kevin was a little anxious but restrained and whispered: "Mr. Harold, if he can really understand, then the 'Silent Generation'..."

Seeing Gu Song invite him to the stage, Harold said while tidying up his clothes: "You don't have to read it, they can guess it. But this is a conspiracy. Whether it succeeds or not depends on our juniors and the effectiveness of our spending. or not."

   In the picture, this old man who is on stage is obviously not a simple guy.

  Gu Song also joked: "Mr. Harold Stanley, not many people know you, do you need me to introduce you?"

   Harold walked to the stage, his aura was indeed not inferior, at least not restrained at all. He smiled and shook his head and said, "Forgive me, I'm just an old guy who is dying. Well, well, I know you want to prove that I'm not a trustee. You don't need to do this. Who would suspect that you're not?"

   He said jokingly to the audience: "You just need to know that this guy made me lose hundreds of billions of dollars."

   One sentence set off the audience in amazement.

   He said it lightly, but he obviously admired Gu Song very much.

   After a while, there were bits and pieces that insiders couldn't help but burst out.

  Among the most prestigious consortiums in the ESG camp, one of the helms of a centuries-old family!

  Thinking of what he said was a loss of hundreds of billions of dollars, and then thinking of his attitude at the venue and ESG's current reality of admitting defeat, many interested people can't help but sigh.

   A family in a consortium has lost hundreds of billions. What about all the capital in the entire ESG camp?

   This is the real meaning of the changes caused by Gu Song.

   The scene in front of me is quite dramatic.

  Gu Song shook his head and smiled: "Your introduction is too exaggerated. The shares of my company in the secondary market did not make you lose money."

   Harold laughed, there is no way, this is the advantage of having capital in hand.

   Under the current rules, as long as Gu Song has a lot of capital needs, listing financing is a good method after all. Even if it is listed in China, with their experience in the financial market from generation to generation, can't they still get a share of the pie?

   The two simply said a few words, and someone had already pushed a bracket over with a helmet with a thick cable attached to it.

  Gu Song said: "The laboratory prototype is still very rough, just demonstrate it."

   Under his signal, Harold put on the helmet, then tilted his head and joked: "It's not heavy, my old guy doesn't feel uncomfortable."

Gu Song said with a smile: "If you say that, it's really a bit of an excuse. Well, let's switch the screen to the laboratory. The laboratory is located 1.6 kilometers away from the Wuhu Branch of the Flint Research Institute of the Flint University of Astronautics. , There is a robot in the laboratory that relies solely on the information read by this helmet and sends out instructions after identification. I have prepared a special task, Mr. Harold, do you want to try drilling wood to make fire?"

   Harold exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Mr. Gu, the meaning is far-reaching."

  Gu Song smiled and made a please gesture: "Mr. Harold put down the display mask on his helmet, and he can switch to the first view of the robot in the laboratory."

   Harold was joking, but he was serious.

   Putting down the display mask, he began to seriously want to complete the action.

   After seeing the environment in the laboratory, Harold subconsciously wanted to step first.

   Then he suddenly stumbled on the stage and heard an exclamation beside his ear.

Gu Song's smiling voice also sounded: "Mr. Harold, you just need to stand still and use your brain to think about it. Look, the hardwood sticks on the test bench are not already Was it held by a robot?"

  Harold looked at the display helmet and said with emotion: "This is amazing."

   In fact, the exclamation from the audience was also because the response seemed to exceed everyone's expectations and was very sensitive.

   They saw that Harold seemed to lift his feet to walk over, but in the picture, the robot had already started to move on wheels, and then took the hardwood stick.

   Is this simple?

Do not.

   If it is really carried out by brain instructions, what happened to this process?

The cranial nerve signal generated by the thought of "pick up the hardwood stick first" in Harold's brain has been captured and collected, and then the processing system needs to analyze this instruction and decompose it into specific instructions, which are conveyed to the control of the robot center.

   These instructions include starting the power device of the robot, driving the wheels to move forward in the specified direction, and stopping at a suitable position through the precise acceleration and deceleration process. Then, the robotic arm needs to accurately "point" the hardwood stick according to the position information of each object on the scene, and take it to the hand.

   The key is... This series of movements seems to be faster than Harold's own legs and hands.

  These are what some people who understand technology feel in and outside the venue.

   They couldn't control themselves and exclaimed in unison.

  Harold stabilized his mind and continued to try.

   Drilling wood to make fire sounds like a very simple thing.

   But after the robot gets the hardwood stick, it aims at the cork sleeper on the table and puts some flammable leaves next to the friction point.

   After analyzing the principle, many people feel that things will not go smoothly.

   What angle and strength of the contact between the hardwood stick and the cork sleeper?

  When drilling wood, how to control the rotation speed of the hardwood stick?

  If it doesn't go well, how to adjust the angle and strength?


   However, to everyone's surprise, Harold quickly accomplished the task.

  Gu Song took the lead in applauding and said, "Mr. Harold, you are very good at drilling wood to make fire. Oh, by the way, you can take off your helmet."

  With the help of the staff, Harold's helmet was removed and pushed away.

   He turned his head to look at the helmet with some inexplicable meaning, and then looked at the burning leaves on the big screen and the robot standing still.

   "The survival education I received many years ago told me that drilling wood to make fire... shouldn't go so smoothly." Harold said inexplicably.

   "The explanation will be very long, otherwise, Mr. Harold should go back to his seat first."

   Harold nodded before stepping off the stage.

   Under the stage, there was a burst of applause.

Gu Song watched him sit down again, and then said: "Of course it is not easy to drill wood to make fire. It took tens of thousands of years for our ancestors to know the function of fire. It took thousands of years to master the skill of drilling wood to make fire. , For many years, this technique was one of the core technologies at the time. After thousands of years, they mastered more effective ways to make fire, such as fire sticks, flints, and fire sickles."

Gu Song turned around, pointed to the robot on the screen, and said with a smile: "Now, the most expensive, complex, sophisticated, and high-tech fire-making method in human history has been born: a method controlled by human consciousness. The wood-drilling robot."

  The audience was stunned.

  Gu Song sighed: "Why did I ask Mr. Harold to use drilling wood to make fire? Because we only have this one demonstration project. This most advanced research project of drilling wood to make fire is a bit silly, isn't it?"

   The audience burst into laughter.

   (end of this chapter)