MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 120

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At the scene of the entire Chinese language award, I am afraid that no one except the members of the organizing committee will think that they will meet this person today.

When the tall and beautiful shadow slowly came out from the halo of the venue, the audience immediately slammed. Chu Yan even heard the Chinese singer sitting next to him screaming. He turned to look at it. He saw the man slamming his mouth and was shocked to see the actress who suddenly appeared on the stage.

Anyang will appear here, which really can shock the audience.

Within three minutes, the ratings of the Chinese Language Awards Ceremony increased by one percent!

The atmosphere of the audience also appeared because of the appearance of the shadow. A Anyang did not seem to notice a little. She calmly communicated with the host standing at the edge of the stage, and then read out. The names of the ten nominees.

Looking at this scene on the stage, Chu Yan slightly smashed the scorpion, and the thin lips were slightly stunned.

When Chu said that when he first came to the world, the first name he searched for was Anyangyang.

At that time, he saw the 3D photo of the superstar on Skynet. The appearance is really first-class. Through virtual projection, people can clearly feel a powerful and powerful atmosphere, but Chu said, this is also known. Appearance and gas field are definitely not the absolute factors that lead to such a position in Ding'an, and more importantly, the performance of Anyang.

Two years ago, Chu Yan read all the works of Anyangyang. Like him, Anyang is also a workaholic. This year is only twenty-nine years old, but there are no fewer than eighty works, and most of them are classics.

After reading these works, Chu said that he had to admit that An Zhenyang’s acting was really amazing. Even after he has seen countless top moviemakers in the past years, he has never encountered Anyang.

This can only explain one thing: An Zhenyang has applied the ai script of this era to the extreme, and may not have abandoned his own creative ability.

Today, it is the first time that Chu Yan really saw Anyang.

The bright light illuminates the entire venue, and Chu said in the fourth row, quietly looking up at the Anyang on the stage. He applauded with everyone in the audience, and there was nothing wrong with it. Of course, compared to the excitement of the singer sitting next to him, Chu Yan is indeed a bit different.

The soft voice of Anyang sounded throughout the venue. She carefully read the names of each nominee, then raised her head. The line of sight glanced under the stage and did not deliberately stay at a certain angle, but let Chu A slap in the face, a brow.

- He has a feeling that An Xiangyang just looked at him?

No one can answer the doubts of Chu Yan, An Xiangyang said with a light smile: "A week ago, I received an invitation from the Chinese Language Award Organizing Committee to become the guest of the Chinese Language Awards this year. Can stand here for the best in China. It is my pleasure to present the awards to the singers. Music can heal people's hearts, soothe the soul and save lives. All the words I want to say can be expressed in two words, because music is the voice of the human soul. ""

Anyangyang is generous, the sound is gentle, and the water does not leak.

“Today, I am going to award the Chinese New Year’s Singer of the Year Award. The fresh blood is the driving force for the circle to make this circle more prosperous...”

On the stage, Anyang’s words are still ringing, but under the stage, some people have already rioted.

The Chinese New Year Singer Award for the Chinese Language Award is already a great honor. If we say that this award is given by An Yuyang, it is no longer described as honorable. This is a great glory!

An Xiangyang is not really a singer, but she is the number one superstar in the entire galaxy. Her child star debut, the first film that just debuted, won the best supporting actress of a world-class entertainment award, and won the Golden Award after three years.

It can be said that the teenager Anyangyang stood in front of countless stars all over the world, and captured hundreds of millions of fans with beautiful appearance and elegant and generous temperament. As of this year, she has been elected the number one superstar in the entire galaxy for five consecutive years.

Anyang’s Weibo fans have a total of 3.7 billion, and there are always a certain time period in the 24-hour Huaxing list. She will become the first. The Golden Award-winning trophy, she has won two; the United States' top Oka Awards after the film trophy, she also won one, but also won two other world-class shadow trophies.

If such a superstar can award a newcomer to himself, it is definitely an unforgettable milestone for anyone!

For a time, the nominees under the arena were even brighter.

At this time, even if many of them are very admired by Anyang, it is impossible to look at Anyangyang simply by looking at the goddess. Compared with An Fuyang himself, they are more concerned about the issue of "Anyang Yang awards a new person award".

However, among them, there are also some people who are very calm, such as a simple new female singer, and such as Chu Yan.

Chu Yan carried the scorpion and smiled at the Anyang on the stage. His eyes were calm, there was no excitement and surprise, and there was no tension and embarrassment. He smiled calmly. When Anyangyang said that he was more exciting, he gave his applause and continued to sit quietly for the rest of the day.

I have to admit that this evening, many singers' eyes are concentrated on Chu Yan. When they saw the calm and calm performance of Chu Yan, they all sneaked a glimpse of it, and then immediately understood: This is that I feel that I can't get the prize anyway, so I look at it?

In the entire Chinese language awards scene, apart from Audrey, who did not know the truth, no one really thought that Chu Yan could get the best newcomer award.

When the Chinese language award was announced, everyone did not expect to see the name of Chu Yan. Even some people in the music world have said: "The "Cycle" is about 70% chance of winning the best music award in the movie. After all, "Starlight" is there, but it is the first literary film at the box office of the whole star. The best love song award, this is difficult, up to 40%. What? You said the best newcomer award? How is this possible! Haha, I think the possibility is good."

Now, Chu Yanyi did not win the best music award in the film category, and did not win the Best Love Song Award of the Year.

You said that he is likely to win the best newcomer award? Why don't you say that An Xiangyang confessed directly to the Chu on the stage, and this is more likely!

But for a moment, Chu Yan felt that many of his sights slowly disappeared.

This time, no one has any other ridicule, because in their hearts, Chu Yan is destined to accompany the Chinese language award tonight, and there is nothing worth paying attention to.

In this regard, Chu Yan reluctantly smiled and did not show any abnormal readings;

In fact, after the film's best music award was announced, Chu Yan probably guessed it. He really wanted to run this evening. However, Chu Yan did not feel too lost. Being able to participate in the Chinese Language Award has made him more aware of the entertainment industry of this era, and... He also saw An Yang.

This result has been unexpectedly unexpected, at least he is also quite rewarding, not to be completely empty-handed. The best newcomer singer of the year is never expected to be such a thing. After all, there are so many new singers in China every year, and excellent music is also...

"The winner of the 3018 Chinese Language Award for Best New Artist Singer Award is..."

There are so many excellent music, and it’s just that you don’t win the prize. The award is...

"Chuyan, "Cycle"!"

The award is the drop in the sky... the cake...

Chu said with a sigh of relief, after a while, slowly looked up and looked at the shadow on the stage. Under the stage, many singers are also slamming, their eyes suddenly wide, unable to conceal their shock.

Half a second later, in the huge and magnificent venue, thunderous applause sounded enthusiastically, and countless people sent their blessings to this still-sitting teenager. Even if some of these people don’t smile, some people don’t even look at the words, but they have to give applause to the Chuan under many miniature lenses.

Audrey saw the sluggish appearance of Chu, and couldn't help but smile: "Chu, you are all excited? Go up and accept the prize!"

Chu Yan sighed slightly, then whispered, "Is there really a pie in the sky?"

Audrey obviously did not understand the words of Chu Yan, she forcedly pushed the Chu Yan up and said: "Go to the award!"

Three minutes later, Chu Yan stepped on the stage step by step and stood in front of Anyangyang.

Today’s Anyangyang stepped on a pair of twelve centimeters of hate. She smiled and looked at Chu Yan, handed him the trophy in his hand, and generously gave him a hug, whispering in his ear: Congratulations, get this award!"

At this point, Chu Yan suddenly returned to God.

In the past, Chu Yan has won numerous awards in large and small. In this life, he won such awards as the Golden Award and the Golden Phoenix Award, and he also won many small and medium-sized awards. It can't be said that the status of the Chinese Language Award is higher than the Jinsheng Award, but this year's Best New Artist Singer Award is the most unexpected award of Chu.

Standing on the magnificent stage of the Chinese language award, Chu Yan has returned to normal. Although he never thought he could win this award, but some of his speeches are already ready, he will not make such a small mistake.

Soon, the sound of the young boy's low-pitched and clean voice rang in the audience. The voice of Chu Yan is very sincere, and the content of the discourse is also very sincere. After he finishes speaking, the singers of the stage will not wait for the reaction, and the Anyang of the stage will applaud.

As a result, a burst of applause broke out again.

In this applause, there are still many people who hate tooth itch, but they can only blink dry. And when these people blinked, they saw with horror that An Xiangyang actually smiled and gave Chu a hug!

This time they hugged a little longer. After Chu Yan and An Yuyang went down the stage, all the talents in the audience reacted.

Audrey whispered in a strange voice: "How come there is a blessing hug? Is there a rule in China?"

What she didn't know was that in this long hug, Chu Yan only heard a soft female voice ringing in her ear: "The Cycle is very good, "Starlight" is very good, Chu Yan, I am very glad to meet you, I am Anyang."

After a moment of surprise, Chu Yan calmly curled up his mouth and whispered back: "Hello, I am very glad to meet you, I am Chu Yan."