MTL - Rebirth of Hong Kong’s Glorious Era-Chapter 113 inherited

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Li Wansui hesitated for a moment, then made a decision in his heart. He glanced at Fang Yihua and Lin Cixiang in the room and said, "Uncle Six, I have some ideas. I want to talk to you alone."

The other three were a little surprised that Li Wansui said so, Lin Cixiang was the first to recover, not knowing what the **** Li Wansui was up to, but the two had become friends recently, and immediately said: "The sixth uncle, you and A Sui should talk first. , Ms. Fang and I will go outside and wait for a while." After speaking, he patted Li Wansui on the shoulder, implying that he would not cause any trouble.

Lin Cixiang's remarks also helped Li Wansui step down. Li Wansui's request can be said to be rude. He wanted to chat with Uncle Six alone, which meant letting him and Fang Yihua go out. Fang Yihua wouldn't necessarily give Li Wansui face, so he agreed directly, presumably Fang Yihua didn't have much to say.

Sure enough, Fang Yihua heard what Lin Cixiang said, glanced at Li Wansui, got up and went out with Lin Cixiang, only Li Wansui and Shao Yifu were left in the house.

Shao Yifu said with a smile: "A Sui, now tell me what's your problem."

"Uncle Six, my ambition is not to act. You know that I am from the mainland. I plan to go to the mainland in two or three years to develop." Li Wansui said solemnly.

Shao Yifu was stunned for a moment, thinking he had heard it wrong, and asked incredulously, "A Sui, do you want to go back to the mainland for development?"

Li Wansui nodded and said, "Well, the mainland is my hometown, I have the responsibility and obligation to go back and do my little bit to help her."

He stood up and said with a serious and serious expression: "Uncle Six, maybe my thoughts are ridiculous! I have always thought that our Chinese nation is noble and noble, and I am very proud and proud of this! This time in Xiangjiang The experience made me feel very uncomfortable. On the first day I got my ID card, it was written that I was an overseas subject of the Queen of England, hehe, I am a descendant of Yan and Huang, how can I be the second-class of the Queen of England with my tail wagging. Subject! These days, seeing the British police on the street do their best, and watching the British stomping on our heads, I feel heartbroken. Even my girlfriend's family goes to a nun's school. This is cutting off our cultural heritage and weakening the national identity of our next generation. I am deeply stimulated. Various phenomena in Xiangjiang make me feel that this is all national. The reason is weak. So I am determined to serve the motherland and the nation, and add fuel to the rejuvenation of our Chinese nation. At present, being a star is just a means of making a living in Hong Kong. I always believe that education and industry can revive China. I also learned a lot of skills in computing. Now I am planning to open an electronics factory, and the mainland is also reforming and opening up. When the mainland policy is implemented, I will return to China to realize my ideals and serve the country with industry!"

After a pause, Li Wansui continued, "Uncle Six, although it's the first time I've seen you, I can tell from your Shanghai dialect that you're a family lover, your accent is hard to change, and you must be deeply attached to that land. , so I said this to you. Now that Xiangjiang is a colony, my thoughts are too shocking to be recognized by others, so I want to chat with you alone. I don’t think the contract is suitable for me, and I still have There are a lot of things to prepare, raise funds, set up factories, and develop technology. I know that the stage is very important to me, and I am afraid that I will be poached. I promise that I will only shoot TV dramas for TVB, and I will film in the stage as soon as I have time, and the pay is all You can not, it can be regarded as a kind of repayment for the support in the stage."

Li Wansui racked his brains to say such a half-truth and portrayed himself as a person with great feelings.

He has no doubt that Shao Yifu loves China, and must have a strong sense of identification with the Chinese nation. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a patriotic businessman. Otherwise, how can you donate so much money, and there are also a lot of donations from the rich in Hong Kong, but it is only to form a good government and make more money. Some people do so many good deeds because of their true patriotic feelings. Mr. Shao Yifu clearly belongs to the latter.

He packaged himself as a patriot, hoping to arouse the identity of the tycoon in front of him, who has always been concerned about the development of the mainland. In 1985, when he was the poorest in the mainland, he began to donate money to build school buildings in the mainland. He can understand his own feelings. Feelings, so that I can continue to absorb nutrients under the big tree of wireless. After all, Li Wansui didn't want much, he just didn't sign the contract.

Li Wansui wanted to turn this negotiation on a commercial contract into a support from a patriotic senior to his junior.

He really had no choice but to come up with such a bad idea. I really can't think of any conditions that can impress this old man who has been ups and downs in the business sea for decades. You can only describe yourself as the same kind of person as this old man, tell yourself that you are determined to serve the motherland, and awaken the old man's sense of national identity, so that the old man's goodwill towards him will be greatly increased, and it will be convenient for the old man to relax.

This trick may not work in the mainland, because there are patriots everywhere, but Xiangjiang, it may be feasible. In this land, a clear-cut patriotism is not the mainstream. It has been more than 100 years since it became a colony. The older generation is fine, but there are not many younger generations. It is not to say that they are all fake foreign devils. I don't think deeply about the issue of serving the country at all, at least no wireless star has ever shown it like this!

After Li Wansui finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Shao Yifu. He didn't know if his bad idea could impress Shao Yifu.

When Shao Yifu heard what Li Wansui said, he was a little emotional. He recalled his life experiences in mainland China when he was young, and various progressive youths gave high-spirited speeches on their political propositions, called for the awakening of the nation, and promoted various methods and concepts of salvation and survival. He also recalled the memories of passionate Chinese intellectuals who returned to the mainland to fight against Japan to save the country when they were in Nanyang. The serious look and emotion of Li Wansui when he spoke made Shao Yifu superimpose Li Wansui with those figures in his memory.

With reminiscence on his face, he sighed and said, "Ah Sui, I was born and raised with Ning Bo, and my career started in Shanghai. Back then, my eldest brother Shao Zuiweng took us to Tianyi Films, which we founded in Shanghai in 1924. Our brothers worked together and developed rapidly. In 1926, together with my third brother, I founded Shaw Brothers, and I went to Nanyang with a worn-out silent projector and the "Tianyi" film, and toured the Nanyang countryside, and opened Amusements and movie theaters have developed very rapidly. After the 9/18 incident, the situation was unstable, and we opened a branch in Xiangjiang. Before the full-scale outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in 1937, our brothers Shaw Brothers in Nanyang had 110 theaters and 9 The home amusement park echoes the north and south of Shanghai Tianyi Films, divides labor and cooperates, and the scenery is indistinguishable. But later RB people destroyed all this, Shanghai and Nanyang fell one after another, and our brothers’ careers were greatly affected.”

He picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued to say slowly: "At that time, I understood that if the country is not strong, businessmen will be like rootless duckweed, and they will be humiliated. The current Xiangjiang... alas"

Shao Yifu took a long sigh and did not finish talking about what happened to Xiangjiang at the moment. He fell into memory, his eyes were slightly closed, his expression kept changing, and many memories of the past flashed in his mind.

There was silence in the tea room, and Li Wansui was not in a hurry to speak. Shao Yifu was aroused by this emotion, and he was very confident that he would pass the test smoothly.

After a long time, Shao Yifu said: "Some of your views are too radical, don't say it to the outside world, how dare you not bow your head under the low eaves? But you are still young, and there are not many young people in Xiangjiang who have your heart. As an individual , I appreciate your heart of serving the country, and it will be convenient for you. Your contract with the financial office will remain unchanged, and everything else will remain the same. But as a businessman, I hope you don't do anything that harms the interests of wireless. " At the end of the speech, the tone involuntarily increased a bit.

Li Wansui nodded solemnly, he really loves his nation and country deeply in his heart, although his remarks are half-truths, there are also his true thoughts in it, saying: "Sixth uncle, you are my respect. Senior, don't worry, I have issued Hongyuan, and I will spend my whole life to give our country a place in the electronics industry."

Shao Yifu smiled and said, "Why do you think it's so simple. You're just a university teacher, don't be too ambitious."

Li Wansui also chuckled: "Uncle Six, in a year, you will see me come up with an epoch-making product, and then we will discuss." As a traveler, Li Wansui never lacks confidence.

"Okay, don't mention anything that hasn't happened. "Don't forget your original intention, you will always be the one who will always be there," these eight words are given to you. You can continue to cheer. I am getting old, and you are reminded of me, and I am a little tired. , rest for a while. You go out first, work hard! If you are in trouble, you can come and visit me, maybe I can help you a little." Shao Yifu waved his hand, indicating that Li Wansui can go out.

As soon as Li Wansui bowed, he rarely gave such a big gift, but this old man deserved it, and then turned around and closed the door.

Fang Yihua and Lin Cixiang were waiting outside the door. Seeing Li Wansui coming out, Fang Yihua ignored him and went in. Obviously, he did not have a good impression of him. Lin Cixiang on the side asked: "Ah Sui, how is it, has the contract been negotiated? "

Seeing Lin Cixiang's, Li Wansui smiled and said, "Brother Lin, I haven't signed a contract, but Shao Daheng has already promised, everything will be business as usual, what it was before will be what it will be in the future, I'm still a wireless person."

Lin Cixiang looked surprised and said in a low voice, "How could this be? The sixth uncle's style is a matter of price. How can you be allowed to take advantage of the company so much."

Li Wansui looked awe-inspiring, as if talking to himself: "This is inheritance, the inheritance of an old man's belief in a younger generation. Brother Lin, don't ask any further questions, just say that I have signed a contract. The other artists took me as an example, and negotiated conditions with the company. It's embarrassing for you and Uncle Six."

Lin Cixiang nodded, confused, but Li Wansui said so, he didn't go into it, and he valued Li Wansui a little more in his heart. What Li Wansui said was too sensational, and the inheritance was said.

In the tea room, Fang Yihua looked at Shao Yifu with a tired face, glanced at the blank contract on the coffee table, and said, "Sixth brother, that kid didn't sign it?"

Shao Yifu closed his eyes slightly and said, "Yihua, don't embarrass him in the future, everything will be business as usual."

Fang Yihua was stunned for a long time, then he touched Shao Yifu's forehead in surprise, felt the temperature, everything was normal, and said, "Sixth brother, what's wrong with you?"

Shao Yifu waved his hand with a smile, indicating that everything is normal, and said: "When I am old, I see the seeds of hope, and I will never kill the chicken to get the eggs. There are more people like this, and there are more seeds like this, so our nation can stand. Survive."

Fang Yihua listened in a fog, and said, "What did you say? Sixth brother, what hope is there, and what does it have to do with the nation?"

Shao Yifu said with a smile: "Okay, don't ask, just don't embarrass him in the future."

"Okay, the company is yours, you can do whatever you want." Fang Yihua said a little dejectedly.