MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 992 Abandoned people

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  Chapter 992 Abandoned people

   "Brother Du!" Long Yonglin followed behind Chen Zhongyuan, wearing a brand new police uniform, smiling and waving to Du Fei, looking very enthusiastic.

  Du Fei didn't expect him to come with Chen Zhongyuan, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

  Looking at Chen Zhongyuan, he said doubtfully, "Third Uncle, this..."

  Chen Zhongyuan said: "Xiaolong graduated from middle school last year and now works in the bureau."

  Long Yonglin stretched out his hand hey: "Brother Du, are you startled?"

  Du Fei also shook hands with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder: "You boy, you can do these moths."

   I haven't seen him for almost two years. Long Yonglin is a little less immature than before, and he is almost as tall as Du Fei.

   The two met by chance, but became friends because of their congenial spirit.

  Wrote several letters in the middle.

  When Chen Zhongyuan went to Jinz, Du Fei introduced Long Yonglin.

  But I don't know how Chen Zhongyuan came into contact with the Long family after he left.

  Looking at the current situation, the relationship between the two parties should be good.

  Du Fei first sent Long Yonglin to the guest house by motorcycle.

  This time I came to the capital for a meeting to provide a guest house. Chen Zhongyuan has a home in the capital, so he doesn't need to live in a guest house.

  Du Fei sent Long Yonglin there first.

  During the day, Long Yonglin was going to visit some old friends of his family.

   Then Du Fei sent Chen Zhongyuan home.

  Shen Jingya has to go to work in the morning, and the two children are here during the summer vacation.

  As soon as she entered the room, Chen Xiaoxue chattered, Dad was long, and Dad was short. Chen Jianshe was a little silent, but it could be seen in his eyes that he missed his father very much.

  Chen Zhongyuan comforted his daughter, then stretched out his hand to touch the top of his son's head out of habit.

  But halfway through, he patted his shoulder instead, and said with a smile: "Jianjian, dad is not at home, thanks to you for taking care of mom and sister."

  Chen Jianshe is eleven years old, and has grown a lot taller. He pursed his lips like a little adult and let out a "hmm", tears rolling around his eyes, trying not to cry.

   But they are children after all. When Chen Zhongyuan took out the presents for them, the two soon became happy.

  Chen Zhongyuan and Du Fei sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted about the recent situation.

   Now Chen Zhongyuan has gained a firm foothold in Jinz.

  He needs ability, ability, experience, and background. After he went, he got the real power after only a short trial.

  But this real power is not so easy to grasp.

   As I said earlier, the status of Jinz is a bit delicate at this time.

   A lot of people are staring at this.

  Even later, a small city was split into two cities abruptly.

  Du Fei could see that in less than a year, Chen Zhongyuan looked much older.

   It can be seen that working there is not easy.

   Then Chen Zhongyuan asked about Du Fei's situation.

  After listening to him talk briefly, he couldn't help reaching out to pat Du Fei, and said with emotion: "Xiao Fei, you are really promising, if eldest sister knows..."

  Du Fei remained silent.

   The two fell silent.

   After a while, Du Fei said: "Third Uncle, after the meeting tomorrow, you and Auntie will bring Xiaoxue Jianshe to my house for dinner~"

  Chen Zhongyuan agreed with a smile, and then asked: "Is Xiaoting going to give birth soon?"

  Du Fei said "hmm": "I guess next month~"

  Chen Zhongyuan said happily: "Your boy is also a father. When the time comes, let Xiaoxue and Jianshe go to his aunt's house for two days. Your aunt will come and help with the work. We can't have no one in our house."

  Du Fei responded, knowing that Chen Zhongyuan was supporting him.

   There was no father or mother in the first place. For such a big event, it would be too ugly if no relatives were present.

  After leaving Chen Zhongyuan's house, Du Fei went back to work.

  As soon as he entered the hospital, he saw Zhou Xiaobai walking out angrily, almost bumping into his arms at the door.

   "Oh? What's wrong?" Du Fei asked.

   Zhou Xiaobai saw that it was him, pouted and called "Manager".

  Du Fei responded, and saw Luo Yun chasing from behind. He didn't know what happened to the two little girls.

   Zhou Xiaobai and Luo Yun are really good sisters.

   Without Zhou Xiaobai, it would be impossible for Luo Yun to work here.

  But Du Fei could tell that although Luo Yun was young, she was quite scheming.

  Following Zhou Xiaobai, the picture is to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

   As for the girl Zhou Xiaobai, she is not stupid and sweet.

  She may not know what Luo Yun is like.

  Just being happy to enjoy some of the benefits leaked out through the fingers, can make Luo Yun follow suit.

   I just don’t know what happened today, did the two of them have a quarrel, or something else?

   Zhou Xiaobai did not explain, and ran out as soon as he turned around.

  It was Luo Yun behind, who was a little apprehensive when she saw Du Fei, and called out politely: "Hello, Manager Du~"

  Du Fei nodded: "Go after her~ nothing will happen to you."

  Luo Yun let out a hurried "Hey" and ran out in a hurry.

   Du Fei looked back.

  Seeing Luo Yun chasing after her and holding Zhou Xiaobai back, she didn't know what to say.

   Zhou Xiaobai stomped his feet a little bit in a petty temper.

   But judging from their appearance, it seems that they are not in conflict with each other.

  Du Fei couldn't help thinking, is this girl in love?

  But Zhong Yuemin, who was originally a couple with her, went to Danguo with Li Yuanchao last year...

   Another thought, no butcher can’t eat hairless pigs~

  Without Zhong Yuemin, there would naturally be Zhang Yuemin and Li Yuemin, otherwise the girl would not be married.

  Thinking of this, Du Fei didn't think any more, and went straight back inside.

  As soon as she sat down in the office, Julie came in from the outside.

   Recently, Zhu Li's condition has adjusted, and she looks good.

   "This is the briefing for the past few days." Julie put a handwritten briefing on the desk.

  Du Fei turned over the hard-shelled notebook, which was filled with sharp and majestic regular script.

  At this time, regardless of men and women, writing is with a sharp air, like a sword horizontally and vertically, and like a knife, unlike later generations who write Chinese characters like butter bread.

  This is the weather of this era.

  Du Fei turned two pages and said thank you: "I'll take a closer look later."

  Julie let out a "hmm" and sat on the sofa next to her, watching Du Fei hesitate to speak.

   Du Fei noticed that she was unusual, and asked, "Second Sister, what do you do?"

  Julie's lips were a little dry, she licked them subconsciously, and said with a dry smile, "It's actually nothing."

  When Du Fei heard it, there was something wrong~

   smiled and said: "Second sister, we are not outsiders, why are you being polite to me~"

  Julie was in a complicated mood, thinking to herself: "You're welcome, I want to borrow a seed from you, do you want to borrow it?"

   It's just that this kind of tiger and wolf words must not be spoken.

  Zhu Li coughed dryly: "Well... I heard from Xiao'e that the couple had been married for several years and had no children. In the end, it was you who helped me?"

  Du Fei happened to drink saliva, and almost coughed from choking.

  I don’t know the cause and effect, but when I heard this, I thought he had something to do with Lou Xiao’e~

   hurriedly said: "You are my own sister, I dare not talk nonsense, what can I do for someone to have a baby?"

  Julie also realized that the words were somewhat ambiguous, and explained: "Hey~ It's that kind of medicine. Didn't the elder brother-in-law take the medicine you gave, and the elder sister became pregnant again~"

  Du Fei understood what she meant.

  Speaking of which, if Zhu Li and Liu Jingwen are not divorced now, and give Liu Jingwen some Qianjin Mijing Pills to eat, it may really suppress Zhu Li, the little white tiger.

   But the problem is that there is no if.

   Now that Julie doesn't even have a man, it's too late to say anything.

  But Du Fei didn't dare to be perfunctory, lest Julie be overwhelmed.

   "Second sister, it's not that I don't help." Du Fei explained: "At the beginning, I really didn't know about your situation..."

  Julie waved her hands and said, "What are you talking about, you're leaving."

  Du Fei didn't understand, so: "Then you are..."

  Julie's ears felt hot, and she didn't know what to say, so she simply stood up: "Forget it, I'm just asking, I'll go back first~"

   After finishing speaking, he fled away a little bit.

  Actually, Julie didn't know what she was thinking.

  Just now I wanted to send Du Fei a briefing.

  But for no reason, when Lou Xiaoe chatted with her before, she mentioned that she would not have children for several years.

   It was brought up by accident.

  As a result, the prologue is inconsistent.

  Backing to her office, Julie rubbed her head involuntarily, wondering if she would go crazy if she continued like this.

  Du Fei was a little strange, but he never thought that someone would be greedy for his seeds.

  Seeing that Julie left, although it was a little strange, she didn't mind too much.

  At this moment, Zhang Wenzhong from the front yard knocked on the door and came in.

   Du Fei raised his head and said with a smile, "Old Zhang~"

  Zhang Wenzhong said: "Manager, two people came outside and said they want to see you."

   As he spoke, he took out a letter and handed it over.

  Du Fei looked at the envelope, and it turned out to be a letter from Lou Hongyi.

  The letter was not mailed, it was brought directly, and there was no stamp or postmark on the envelope.

  Du Fei took it apart and glanced at it.

   As expected, he asked Zhang Wenzhong to bring him in.

  Before Lou Hongyi told Du Fei that several families with big surnames over the ink pad wanted to send their children to study abroad.

  He said he was studying abroad, but he actually came for military training.

   One is to hone the talents of the younger generation of the family, and the other is to take a closer look at the situation of Huahua.

   Of course Du Fei liked this request.

   This is also in line with the current wind direction.

  In addition, SJZ has made a lot of preparations to receive Orientals.

   One sheep is also driven, and two sheep are also herded.

   After a while, two dark-skinned young men walked in.

  Both of them are not short in stature, and they are very energetic.

   "Mr. Du, I take the liberty to visit, my sire Huang Delu, this is my younger brother Huang Debiao..." The slightly taller young man introduced himself.

  Du Fei came out from behind the desk with a smile: "Please sit down, both of you. I heard that Nanyang Huang's family is concerned with planting flowers. During the Anti-Japanese War, Mr. Huang was really admirable and admirable for his great support to the country."

  Huang Delu and Huang Delu knew that Du Fei was talking about their grandfather, and they felt proud: "Mr. Du is overjoyed. Although my Huang family lives overseas, I have never forgotten that I am a descendant of Yanhuang..."

   After flattering each other for a while, they finally got down to business.

  The Huang family brothers came here mainly to make a stand in the front and arrange the general things before they can send people over later.

  Du Fei asked: "How many people do you plan to come this time?"

  Huang Delu said: "We have five families in total, and we agreed to have one hundred people in each family, and a total of about five hundred people."

   After hearing this, Du Fei frowned slightly.

  The brothers of the Huang family "thumped" in their hearts.

  Huang Delu hurriedly asked: "Mr. Du, is there any difficulty?"

  Du Fei waved his hand: "That's not it, it's just... a state of disunity and independent affairs, which is not a good thing."

  Huang Delu and Huang Debiao were stunned for a moment.

  Du Fei said with a serious face: "The situation this time is not simple. If you are in a mess, I'm afraid..."

  These words changed the faces of the Huang family brothers.

   Du Fei obviously had something to say, but he stopped talking and said nothing more.

  Turning to talk about contacting, and writing a letter of introduction to them.

   Just go to SJZ and report directly to the military academy, and the greetings have already been made there.

  The two of them came out after finishing their work, both a little resentful.

   "Brother, what did you mean by him just now?" Huang Debiao glanced back and asked in a low voice.

  Huang Delu's expression was serious: "I'm afraid I discovered something we didn't know. Send a telegram to my father immediately."

  Huang Debiao bit his lip and nodded.

   Those who traveled far to Nanyang have always had ill-fated fate.

  Now, there are bad signs again, which makes his heart heavy.

   And according to Du Fei, it seems that the situation is more serious than they expected.

  Du Fei also sighed helplessly after the Huang brothers left.

  He knew what was going to happen, but Du Fei was limited in what he could do, which made him feel a little depressed.

   With a thought, I took out a bottle of refreshing soda from the portable space, and poured it down in one breath, which relieved me a little.

   Silently thinking, should I show them the newly made mortar later...

  In the evening, Du Fei came back from get off work to pick up Zhu Ting.

  The two had just finished eating at home when there was a knock on the door.

  Du Fei opened the door, and Long Yonglin stood outside with a smile, holding a big bag in one hand.

  As soon as I entered the room, I saw Zhu Ting and called my sister-in-law.

   "Xiaolong, sit down quickly." Zhu Ting responded with a smile, and returned to the room after a few words of greeting, leaving Du Fei and Long Yonglin to talk.

  In the living room, Du Fei poured him a glass of water.

  After going to work, Long Yonglin became much more mature than before, and the two talked very happily.

  If it weren't for Zhu Ting's situation, she would have never returned home without getting drunk with Du Fei.

   While chatting, Long Yonglin suddenly asked: "Brother Du, there is something, I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

  Du Fei glanced at him and said: "You have already mentioned it, so what else should I say? When we two brothers see each other, we will talk if we have something to say, and fart if we have something to say. Don't be a bitch."

  Long Yonglin glanced at the bedroom and lowered his voice: "Does my sister-in-law have an older brother who is the head of our district?"

  Du Fei was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously thinking that it was Chen Zhongyuan who told him.

  But when I changed my mind, I felt something was wrong again.

  If Chen Zhongyuan said it, Long Yonglin didn't need to use a questioning tone.

  Du Fei nodded in acknowledgment and asked, "Who did you listen to?"

  Long Yonglin explained: "One time when my dad was talking to my uncle, I vaguely listened to it, and I was a little bit uncertain."

  Du Fei gave an "um" and motioned him to continue, what's wrong with Zhu Wei.

  (end of this chapter)

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