MTL - Rebirth of the Tyrant’s Pet: Regent Prince is too Fierce-Chapter 14 Inadvertent intimate contact

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The nine-year-old palace has grown into a cute and bleeding baby! After eating and drinking in the past few years, Gong Yimo often went out to bring some spoils back to fight for teeth, and the days should not be too moist.

Finally, in the palace, I have spared no effort to feed, Xiao Gongyi has grown cute and beautiful, exquisite and unparalleled, and the thinness of the original is no longer seen, the beautiful and cold eyebrows are for this little face, adding a lot of color. !

Gong Yimo likes to pinch the tender meat on the other's face and sighs that it is not easy. The palace boy doesn't eat meat for a long time, or she only feeds some baby fat when she fills the duck. The process is very difficult.

I don't know where the mistakes have occurred in the past three years. The small palace has become a cold-faced old face. Of course... in front of the palace, I’m still a real enchantress, and the palace is ......

Komiya squinted into the cold autumn garden, watching someone who had not yet got up in Sancha, the original face became helpless, and finally sighed.

Why is his emperor so sleepy, as if he is not awake, completely subverting the image she once had in his heart.


He screamed, and the girl in the bed was just turned over, revealing a slightly smoked little face, and the whole bed was quilted by her into a cylinder, a look that she did not hear.

However, Gong Gong knows that the emperor’s recent martial arts has been on the upper level, and the eyes and ears are better than ever.

So how do you do not have breakfast on a daily basis?

Miyazaki put the plate in his hand aside, and reached out to pull the quilt of the palace, who knows that the other person is holding on to death! Opened a pair of sleepy eyes, grievous muttered, "I haven’t arrived at noon, let me sleep for a while..."

On the little face of Bai Shengsheng's snow, a little red lips screamed like this. When he saw the palace, he had the urge to bite off the red lips. He shook his head in a cruel manner and shook away those thoughts.

"You said yesterday that I have taught me two new lessons, biology and geography. I can't help!"

Speaking of this palace, I just want to sigh in the sky, the palace 抉 抉 智 商 商! A lot of things will be taught once and will not be said, but will also be countered. Miyagami feels that the inventory in her head will soon be warned!

She glanced at the other side, and the palace seemed to have just bathed. Also, he started practicing two hours a day early, never interrupted one day. If he goes on like this, he will surpass himself in a few years!

The more I think, the more I feel depressed, the more people than the people who are dead, she is born again, and can't catch up with a local! But... What is the relationship?

The palace is proud of the thought, such a good child is not listening to her anything? Then she is still working so hard, her hands have thighs, and my heart is not panic!

So the palace was a blasphemy, she pumped the quilt, as if she didn’t hear it, she continued to sleep and sleep!

Miyazaki looked at the empty hand, and sighed helplessly again, and the cold eyebrows flashed a little funny. "If that's the case, don't blame me for being so hot!"

After a very domineering, Miyazaki kicked off his shoes and sneaked into the bed. The taste of the palace was so smoldering that he blinked slightly, but his hand was very unfairly placed in the palace to the waist. The foam huddled like a shock, and laughed and stunned!

"Miyazaka! It's against you! I dare to swear, I am dead!"

To say what the palace is afraid of, it is extremely ticklish, feet, squats, neck, waist, thighs, and even knees are deadly places! The palace is not afraid of itching, or it is very tolerable, so every time it is finished with the palace.

But this time is not the same. The day before yesterday, her internal strength has just broken through the wind and nature's third weight. It is the second most important kid to suppress the palace. It can be said that after a while, she will use the absolute internal force to suppress the palace. ! The whole person sat on him and laughed so much!

"Ha ha ha, Gong Xiaoxiao, you have today!"

Both hands of the palace were pressed by the palace, and the bullets were not allowed. The jade face turned red, too slow, and he had to work harder! He is not to be overwhelmed by the emperor!

Gong Yimo's hands quickly put the two hands of the palace and tied them to the top of the head with a defensive force.

She squinted, her face was reddish after the exercise, the water was tender and tender, and it looked very pleasing. The palace was fascinated by this appearance, until the pain in his face came, he was awake and the other was Pinch his face! Damn, he will train this baby fat sooner or later!

"Emperor..." He was very helpless. "It’s almost noon, you use the breakfast."

Said, he used his eyes to signal the plate, but the palace was only awake, the stomach was not hungry, but did not know where to get a feather, smiled, "less transfer topics, I have to look at you today Not really not afraid of it!"

Say, use the feathers to slide on the neck of the palace! Although it is a little itchy, but the palace can be completely tolerated, more helpless.

"Emperor... don't do this."

Seeing the neck is not good, the palace frowned and frowned, another grabbed the other's feet, a beautiful little feet like white jade, really not like a man's feet.

In fact, if the palace wants to resist, now it is not impossible to break free, but before the palace was foamed by him, she hated it. Now she wants revenge, and she still wants to struggle to satisfy her evil taste.

Seeing that the ankle is not afraid of itching, the palace is suffocating, and pouting his mouth to poke his chest. "Hey, people who are not afraid of itching do not hurt the wife, you must be a scum man in the future!"

This accusation is too unreasonable to make trouble, the palace is not refuted, the brow is slightly wrinkled, but see the palace to change the face and smirk!

"Try it here!"

Said, Gong Yimo actually pulled his clothes off! A cold on the chest, let the palace stand up and face, "Emperor! Don't make trouble..."


Gong Yi Mo is not afraid of things big, she looked at the small body of the palace, screaming, "good, small age muscles are pretty!" But he still has some scars left by old injuries, you can see How was it treated in the past year?

Under the naked eyes of the other party, the palace face turned red again, but I couldn’t bear to see the flash in my eyes. I knew that the scar on my chest stabbed her eyes, and my heart moved, and I quickly screamed. It’s gone, it’s not hurting.”

The appearance of this little adult is called the palace, and he smiles. Hey, it’s a sensible little thing, let your sister love it!

Her eyes turned and she reached into the other's clothes and deliberately scratched his waist!

The skin is blind, so that the palace is like a shock, and the body is shrunk. When the other person is itchy, the palace is more unscrupulous, and the dangerous look flashes in the eyes of the palace. I saw him break the belt tied to his hand. In the palace, I was unable to turn over and become the master, but the pressure was on her, but when I saw the palace, I was not afraid, but giggled, and Miyazaki’s eyes were deeply helpless and indulgent.

He reached out and hooked the other's hair and sighed. "Emperor, you are too disobedient."