MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 142 Don't sacrifice

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On Wednesday, when Dr. Zhou came to the house to give a visit to Bai Yihan, the two chatted for a few hours in the room. The chat with the psychiatrist made him too relaxed. Last night, he was too "worked", Bai Yihan turned out to be I can't help but sleep.

Dr. Zhou came out and took the door, whispered: "Asleep."

Mu Jingyuan quietly pushed the door probe to look at it. Bai Yihan slept on the sofa and covered with a thin blanket. It should be that Dr. Zhou saw him sleeping and covered him. Mu Jingyuan worried that he would not sleep well. The neck is also easy to fall off the pillow, then gently enter the house and gently put him to the bed, cover the quilt, and then go out to close the door.

Bai Yihan didn't sleep very hard. When Mu Jingyuan put him on the bed, his consciousness was awake, but he would not blink when he just woke up. He closed his eyes for a while and heard the "咔哒" when he closed the door. The sound is very low, the sound is very small, and it will not have any influence on the person in sleep. Bai Yihan opened his eyes and smirked and smiled softly. Mu Jingyuan grew tall and taller. The more serious it is, everyone says that he is deep-hearted and cold, more and more like a stone, but when he gets along with Bai Yihan, he has his unique gentleness, not how vigorous, but in life. All the small details, such cherish, make Bai Yihan feel safe and warm, he can't imagine how he would be if he lost Mu Jingyuan one day.

He lay down for a while, but couldn't sleep anymore. He simply went to bed and went to find Mu Jingyuan to play. He opened the door and found that the house was quiet. No one was everywhere. Mom didn't watch TV in the living room. Even Yang Lan did not see the trace. He scratched his head and went where?

He found a circle in the house, and no one saw it. It was a strange thing. When he was sleeping, Mu Jingyuan would not stay in the room, and he would never go out. Today is where to go. ? Hey, hey, I fell asleep, left me alone and ran out, waiting for me to catch you, see how I can clean you up!

Forget it, or go back to the room to play the game, he does not believe that the property of the sticky cake Mu Jingyuan can still go to the company without him!

He grinds his teeth and walks back indignantly. He hears a little movement when passing through the door of Bai Boren's study. Well, it was here that I was caught. mock up!

He was close to the entrance of the study and found that the original door was not closed, and a small gap was revealed to make the sound clear. He wore the wool slippers that Mu Jingyuan bought for him, and the carpet in the corridor sucked away the slight footsteps. The person in the study didn't find him close. He was thinking about pushing the door all at once to scare them. He just raised his hand and heard that he should have gone. Dr. Zhou said: "The condition of the young master has improved significantly. His current mood is very stable, and basically there is no tendency to commit suicide or self-harm. The recovery is very fast, and I am surprised. I have been in this industry for so many years, I have seen countless cases, and I saw it for the first time. In this case, this is inseparable from the care and cooperation of the family. From this point of view, the young master is really very happy."

Bai Yihan has lived, what disease do I have? What did he say that I didn’t understand? Isn’t Dr. Zhou not looking for a psychological shadow in the kidnapping that he was asked to give him a guide? He didn't think it was necessary, but he always cooperated well for the family's heart. Dr. Zhou himself said that he is very healthy, but the concern from his family is moving, not disobedient, he is doing psychological counseling, that is, with him. Chatting and going through a process to appease the family, but why should he tell his parents that they are sick? Is he trying to scare his parents to swindle money?

When he was about to rush in and tear down the psychiatrist without medical ethics, he heard Mu Jingyuan clearly with a little bit of joy: "Doctor Zhou said that his suicidal tendency is completely gone? He can recover soon. is it?"

Bai Yihan: You fool, I really believe, where do I come to commit suicide! I have to see what this scammer wants to say!

Dr. Zhou said easily: "You can't say that there is no such thing as it is related to the emotions of the young master. But as long as you can maintain the current state, there is no problem. Complete recovery is a matter of time."

The white mother said with joy: "That is so good. I am afraid every day, I am afraid that what is not good enough makes him unhappy."

Bai Boren said: "You are too nervous. Just like you usually should be fine. It is too nervous to make him think."

Dr. Zhou said: "Mr. Bai is right. It is natural to get along as much as possible."

The white mother asked: "So, does he not have to leave people 24 hours a day? So he has too little private space and will delay Jingyuan’s work."

Dr. Zhou said: "No, in his current situation, the right amount of room for him to have some solitude will not make him cranky."

The white mother sighed with a sigh of relief: "Jingyuan, you don't have to bring him to work in the future, you can also relax."

Mu Jingyuan said: "Auntie, I will take him to the company and I will not feel trouble. He is very embarrassed and will not bother me to work with the white mother's kindness: "Auntie knows that you hurt him, but you also have your own things to do, have to have His own space, there is no way in the previous period, his situation is not good, only you can comfort him, I have to let you stay with him, now he is almost ready, the doctor said nothing, you There is no need to be so tired of myself.

Mu Jingyuan has not spoken yet. Dr. Zhou has already received: "In fact, the case of Little Master is very valuable to me. This method of relieving the emotions of patients through love is really effective. I believe that through the young master. For example, many people can be saved. In fact, thanks to the younger parents who have enlightened parents and friends who care for him, they have the fruits of the present."

Bai Ma Dao: "Yeah, this is to thank Jing Yuan. He made such a big sacrifice for the sake of confession. He not only gave up the marriage contract with Xue Qing, but also promised to temporarily hang with him to appease his emotions. Now that Han Han is really getting better, we don’t know how to thank him and compensate him."

Dr. Zhou said: "It is true that such friendship is admirable. Even if you are a younger brother, few people can sacrifice this step, but don't worry, with the recovery speed of the young master, I believe that Mu will soon return to normal. Life is over."

Bai Yihan squinted and his face was full of tears. When he heard that "Mu can return to normal life soon," he couldn't help but cover his ears and quickly left the infernal study door. .

He left, did not hear the words of Mu Jingyuan below: "Auntie and uncle, I want to confess one thing with you, I am not pretending to be with Han Han, and there is no sacrifice, I really love him, longing for I am able to marry him and hope to get your understanding."

The head of Mu Mu Mu Bai Han creaked, and the sound of various clutter was constantly ringing.

"Jingyuan made such a big sacrifice for a culvert" "He gave up the marriage contract with Xueqing" "Promised to temporarily hang with him to appease his emotions" "This kind of friendship is admirable, even if it is a younger brother Few people can sacrifice this step. "The young master's case is very valuable to me. This method of relieving the patient's emotions through love is really very effective." Mu will soon return to normal. "There are people who have such enlightened parents and friends who care for him, and they have the fruits of the present." "He basically has no tendency to commit suicide or self-harm." "Little Master is really happy" Yes, I am very happy. They do this for me. There are so many people who care about me wholeheartedly for me, but why, my heart is so painful?

He couldn't tell the direction at all. He only stumbled forward. Fortunately, he had returned to his room with his habits for many years. He returned to the most familiar environment and finally couldn't support it anymore. The door slipped to the ground. He wanted to cry aloud. He felt that he had no reason. Everyone was for him. Even if everything was just a scam, it was also a good lie for his little life. He is because he was sick, right. He once committed suicide. It must have been a frightening thing to love his loved ones. Only then will he have something to do with him. Mom must talk to him carefully, Jingyuan and Big Sister. For him to give up the marriage contract, Jing Yuan was originally straight? For him, he was forced to be with a man... Everyone made a huge sacrifice for him. What can he be wronged?

Sure enough, his existence is the disaster of his family. Everything that looks good is actually the illusion that everyone made for his little life!

He pouted, like a sleepy beast, silently, and it was clear that he had just burst into tears. At this time his eyes were dry and a tear could not flow.

It turned out that Mu Jingyuan did not love him. He was with him. He was "a huge sacrifice made for his own health." It was ridiculous that he was still sighing with Mu Jingyuan, saying that his loved ones are also deep. I love myself, the luckiest person in the world. I didn’t expect that my luck was from the “sacrifice” of the beloved. It turns out that one's own happiness is built on the pain of the one who loves it.

It turns out that those who are pampered and warmly cared for because he treats himself "to be closer than his younger brother"? It turned out that the hot night was because... 1 cold? It turns out that he must be on his own "sticky property" not because of love, but because he is a patient with mental instability, need to be comforted at any time? He always carries himself, no private space, will he be tired? Will it bother? Of course it will be.

But he does not want these "sacrifice"! He originally did not expect to be with him. He just wanted to compensate his family silently, compensate Mu Jingyuan, and quietly relive this life.

Mu Jingyuan, I don't want your "sacrifice", okay?