MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 178 Hard to understand?

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Heyuan stood up and stepped closer to Xu Youran, his face was gloomy: "I am sick when I see you? Who do you think you are? I am a hooker, I don't know how many handsome men and women are rushing up, you said you saw I am disgusting? What kind of high are you with me? Oh, you are dissatisfied, I have not given you money before? Because it is a love game, as an ordinary, low-income office worker, how can I have so much money? And I haven't given you, I don't want to ask you, oh, is it too little? But now that it has been clarified, money is certainly not a problem, but if you still don't know how to lift it, I think you are I don't want to know my means."

Xu Youran swears: "I don't want your money, nor your people. I live very well. As long as you are far away from me, I will thank you!"

He Yuan sneered a sigh of relief: "It seems that you still don't understand what I can do to you, for example, at least..." He is close to Xu's ear, a word: "I can Let you, body, defeat, name, crack."

Looking at Xu Youran's big eyes, he sneered at his lips and said: "Do you not like to write a book? As long as I say a word, it will be your black material, some, no, as long as I say it is true, it It is the fact that when everyone feels that you are a morally corrupt person, do you think someone will read your book?"

Xu Youran couldn't bear it, and said: "You are shameless!" A slap in the face, He Yuan did not expect that he actually had the courage to fight himself, for a moment, he was not prepared, and he was slap in the face, suddenly angered, and he punched it. On his chin.

Xu Youran was thin and thin. He was not his opponent at all. He was stepped back by this punch. He Yuan was kicking his stomach and kicking him to the ground.

The pain in the lower abdomen made Xu Youran unable to climb for a while. He struggled a few times. He was forced to raise his face by He Yuan, and He Yuan looked at the handsome face that he was fascinated by and couldn’t help but reach out and touched it. For a moment, the hand holding his hair put a light force and slowed the voice: "Why should you set this tone with me? Are we still not as good as before?"

I really like you very much. ”

Xu Youran floated a mocking smile on his pale face because of pain: "You, do, dream! Even if you kill me, I will not give you such a disgusting liar, even if we just thought of us. I have been together, I can't wait to scrape a layer of skin."

He Yuan’s brain was shy and angered and pulled his hair, which led to a sigh of sorrow. He fangs and fangs: “I don’t know what to lift, toasting, not eating and drinking. In this case, I also You don't have to be polite to you, do you think I can't kill you?"

Xu leisurely mocked and said: "Then come."

He Yuan was very depressed these days. He was angered by his anger. He took him to the ground and sneered at his collar. "It’s a pity to kill you so much, it's better to use it!"

He said, began to forcefully tear the clothes of Xu Youran, Xu leisurely struggled, but now the weather is cold, he wears more clothes, just went home and rushed to write things without taking off the sweater, Knitwear is a hood, and under the leisurely struggle of Xu Youran, He Yuan will not be able to wear his pants for a while.

The two were tearing apart silently, and the knocking on the door rang again. He Yuan’s body shape was stagnation, his face changed suddenly and he took the opportunity to push him away. He rushed to open the door, and Heyuan hurriedly grabbed his ankle. Pulling forward, Xu leisurely stood unsteadily, and "砰" fell to the ground. He knew that most of them were Yanyan. They just wanted to make a cry for help and they were stopped by He Yuan. Help the "呜呜" sound.

In fact, He Yuan was also flustered. He waited for many days before he finally waited for Xu to settle down. He wanted to break him and seal his mouth, threatening him not to say anything about him, but when he saw someone, he I don’t score. After all, this person, he really likes it. There is no more person than his leisurely taste. This will make you want to risk their relationship. I didn’t expect Xu to be so embarrassed. The threat, but also irritated him with a sigh of relief, but did not expect that the work of such a while actually found someone, damn, they should not go to work to go to school, go to school?

The outside people saw no sound inside, and they called out: "You are at home? Are you at home?" It is the sound of Yan Yan.

Xu Youran was so anxious that his eyes were red. He tried his best to struggle, and he wanted to open the hand of Heyuan’s mouth, but Heyuan’s hand was like being welded on his face. He didn’t open it, and Heyuan didn’t make a sound, even his nose was stunned. He couldn’t breathe, and he struggled to make it feel dark. Now he’s going to be dying here, he’s here. miss you.

He Yuan glared at Xu's mouth, looking forward to the people outside the door couldn't hear the movement in the room, thinking that no one would leave, and suddenly felt that the leisure of his leisure was getting weaker and weaker.

Yan Yan can be sure that Xu Youran must be at home, but he didn't respond when he knocked on the door repeatedly, and he just heard a muffled sound from the door. He raised his voice and shouted a few times. He still didn't get a response. He had a glimpse of his heart. The guess must have been an accident. Even though Heyuan was not looking for him, he was alone at home and fell into a coma.

When he thought about it, he scared himself out of a cold sweat, and he no longer knocked the door in vain. He started on the ankle directly. He went down with all his feet and the white ash around the door frame was shaken, but the security door was very strong. I couldn't open it for a while, but now I went to the community security guard to get the spare key too slow. He was so anxious that he had a fire in his eyes and couldn't wait to smash the **** door into pieces.

He Yuan saw the outside Yan Yan not only did not go, but began to madly slammed the door, simply scared to the sky, this door can not last long, even if Yan Yan can not open for a moment, such a big move will also invite The security of the community, as long as Yan Yan said as the owner of the property here that he suspected that the neighbor had something wrong, the security guard would use the spare key to open the door to see what happened. What should I do?

He Yuan was in a hurry, and suddenly found that Xu Youran under the body had not moved for a while, and he was shocked. He looked down and looked down. He saw that Xu Youran was gray and closed his eyes. He didn’t know that he was alive or dead. He was shocked. I was busy releasing my hand.

Xu Youran finally got a breathing space, coupled with the deafening sound of the slamming door, the consciousness that has become faint gradually gradually awake.

He Yuan slammed his face and shouted: "Xu leisure! You wake up! Don't pretend to die!"

Xu Youran closed his eyes and did not move. When He Yuan thought that he was mad at the time he was scared and flustered, it might be that the man’s instinct to survive broke out beyond the imagination, and he took care of himself. Heyuan opened, and desperately climbed up and rushed to the gate. Heyuan rushed to the ground and held it down. Their position was not far from the door. The inertia caused the two to hit the door together. On the top, there was no effort at all, and Xu was snorted, but his hand had touched the doorknob and pressed hard.

The outside Yan Yan just happened to be a pedal, the door opened fiercely, and the two people in the door were taken to the side.

Xu Youran slid directly on the ground and fainted. The flutter had already exhausted his strength. When the door was opened, the heart fainted directly.

Yan Yan rushed into the room, and when he saw Xu Youran lying on the ground, He Yuan’s hand was still pulling his thin wrist, feeling the blood of his body rushing into his mind for a moment. His eyes were red and bloody. He rushed up a few steps and smashed Heyuan, and he took it.

He shook his back and grabbed the person in his arms and shouted a few words "leisure!" but he didn't get a response. He was so angry that he wanted to kill. He didn't know how he was hurting. Seeing how he couldn't wake up, he couldn't help but be anxious. .

He Yuan was scared when he saw him rushing in. He was slammed down by Yan Yan and he felt like the internal organs were twisted together and could not climb.

Yan Yan didn't give up and shouted a few times. He was about to call an ambulance. He saw a coughing and slowly opened his eyes.

Yan Yan was overjoyed and busy: "You are leisurely! How are you doing? What hurts? I will take you to the hospital! Nothing, don't be afraid!"

Xu Youran slowly shook his head, feeling like his body was pulling off his hands, and he was struggling to raise his hand. He lifted his hand and tried to hold Yan Yan to hold his hand. He whispered: "Nothing, just just got him. Suddenly, I didn’t slow down for a while, just a little while.”

Yan Yan was busy holding him up, while constantly giving him a smooth breath, while looking at Heyuan coldly, for a while, he used the most gloomy voice of his life to Heyuan: "How does the family owner have time to run? Come to my lover's house?" When this sentence came out, don't say He Yuan, Xu You, who was busy with the gas, was shocked. He stuck in his throat and couldn't get up and his eyes were rounded.

Yan Yan caressed his chest and whispered: "Exhale."

Xu Youran subconsciously spit out a sigh of relief in his words, and his face was pale with a trace of blood.

He Yuan has been at this point, and he just sat on the ground, heard this sentence, sharply rounded his eyes and said: "Your lover? Are you kidding?"

Yan Yan cold channel: "Do you think I am in a mood to make fun of you?"

He Yuan opened his mouth and was shocked. "How is this possible?!"

Yan Yandao: "How is it impossible? Don't you know that he is Nanshan?"

He Yuan is confused: "Nanshan?"

Yan Yan lifted his chin and said coldly: "Yes, I am a book fan of Nanshan. Maybe it is a godsend. When I moved out, I just became a neighbor with him. Under close contact, my worship of him gradually became more and more It’s hard to understand, is it hard to understand?”

He Yuan was stunned by this news: "You..."