MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 196 What is your opinion?

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Yan Yan answered: "Mu always forgive me, my little sister has not had a good ear recently. She just called her leisurely, and she did not hear it.

Yan Yan is about to blow up the lungs. Why do everyone target her? However, it is not a white han, as for the special pick out? Bai Yihan is nothing but a young son who has no real power in Bai. Although she is young, her generation is very high. According to her seniority, he still has to call her aunt, but she is not salty and not greedy. What?

But picking out the words is not Bai Yihan himself, but Mu Jingyuan, what can she do? Even Yan Yan said that her ears are not good. She can only pinch her nose and recognize it. Sure enough, it is not a false statement that Bai Yihan’s hair can’t be touched. She hasn’t touched Bai Yihan’s hair yet!

She said that Bai Yihan is a white family, and it is necessary to have a wind and rain. How can he be willing to be under the body of others? It used to be here. If there is no such relationship, how can Baijia take it? Mu Jingyuan is so close to death that the East does not play West. Can you say a word wrong? It is said that Bai San is a small collection of thousands of pets in one body. If you look at it, you have not seen where you are, is it not a victim of the family? It is no wonder that this year, it is rumored that Bai San is not arrogant, and it is not embarrassing. It has become stable and retired. Where is it stable? It is clearly recognized that the ugliness of the world is scared. Mu Jingyuan and Bai Yihan formally established their relationship, but is this year? Hey, the look of the surface is infinite, isn’t it actually sent to the family?

When she thought about it, her heart was smoother, and some disdain and pity looked up and saw Bai Yihan.

Bai Yihan: "..., what is Mrs. He thinking?" What is this look?

Yan Yanzheng has some sense of superiority and blurted out: "I am thinking that Bai San is less expensive as the young master of Bai Jia. It is not the same as the two male wives of our family. Why bother..."

Her face changed and she knew that she had made a mistake and was busy with her words.

Bai Yihan: "..." He just wanted to give Xu Youran support, and then took him away from this right and wrong circle. Anyway, the greetings were finished, and the old man went upstairs. It is meaningless to stay with Yan Yan. But how could this fire burnt on him inexplicably? He just looked at her eyes so strangely, and asked casually.

Mu Jingyuan had already seen her eyes look dissatisfied, but Bai Yihan opened his mouth and did not speak. He heard this, his face changed suddenly, and his voice shook with ice: "I see Mrs. He. Not only the ears are not good, but the eyes and spirits are also afraid of problems. If the body is out of order, it is better to go to the hospital to check it out earlier, so as not to cause a big disaster because of some minor illnesses. Is it not worth the loss?"

Yan Yan saw his dark eyes, could not help but startled, all the body is a stiff, she did not expect that Mu Jingyuan turned out to be such a sloppy person, but said a wrong sentence, but also swallowed back a sentence. He actually picks up a woman's fault one after another, and also has a look to kill, it is simply not a demeanor! Moreover, she only said the truth that the sentence could not be placed on the table.

She tried not to let her face sink and reluctantly said: "Thank you for your concern, I am very good."

When Yancheng heard what she had just said, she really wanted to lick her face. Her sister was really spoiled by them. Xu is a good lover or a lover of her nephew. She occupies the identity of her elders and still has no shackles. Is that white han is the eyeball of Mu Jingyuan? Everyone knows that as long as they don't want to offend Mu Jingyuan, they must respect the attitude of Bai Yihan, and they can't stare at him. Because Mu Jingyuan is a vinegar jar, this is common sense, and his sister actually uses that kind of look. I looked at Bai Yihan and spoke so much... It’s not good to hear that Mu Jingyuan’s face on the spot is already a face for Yan’s family.

Mu Jingyuan is not a person without metrics. Bai Yihan is his minefield. When he stepped on it, he will try Bailing. Don’t say that his sister is not a lovable character for Mu Jingyuan, even if it is The white family 呛白一涵一句, Mu Jingyuan is also unhappy, the sister does not understand, in Huacheng, it is not a single family, even if there is a degree, you can imagine, these years down How many people have been offended by her, but the Yan family is pressed on it, no one dares to say it, no strict Yanjin enters the door, there are many people who say hello, but there is no hot stuff except for some fart. What? Can she not feel it herself?

He Yuan also sighed silently. Although his strict identity is good, he is a good sinner. He can’t afford to lose money. This is not a case. Mu Jingyuan is offended. Mu Jingyuan originally There is no good impression on their husband and wife. Now he looks at the face and thinks that he is already on his blacklist.

Although he has been beaten by him, he only needs to be honest, but there is nothing big about it. It is Bai Yihan who can be seriously offended. This is two things, not at all on one level.

A few people from Yan family gathered here, and the rest of the guests had to be entertained. Yan Hui took Zhang Su and the other side to entertain and saw Mu Jingyuan’s past, only to pull Zhang Su want to listen to the situation, no I thought that when I approached, I heard such a sentence, and immediately the faces of both of them were as dark as the bottom of the pot.

At the same time, he changed his face, and he also saw his own younger brother coming over and baited the white Yan.

Yan Jia’s happy event, Bai’s family is naturally going to have a very heavy figure, Bai Boren officially retired behind the scenes, so this time, Bai Yan took Jiang Hua to attend the Yan family’s event, and Bai Xueqing, this time is with Shen Tianyang came together, and her center of gravity has slowly withdrawn.

Since the younger brother moved out, he mostly lived in Jianghua’s home. He couldn’t often see the younger brother. He met this time. Because he just sat on the first place in Bai’s family, he had to socialize and the brothers could not say How long has it been, but although others are not around the younger brother, the corner of his eye has been stealing his movements. Seeing him go to the storm circle of Yan family, he can guess him at once. He is supporting his little brother. He also said with Jiang Hua that the younger brother’s temper can’t be changed. If he makes a good deal with him, he will be heartbroken. Fortunately, his friends who are now paying are reliable, otherwise he is afraid of this. It is to suffer.

Although I know that there is Mu Jingyuan, the younger brother certainly can't afford to lose money, and it's always bad for them to call a group of people, but they still have to worry, they have to approach them quietly. He said to Jiang Hua, always Learn about the developments.

Jiang Hua laughed at this younger brother because he wanted to see it himself.

However, when they just moved to the front, they heard the words of Yan Yan. Bai Yan was so angry that his hair was almost erected. What does this mean that they are selling their sons and selling their younger brothers? Although the latter half of the sentence did not say it, but the presence is not a fool, who can not hear what she wants to express?

When referring to her own "mother's wife", her disdain is beyond words. Doesn't the meaning of the words mean that the two male wives of her own are greedy and vain, and who are trying to squeeze into the giants?

Of course, she said that he did not care about his family, the key is that she is involved! Family! small! younger brother!

Why bother, why bother? Why bother to marry another man in the body of a man? She thought that the marriage between the younger brother and Mu Jingyuan was a marriage of interests? Thinking that the younger brother is a family's victim? This is really a dog that eats cockroaches to see who is yellow! It’s mad!

He glanced at Bai Xueqing, who was standing on the other side with Shen Tianyang, and looked at it from time to time. He thought that this was what he heard, and he could barely hold his breath. If she was heard, I was afraid that I would have to be on the spot. Fried the pot.

He tried his luck to prevent himself from ignoring his words. He remembered it twice in his heart: this is a big occasion for Yan family. It must be considered by many parties, considerate in many ways, calm down, and hold on to the air... It’s a long story, actually his heart I can't turn a moment to read the electricity. He thought that he had already controlled his facial expression before going out. In fact, his face is not better than Mu Jingyuan. Of course, Jiang Hua is not good enough. Bai Yihan is what he recognizes. Younger brother, he was the first person in the world to call his brother's relatives, and he was very different from Bai Yihan.

Bai Yan took a step forward and said with a black face: "Mr. He said this, Bai did not understand, can you bother Mrs. He, explain to Bai."

Originally, Yancheng’s head was wrong. Although he was very strict with his mouth, he had to speak for his sister. He did not expect to have a mouthful. He was robbed first. He looked up and his heart was cold. Dao: This is good. I have been offended by people, and my brother has heard it.

Bai Yan took the position of the white family leader. Although the time is still short, it is the principal of Bai’s present. When Yan Yan sees him, he also has some guilty conscience. After all, everyone knows this kind of thing, and it’s hard to say it. Bai Yan heard it, fearing that there was no light on his face.

She also knows that this is her own loss. She is the daughter of Yan family. She can say what she can say. It is also known that she can’t say anything. It’s just that she is being confused today, and she will say it without the brain.

She smiled awkwardly: "Don't mind, I don't mean anything else, it's not very comfortable today."

Although Yan Hui and Yan Yan have a sullen face, in the end, they care about their own family. Both Bai and Mu are in the hall. The hall is also a gathering of guests. It is not appropriate for them to join in the fun. This account can only wait for the party after the banquet. Count, just look mad at the knife.

Jiang Hua Shen said: "Mrs. He is not feeling well, or he is getting medical treatment as soon as possible, so as not to say anything more, hurting the feelings of the three families."

Yan Yan’s life is arrogant. It’s the limit to say that the similar apology was just now. At this time, I heard that Jiang Hua’s little-known little person dared to speak to her. Wherever he could hold it, he also said coldly: Who are you? Do you dare to speak to me?"

Jiang Hua has not spoken yet, Bai Yan has already said: "His name is Jiang Hua, it is my lover. We intend to hold a wedding with the younger brother. I will marry him to be a 'mother wife'. What does Mrs. He have?"