MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 60 Secondary line task (1)

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Secondary line task (1)

When Shi Qing was kissed by a pro-independence, his eyes were still watery, and he returned to God for a long time.

Then he shouted with a surprise: "Qin Mo?" Qin Mo restored memory? ! Also! The tasks are all completed, and it is indeed time to restore the memory.

Qin Mo held him, and he was stunned by his unsatisfied lips. He whispered: "Well, it is me."

Shi Qing was surrounded by great joy. He bent his eyes and looked at Qin Mo. The corner of his mouth couldn’t control his rise, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

Qin Mo's appearance is still Qi Zimo, the attitude of young, less calm, more sharp, but also add some gorgeous beauty to this exquisite appearance.

He stared at Shiqing, his eyes fell unconsciously on his lips, and then he bowed again, and he slammed it harder, separated his teeth, and entangled him. He seemed to be incomprehensible, charming, and intoxicating. Sweet seduce the deep desires in the heart.

Shi Qing did not have a little resistance, his hands wrapped around the neck of Qin Mo, leaning his head, some clumsy but sincerely responded, was asked, and also learned to ask.

The lingering kiss ended and the two breathed a little.

At this time, Shiqing was a little embarrassed... When he faced Qin Xiaomo, he could still stabilize, but when he faced the Qin desert, the tension of 100,000 points came to his mind.

Especially remember what you did before...

Although it seems that Qi Zimo took the initiative, but Qin Mo did not remember at that time, he took the initiative to scrape through it, not to attract people, especially Qi Zimo is so small, he promised to marry God...

At this time, he said that he was only trying to marry a child. Is it still useful?

Will it be shot...qaq.

Being entangled, the responsibility of being a system came, just giving him a chance to escape temporarily!

“Triggering the secondary line mission to repair the damaged trial space and life space.”

When Shi Qing’s eyes are bright, there are actually sub-line missions!

Because I read the manual before, Shi Qing is clear about the various tasks, and the secondary line task is different from the side line task. The spur task must be completed before the main line task is completed, and the sub line task can be called the follow-up task, which is triggered after the main line task is completed.

The trigger condition is unknown, and the random task is generally based on luck.

Although the reward of the secondary line mission is not surprisingly random, it is a good task to collect money!

After the successful completion, the number of points rewards won is beyond imagination!

Although Shi Qing was ruined before, but it triggered the sub-line task, it could not be better.

Of course, there is another point that makes Shiqing very gratified. With the secondary line task, they can continue to stay in the world for a while. Although the main line task is completed, the world is messed up by them.

If they leave like this, then Qi Zimo and Xia Nuo will be together, and they will face a super mess.

Qi Zi Mo Niu forced him to become a public enemy in the world in five years. Even if Xia Nuo lived, his work has already been done, and the neuropathy has already been activated. How will the life of the two be, It’s really a bad future.

These are all caused by him and Qin Mo, and when they become like this, Shi Qing is very upset.

Not to mention the sub-line task has a lot of rewards, even if there is no, as long as there is a chance for this remedy, he will certainly take my good.

Sending the task prompt to Qin Mo, Shi Qing also explained in detail how the secondary line task is going on.

Qin Mo did not hesitate to accept the task.

When Qing Qing breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately looked at the mission objectives seriously and asked unconsciously: "Is the trial space and the living space?"

Qin Mo’s line of sight finally moved away from someone’s mouth. When he heard the inquiry from Qing, he asked: “Can the space of Xia Nuo enter?”

Shi Qing gave a slight glimpse, and then tried to enter, and found that he could not enter!

Qin Mo said: "The space of Qi Zimo is also damaged."

So, is the trial space and life space referring to the space of these two people? Can you complete the task by fixing them?

It sounds like this task seems very difficult. If you fix the space, Shiqing, who is reading the library, can be sure that no books have been recorded.

I have never heard of any damage to the space, so there is no possibility of repair.

It seems to be a task goal without a clue, but for Shi Qing and Qin Mo, it is not difficult at all.

They, someone survives!

As early as when Shi Qing first met Qi Zimo, he led Qi Zimo to save. I couldn't contact Qin Mo before, so I couldn't read the file, but now... they can read the file!

The space damage of Xia Nuo is definitely because of this death, the space damage of Qi Zimo is estimated to be a disease in these five years...

Just avoid all this, as long as they don't happen, then their space will naturally not be damaged!

In this way, it is not easy to get the mission objectives?

Not only can they complete the task, but they can also change their lives and let them really have a good ending.

When I thought of it, Shiqing was happy. He looked at Qin Mo in a hurry: "Read the file!"

Qin Mo smiled slightly: "Good."

Time goes back, the sun and the moon go back.

The two returned to the weekend when Qi Zimo and Shano met five years ago.

Once again, I saw Xia Xia Xia Mu, and there were still seven friends who were alive and kicking. Shi Qing almost didn’t have tears.

After Xia Nuo’s death, Xia’s Xia’s mother was severely hit. Although they had been guarded by Qi Zimo, the only son was gone, and they were instantly whitened and embarrassed.

When I saw them again, Shi Qing felt that he was full of emotions... He couldn’t help but associate, if he could be born again, he could return to his father’s side... He thought about it, he could not help but shake his head. Still don't be too greedy.

For a dinner, Shiqing did not know what it was like. It was just a hard-working dish. Xiafu Xia was very surprised, but he accepted it.

The son is filial, they are naturally happy.

Qin Mo has always been in the eye, because there is the memory of Qi Zimo, and lived for five years as Qi Zimo, so although he wears it back and stays in the body of an eleven-year-old child, there is no Too much a sense of violation.

Coupled with the fact that Qi Zimo itself is precocious, the quiet and calm character is as good as the Qin desert, so there is no flaw.

Shi Qing was excited for a night, and went to sleep, but also the tide.

However, it is not Xia Xia Xia, it is a small desert.

I didn't expect to see Qin Xiaomo again, hey, it's good!

This time, it is Zhen Qin Xiao Mo, Qin Xiao Mo with memory!

But... then he didn't have to be proud, because Qin Xiaomo's body is small, but it is not the simple, kind, and lovely Qizi ink.

Qin Mo held him and said: "Don't go to school tomorrow."

Shi Qing: "..." At the beginning, Qizi Mo had let him go to school, but he had to go back to the house at night!

"What? You want to go?"

Shi Qingzhi Zhiwu: "That...Sino has always wanted to be a teacher. If you don't go to school and don't take the exam, you can't stay in school."

“What does the teacher do?”

"As a teacher... this... oh..."

"You can rest assured that Shano will have a better life, a more fulfilling life, and no time to stay in school."

Shi Qing: "..." is not quite right.

Qin Mo hugged him and kissed him on his white neck: "Shi Qing, you promised me, stay with me."

Very good, the positive snake sperm came back, and his life freedom really patted his wings and flew away.

Although the eleven-year-old Qi Zimo is also a strange child, Shi Qing can still take a look.

When he hit the eleven-year-old snake sperm host, he could only be defamed.

Putting down the problem of going to school first, Shi Qing began to worry about it: "Although reading the file, Xia Nuo's space is fixed, but the space of Qi Zimo has not been activated, so it is said that the space must be activated successfully to complete the task. ”

The fuses of all previous incidents occurred in the space assessment of Qi Zimo, so they have to avoid a lot of things in the first step, so that they will not repeat the same mistakes and go on the old road.

He was seriously thinking about how the first step was going, and Qin Mo whispered to him: "Sleep, nothing, everything has me."

When Qing Qing gave a slight glimpse, he immediately smiled and bent his eyes. Yes, Qin Mo came back.

With him, what is no longer a problem.

Although he was very afraid of him at the beginning, now he only feels that there is a Qin desert, and his heart is solid and uneasy.

In this way, the deep tiredness came, and I couldn't sleep for five years. I finally found a resting harbor, and I was so relaxed and very sleepy.

Seeing that Qing Qing was asleep, Qin Mo opened his eyes, lightly pulled out his arm, carefully covered the quilt for him, then went out of bed and pushed the door to the next door.

"Yan Qi."

Yan Qi slept late, and at the moment he heard the call of Qi Zimo, and immediately got out of bed, respectfully said: "Young Master."

Qin Mo looked at him and then said, "Follow me."

Yan Qi didn't know what to do, he could only follow the room behind him.

Xiajia’s area is a civilian area. The housing prices are low, and the households are sparse. Xiafu and Xiamu are also well-off families. There is also a small yard behind the house. At this time, Qi Zimo and Yan Qi are standing in this yard.

In the previous five years of the campaign, although Qi Zimo used excessive power to make his space hit hard, he was also a genius, highly savvy, and spontaneously realized a safe and effective way to use space power.

The space of Yan Qi is the power of the wind. Qi Zimo knows his space well. Now it is easy to guide.

When he heard the words of Qi Zimo, Yan Qiyi began to be confused and unknown, but then he saw the whirlwind gradually formed in his palm. The ripples in his heart were like waves crashing on the shore, and the waves were surging.

Yan Qi never thought that he had such a powerful force.

The author has something to say: the host is back, the mission will be all the way to the end of the quick battle!

Yesterday I wrote and said: "I want to write abo in the next small world, to write brothers, to write meat and flesh!"

Edited: "Hey, I don't have time to give you a meal."

Me: "qaq" 2k novel reading network