MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 394 Brissot's purpose

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  Chapter 394 The purpose of Brisso

   "But aren't we going to fight the border guards now? Why don't we just recruit enough people and fight these government troops first?"

  Raymond Eddie didn't quite understand what his brother was thinking.

   "Hehe. You have to understand that the manpower you recruit in Manguali must be for money, but the manpower you recruit in Bittenkot Town is different."

  Briso Eddie said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, with a confident expression on his face.

   "What's the difference? Serving as a soldier is paid, whether you join us or join the government army, isn't it just for this military salary?"

   "You are wrong, many people have to take up arms for money, but some people are not for money!"

   "Not for money, why?"

   "For revenge!"

   "Revenge? Who is against whom?"

   "Hey, of course there is a grudge between the people of Bittenkot Town and the government forces!"

  Briso Eddie unconsciously showed a sinister smile, while Raymond Eddie on the side obviously didn't understand his brother's thoughts, and still asked in puzzlement:

   "How could the people in Bittencourt have any enmity with the government forces? Why didn't I find out?"

   "Of course there was no enmity, but now! It's hard to say!"

   "Now? Oh! I see, you mean that when the government forces occupy the town of Bittenkot, the people in the town may be injured?"

   "Hey. It's not a possibility, but a certainty. I really know the morals of the army very well.

  Since we have declared that the town of Bittenkot is under our control and out of the control of the government forces, the government forces will definitely not hold back during the offensive. "

   "Oh! I understand. No wonder when we occupied Bittencourt Town, you had to restrain everyone and not harm the residents of the town. This is to buy people's hearts, right?"

  Briso Eddie heard his younger brother's words, and gave him an angry look. Although these are facts, they can't be exposed directly like this! Fortunately, there are only two of us here now. If other people hear this, I don't know what to think!

  But for his younger brother, Brisso Eddie also had to teach carefully bit by bit. After thinking about it, he continued to guide:

   "You have to know that although we have announced that the power is clearly coded and the town of Bittencourt has been separated from the Brazilian government under our leadership, will the people of Bittencourt really follow us to become independent?"

   "It's not up to them. We directly lead troops to occupy Bittenkot Town, and the town will become our territory."

   "You are right. This is indeed our control of Bittenkot, but the locals will not recognize us."

   "They dare! If anyone is disobedient, I will directly lead the troops to kill them all!"

  Raymond Eddie's eyes widened with anger, and he said with a grim face.

   Brisso Eddie really didn't know what to say to his younger brother's reckless character, so he glared at him angrily, and then suppressed his emotions and said:

   "Stupid, how can we survive in Bittenkot if you really do what you do. Are you going to kill all the townspeople?"

   Being scolded by his brother, Raymond Eddie didn't dare to refute, but the expression on his face showed that he still didn't care.

  At this moment, Brisso Eddie really wanted to give up this idiot directly, but who let the other party be his own brother! It is all thanks to this stupid guy that the family has come to this point.

   But what can I do! My own brother! It is impossible for him to really give up on the other party. Once he gives up on the other party, the other party will definitely not live for a month.

  So, it can only be continuing education:

   "It doesn't matter if the locals don't recognize us for a while, we just need to let the outside world think that the people in the town are with us.

  Our clear-code telegram has bound the whole town to us. Even if someone in the town responds, there is no way to explain it, because the telegram is in our hands.

  From the current situation, it is obvious that the government army regards the people in the town as our henchmen. "

  Raymond Eddie, no matter how stupid he is, can react at this moment.

   "Oh! I see, the government army regards the locals in the town as ours and will definitely attack them.

   It’s like government forces pushing the locals over to our side, right? Brother, you are really insidious. "

  Briso Eddie, who was a little happy when he heard that his younger brother had finally awakened, almost jumped up angrily at the last sentence.

  He lifted his foot and kicked Raymond Eddie's ass.

   "It's called wisdom, it's trickery. Insidious. I'll let you talk about insidious."

  Raymond Eddie came to his senses after being kicked by his brother, jumped away to avoid it, and begged for mercy repeatedly:

   "That's right, it's wisdom, it's strategy, bro, you're really amazing."

   Hearing Raymond Eddie's words, Brisso Eddie retracted his foot. Angrily, he glared hard at the other party.

   Raymond Eddie hurriedly flattered him when he saw this:

"Brother, I understand what you mean. Now that the locals in Bittenkot Town are attacked by the government forces, there will definitely be many people who hate the government forces. When we return to where we go, if we go to recruit troops, we can recruit them." Are you a soldier who wants to seek revenge from the government army?"

  Briso Eddie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. Fortunately, his younger brother was not so stupid that he was hopelessly stupid, so he finally followed his train of thought.

   Satisfied nodded and said:

   "You are not stupid enough!"

   Raymond Eddie smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, and then he was a little puzzled:

   "However, I think even if this is the case, we don't need to keep our equipment! After all, our most urgent problem now is to deal with the coming government troops. Isn't the more people the better?

  If we can defeat the government forces, of course we will have more seizures. Isn’t it the same to use these seizures to recruit new soldiers? "

   Brisso Eddie, who heard this, couldn't help being taken aback, and also reacted, yes! The most important thing now is to expand the team, and to deal with the upcoming attack by the government forces is the most important thing!

   I didn’t expect that I am also a wise man, and I will make mistakes if I worry about it! This time, he was taught a lesson by his idiot brother.

  However, he is not someone who does not listen to advice, so he coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, and then slowly said:

   "Well! Since this is the case, you can start recruiting troops with confidence!"

  Seeing that his brother was persuaded by him, Raymond Eddie was very happy, and he was finally smarter for a while.

   Thinking of something, he continued:

   "Brother, if the government army in Bittenkot Town has received an order from above to occupy Bittenkote Town and not move. What will we do if the government army sends troops from other places!"

   Seeing that his younger brother seemed to have suddenly enlightened, he actually raised a new question, which made Brisso Eddie very relieved. After all, his education for so long was not in vain!

  The question raised by his younger brother has already been considered, so he said without hesitation:

   "It will take at least an extra week for the government army to organize a new army to encircle and suppress us.

   You must know that there is no road to Manguali from the mainland. If you want to get close to Manguali, you must take the waterway. On the waterway, I have already arranged our manpower to drive a fishing boat pretending to be a fisherman to guard.

   Once any enemy is approaching, we can receive an early warning.

   By then we will have time to evacuate. "

   After hearing what his brother said, Raymond Eddie was obviously not satisfied, and asked directly in a dissatisfied tone:

   "Withdraw again? Why do we always have to run away? We also have more than a thousand guns in our hands now, and our strength is not bad!

   At worst, we will fight the government army in Manguali, let them know how powerful we are! "

   "What nonsense, is it great to have a thousand guns? Can we afford the loss?

  If there are a lot of casualties, our team will be broken up, understand? "

   "Then you can't keep running around and hiding here and there! The morale of the team will be wiped out quickly."

   "Don't worry! It won't be long. As long as we insist on the arrival of the rainy season, we can get enough respite. It is impossible for the government forces to launch an offensive during the rainy season. You must know that the Amazon jungle in the rainy season is not so easy to advance.

   By the time the next dry season comes, we have already thoroughly digested Bittenkot and Manguari.

   At that time, it will not be so easy for the government forces to attack again. "

  Briso Eddie spoke confidently and slowly.

But in fact, the situation is obviously not as simple as he said. With the reputation of their Eddie brothers in the Brazilian government, it is impossible to live in peace with the government. After the rainy season arrives, the government army will give them a breathing space , is only his own judgment.

  Raymond Eddie obviously didn't think much about it, and he still believed in his brother very much, but this kind of tactic of not confronting the enemy head-on really didn't suit his wishes.

   "Then do we want to wipe out the government army occupying Bitengkot Town before the rainy season comes?"

   This made Briso Eddie fall into deep thought. According to his plan, he really wanted to repel or annihilate the government army responsible for destroying them before the rainy season.

   But now he found that the chief of the government army was not an idiot, and he didn't lead the troops directly to Manguali as he expected. Instead, he withstood the pressure of Shangfeng and stationed the army.

   He had to find new ways to mobilize the opponent.

   "Yes! Even if you can't eliminate them, you have to find a way to drive them out, otherwise many plans will be difficult to implement."

  After turning around in a circle, the question returned to the original starting point, while talking about how to face the next situation in his head.

   Standing aside, Raymond Eddie saw his brother folded his arms and fell into deep thought. He also understood that his brother was thinking about how to solve the current trouble.

  At this time, it's not suitable for me to disturb you. Therefore, those who did not continue to say anything directly withdrew.

  The current town of Manguari is in chaos, although Briso Eddie, out of self-interest considerations, ordered the rebel soldiers not to mess around in Manguari town.

  However, after a group of gangsters responsible for transporting DP entered the town openly, how could it be possible that they would not commit any crimes.

  The original Raymond Eddie didn't care about this kind of thing, but after hearing what his brother said just now, he already understood what his brother really thought.

  Walking on the street, he happened to see two rebel soldiers with rifles on their backs, cigarettes in their mouths, and their belts while smiling as they came out of a private house on the side of the road.

  After seeing him, he didn't pay much attention to him, just put his feet together, as if he was paying a military salute.

   Then a soldier who looked like an old oily man took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, took out one and handed it to Raymond Eddie, saying:

   "Sir, try it, it was seized from the logistics supplies of the government army!"

  Hearing this, Raymond Eddie frowned even tighter. After all, he has also worked in the police headquarters for many years, and he still has the most basic disciplinary requirements.

   This kind of seized materials, logically, should be distributed uniformly by them, but they obviously haven't started to distribute these materials yet, so how did the other party get the cigarettes in their hands?

  If it was Brisso Eddie, he might investigate it calmly, but unfortunately, it is Raymond Eddie who has encountered this matter now.

   Having just learned about the purpose of his brother, Brisso Eddie’s order not to let the soldiers mess around, he stared fiercely at the other side and said:

   "The commander has long ordered that everyone is not allowed to break into private houses. What are you doing?"

  The commander Raymond Eddie was talking about was naturally his brother, Brisso Eddie, the leader of the rebel army.

   Seeing his serious attitude and fierce eyes, the other soldier was visibly shocked, a little nervous and didn't know how to deal with himself.

   But the soldier who was obviously an old oily man smiled at Raymond Eddie and said:

   "Sir, you misunderstood us. We didn't break into private houses. This is a place for skin and meat business! We spent money. If you don't believe me, I will take you in and ask."

   Originally thinking about whether to bring these two guys back, Raymond Eddie, who was trying to make an example of others, couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

  He knew this old oily man, he was the confidant of Bartley Crow, who was in charge of managing this armed force, and he had more than a hundred people under him. When he first arrived, Raymond Eddie felt from the other party's attitude that the other party actually didn't take their brothers seriously at all.

  This is why Raymond Eddie wants to use him as an example.

  But the other party swears that this place is for skin and meat business, and they returned the money. If this is the case, of course he can't say much.

   But he wasn't so easy to fool. He took a deep look at the other party's indifferent attitude, and felt even more annoyed. Push away the old oil in front of you.

   strode to the house where they came out.

   Seeing this scene, Lao Youzi frowned, his eyes flashed coldly, but he quickly hid it, and said with a smile on his mouth:

   "I didn't expect the deputy commander to have the same hobbies as us, haha. Don't worry! I'll take you in, they won't accept ordinary people."

   As he spoke, he winked at another rebel beside him, then turned and followed Raymond Eddie.

   Raymond Eddie, who pushed open the door, saw an Indian woman in the room, who was arranging her clothes while crying.

  A little boy of one or two years old is holding each other's clothes.

  (end of this chapter)