MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 451 T-1 trainer

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  Chapter 451 T-1 trainer

  So, everyone filed into the conference room. The meeting room has been arranged for a long time, and even Fang Lang's seat has been marked with a nameplate. Obviously, the Air Force Ministry has long been prepared for Fang Lang's arrival.

   Seeing this scene, Fang Lang could only glance at General Nero Mora, and when he saw that the other party was still looking at him with a smile on his face, he also motioned for him to sit down.

   Fang Lang could only smile helplessly. Now that he has entered someone else's territory, it is definitely impossible to leave. As the old saying goes, when you are powerless to resist, it is better to just lie down and enjoy it. Now Fang Lang already has this kind of mentality.

  He strode directly to the place where his name was written and sat down. The others smiled slightly when they saw this, and found their seats to sit down.

General Nero Mora sat directly next to Fang Lang. After everyone was seated, Reinhard Gifford, chief of staff of the Air Force Ministry, got up first, and said something to welcome Fang Lang's arrival, and soon Got to the point.

  A young officer who looked to be in his early thirties stood up and came to a wall covered by curtains. General Nero Mora turned his head and whispered to Fang Lang beside him:

   "This is an officer sent by our Air Force Department to Fangyuan Aviation to follow up on the manufacturing of the trainer aircraft. His name is Leo Kanter."

  Fang Lang looked at the other party's military rank as a major, nodded, didn't say much, just quietly looked at the curtains that were being slowly opened.

  I saw behind the curtains that it turned out to be a rendering of an airplane. With just a glance, Fang Lang recognized this airplane. It was a new generation of trainer project designed by his own airline commissioned by the Ministry of Air Force and his own naval aviation.

  The drop-shaped cockpit located front and rear above the wing is very eye-catching. As the first independently developed aircraft of his own aircraft factory, Fang Lang certainly attaches great importance to it.

  For Mr. Tan Ke, the designer of the FW190 Moraz fighter jet, which has already been designed and tested in actual combat, redesigning a propeller trainer is really a matter of hand.

  Even, the other party has expressed to Fang Lang many times that he is unwilling to continue designing propeller aircraft, and asked to launch jet fighters directly, repeatedly emphasizing to Fang Lang that jet aircraft are the future.

   Of course, Fang Lang will not have any doubts about this, but the aircraft manufacturing company of the Fangyuan Group is obviously just getting started, and there is no way or technical strength to satisfy the direct launch of jets.

   Can only do ideological work with Mr. Tan Ke earnestly, and after repeated communication, finally agreed to change the originally designed piston engine into a more advanced single-shaft turboprop engine.

   It not only meets the needs of the propeller trainer, but also actually intervenes in the research work of the jet in advance, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

According to what Fang Lang learned, the two prototypes of this aircraft have been assembled in the aircraft laboratory of Fangyuan Group and are in the testing stage. In addition, there are two airframes for static and fatigue tests, also Ready to assemble.

   Just don't know, what is the purpose of the Ministry of Air Force today?

  While Fang Lang was thinking, this Major Leo Kanter had already started pointing at the plane with a pointer and began to explain.

   "According to the latest situation we just learned from Fangyuan Group Aircraft Manufacturing Company, the T-1 trainer aircraft we commissioned to design and manufacture has completed the assembly of the prototype.

The aircraft has a wingspan of 11.14 meters, a length of 9.86 meters, a height of 3.40 meters, an aspect ratio of 6.4, a wing area of ​​19.40 square meters, a maximum take-off weight of 3,000 kilograms, a maximum level flight speed of 400 kilometers per hour, and a maximum cruise speed of 386 kilometers. m/h,

  The maximum rate of climb is 11.3m/s, the service ceiling is 9000m, the take-off run distance is 380m, and the landing run distance is 370m.

   Equipped with a turboprop engine independently developed by Fangyuan Group Power Research Office, with 1500 shaft horsepower. "

  When everyone in the conference room heard this pile of data, they all started to discuss it, not because they were dissatisfied, but because it really exceeded everyone's expectations. General Nero Mora looked even more satisfied. After all, this project was carried out under his proposal.

  As the boss of the company, Fang Lang was of course proud when he heard the words. The act of poaching people from Germany was indeed a good move!

   It is not surprising that Fang Lang was able to successfully manufacture this prototype. What really satisfied him was the turboprop engine independently developed by the Power Research Laboratory.

   To know that the successful development of this engine means that the Fangyuan Group Aircraft Manufacturing Company has the ability to independently manufacture jet engines.

   This is of great significance to the future development of Yuanyuan Group's aircraft manufacturing company! It was not in vain that I tried every means to find talents in engine manufacturing from Germany.

  Thinking of this, I couldn't help but applaud my wise decision.

  Hearing Fang Lang's applause, the people around reacted instantly, and began to applaud enthusiastically. General Nero Mora beside him clapped with excitement, and patted Fang Lang's shoulder vigorously.

   This huge force instantly pulled Fang Lang back from his narcissism. Feeling the force from his shoulders, Fang Lang cursed inwardly, what kind of broken habit, if you want to take pictures when you are happy, you can take pictures of yourself! Why are you shooting me? It hurts, you know?

  General Cornelo Mora obviously couldn't hear what Fang Lang was thinking at the moment, and his entire gaze was deeply attracted by the aircraft drawing on the wall. This was not the first time he had seen this aircraft drawing.

However, every time I see it, I have a new feeling, and the more I look at it, the more beautiful it is, and the more I like it, if it is not for the concern about confidentiality, he would like to hang this blueprint on his bedside and sleep with him every day .

   The applause rang for a long time before it stopped slowly. Major Leo Kanter, who was standing to introduce the performance of the aircraft, saw that the house was quiet, and then slowly opened his mouth again:

"Of course, the research and development of the aircraft did not happen overnight. It was smooth sailing. After these few days of test flights, we also found some problems. I brought them up here today. I also want to solicit everyone's opinions and see what we need How to choose."

  Fang Lang couldn't help frowning at these words. He has been following up the approval of destroyers at the Ministry of the Navy for the past few days, and he really doesn't have time to pay attention to the test flight of the aircraft.

   Now that Major Leo Kanter said that some problems were discovered during the test flight, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

   Most of the people present looked at Major Leo Kanter, wondering what the problem was. Fang Lang couldn't help looking at General Nero Mora beside him. Is this old boy waiting for him here?

  I don’t know what is wrong with the aircraft, but I hope it’s not an irreversible serious problem that needs to be overthrown and restarted.

  Feeling Fang Lang's gaze, General Nero Mora didn't have any special expression, he just approached Fang Lang with a smile and whispered:

   "Why, I haven't paid attention to this project these days!"

   Fang Lang nodded when he heard the words, and General Nero Mora didn't say much when he saw this, but continued to whisper:

   "Don't worry, it's not a big problem."

  Fang Fanglang let go of his heart, and couldn't help thinking that with Professor Tan Ke's ability, the propeller plane designed should not have any irreparable defects!

   Fang Lang, who wanted to understand all this, calmed down and waited for the following.

  A bearded officer at the table had long been impatient and said directly to Major Leo Kanter:

   "Tell me quickly, what problems did you find?"

  Major Leo Kanter saw this, so he stopped being a joke, and said directly:

  “After this period of test flight, we found that although this turboprop engine is advanced, its service life is only 150 hours, which means that every 150 hours of use of the aircraft, it needs to be refurbished or the engine replaced.

   This will greatly increase our cost of use. "

   Hearing this, Fang Lang couldn't help but let out a long breath. He thought it was some irreversible big problem! It turned out to be this matter.

  Early after the power research room successfully researched the core machine of this engine, and after the first vehicle durability test, this problem had already been reported to him.

  The first core machine at that time only worked for less than 50 hours, then the power dropped, and it needed a major repair.

  Fang Lang knew very well that this was the result of Brazil's insufficient accumulation of basic materials. This didn't surprise him at all.

  When the Germans first invented the jet engine, they also encountered the same problem. Finding a problem is not terrible. As long as you can find the problem and solve it bit by bit, the problem will no longer be a problem, but a step to improve your knowledge.

  So, of course Fang Lang would not give up. Instead of blaming the researchers, he gave more encouragement, greater support, and more financial investment.

   Authorized the Power Research Office to set up its own material research center, looking for experts in materials science from all over the world, and settling down to seriously study new materials.

  At the same time, the power research room also disassembled the engine, conducted a little bit of research and continued to improve it. Finally, when the aircraft prototype was assembled, the working time of the engine was extended to 150 hours.

  In Fang Lang's view, this is a great progress.

   But for the officers of the Air Force, this is indeed a very serious problem. After all, an engine that needs to be overhauled after 150 hours of work really dissatisfies many people who expect him to be durable.

  So, soon everyone talked about it.

   "What? The engine can only work for 150 hours and needs to be overhauled. What will we do when there is a war!"

   "Yes! The cost of maintenance is not low! This is not possible."

   "Is it the technology of the new engine, which is not yet mature?"

   "In my opinion, their company's strength is still not enough, why don't we try purchasing engines from the United States!"

  Everyone, Fang Lang didn't mind when you talked about it, and Fang Lang didn't mind it. For him, being able to solve the problem now is the greatest success.

   You must know that this is a turboprop engine. There are only a handful of countries in the world that can manufacture this kind of engine. As long as you can persist in investing and solve the problem a little bit, the service life of the engine will be extended a little bit by then.

   Then this aircraft manufacturing company of his own family has the opportunity to become one of the world's aviation manufacturing giants.

  General Nero Mora, who was sitting next to Fang Lang, seemed to be worried that Fang Lang would have some bad thoughts when he heard these comments, so he turned his head and whispered to Fang Lang:

   "Don't mind General Fang, these reckless people don't understand the benefits of this new type of engine at all."

  Hearing the words, Fang Lang turned his head and glanced at the other party, and said noncommittally:

   "It doesn't matter, the technology of this engine is indeed immature, we must accept everyone's opinions in a realistic manner.

   I don't know, what is your Excellency General thinking?

   Please rest assured, I am a person who distinguishes between public and private, so don't take my personal relationship with Fangyuan Group into consideration. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to tell me. I must respect your opinion. "

  (end of this chapter)