MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 457 live view

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  Chapter 457 live viewing

  Fang Lang is of course very happy about General Nero Mora's sudden awakening, not to mention that when he sends Chinese to the air force in the future, the resistance will decrease.

  Just because the Fangyuan Aircraft Manufacturing Company can obtain more research and development funds from the military, it will definitely make him a lot of money.

   Fang Lang, who thought of this, did not forget to remind:

   "I think since you want to bring them money and develop real high-tech, the distribution ratio of the R&D expenses should be carefully considered.

  It must not only meet the actual needs of R&D, but also ensure that they feel that following you is more promising than their own development, so that they can always support you. "

  General Nero Mora, who had completely calmed down, smiled slightly, and slowly returned to his seat, sat down slowly, and said slowly:

   "General Fang, it is really the right choice to invite you here today.

  Your suggestion gave me a chance to regain control of the Air Force. As for the distribution ratio, I have already made up my mind. It depends on whether you can convince them this afternoon.

  I will always remember your help to me, and you will also be my best friend.

   But today's matter, I hope you can keep it a secret for us. "

  Hearing this, Fang Lang was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to discuss with the other party to see what proportion of the R&D funds should be allocated! Of course, he hopes that the higher the proportion of research and development funds, the better, so that his factory can get more benefits.

   I didn't expect this old boy to cross the river and demolish the bridge! He only said that he had already made a decision and would talk to the people from the Air Force Department in the afternoon.

   Obviously he didn't want to involve himself in it!

   I still have to make myself keep today's matter a secret. Is it because I am afraid that others will know that he has been ostracized, or is it because I am afraid that others will know that their Air Force's behavior of stealing national research funds?

  However, this kind of emotion just flashed through Fang Lang's mind. After all, the other party did nothing wrong. After all, he is still an outsider, and it is really inappropriate to intervene too much in the internal affairs of the Air Force.

   This is obviously someone else's family business. Only by learning to respect each other and not interfering in other countries' internal affairs can we make true friends!

   Fang Lang, who wanted to understand this, just smiled and said:

   "We are friends, don't say anything to help, I just expressed some of my views, I am very glad to make you feel.

  Just said something, how offensive, I hope General Mora doesn't mind. "

  General Neiro Mora heard the words, smiled indifferently, and said sincerely:

   "Your opinion made me know myself again. I am grateful to you before it's too late! Why would you mind!"

   Seeing that the other party seemed to just want to be polite with him, Fang Lang understood that he seemed to get up and leave. It seems that today's lunch still has to be solved by myself!

well! It's hard to be a good person!

   With a sigh, Fang Lang stood up and said to General Nero Mora:

   "Your Excellency, General, you still have important things to do today, so I won't bother you too much.

  The typhoon has passed, and I was about to leave for Natal, so my brother said goodbye first. "

   It seemed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and General Nero Mora also got up quickly, holding Fang Lang's left arm with his right hand and saying:

   "How can this be done! It's agreed, I'll treat guests to a big meal today, and my brother must give my brother this face."

  Hearing the other party follow his words, calling himself brother, he himself is an elder brother, obviously wanting to be friends with brothers, and I don't know whether the other party said it casually or really meant it.

   smiled, and said politely:

   "Our brothers have a lot of opportunities to eat, and it's not too late. It's not too late to invite me to dinner after my brother has completely reorganized his team.

  The most important thing for my brother now is to make a good plan first, how to persuade these guys who are greedy for profit! "

  General Nero Mora smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and sighed softly:

   "It's my brother's fault, this time the hospitality is not good, next time my brother must make up for it."

  Unknowingly, the two were really brothers, Fang Lang smiled slightly, and gave each other a big hug, patted each other's back and said:

   "Brothers are friends, don't be so polite, just say hello if you have something to do."

  After hearing Fang Lang's words, General Nero Mora's face was slightly hot, and he felt that he was a bit unreasonable in doing the facts today. Fang Lang didn't show any dissatisfaction, but still regarded himself as a friend, which moved him very much, and he deeply remembered this affection in his heart.

   His hands patted Fang Lang's back a few times naturally, without saying anything more.

  After the two let go, Fang Lang picked up the military cap that was set aside and put it on his head, and walked out from the sofa area. General Nero Mora also put on the military cap and sent Fang Lang out.

   Walking out of the office, Fang Lang didn't forget to remind:

   "Your tea is not bad, just like the tea set. I will give you a set of Chinese Kung Fu tea set. Next time I come here, I will drink Kung Fu tea."

   The three officers in the outer room obviously didn't know what the two officers were talking about inside. Seeing the two talking and laughing as they walked out of the office, they stood up and saluted again.

  General Nero Mora had already calmed down, and followed Fang Lang with a smile on his face:

   "No problem, next time we will drink Kung Fu tea. However, it is not enough for you to just give me the Kung Fu tea set. I also want your good tea, Huaxia Biluochun."

   Hearing the words, Fang Lang burst out laughing.

"no problem."

  The two walked out of the Air Force Building talking and laughing all the way. General Nero Mora sent Fang Lang out of the door, watched Fang Lang's convoy go away, and then slowly turned back.

  When I went upstairs, I still smiled and nodded to every air force officer I met. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Many people think that General Nero Mora seems to be a little more relaxed now.

   After getting into the car, Fang Lang looked at the tall Air Force Building, smiled and shook his head, the meaning of the smile was difficult to understand.

   Qi Qingshan in the co-pilot's seat looked back at Fang Lang, and asked with a little doubt:

   "Boss, where shall we go next?"

  Fang Lang looked at the street view outside the window. Although there were still raindrops falling from the sky, it was obviously much smaller, and the number of pedestrians on the road gradually increased.

   "Go back to the club for lunch first. You can ask the airport to see when the plane can take off. If there is no problem, we will fly to Sao Paulo in the afternoon."

  Hearing this, Qi Qingshan glanced at Fang Lang in surprise, but he didn't say much, just nodded seriously, then turned his head and sat down.

   "Yes, boss!"

   Fang Lang looked out the window without saying a word, wondering what he was thinking.

  That afternoon, a group of people took a special plane to fly directly to Sao Paulo. When they landed in Sao Paulo, it was already dinner time. Fang Lang went home directly and had a warm dinner with his family.

Early the next morning, under the **** of the guards, Fang Lang came to the Fangyuan Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in the suburbs of Sao Paulo again. Waiting for Fang Lang's arrival at the door.

  The current Fangyuan Aircraft Manufacturing Company is no longer what it was when it first came here. Vehicles are constantly coming in and out, and workers in uniform work clothes are also coming and going in a hurry.

   "Boss, this is the T-1 prototype we are testing."

  Ante Polman pointed to a propeller plane with only a simple painting on the tarmac, and introduced it to Fang Lang.

   Fang Lang, who had already seen the plane from a distance, nodded with a smile, opened the door, and said to Ante Polman beside him while getting off the car:

   "It seems that your efficiency is very high! The manufacture of the prototype machine has been completed so quickly. Has the body for static and fatigue tests been assembled?"

  Hearing the boss's praise, Ante Polman looked very happy, he laughed and said:

   "The boss has praised the prize. The test body has been assembled, and the test work is also proceeding in an orderly manner. According to Professor Tan Ke, this aircraft is not difficult at all, and the efficiency is of course very high."

  Hearing this, Fang Lang smiled slightly, and accompanied by the other party, he walked slowly towards the T-1 plane on the tarmac.

  Beside the aircraft at this moment, there are several engineers holding various tools, knocking around the aircraft from time to time, and taking out stethoscope-like tools, sticking them on the aircraft body to listen to something.

   It is obviously checking the condition of the aircraft. According to Fang Lang's own experience, it is estimated that this should be a flaw detection of metal. After all, in this era without electronic detectors, this is a very common detection method.

   What made Fang Lang happy was that almost every engineer was followed by one or two young people who looked like assistants. These young people are holding a notebook in their hands. While the engineer is talking, they are recording in the notebook, and from time to time, under the guidance of the engineers, they will wear a stethoscope to listen carefully.

  This way of bringing the old with the new can enable the company to have more qualified talents in the shortest possible time.

   Not far in front of the plane, Professor Tan Ke and several people were discussing something with the person in the pilot's uniform.

   Fang Lang asked Ante Polman beside him as he walked forward:

   "Professor Tan Ke, what are they doing?"

  "The T-1 trainer aircraft is still in the testing stage. During the testing process, some difficult flight maneuvers are required to check whether the aircraft meets the design standards.

  Professor Tan Ke communicates with the test pilot about the flight test actions every day. After the test pilot is over, the test pilot also needs to tell our engineer in charge of the test flight how he feels during the test flight.

  Engineers will detect whether there are problems with the aircraft and where improvements can be made based on the collected data and the feelings of the test pilots. "

  Ante Polman has coordinated the trial production of aircraft many times, and he is very familiar with these things, so when Fang Lang asked, he introduced it directly to Fang Lang like a few treasures.

The two walked and chatted, and soon came to the plane. Professor Tan Ke also saw Fang Lang, and took the initiative to greet Fang Lang. Fang Lang smiled and nodded when he saw this, and motioned for the other party to continue chatting with the test pilot. Look at the plane.

This T-1 trainer plane does not look big, and its wingspan is similar to that of the F4F Wildcat carrier-based fighter currently serving on aircraft carriers. In terms of length, the T-1 in front of it is obviously longer. According to Fang Lang's estimation, it should be because there are two The reason for the seat.

  The turboprop engine, which is different from the piston engine, makes the diameter of the entire nose significantly smaller. There is an exhaust pipe protruding from both sides of the nose of the single-release layout, and there is an air inlet under the nose.

  The overall exterior design is more streamlined, especially the curved glass on the drop-shaped glass cockpit, which must be a new product after a breakthrough in glass technology.

  Although it has not yet reached the overall glass shield seen in later generations, it is obviously less than the number of cockpit glass on the F4F Wildcat serving on its own aircraft carrier.

  This means that the driver will inevitably have a better vision, and the blind spots in the vision will be reduced accordingly. This is especially important for aircraft that still have to fight within the visual range.

  The whole machine adopts an all-metal semi-monocoque structure, which has been used until later generations. The stress skin is still joined by rivets.

  The cantilever-type all-metal structure tail looks quite satisfactory and unremarkable. This is the most commonly used tail layout in this period, and the super toucans of later generations also adopt this layout.

   This is a propeller aircraft that was classified as a primary trainer aircraft in later generations. Of course, such a clear division has not been made in this era.

Around this first aircraft developed by Fangyuan Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Fang Lang's excitement is beyond words. He touches here and taps here and there from time to time, as if a man got his first big toy, and he can't put it down. .

  Ante Polman also smiled when he saw this, and followed Fang Lang without saying a word, waiting for him to slowly appreciate it.

   After Fang Lang circled the plane three times, he finally got out from under the plane satisfied.

  Professor Tan Ke has also finished communicating with the test pilot, and came to Fang Lang and said to Fang Lang:

   "Boss, nice to meet you!"

   Hearing the other party's voice, Fang Lang reacted, turned around and grabbed the other party's hand, and after giving the other party a big hug, he said very happily:

   "I am also very happy to meet you, Professor Tan Ke. You really never disappoint. I did not expect that our first plane has already rolled off the assembly line in such a short period of time."

  Hearing this, Kurt Tank just smiled slightly, and said in a slightly flat voice:

   "Boss, you know, my ambition is not here.

   Not sure when we can move on to my jet fighter project. "

  Fang Lang has become accustomed to Kurt Tank's straightforwardness. In the past, he would make a detour and try to avoid the topic of jet fighter development.

  However, today he decided not to hang on to the other party anymore. After all, such a talented designer is very rare. If he can't realize the other party's ideal, it will be a big loss for the other party to leave him.

   "I have already decided that the next project is to support you in developing a brand new jet fighter. I wonder if you already have a direction?"

  Kurt Tank obviously didn't expect that the boss would agree to himself so easily today, and he still couldn't react for a while, so he asked in disbelief:

   "Boss, are you serious?"

  Seeing Kurt Tank's expression, Fang Lang laughed, patted the opponent's arm vigorously, nodded seriously and said:

   "Of course, I've always been very serious.

  However, we have not yet started the turbojet engine. If we want to develop jet fighters, we may need to purchase engines from outsiders.

   In this way, you may be subject to many restrictions during research, so you must be prepared. "

  Professor Kurt Tank said confidently when he heard the words:

"Don't worry, the boss, we have already started the research on the engine. We have encountered many difficulties in the development of the turboprop engine of the T-1 project. For this reason, I recruited several experts from Germany who have experience in jet engine research and development. experienced engineer.

  As long as the boss can agree to our project, I will organize them to start related design work. "

   Seeing the other party's confident look, Fang Lang also laughed.

  “Now it’s not like before. We don’t have to rely entirely on ourselves to develop new turbojet engines. I am now one of the shareholders of General Electric in the United States, and General Electric has turbojet related products.

  You can pick and choose from their catalog, the most suitable for our products. If you are not satisfied, you can also inspect related products of Pratt & Whitney or Rolls-Royce, you don’t have to worry about purchasing, I”

  (end of this chapter)