MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 460 Difficulties encountered by ta-183

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  Chapter 460 Ta-183 encountered difficulties

   Fang Lang, who has a clear understanding of this aircraft, no longer thinks this aircraft is ugly when he looks at this aircraft again. On the contrary, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

   casually asked:

   "Since it has passed the wind tunnel experiment, why hasn't it been manufactured? Is it because the time has not come?"

   Surprisingly, after hearing Fang Lang's question, Kurt Tank gave a wry smile with some embarrassment, and then slowly said:

   "It's not entirely because of time issues, mainly because we still have a problem that has not been resolved, so we dare not directly start manufacturing prototypes."

   Fang Lang frowned when he heard the words, and said worriedly:

   "Oh! What kind of problem are you talking about?"

   Some things obviously cannot be concealed, so Kurt Tank could only sigh lightly, and said slightly distressed:

  “Although the swept wing can make the aircraft have better high-speed controllability, it also brings two problems. One is that it will cause the wingtip to stall, and the other is that the low-speed stability is not good.

  If we cannot solve these two problems well, the reliability of the aircraft cannot be guaranteed at all, and it is impossible to obtain an order for such an aircraft. "

   These words made Fang Lang fall into contemplation. He has never participated in aircraft design, and he doesn't know much about the design principles of these aircraft. But he has an advantage that no one else has, that is, he can clearly know that since the MiG 15 can be mass-produced on a large scale, it must solve the same problem.

   As long as I compare the differences between the MiG 15 and the ta-183 in front of me, I will be able to solve this problem.

   "The wingtip stall you mentioned, can you tell me what it means?"

  Kurt Tank did not expect the boss to have such a thirst for knowledge. Seeing that the other party seemed to be frowning and thinking, he stepped forward very carefully and pointed to the wingtips on the drawing, explaining:

   "The so-called wingtip stall is mainly because the jet aircraft is flying too fast. When the wings cut the air, it will cause airflow separation at the wingtip. In this case, the wingtip will lose lift.

  Once the wingtips lose lift, it will cause the aircraft to experience a decrease in controllability. In the worst case, the aircraft may fall into a loss of control, spin, or even crash. "

   This answer made Fang Lang break out in a cold sweat, and said in his heart, good guy! No wonder they dare not produce prototypes, no one dares to play with this kind of aircraft!

   Following Kurt Tank's fingers, he looked at the position of the wingtips on the drawing, and involuntarily appeared in his mind the various aircraft he had seen in later generations.

  What is the difference between the position of the wing tip and the current drawing?

First of all, it can be determined that the position of the wingtips of fighter jets does not seem to be much different, but the impression of the wingtips of civil aviation airliners seems to be somewhat different. The wingtips of the Boeing 737 he flew in later generations seem to be not straight, but Upturned!

Why is this?

   Immediately afterwards, the MiG-15 and J-2 that later generations have seen in museums and pictures reappeared in my mind. There seemed to be two sharp protrusions on the wings of these two aircrafts!

   Could these two sharp bulges be the same reason as the Boeing 737 wingtip upturn?

   Fang Lang obviously can't answer this question, but can he throw this question to the expert in front of him?

   "Since this wingtip stall is due to airflow separation, can we try adding something to the wing to change the direction of the airflow?

  For example, like this.”

   As he spoke, Fang Lang stretched out his hand directly and began to draw on the drawing.

   And the things he gestured were exactly the wing blades on the wings of the MiG-15 in his impression, and the upturned wingtips seen on the Boeing 737 airliner.

   Originally thought that the boss was just out of curiosity, so he casually asked his own Kurt Tank. He couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Fang Lang's words.

  But soon his eyes began to become sharp, following the constant movement of Fang Lang's fingers, crazy calculations began in his mind, and in his ears, the boss' voice opened his mind.

   Gradually, his eyes began to light up, and he thought to himself, why didn't I think of such a simple question?

   Fang Lang said as he recalled the aircraft he had seen in later generations, and what was the difference in the wings from the aircraft in front of him. First of all, upturned wingtips are rarely used on fighter jets.

  The sharp protrusions on the wings must be designed to cut the air and disrupt the airflow, but why are there no modern fighters later?

   Instead of cutting the air with such sharp protrusions, how do they disrupt the airflow?

   Soon, Fang Lang remembered that the front and rear of the Boeing 737 wings did not seem to be smooth and integrated, but had a retractable mechanism, especially when he was sitting by the window on a plane and saw the plane landing.

  The front of the aircraft wing seems to be pushed out, while the rear of the wing is directly opened.

  The fighter wings of later generations seem to be the same. Does this mean that the structure of this wing is that the raised structure on the wing was eliminated later?

  Although he does not understand the principle, it does not prevent him from providing this idea to Kurt Tank for research.

   Thinking of Fang Lang here, he hurriedly continued:

   "No, no, this is not good, maybe we can add a movable part to the front of the wing, push it out when needed, or let it move up and down to change the shape of the wing.

   In this way, can the air flow be changed and simply cut into two pieces?

   Also, the trailing edge of the wing would allow him to move, don't you think? "

   Kurt Tank, who had opened up his mind about the winged knife plan that had been proposed by Fang Lang, after hearing this new plan, looked at Fang Lang with a look of astonishment.

  This principle is very simple to say, but why didn't I think of it before?

   If these solutions are found, ta-183 should have already been released!

  Thinking of this, Kurt Tank wanted to slap himself hard twice.

   After Fang Lang finished talking about his thoughts, he found that Kurt Tank was staring at the drawing in a daze, and asked a little uncertainly:

   "Professor Tan Ke, do you think what I said can solve the problem you said? Which of these two solutions is better!"

   Kurt Tank, who was sinking into deep self-doubt, heard this, slowly recovered, and squeezed out a slightly bitter smile:

   "Boss, why didn't I meet you earlier? Such a simple question has troubled us for so long."

   After finishing speaking, he shook his head helplessly, and then his expression gradually became serious. He folded his hands on his chest, rested his chin on his right hand, and looked at the blueprint in front of him, his mind spinning rapidly.

   Said in a firm tone:

   "Comparing these two solutions, the second one that pushes the front wing to stretch and move up and down is definitely better than the first one.

  Because the first solution can solve the problem of wingtip stall, but the second solution can also have a very positive impact on the stability at low speeds.

  If I had to choose, I would definitely choose the second option.

  However, the technical difficulty of the second plan is definitely more difficult than the first plan, and the calculation amount of the whole project will be huge. "

  Kurt Tank's words made Fang Lang feel elated for an instant. He didn't expect this old boy to look so cold, and his flattery was so smooth, which made people feel comfortable!

  Fang Lang waved his hands indifferently to the problems that the other party said, such as the difficulty of craftsmanship and the large amount of calculation:

   "The craftsmanship is so difficult, we are not short of money.

  What are you afraid of if you have a large amount of engineering calculations? Did you forget that we have brand new electronic computers?

  Since you are sure that the second set of plans can solve your problems, follow the second set of plans. "

  After hearing Fang Lang's words, Kurt Tank looked surprised, and hurriedly said to Ante Polman beside him:

   "Mr. General Manager, you heard me, the boss has approved our project, please allocate funds quickly.

  I'm going to get my people together right now and get our jet fighter program back on its feet. "

  Looking at Kurt Tank with an excited face, Fang Lang smashed it, smashed it, and his mouth has a little aftertaste, **** it! This old boy is waiting for me here! Who said that the man in science and engineering is honest, stand up for me. Grandma, I came over to take a look at the drawings. After looking at them, the jet project team was established.

   Fortunately, he was also planning to start his own jet fighter research. Now that Kurt Tank's ta-183 is the basis, I believe the progress of the whole project should be faster than expected!

  After looking at the ta-183 on the drawings, Fang Lang couldn't help but say one more thing:

  "Professor Tan Ke, I agree with the establishment of the jet fighter project. I have no problem with following your original design idea of ​​TA-183, especially the shape of the swept wing. I like it very much.

  However, I think it is necessary to make some adjustments to this short fuselage designed for maneuverability. After all, the cross-sectional area of ​​the current ta-183 fuselage is too large, which will increase the probability of the aircraft being shot in battle.

   Moreover, if our current turbojet engine needs to be purchased from other countries, the power performance may not be particularly ideal. In this case, we need to work harder on the streamlined shape of the aircraft.

   Try to design an airframe with a low drag coefficient.

Do you get me? "

  Kurt Tank heard the words, after pondering for a while, he looked up at Fang Lang seriously and said:

   "Boss, I understand, you despise him for being ugly."

   Hearing this, Fang Lang almost vomited blood from anger, but after seeing the smile on the corner of the other party's mouth, Fang Lang realized that the other party was joking with him. It seems that this big German man is not as rigid as the rumors say, which makes Fang Lang a lot easier.

   also no longer politely said directly:

  "To be honest, he is indeed a bit ugly. I personally think that as a subsonic fighter that can reach a speed of Mach 0.8, there is no need to treat him as a propeller aircraft.

At such a high speed, the way of dogfighting will also usher in a change. Your ta-183 uses a thick and short fuselage in exchange for control flexibility, and you must sacrifice speed. Personally, I think this is a deal. Not worth it. "

  Kurt Tank is an excellent aircraft designer, his mind is very smart, as soon as Fang Lang said it, he already understood what the other party meant.

   asked with a little hesitation:

   "You mean we should take advantage of the speed of the turbojet and give up the maneuverability of the aircraft?"

  In fact, this involves a change in tactical thinking. Now that the two of them have talked to this point today, Fang Lang feels that it is necessary for him to explain the future trends he knows to the two aviation experts.

"In fact, this is not a question of choosing one or the other, but a balance between the two. A slender and streamlined fuselage can make the aircraft fly faster, and a thick and short fuselage can make the aircraft have excellent maneuverability. .

  What we have to do is to achieve the best balance between the two, and have enough mobility while maintaining our own speed advantage. "

  (end of this chapter)