MTL - Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era-Chapter 585 that doesn't make any sense

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   Chapter 585 That matter is meaningless

  Lin Qiyu is now, right now.

   Her age can indeed be called "the old one is not young". But regardless of her appearance or her current level, she is still very young.

"Next year, I will be 30 years old." Tao Zhiming looked at her after sitting down, with a smile on his mouth, "You are only one year younger than me, and now you are a counselor at the 28-year-old level. I'll tell you the matchmaking. How much? I thought you and Director Wang would be ready to get married when you were transferred back to China."

  28-year-old Lin Qiyu recalled meeting him in the library of Dongda University when he was 20 years old, and just smiled lightly.

   She knew very well how Tao Zhiming was a serious person, and being a counselor was not entirely based on academic qualifications or the importance of Tao Zhiming. So she smiled casually and said, "With our current status, it's not easy to meet each other. Do you want to continue joking?"

  Tao Zhiming was stunned, then shook his head: "It's boring. Let's get down to business, where do we start?"

   "Let's start with personal affairs." Lin Qiyu looked into his eyes, "People, we found it."

   After that, she took out two photos from her bag: "One is from 25 years ago, and the other is from now."

  Tao Zhiming's eyes narrowed, he sat up straight and took it, looking seriously.

   "You said you found it, not that you have a clue." Tao Zhiming looked at her after reading the two photos, "So sure?"

   "Huhai Central Blood Station has introduced related technology, and this technology has also been recognized by the Supreme Court. You gave me Mrs. Ling's hair and finger blood samples, so that's right." Lin Qiyu said lightly.

  Tao Zhiming knew how difficult it was to find her family members precisely based on the source and time when a Hoshino bell was bribed in the special document that Anzhai Shanwei gave him.

   "Thank you for your hard work. Please help me tell the comrades in the relevant departments. I am very grateful."

  Lin Qiyu shook his head: "You are willing to entrust us to do this, but we feel very at ease."

  Tao Zhiming understood what she meant, and asked with a smile, "What is the identity and surname of Ling's family?"

"Originally from Minzhou, he was an employee of a local supply and marketing cooperative, surnamed Chen. After my daughter was kidnapped, I found out that it might be done by a smuggler on Xiangdao, so we went to Xiangdao to find a child together." Lin Qiyu Dun After a pause, he said, "So the information you gave said that you were adopted from Xiangdao, which is also correct. The important thing is to find a way to quietly get the blood sample first. The DNA typing identification technology shows that match."

  Tao Zhiming picked up the two photos on the table again, looked for Hoshino Suzu's eyebrows and eyes from the very young family portrait photos, and also felt their living conditions from the life photos of the two middle-aged people today.

   "...You guys made a copy of such a precious wedding photo first?" Tao Zhiming sighed, "I haven't disturbed them for a while? What are they doing in Xiangdao now?"

   "The husband works as a mason, and the wife runs a small tailor shop at home." Lin Qiyu meaningfully handed over a file of documents, "Speaking of which, you two already have fate?"

"…how to say?"

   "They used to live in the Kowloon Walled City."

  Tao knew his fate suddenly.

   The Kowloon Walled City has been demolished and a park has been built, and he is still involved in this. However, although he paid the money, Tao Zhiming didn't care about how the people inside were arranged.

   opened the information she gave, Tao Zhiming glanced at it for a while, then closed it first: "Thank you, the information is very detailed."

Lin Qiyu nodded and continued to laugh: "Then the second private matter, when I used to give your son a supplementary class, some colleagues here knew about it. Now that I know, I have been promoted now, and there are still some materials to report. Complete, so you have to make up a formal letter of appointment for me, just like the internship certificate I opened with your company."

   "...Is this against you or against me?"

   "Comrade Tao Zhiming, let's cooperate!" Lin Qiyu, who was already in a bit of a posture, this "ma" ending is not coquettish at all, but rather like a sincere elder's advice.

   "...Yes yes yes, Counselor Lin."

The veteran cadre Lin Qiyu started to feel a little embarrassed now: "The next thing is business, and the organization really wants to ask your opinion. You have to be clear, the idea of ​​the so-called 'Blue Army' you mentioned is very difficult under the situation we are facing. Dangerous. So… I was sent here to ask you for more candid thoughts.”

   "There is friendship, you are a woman again, are you not afraid that you will be deceived by me?"

   Tao Zhiming complained angrily, and Lin Qiyu drank tea to cover it up.

"A more candid idea, my existence is valued by you in this way, isn't it candid enough?" Tao Zhiming stretched out his hand, "I won't say anything about the above, and if you can participate in this matter, one hand does not matter at all. I can't count them. Any one of them defecting is a great risk to me, isn't that honest enough?"

  Lin Qiyu knew this was the truth, so he could only look at him with pursed lips.

"I understand that many people who fought in that battle were desperate. Maybe even in the sea, some people were shaken. Under such circumstances, I still have so much confidence in the future, in addition to being loyal enough, it may also be an enemy special. Right?" Tao Zhiming wasn't angry, "I feel comfortable with this caution, so what's the solution you brought?"

  Lin Qiyu looked into his eyes and asked seriously, "Are you really so confident, will our future be good?"

   "That's a bit ambiguous." Tao Zhiming was not serious again, and laughed.

   Lin Qiyu was a little embarrassed: "Hey!"

   This time, it's not the style of a veteran cadre, it's really a bit coquettish.

  Tao Zhiming replied proudly: "Of course, I have absolute confidence!"

  Lin Qiyu's eyes were full of brilliance, he looked at him and said, "The organization completely trusts me!"

   "...Why?" Tao Zhiming already understood why she suddenly said that.

   "This is the result of my completely selfless work over the past few years," she said calmly.

  Tao Zhiming frowned: "How can this be enough? What have you done to take on this burden?"

There is no need to talk too much between smart people, Lin Qiyu's eyes are calm: "It's not enough just to be selfless, it needs to go through a lot of conversations and reviews. I have been to Zhuhai many times in the name of following the minister. I believe I see it. People's eyes, they also believe their eyes to see people."

"so what?"

Lin Qiyu smiled sweetly: "Let me be an economist who you say will bring disaster to the country and the people. Are you not building a university? I will cooperate with you to finish this scene. In the future, I will also be the only link between you and the organization. In addition to using academic terms as clues to determine the interpretation code, the other is that as a scholar, I have the opportunity to be invited back to China to participate in various activities. "

  Tao Zhiming was stunned: "Aren't you kidding me? I was just kidding just now, did you really send you to lurk beside me?"

   "In this case, in the eyes of some people inside, my loyalty will also be questioned. If I resign voluntarily, it will be understood by the outside world as being captured by you... and betraying some national interests."

Lin Qiyu said in a low voice, and then looked at him firmly: "Is this also trust in you? The organization believes that you will not forget your original intention. I want to ensure that your plan can be carried out smoothly, and that your Safety!"

   "What is the code name?" Tao Zhiming suddenly asked with a smile.


   "What's your code name?" Tao Zhiming thought it was very interesting, "If you contact me on a single line with such a secret mission, I will trust no one but you in the future, so what is the code name?"

   " need to get your approval before doing this formally. Otherwise, there are other plans."

  Tao Zhiming nodded, and then asked again, "Sister Lin, this task will take more than 20 years, do you understand what it means?"

   "I know what you're talking about?" Lin Qiyu pouted indifferently, "Why do you think I'm not married yet? Because I don't think that matters at all."

   "...Ah?" Tao Zhiming was stunned.

  Lin Qiyu said calmly: "As you said before, indifferent, it can be said to be very indifferent. Anyway, I only have the future of the country in my eyes, and I can do anything for the needs of the mission."

  Tao Zhiming showed the old man's face in the subway looking at his phone.

Then he was relieved: "Whether those people take advantage of you, or you are really willing to make sacrifices. But since you are always ready to sacrifice, you might as well sacrifice to me, I feel better. Think about it. But don't pretend, if you're always like a piece of wood, I'll ask the organization for a replacement!"


   "Yeah, that's great." Tao Zhiming blinked, "Let's have fun together, won't we just finish the task?"

   Lin Qiyu packed up his mood, nodded his head and said, "Then next, I will prepare to coordinate the economic and trade negotiations with the new cabinet."

   "No need, just talk to me." Tao Zhiming said lightly.

   "Talk to you?" Lin Qiyu was stunned, "The new cabinet hasn't announced the list yet..."

  Tao Zhiming's mouth curled up: "Ozawa Taro was still here before. This Prime Minister, who doesn't sit for long, may be down in a month, so don't prepare in vain, just talk to me."

   "Are you sure?" Lin Qiyu was skeptical.

"Of course I'm sure." Tao Zhiming lay down leisurely, looked up at her and said with a smile, "The economic and trade cooperation mainly depends on the investment or import and export of Neon's consortium and the General Assembly, and Neon's banking system. I can't afford to lend to the outside world right now. As for the cabinet, I have already appointed certain candidates, so I am willing to help Taro Ozawa and the others stabilize the situation. For the consortium, I can handle Mitsui, Sumitomo, and Daiichi Kanye. Do you suffer from a loss in this cooperation? It is even more foolproof, just talk to me, I believe Mitsui, Sumitomo and others will be very welcome."

   "…to talk about you sitting down."

   "Aren't you very cold? What do you care about?" Tao Zhiming smiled.

   At this time, it was almost the end of April, and the weather was getting warmer. After all, Lin Qiyu's face was slightly warm, and there were beads of sweat dripping down.


  Under the scorching sun, on the construction site of the new airport in Xiangdao, countless workers were as busy as ants.

   "Guangzai, take advantage of the good weather these few days, and let your people hurry up to work."

   A boy in a floral shirt and a hard hat put the soda in his hand on the table under the umbrella, and sat down with Erlang's legs up.

   Another man with a big back and a large suit immediately handed over the cigarette and lit him with a lighter: "Don't worry, I'll guarantee my life! I couldn't do well here a few years ago, come and see you!"

After taking a sip, the boy in the play shirt tilted his head, smiled and spit the smoke on his big back face, and said, "Why do you bring your head up to see you? Aguang, you are already a boss, don't always fight and kill. Appearance. My daddy is someone who wants to elect a member of parliament. If people hear it, there will be criticism. "

   "I'm stupid, so I should be punished." Dabei pretended to slap his mouth, and then asked with a smile, "Young Master Tian came to Lantau today, and stay here for the night? I've arranged everything!"

  Flower shirt with smiles in his eyes, nodded: "I came here to see the progress, and I want to console you all for Daddy."

"How can I say condolences? We all rely on Tian Shao and Qi Ye to enjoy the meal!" Da Bei looked up at the sky, and then said, "Here at the construction site, Tian Shao is relieved, it's hot, or... let's go out to sea for a walk. ? I've arranged the yacht!"

   "Yacht? What?"

   "Taosheng Company's yacht, what about Tian Shao?" Dabei raised his eyebrows.

  Flowered shirt understood, stood up to extinguish the cigarette and picked up the soda bottle: "Then let's go, you still have to arrange a good person on the construction site and keep an eye on the progress!"

  The contractors and supervisors all walked away laughing and joking, and the horses stayed here, urging the workers on the construction site.

  Chen Huanchang is only 46 years old, but he already looks like he is in his 60s.

   His tanned body and strong bones are not the reason why he looks like he is in his 60s, but mainly because of the tiredness and vicissitudes in his eyes.

   Looking at Ge Guang, the foreman who left on the hillside in the distance, he continued to work silently.

   Nothing is certain, but it is more important to continue working first. Moving out of the Kowloon Walled City, the rent pressure is even greater.

  The people in the walled city are also divided into three, six and nine.

   How can they get the benefits of the so-called resettlement who only sneaked to Fragrant Island more than ten years ago?

   He can't fight for anything. He's a black family, and he's not familiar with people. It's good to be able to beg for a bowl of rice here.

  Chen Huanchang has a reason to stay here, but Ah Ying has not found it yet.

  But twenty-four years have passed, and Chen Huanchang is at a loss.

  Is there any chance of finding it?

   With the grout, Chen Huanchang gritted his teeth slowly, then wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm.

   "Uncle Chang, Uncle Chang, come over here!"

   Hearing this special call and voice, Chen Huanchang didn't realize for a while that he was calling himself.

   But it was indeed Ge Guang who called him. After looking up, he was raising his hand to greet him.

   Wasn’t it called Old Chenpi before?

  Chen Huanchang didn't know what was going on, why were there two more people beside Ge Guang?

  Flowered shirt Qi Yuntian was a little embarrassed to hear his father say: "Let Zhao Sheng laugh, Ah Tian is useless, otherwise you don't need to wait so long."

Zhao Yuanxi took his eyes away from the man who was walking in the distance, and smiled politely: "It was I who caused trouble for Qi Sheng, and Tian Shao came just in time, why should Qi Sheng blame him? What's going on at the airport? Many, Tian Shao is very responsible."

   Mr. Qi, who was wearing a floral shirt, couldn't tell that he was here to do his duty.

   Qi Yu, who got a lot of projects for the new airport, then asked suspiciously: "Zhao Sheng, you made a trip yourself, and you came here specially for him? This person..."

   "President Tao's personal affairs." Zhao Yuanxi said lightly.

   Qi Yu froze in his heart, Tao Zhiming, what personal affairs could be between him and this coolie?

   What kind of private matter needs Zhao Yuanxi to make this trip in person? Just send any subordinates and just call them over?

   At this time, Chen Huanchang had already walked in front of the crowd, and bowed to Ge Guang firstly: "Brother Guang, what's the matter?"

   One is called Uncle Chang and the other is called Brother Guang.

   Zhao Yuanxi turned to the guest: "Are you Chen Huanchang who used to live in Kowloon Walled City?"

   "'s me, are you?"

   "I'm Zhao Yuanxi from the Dow Group." Zhao Yuanxi nodded with a smile, and then said to Qi Yu, "I still need to trouble Qi Sheng to make arrangements. There are some things I need to ask Mr. Chen to confirm."

   "What's wrong with Zhao Sheng!" Qi Yu saw Zhao Yuanxi's very polite gesture in his eyes, and said to the big back with a smile, "Aguang, take Mr. Chen to clean up first?"

   "Mr. Chen." Zhao Yuanxi looked at Chen Huanchang and said genially, "Go here for work, and pack up everything you bring."

   "...Zhao Sheng, you have to tell me why, I..." Chen Huanchang was really confused.

   Zhao Yuanxi only said softly, "Aying."

   Chen Huanchang was shocked and looked at him in disbelief.

Zhao Yuanxi nodded: "Let's go. Your business is not a secret. After looking for it for so many years, many people know it. It's all a coincidence, Qi Sheng, please accompany you on this trip, which is also what President Tao requested. He came here soon from Neon, and asked me to bring Mr. Chen to Lamma Island first."

  Ge Guang understood, his eyes changed a bit: "Uncle Chang, you said that you lost a daughter 24 years ago, wouldn't it be true?"

   Qi Yu understood.

   And looking at the importance of Tao Zhiming, could it be…

  Ge Guang then turned even paler: "Uncle Chang, I understand what you meant by testing me before. Although I did it back then, I really never shipped people to Neon!"

   Qi Yu frowned and looked at Zhao Yuanxi: "Zhao Sheng, since Tao Sheng has found this place, he should investigate everything clearly, right?"

   Zhao Yuanxi nodded, and then said to Chen Huanchang: "Mr. Chen, let's go and clean up first, and we'll talk about everything after Lamma Island."

   "Zhao Sheng!" Chen Huanchang didn't care whether his hands were covered in ashes, he grabbed his wrist and his eyes were red, "Really Ah Ying?"

   "100% sure!" Zhao Yuanxi raised his hand, "Madam, a son and a daughter will come together."

   "...Aying...has a child?" Chen Huanchang muttered to himself with a dazed expression.

   "Old Tian, ​​go with Mr. Chen and bring your luggage here."

Tian Jinbo, another officer of the Dow Group, also came with him, and immediately walked up to Chen Huanchang with a face full of compliments: "Uncle Chen, don't get excited, let's get your luggage, and then go home to pick you up. Ma'am. The boss and ma'am will be able to go to Fragrant Island this evening."

   "...The Dow Group? Could it be that..." Chen Huanchang only thought of this at this time, his face changed.

   Zhao Yuanxi didn't know what he was thinking, but sooner or later this information would have to be known to everyone.

So he said here: "Mrs. Chen and Mr. Tao's fate was before Mrs. Ueda, and few people knew about her. However, Master Hoshino is the real eldest son of the Tao family, and he is now 7 years old. Miss Zhihua , is the only daughter of President Tao now."

   seems to be just emphasizing that although that guy is scumbag and there are many women, your daughter is different.

   Qi Yu was shocked.

   Zhao Yuanxi said this in front of them, a layer of meaning is already obvious.

   Judging from the few words just now, Tao Zhiming's wife was actually "abducted" to Neon back then?

   Now that I have found my relatives, I came here officially.

   This sudden appearance of Mrs. Chen is actually the mother of the Tao family's son.

   This is really breaking news.

  Chen Huanchang went to the shed where they lived to pack up, and then Qi Yu asked, "Aguang, did Mr. Chen's daughter really have nothing to do with you back then?"

Ge Guang knew what kind of big people they were, so he immediately knelt down when he heard the words: "I was a snake head back then, but now I've changed my mind! Since Mrs. Tao met with Tao Sheng in Neon, she would definitely be in harmony with Tao. I'm fine!"

   Zhao Yuanxi also said: "It really has nothing to do with him, Qi Sheng, I forgot to say this."

  Ge Guang breathed a sigh of relief.

   Qi Yu then laughed: "It seems that the investigation is very clear, and you are 100% sure if you haven't seen it?"

Zhao Yuanxi smiled and said: "Actually, I did some work ahead of time. Mr. Chen worked here, and it was easy to get some samples with some broken skin and hair loss. It used very new high-tech. After all, Master Hoshino's future natal family, It's a big deal."

  Qi Yu understood completely: "Is Tao Sheng going to Fragrant Island tonight? Then I will make a special trip to visit Lamma Island tomorrow."

   "I told Mr. Tao."

   On Neon's side, another major incident just happened. Taro Ozawa formed a new faction without discussing it with Tomo Murayama. Tomo Murayama quit the seven parties and one faction in anger. Leaving the new party cabinet supported by the Socialist Party, it has become an extremely rare minority ruling cabinet.

   Neon had a big event, and Tao Zhiming slipped away.

  He is going to Fragrant Island, and the upper floors here are already moving.

  The son of Tao’s father was born to a woman who was trafficked from the mainland to Neon?

  What is the real relationship between the Tao family and the Ueda family?

   These issues are being considered by the political and business circles of Xiangdao, and Qiu Shuzhen and Li Jiaxin are also stunned.

   Although the manor on Lamma Island has been built, they have not been there yet!

  Tao Zhiming's private plane landed at the airport, Hoshino Ling held Tao Zhiming's arm tightly: "Really right?"

   "Absolutely. I have to prepare before coming, so I will tell you today."

   "My parents... are you okay?"

   "Fortunately, you'll know when you see it." Tao Zhiming said and touched Tao Xingye's head next to him, "Wait when you see your grandfather and grandma, you want to speak Xia language, do you understand?"

  7-year-old Tao Xingye didn't have a strangely quiet temperament, and nodded: "Got it."

   Changed from a business jet to a helicopter, and the family went straight to Lamma Island.

   At this time, Chen Huanchang and his wife were already waiting there in anxiety and worry.

  Aying still remember what they looked like?

  How did Ah Ying come here all these years?

   Zhao Sheng didn't show them what Ying looked like now, and the couple were completely hung up in nervousness.

  The helicopter finally arrived here. Chen Huanchang and his wife blocked the wind above their heads and tried to look with their eyes wide open.

  The hatch of the helicopter was opened, and Hoshino Suzu, who had once stunned Tokyo, came out with the corners of her skirt, and her eyes turned red when she saw two figures beside Zhao Yuanxi not far away.

  Chen Huanchang looked at Hoshino Ling, who was so beautiful, calling for Mom and Dad to run over, and looked at Zhao Yuanxi at a loss for a while.

   Is this really Ah Ying? Could it be wrong? Can you still look so good after being trafficked to Neon?

   Seeing her father's dark face and holding her mother's rough hand, Hoshino Suzu's tears fell rushingly.

   At this time, Tao Zhiming also walked over with Tao Xingye and Tao Zhihua, and indiscriminately ordered: "Call grandpa and grandma."

   (end of this chapter)