MTL - Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era-Chapter 599 Be the queen of internet media

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   Chapter 599 Becoming the Queen of Internet Media

   A crushing defeat.

   "We have won the battle against international speculators and defending the Hong Kong stock market and currency!"

   Watching the live broadcast on TV, the pale-faced people in the room couldn't help but think of another sentence he said many days ago: "If the government can't keep Xiangdao after entering the market, let alone take the blame and resign, I will apologize with death!"

   It turns out that there is not only determination, but also such strong confidence?

  The stock index futures contracts in August were all forced to close positions at more than 8,000 points. If you switch positions, the cost of each contract will cost an additional 40,000 fragrant coins. Who can afford it? Who is confident that the stock index can be beaten again after a month?

   Li Jiacheng sat slumped on the chair, eyes blank.

   Completely finished.

   The money from the sale of Orange, which was used to invest part of the funds in their short-selling plan, suffered heavy losses.

   After purchasing the shares of Sanhe, he mortgaged the money lent to Mitsubishi, and invested it at the last moment in order to save the situation.

   Earlier, they urgently transferred part of the shares to them to sell, and the money in hand has been brought back along with the stock price, and then repurchasing the shares will result in a huge loss.

  The important thing is, can it be repurchased?

   He couldn't help but look at Tao Zhiming. At this moment, many people were also looking at Tao Zhiming.

   The walking **** of finance broke the golden body for the first time, and it was broken so badly, this is not the point.

   The point is that in this battle, he not only placed himself on the opposite side of Xiangfu and Yanjing, and on the opposite side of many investors in Xiangdao, but also lost a lot of money with other people who believed in him.

   After today, how does he face everything?

  Tao Zhiming grabbed the armrest of the chair tightly and squeezed the leather-covered chair into a rattling sound.

   Then accompanied by a roar, he stood up and waved his hand, and the whole chair was swung up by him, and it fell to pieces on the floor of the room.

   Everyone else looked at him in horror as he lost control of his emotions.

   Shocked, because he, who has always been strategizing and calm, has completely lost his temper at this time.

   Fear, because of the power he showed.

This is not over yet. In the manicured new racecourse clubhouse, he also held the metal clubs that these VIPs could go to the nearby golf course to play at any time. With his vent-like roar, he was suddenly held in both hands. He pierced the screen of the TV with a very sharp sword force on the kendo, and even pierced directly into the wall behind him.

   The force value is obviously the existence of max among the many big guys in the field.

  Tao Zhiming gasped violently, and slowly let go of his hand, then took a deep breath and said, "After all the organs are counted, everything is lost!"

   Then he turned around and stared at Tao Yaren and the others, his eyes were extremely cold: "You shouldn't force me to sell that boat!"

   The room fell silent.

   After a long time, Tao Yaren sighed deeply: "...It makes sense..."

   The requirement to buy a ship made a concession on the first license, so that they all believed that Xia Guo wanted to strengthen the status of the free port of Xiangdao.

   But now, Hong Kong Island, which has always pursued a "zero intervention policy", has carried out such resolute and unprecedented direct intervention with the support of the mainland, and the definition of the so-called "free financial port" has disappeared in the future.

  It is enough to protect the exchange rate. Through various financial policies, that is still within the scope of understanding.

   But going straight into the stock market and swallowing the sell is simply too blatant.

   If they lose money, then Xiangfu and the domestic capital will naturally make a profit.

   In the end, it not only failed to consume their foreign exchange reserves, but also contributed to the strength of the other party.

   "The empty position in September is no more fun, let's clean up the mess." Tao Zhiming said coldly, "Excuse me."

  Li Jiacheng involuntarily stood up and shouted dryly, "Tao Sheng..."

   But Tao Zhiming didn't stop, and the others left one after another with a heavy heart.

   What needs to be negotiated, today is definitely not the right time.

   Everyone needs to reassess the situation and take stock of gains and losses.

   Only Li Jiacheng and several other players from Xiangdao who participated in the game were left in the room.

   "...Li Sheng, what should I do now?" Their eyes were full of worry and anxiety.

   "...I don't know." Li Jiacheng shook his head blankly, "I...I..."

  's eyes suddenly blurred, he shook, and fell down softly.

   How could it be like this?


   When looking back at this battle of the century, the biggest strategic misjudgment of short capital is naturally the determination and strength of Xiangfu to save the market.

   This is almost contrary to the "consensus" formed around the world, and it is the embodiment of an illicit market economy.

  From the beginning of the night, unprecedented fierce debates have been launched in the media and academic circles.

   However, this dazzling financial war has really affected too many emerging countries. After calming down, Tao Yaren and the others realized that Xia Guo’s approach was not unsupported.

   Resentment is full of grievances and sympathy. In the face of this kind of attack that generally swept through wealth, all developing countries are worried about one thing. In the future, they will finally develop a little bit. Will they also encounter such a thing?

  In the new order after the collapse of Hongsu, in the free trade system with close cooperation and division of labor in the world, will it always face such a crisis?

   After three days of rest, these people sat together again.

   Li Jiacheng has recovered, but he is extremely silent.

   But his body is obviously much weaker.

   In fact, the few players who followed on the island were indeed the most vulnerable in this conference room.

   They are not like Tao Zhiming, whose roots are not in Xiangdao, and they have gained enough benefits from the attacks of other countries at the beginning.

Tao Zhiming said in a muffled voice: "The money I invested this time was 20 billion yuan at the beginning. Before the battle of Xiangdao was over, it had already reached nearly 50 billion yuan. Later, I invested another 5 billion yuan in a desperate attempt. Yuan, if the September contract is directly closed at that time, it is estimated that more than 22 billion yuan will be left in the end. How about you?"

   The others didn't say much.

   Their situation is actually a little better than Tao Zhiming, after all, they have deployed more in other countries before.

"Assets, shares currently held, futures...the comprehensive account doesn't count." Tao Zhiming said coldly, "The problem now is that the money that should have been earned by us is now being used by Xiangfu and Yanjing. I earned it! Assess the scale, it should be more than 100 billion yuan, right?"

   "What do you think?" Taoya asked.

"It must be taken back!" Tao Zhiming gritted his teeth and said, "Don't Zhou Kingdom, Neon, Thailand, Singapore... all need to be revitalized? Let's put pressure on them together, issue government bonds, and let Xia Guo subscribe! With these conditions, eat them more assets! Then the next battlefield is the long-term, and it must be more concealed in the future! Trade tariffs, patents, propaganda agenda setting... and, there must be more alliance forces in the mainland of Xia, so that they cannot be so united in the future Cooperate!"

  Li Jiacheng looked at him with mixed feelings.

   That's what the fierce appearance revealed, right? Has he broken the jar? But his foundation is not in Xiangdao!

   The important question is: what do I do?

   Tao Zhiming also looked at him with cold eyes: "Li Sheng, what do you think? Can we play together without reservation in the future?"

   Li Jiacheng's heart is bitter, do you still blame us for having reservations this time? How can the major shareholders of blue-chip stocks clearly understand the truth of smashing their own shares in the end?

   Xiangfu wins, Xiangdao does not need to issue any debt to support the financial system.

   But Li Jiacheng has already understood that in order to seize the WTO opportunity that was finally negotiated, Yanjing will make concessions to subscribe to other countries' national debt. This can not only win over those "disaster-affected" countries, but also expect long-term returns from a national debt, and stabilize these international capital whose returns are lower than expected.

   Only after winning the battle can we be reasonable: it’s okay to follow the rules and have fun, but if we don’t follow the rules, we can only be forced to fight back.

   Is it time to follow the rules and have fun? But how did the Li family play along?

   All he needs now is money! money! Money that could have been earned!

   These people just made less money, but the families that Xiangdao played with them used their own houses as a battlefield, and they lost a lot of money!

  The stock price has already halved, how many money are left for the winter, the debts owed, and how many are left?

"After this time, it is impossible for the whole world to be without vigilance." Tao Zhiming exhaled, "The layout in the future must be carried out in a cycle of ten years. Industrial opportunities and financial tides can Continue to create new opportunities. I am ready to play slowly.”

Tao Zhiming stood up and said, "Since everyone has different thoughts now, let's find the mutual trust that we used to have. Of course, we can't force it. In this battle, it was me who suffered heavy losses. , but it was a complete failure, and I want to become a practical and capable entrepreneur again. Excuse me, everyone, I will go back to Tokyo first."

   "...Li Sheng?" Someone asked Li Jiacheng quietly and anxiously, and looked at Tao Zhiming's back again.

  Why didn't you stop him? Every family in Xiangdao wants him to help in the emergency!

  Li Jiacheng was at a loss.

  He already understands a bit.

  The Li family has no other position. This time the shareholding reduction is used for them to sell. The position is clear and it is impossible to turn around.

   In the future, we can only rely on them to continue to survive and develop.

   But relying on them, you have to recognize the position.

   little brother.

  The chair must be given to them to sit in, so that they may have a small circle standing beside them.

   Li Jiacheng just didn't understand: this couldn't have been their real plan in the beginning, right? After such a big battle, it is too unnecessary to only seek the interests of each family in Xiangdao.

   Those hundreds of billions of dollars in profits that have already been earned, but finally spit out, as for?

   It's hard to say, everyone really doesn't deserve to be so deliberately plotted.

   They couldn't figure out their thoughts at all when they were in the game. The stronger capital consortiums also took a long time to review and digest.

   But no matter what, Tao Zhiming, as one of the main forces in this war, has indeed lost more than 20 billion of the benefits that he should have earned.

   Even, he actually lost billions of dollars.

   In other countries, he has not invested yet.

  Zhou Kingdom only took a small share of the restructured Jiuxing Electronics based on the original investment in Tianle.

   Unlike other Omi consortiums, he can also look forward to the long-term growth space of so many high-quality assets in Zhou Kingdom.

   What's more, he and Xia Guo really killed blood.

   In the eyes of Zhou Kingdom, Xia Kingdom and many others, he has become a demon-like existence like Soros.

   Such a person makes people feel complicated.

   At this point, it is impossible to touch him.

   There is no reason to move him. Other small capitals purely for financial speculation may have really lost money, but Omi's big consortium has always made a lot of high-quality assets.

   The financial tsunami that has been raging for more than a year has finally begun to subside.

  Tao Zhiming is rude this time, and his rudeness is now in many ways.

  From the beginning of Neon, the newly issued treasury bonds have more subscribers of Xia Guo, and this money will flow to many industries through commercial banks in Neon.

  There is an urgent shortage of funds in the universe, and Tao Zhiming has joined the ranks of making demands. He has asked for a little more equity in Jiuxing Electronics, which is also used to provoke disputes between the universe and the neon department within Tianle.

   On Kashima’s side, Tsutsumi Yoshiaki naturally came to ask for debts, and the Mitsubishi Consortium, which was supported by the central bank’s treasury bonds, also used the name of restructuring and integration to move the Sanhe shares mortgaged by Li Jiacheng.

   Everything is going on peacefully.

   Zhiming Trust also set up a branch in Xiangdao.

  Silicon chip began to actively cooperate with BSMC, and began to promote semiconductor process and production capacity through ASML's dual-stage lithography machine plan.

  BravoMedia is integrated and listed, and Pantao Pictures has announced a large number of new projects.

  Tao Zhiming's mind seems to be completely focused on running the industry in a down-to-earth manner. Since it is an industry, it is natural to talk about business.

   Therefore, in order to make up for the previous losses, Sanyou Holdings and Tetsuyoshiaki's Seibu Group "turned enemies into friends" and introduced Tetsuyaki as a minority shareholder.

The funds obtained by   , together with the support of the financial revitalization fund obtained by Changxin Bank from Neon Bank, are also being invested in the Dow Group of Hong Island in business terms, focusing on the operation of Lamma Island.

   A super yacht costing 500 million yuan to replace the Gwa was announced, and the Lamma Island yacht home port will continue to be built.

  The Li family, who suffered heavy losses, could not ignore the sea-crossing bridge and the residential real estate on Lamma Island, so their "good ally" Dow Group also injected capital into Dajiang Industrial and other clubs and became a large proportion of new shareholders.

  The time has come to the end of November.

  Los Angeles, Tao Zhiming appeared here.

   Nojima Tatsuo and Sun Zhengyi came and looked strangely at the young girl in front of him and bowed to Tao Zhiming: "It's been hard work all the way, brother."

  Tao Zhiming smiled and said, "You can call it the president or Tao Jun, Mizi, it's weird."

  Yeah, it's weird, she's obviously the daughter of a woman, but at the same time she's the "righteous sister" of his legal wife.

   Ueda Yako has grown into a 24-year-old girl. She has been in the United States for more than six years, and she has grown a little capable.

   "Nojima-san and Sun-sang, it's been hard work all the way." Ueda Yako said after greeting them, "The final negotiation will be held here at the same time, so let's take a tour first."

   "It's work." Nojima Tatsuo smiled and nodded.

   "Well done." Tao Zhiming looked at the office here and pointed at the staff over there, "How many are your classmates at school?"

   "A lot, including a lot of seniors." Ueda Yako smiled, "Of course, it's mainly the original Mosaic creation team."

   After visiting for a while, she bent down: "You are disappointed, Mr. President."

   "Where, you did a great job." Tao Zhiming encouraged her with a smile, "Will they recognize you as a vice president?"

   Ueda Yako sighed: "It's a bit difficult, after all, although I also understand technology, I really don't have a good idea on how to help Netscape get out of the defeat in competition with IE."

   "You can ask Sun Sang for advice first." Tao Zhiming pointed to Sun Zhengyi.

   "This is really not Miss Mizi's problem." Sun Zhengyi said quickly, "IE has the platform advantage of the entire Microsoft after all!"

Ueda Yako smiled reluctantly, but still asked for advice: "Sun Sang, if the acquisition negotiation is completed, the original team will probably leave a lot. Although it is rather arrogant, but because of the support of ... the president, I still want to lead as many people as possible. Try it again, do you have any suggestions?"

   "Such confidence must be needed!" Sun Zhengyi entered his rhythm and began to talk about his views.

  Tao Zhiming and Nojima Tatsuo walked to the window: "Ami Online acquired Netscape, and Time Warner merged with Ami Online. It is required to discuss the interests of the two sides together. What do you think?"

"Just strive for more resources for Blockbuster's transformation." Tao Zhiming sighed, "Let's not talk about Columbia Pictures, try to integrate some high-quality investments through the previous New Millennium Investment Fund and Onodera Fortune's investment in the technology sector. Resources. Like the past ten years, there are fewer and fewer opportunities. The computer industry and the Internet can only be done in a down-to-earth manner. Talents, technology, and funds cannot be lacking. We must find a new one for Sanyou. grow."

Nojima Tatsuo sighed: "I still want to thank you. In the process of integrating Furong, Sanhe, and Daiichi Quanye, you and them set off the tsunami, but in the end, we can go out with new funds. Invested in a lot of high-quality assets.”

   "I am also weakened a lot as you wish." Tao Zhiming smiled bitterly, "Then let's return to a stable situation."

   "Yeah, it's time to stabilize." Nojima Tatsuo heard the noise outside, looked back and said, "They're here."

  After Ueda went to university in the United States, she followed what Tao Zhiming had taught her during her studies, and began to pay attention to new talents in the Internet industry.

  Because she thinks the browser has great potential, even though Tao Zhiming knew the outcome of Netscape, she did not deny her entry into the company with capital, technology, and resources to help Netscape go public.

   Let her exercise first.

   Now, Netscape has come to the end of being acquired, and Ueda Yako is about to start a new attempt.

   However, she should already have a lot of experience, so Tao Zhiming brought the real plan this time.

   The two negotiations were very simple, as long as an agreement was reached on the price and the authorization and cooperation of follow-up resources, Tao Zhiming did not care about these.

  So after the dinner, Tao Zhiming took Ueda Mizi back to the house here.

   Onodera Runa was waiting for her to come back, so he embraced her with open arms: "Don't be discouraged, come again."

   "Mom..." Ueda Yako was a little frustrated, "I'm still very confused, I feel a little bad."

"No." Tao Zhiming sat down and smiled, "I saw everyone in the company today, and I still like you very much. I heard that I usually study technology very hard, and I don't want to be seen by others as an investor sent to purely exercise and those who supervise."

   Seeing Tian Mizi looking at him with complicated eyes, Tao Zhiming simply joked: "Or, I don't want to be seen as the child of my hidden woman."

   "...Take care of my dignity a little bit, Tao Sang!" Ueda Miko sighed, "Don't expose things that start to worry when you start to understand a lot of things during adolescence."

   She sat over and drank the juice: "Of course, it's my mother's choice. You are good to my mother and I, I know that. But don't embarrass me!"

   Onodera Rana smiled and sat beside her, hugging her shoulders: "Don't force yourself like that."

   "Isn't that why he gave me business lessons since I was a child?" Ueda Mizi was still immersed in the mood that Netscape finally screwed up, looked at Tao Zhiming and said, "I'm sorry, Tao Sang, Mizi failed."

"No, it worked." Tao Zhiming said, "The mentality and tone have all been integrated into this place, and he has become a guy who is not regarded by others as a typical neon person, and can even make fun of me. I heard that he was dumped. I've had several boyfriends, congratulations!"

   Ueda Miko was a little embarrassed: "You have no right to make fun of me, you guy."

   "Mizi! I'm sorry!" Onodera Runa groaned.

"It's okay, she's right." Tao Zhiming looked at the mother and daughter opposite, put away his smile, took a notebook out of his bag and handed it over, "Next, it's the real struggle, Mizi ."

   "What is this?" Ueda Yako took it over with a bit of doubt, opened it and looked at it.

Tao Zhiming said calmly: "Beginning last year, an online audio and video rental company has already started operations. Blockbuster now has an absolute advantage in resources, but it is not suitable for a bloated organization to overthrow itself. As I suggest, go and defeat that first. Home netflix, and then starting from the cooperation with Blockbuster, Blockbuster, which is now eager to develop in the United States, will be completely integrated into the new company.”

   "...This doesn't seem to be a pure Internet company." Ueda Yako hesitated.

   "Just let some trusted people do it." Tao Zhiming said sternly, "With the money from the sale of Netscape this time, part of it will be done, and the other will be a very pure Internet project."

   "...Sun Sang shared some of his views with me today."

"Just listen, stop staring at search engines, browsers, and portals. There is a lot of hot money pouring into this field, but I have a clear idea." Tao Zhiming said solemnly, "Listen well. , you know I'm still working on this point of the chip process in the hardware that determines the basis for the development of the entire industry. I have some judgments about what the hardware development trend that supports the Internet will be. So, take a good look at the blog I wrote that just appeared I have some ideas for product design.”

   Ueda Yako was watching, and her eyes started to widen.

Tao Zhiming put on a meaningful smile: "The iteration of blog, from the initial personal tool, to a permanent free personal email system, and finally the introduction of social elements. When the Internet foundation is enough to support bandwidth and traffic, I will The film and television, cultural and creative industries and media industries that have been invested can all be linked together.”

   Ueda Yako quickly flipped through a few pages, then looked up at him in shock.

   Tao Zhiming whispered: "Become the queen of the entire Omi world, the queen of Internet media, Mizi!"

   Onodera Runa and Ueda Yako were all left to stare at him blankly.

  Tao Zhiming blinked: "Is this development direction and strategy pure enough?"

   (end of this chapter)