MTL - Reborn In the Tokyo Bubble Era-Chapter 6 life's playground

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  Chapter 6 The Playground of Life

   "Huh? Are you also a classmate who participated in the briefing session?" The girl finally understood the situation, her eyes widened.

   "Yeah." Tao Zhiming was very cheeky, "I asked the interviewer these two questions just now, and I wanted to share the answers with you, so I'd be rude. Would it be helpful?"

   "Huh?" The girl was dizzy in the Maze Fist, "Of course, I'm really... grateful. Well, did you ask the interviewer a question?"

   "Of course." Tao Zhiming continued to smile gently, "I was also asked: 'Are there any other questions'?"

  The girl nodded dazedly.

   "How did you answer?"

   "...No other problems." The girl's heart skipped a lot.

   Tao Zhiming sighed.

  Before the advent of the Internet, such things as interview experience could only be taught by words and deeds on a small scale. If you meet a strong senior to guide you, you can avoid many small problems.

   Looking at the girl's reaction, it should be that there is no chance to get good guidance, or she is an introvert and has few friends.

  Tao Zhiming is very happy to guide the girls.

What's more, seeing that Yamane Hengjiu wanted to maintain his image in front of his sister, he was even more motivated: "Look, I can't answer like that. Work is a matter of life, even if I stand in the club's position, I hope The other party is someone who takes this matter very seriously. If he takes it seriously, how can there be no problem? You should ask one or two questions."

  The girl looked at him blankly: "Is that so? Won't it make others feel troublesome?"

"Not at all!" Tao Zhiming shook his head affirmatively, and then smiled softly, "However, ask clearly and convey to the other party: I care about this job, and the most important thing is this clear question. "

   "...Is that so?" The girl looked like she had benefited a lot, then bowed and nodded, "Really, thank you so much."

"you are welcome."

   Yamane Yokohisa listened to the whole process, but he didn't expect that after revealing that this guy was also a candidate, he didn't destroy his image in this girl's mind at all.

   Instead, it seems to be more positive?

  Although what he said makes sense, but...stupid girl, you don't understand this!

   The question is: How can Tao Dalang speak so well?

   Yamane Yokohisa finally gave up and walked away with a sullen face.

   "That...Tao Jun, are you friends?" the girl asked cautiously.

   "It's just a classmate from school, and the relationship is not good..." Tao Zhiming saw Yosuke Ueno back, reached out and waved, "This is my friend, Yosuke Ueno."

   Ueno Yosuke walked over and was puzzled.

   When he came back, he was surprised to see Tao Zhiming chatting happily with his sister.

  The girl took the initiative to bow and introduce: "For the first time, my name is Okita Kyoko."

   "First meeting..." After saying this, Yosuke Ueno couldn't hold back any other farts, and Tao Zhiming suspected that he had a phobia of girls.

   Upon asking, this Okita Kyoko is from Chiba University. Tao Zhiming sighed with emotion: "Jingzi Jiang is very enterprising. Are you going to Tokyo to find a suitable job during the spring break? Live in Tokyo or go back after attending the briefing?"

   "That... I live in a classmate's house, so I'm getting ready to get an appointment!" Okita Kyoko looked very motivated.

   "It must be possible! Do it!"

   "Thank you!" Okita Kyoko looked at the two of them, "That...which school are you from?"

   Ueno Yosuke's eyes lit up, but he hesitated.

  The opportunity was left to Tao Zhiming, he smiled slightly: "It's just the University of Tokyo."

  Okita Jingzi opened his mouth slightly and murmured, "I will die..."

   Finished speaking with a complicated expression: " already have a lot of default decisions? Are you choosing the club you want the most?"

   "Of course. It's like before getting married, you have to interact with a few more people to know who is the best fit for you." Tao Zhiming changed the subject and asked with a smile, "Does Jingzijiang have a boyfriend?"

   "Huh?" Okita Kyoko didn't expect the topic to turn to this, and shook his head awkwardly, "No..."

   Ueno Yosuke was first shocked by Tao Zhiming's bold question, and his eyes lit up again when he heard the answer.

   "Really? That's great." Tao Zhiming smiled.

   "Tao Jun sounds you want to be with a lot of people?" She couldn't help but ask what she was thinking.

  Tao Zhiming looked at Yosuke Ueno, and said meaningfully: "'s not easy to give my heart."


   "After some things, I have already regarded life as a playground." Tao Zhiming said to himself, "But Jingzi Jiang's serious attitude towards life moved me very much."

  Kyoko Okita thinks that this person is saying very unreasonable things. Shouldn't life be taken seriously?

   But I don't know why, I always felt that when he said these words, his tone was very convincing.

   Ueno Yosuke couldn't help it: "Tao Jun just broke up in love, I'm rude, Jingzi... Please don't care about it."

   "Ah!" Okita Kyoko was taken aback, is it the emotion after a breakup?

   Tao Zhiming laughed.

   I went out today, and I really felt like an outsider among this group of people with vivid faces.

   It is not a country that I am familiar with, and it is not a history I have personally experienced.

   Isn't this like a playground?

   Without any restraints, all alone.

   He is telling the truth. This prosperous Tokyo and the life after that really make people feel like a playground.

  Tao Zhiming a little hope that this briefing will end soon, he needs to find... realism!


   After Ueno Yosuke opened his mouth, he talked more and chatted with Okita Kyoko.

  Tao Zhiming became much quieter, thinking about his own business quietly.

   His posture was completely different from before, but Okita Kyoko gave him a few more glances.

  Tao Zhiming noticed it, probably mainly because of the dual effect of Dongda's handsome face.

  Unfortunately, after being served by Youhe for a decent buffet at noon, Okita Kyoko was told that she did not enter the final round of the afternoon.

   Watching her with red eyes as she took a paper bag containing the tolls, Tao Zhiming asked, "A phone number, is it coming?"

   "No... I just met, how's it good..."

   Yosuke Ueno's appearance made Tao Zhiming very speechless. From his reaction, Tao Zhiming more intuitively felt how dull and rigid Dalang used to be.

  Things gather people in groups.

  Tao Zhiming simply walked over, first said to the personnel responsible: "I'm sorry. I want to say goodbye to my friends."

   The person in charge who had been instructed long ago just smiled: "Of course you can, just go back to the conference room before the president's interview."

   "Tao Jun!" Okita Jingzi didn't expect him to come over, and lowered his head a little bit inferior, "If I could have heard Tao Jun's advice earlier, maybe I wouldn't have failed."

   "Keep working hard." Tao Zhiming comforted, "I trust you. Can you tell me your phone number if possible?"

   "Huh? I live at a friend's house..."

   "It doesn't matter. Me and Ueno-kun, and Kyoko-chan's friends, isn't it just four people? Let's get to know each other. I'm in Tokyo, and I don't have many friends."

   Okita Jingzi didn't believe it: "How could it be? Tao Jun is like this..."

   She stopped immediately, as if she didn't know how to express it.

   "Then... tell Kyoko-chan my home number. You can also contact me if you are looking for a job." He gave Okita Kyoko a step down, and Okita Kyoko really bowed and wrote down his phone number.

   Tao Zhiming said goodbye to her and returned to Yosuke Ueno.

   "Did you ask?" Yosuke Ueno was looking forward to it.

   "What are you thinking? I asked, do you still have hope?"

   "...So, how did you suddenly become so brave?"

"Life and death have been underestimated, what is love and love?" Tao Zhiming said leisurely, "Do you know my other name? Knowing my fate, this means knowing my destiny. Firm consciousness. I am Tao Zhiming, please take care!"

   Ueno Yosuke was stunned: "Amazing!"

  Tao Zhiming put on his shoulder: "Let's go! Hurry up and get the president of Youhe. I heard that the person who wants to be won the most may be invited to a custom shop at night?"

   Ueno Yosuke was led to a staggering pace.

  The person who almost died suddenly became like a devil from hell.

   Didn't you still have to live or die for that woman yesterday? Missing the custom shop today?

   Saying that life is a playground, this guy has gone bad!

   has signed a contract, please ask for a monthly pass ((〃〃))



   (end of this chapter)