MTL - Reborn Mistress’ Scumbag Manual-Chapter 255 Supervision order

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  Chapter 255 Supervision Order

  When Lu Nan returned to the villa, Ji Tao was talking to Xiao Jing who came back early in the living room.

  When she saw Lu Nan, she hesitated to speak.

  In the morning, Lu Nan left in a hurry, and she didn't have time to ask anything. But now that Lu Nan just went out with Que Ze, she wanted to ask but didn't know where to start.

   Que Ze has always been very obvious, but she didn't notice it. But now that Lu Nan came back, she felt that her guess was wrong.

   Lu Nan put down his coat and raised his eyebrows to look at her: "What? What do you want to say?"

  Ji Tao thought about it, and said cryptically, "Lu Nan, you haven't turned eighteen yet."

   "Cough, cough, cough!" Xiao Jing on the sofa suddenly coughed loudly, and the two had to shift their attention to him.

  His face was flushed from coughing, and he covered his throat and mouth as if he could hardly breathe.

   It took more than a minute to slow down.

   Lu Nan glanced at him, Xiao Jing was at a loss.

   But after being at a loss for a while, Lu Nan turned his gaze back to Ji Tao: "There are still ten months, what's wrong?"

Ji Tao didn't expect that he would have a day to do puberty counseling with Lu Nan, so he pinched his eyebrows: "If you're not eighteen, you have to be more restrained when you're in love, or you'll be caught by the paparazzi. As a public figure, puppy love will always produce bad results. Influence. The tree attracts the wind, you can't have such an obvious handle."

   Lu Nan took a glass of water from the table and went upstairs while drinking, with a casual tone: "Don't worry, I haven't fallen in love yet, I will tell you when we do, and fans will know what they need to know."

  Ji Tao was taken aback, and asked, "Are you not with Mr. Que?"

  She can already see the difference between Lu Nan and Que Ze, and Lu Nan is a straightforward person, so it doesn't make sense that Lu Nan is not with him yet.

   "No." Lu Nan floated such a sentence, went upstairs and entered the room.

  Ji Tao was confused for the first time.

   It's a little girl who is in love, can't she understand it?

  Xiao Jing on the sofa, holding a water glass in one hand, slowly put it back on the table. His complexion didn't change, the disappointment in his eyes welled up and disappeared quickly.

  Some people can only be looked up to, such as Lu Nan. The only ones who are worthy of her are those who are also looked up to, such as the extraordinary Mr. Que.

  He can do it, just get closer, and a little bit closer, that's all.


  The supervision system of the bloodlines is set for abnormal people. It takes a while for the supervision order to take effect, and the status of the supervision object is different, and the difficulty of supervision is different. For some people, this so-called supervision is useless.

   Qiu Chengwu is the person whose supervisory system is useless.

  He didn't go back to Quan's house, but to Qiuju Pavilion.

  After the supervision order was issued, the head of the Qiu family directly used the elders to cancel the supervision of Qiu Chengwu, but this was originally a dispensable measure. It was only because of Lu Nan that he paid attention to this matter.

  He is the next Patriarch of the Qiu family, the controller of Hun Zhou, and the central bloodline of the Quan family. In the monitoring team, he is just a name, but Lu Nan is different.

  Lu Nan has no background, her biggest backer, besides Que Ze, is herself. But Que Ze, as the leader of the Bloodlines, the captain of the Bloodlines, the last thing he can do is to fight against the monitoring team, otherwise, countless troubles will arise in the future confrontation with the "Returning to God", causing chaos among the Bloodlines.

  So, without the help of others, Lu Nan can only rely on herself after the supervision order is implemented.

   Qiu Chengwu watched the fight on the ring with lowered eyes in the single viewing room above the ring.

  (end of this chapter)