MTL - Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei-~ 02 buns come

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"No, Xuan..." Blue stunned eyes are a little black. She can already feel that her body's strength is gradually disappearing. Even she can feel the little life in her stomach is struggling. A kind of courage for the mother makes the blue sorrow struggle. Holding the hand of Feng Yi Xuan, "Xuan...Save him and save our children!"

Even if Feng Yixuan felt that his blood was frozen, but did not order him to leave the child, Feng Yi Xuan’s purple eyes were so painfully and guilty that he looked at the blue mourning, and he hurt his children. Injury to the thoughts, if it can be Feng Yi Xuan hope that now is to die, but the reality is not so he as a man needs to support these needs to make a choice.

"Take in!" The ghost doctor's anxious snoring sounded outside the room. The blue song walked into the room with a bowl of bitter-smelling medicinal juice, but saw that the blood blue in the room almost didn't stand but still The medicine bowl was handed over to Pluto and left the room.

"Let Xiao Nian drink this, maybe the mother and the child can be safe!" said the ghost doctor. At the beginning of the apprentice's pregnancy, the ghost doctor considered many problems, including the physical problems of the blue mind, so he did these things. The medicine is to hope that if such a problem arises, it will be able to recover, and let people listen to the fate!

Feng Yi Xuan drank the medicine to the lips to cross the medicine, and the pair of purple scorpion even dared not look at the blue mourning.

The medicine in Lan Youn’s mouth is so bitter, and the bitterness makes Lan You Nian want to spit it out. But she hears Master’s voice in a confused way. She knows that this is a good medicine that can save her child, so Lan Nian’s mind presses down her chest. The nausea of ​​the surging swallowed the medicine, but after a while, the blue sensation felt that the effect had come. The spirit that was already weak and fainting seemed to be much better. Blue singly opened his eyes and looked at Fengyixuan. .

What kind of look is that, even if it is very weak, but in the moment of looking at the wind wing Xuan, there seems to be a starry sky, such as the superb light of all the brightest stars in the night, compelling, eye-catching Bright and amazing, full of a mother's pleading and longing.

Feng Yi Xuan kissed the blue secluded and pale and bitter lips. For a long time, Feng Yi Xuan was reluctant to let go of the lips, and the purple crystal bright eyes stared deeply at the thoughts, and the waves flowed. Deep and turbulent, there is a lot of helplessness and pain in the shackles.

"Protection mother!" Windwing Xuan ordered "but the premise is that Wang Hao is safe and sound!"

After the birth of the mother, I began to work hard to make a blue mourning. How to do it, just because the blue sorrow is already on the verge of death. Now I have the medicine blue scent to have the strength to continue to live.

"Wang Hao, take a deep breath, and use some strength!" The voice of the mother-in-law rang in the ear of Lan Younian. "Wang Hao, I have seen the child's head, and Wang Hao added strength!" Lan You Nian gnawed his teeth and followed the mother-in-law. To do it, she didn't have any idea at all. She only knew that she would give birth to the child. The pain in her body had already numbed her or she had already hurt and didn't know how to yell.

"Wang Hao, don't sleep!" The midwife looked at the stunned Pluto, and if it was the Pluto, it would be so unconscious. So not only the children, but even the adults are afraid to have problems, but fortunately, the blue mourning heard the words of the mother. Try hard to keep yourself from coma and let yourself work hard to push your child outside of your body.

"Ah!" Blue Nian Nian concentrated his power on the abdomen to launch his own child. This is the power of a mother.

"Give birth! Born!" The voice of the mother-in-law was awakened, and Lan Yunian felt that her body was light and seemed to have left her body and became an independent individual, but connected with her blood.

So tired, when Lan Younian felt that he could finally sleep, he heard the voice of the mother-in-law. "Oh my God! There is another! Wang Hao, can't sleep, there is a child in it!"

Feng Yi Xuan, who was already about to collapse, almost didn’t go crazy when the child was born. Now when I heard that there was a child, Feng Yi’s chest burst into the lips and the blood was flowing out. He really wanted to lie down. There was a sudden rag doll and thought that they should not be born, but he could not, because he could not stop!

The people who were outside were not allowed to give a glimpse of the words of the mother-in-law. They couldn’t come to surprise the mother and son and heard that there was still a child. This was a big happy event, but now everyone is not laughing. I am afraid that I will lose my life for a child.

"Missing..." The voice of Fengyi Xuan kept ringing in the ear of Lan Younian, letting Lan You Nian know that this man around him has been by his side, and Blue Nian’s clenched his hand and tried hard to use himself. The strength of the body to meet another child.

I don't know if this child knows that the mother is very hard, so the abnormally well-behaved, the blue secluded mind did not use any strength, the child slowly climbed out along the birth canal and greeted this new world.

"Congratulations to Pluto, Congratulations to Pluto, is two small sons!" The expectant mother said, the twins are rarely seen, not to mention two boys.

The blue dance brought the mother-in-law down. The blue song wrapped the two newborn children. Feng Yi Xuan sat in the coma and sat on the bed and looked at the coma. The face was very beautiful. It was pale, and the beautiful eyes were tightly closed. The long eyelashes seemed to become weak. The body was cold and the sweat was behind the forehead.

Feng Yi Xuan endured the heartache of the heart that wanted to destroy everything. After taking the warm towel handed over by the blue song, he slowly cleaned the body from the coma, but there was an unspeakable atmosphere around him. Lan Qu silently went out. She knew that the Pluto at the moment seemed to be wrong and knew that Miss could appease such a Pluto.

When Fengyi Xuan was holding his thoughts and lying on the bed, Feng Yi Xuan’s eyes shed a drop of crystal tears. Feng Yi Xuan tightly held the coma blue mourning, and the voice contained powerlessness. Really scared me..." Feng Yixuan saw that when she was so weak as if she was lying there, Feng Yixuan didn’t even have a father’s love for both children. He only knew if he was thinking. If there is any problem, he will follow it.

Outside the room at this time, the ghost doctor held a child in one hand to look at this and then look at that, an old face is full of smiles, even the wind and summer squats and other people want to hug the child are scorned by the ghost doctor It’s only a small meeting. Anyone who wants to hold a child is yelled at by a ghost doctor. If it is not convenient to hold two children, the ghost doctor will definitely give each person a pack of poison.

“A Xuan saw the child?” Feng Xia asked. After all, the fathers of the two children should be the first to look at the children. Although the ghost doctors and others are very fond of the children born, they will not be with the children. Father and mother fight for it.

Lan Qu sighed and said, "I just prepared the young master to hold it to the prince. I was almost close to Wang Ye and I was almost beaten by Wang Hao!" Blue song can be sure if the young lady is out, what are the two young masters afraid? I can't get the father's love. After all, they really saw that the most important thing in the heart of Wang Ye is the young lady, even if it is a young master.

"What! This stinky boy wants to hurt my little grandson, the old man does not destroy him!" The ghost doctor was anxious to hear, and looked at the one-handed child who fell asleep at all and said, "My How can you be so pitiful, not afraid, grandfather is here!"

Yue Bailian looked at the two children, although it was premature, but it looked very healthy. I looked at the inside of the room and asked, "How is it?"

When the ghost doctor heard it, he remembered that his little apprentice was still there. Although he was sure that there was nothing, he still had to look at it. He looked at the two little babies in reluctance, and the ghost doctor gave one of the two children to Feng Xia was handed over to Yue Bailian, and he was also stunned by the two people, fearing that they would leave for a while and they would abuse two children.

As soon as the ghost doctor entered the room, he felt the thick killing. The ghost doctor was not angry and knew that this was really scaring the stinky boy. In fact, Feng Yi Xuan was scared, even they all Almost not scared.

"The old man came to see how the little thoughts happened..." Then he walked into the room and read the pulse for the blue secluded heart. After a while, he was relieved. "It’s nothing but a force. Just wake up and have a good cultivation in the future." !"

Wind Wing Xuan nodded and then continued to hold and did not speak, the ghost doctor did not blame the rudeness of Feng Yi Xuan, but was very pleased that Feng Yi Xuan was concerned about the blue secluded thought, thinking of the newly-contained Bao Da, ghost doctor I feel that my little apprentice has not seen the wrong person.

The ghost doctor thought about it and asked, "Do the two children have to come in and see?" The face of the two fleshy little baby ghost doctors became very good.

"No!" Feng Yi Xuan directly refused, the ghost doctor wants to say a few words but looked at Feng Yi Xuan and could not bear to leave the room to take care of two children. And Yue Bailian looked at the two children and seemed to be hungry and gave it to the two nurseries, but the blue song and the blue dance were watching. After all, this is a young master and a newborn little master. So even if the mother is fine Pick the people who choose, but everyone still doesn't trust.

Lan Younian’s sleep has been sleeping for a long time, and he woke up on the third day. Fortunately, she woke up. Otherwise, everyone could not guarantee that Fengyixuan would be mad. Even the people were happy. The birth was also worried. If the child was born safely, what happened to the mother, then not only can the wind wing Xuan accept it, but even the people can't accept it.

I haven’t opened my eyes and the blue eyelashes have just moved, I heard the sound of Feng Yi Xuan’s hoarse voice “Missing...”

Listening to the hoarse voice, Lan Youn’s heart quickly opened his eyes and saw that Feng Yi Xuan was as close to him as he once was. The purple eyes were full of red blood, and his forehead was visible. How hard it is to endure, the black scum has grown on the chin.

"Missing..." Feng Yixuan used his own chin's chin to rub the blue smudge's cheeks. "We need these two children. I can't stand the painful look of myself, but I can't do anything about it." I am afraid that I will be crazy..."

Blue Nian Nian’s heart was distressed, and looked at the wind wing Xuan’s forbearance to the ultimate face and said, “Okay, it’s enough for them!” Lan Younian just hopes that the two have a child, and they don’t plan to have a baby. Ten or eight, when talking about the child, Blue Nian Nian suddenly struggled to sit up and ask, "My child?"

Feng Yi Xuan looked a flash, these three days did not wake up, do not say that he went to see the children, and even thought of it did not think, Feng Yi Xuan said some resentment, "Miss, you do not love me!"

Lan You Nian did not understand why Feng Yi Xuan said this, but thought that there are people who have Feng Yi Xuan and Master in the children must be no problem, or to appease this big man first, Blue Yuen asked, "How can I not love you?" ?"

"When you wake up, you think about the two stinky boys, and you don't care about me at all!" Fengyue Xuan said that the more he felt wronged, he even felt that his position would definitely drop suddenly.

" are you still jealous with your son!" Lan Youn took a bite of Feng Yixuan's chin and "go to the child!"