MTL - Reincarnation of Master Su-Chapter 45

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"I said, everything is the first time." Su Bai held Chen Yu's hand and pulled the trigger. He couldn't stand Chen Tianhe's loud noise.

"I killed him, I killed Chen Tianhe ..." Chen Yu's hand holding the gun trembled a little, Simon's sharp-eyed one took the gun back from Chen Yu, and accidentally wiped the gun and went out of fire. .

"Okay, don't look." Reaching out and covering Chen Yu's eyes, Su Bai turned around and didn't look at Chen Tianhe, who was unsightly. Chen Yu only had some psychological obstacles because of the first killing. After a few days of rest, It will be better.

Su Ye pulled Chen Yu and left the stone room. This is Chen Tianhe's villa on the outskirts. The people who stayed outside Chen Tianhe have been settled by Simon. These garbage, which are horizontal and vertical, will be disposed of by Simon.

"Drink some wine and you will feel better." Su Bai found two glasses and opened a bottle of wine.

In the living room, there were two or three men in black. Chen Yu was shocked to shrink to the corner of the sofa. His eyes did not dare to look at the few men in black who were lying on the ground. Su Bai went directly to Su Bai and Su Bai left. Wherever he sees.

Sit down casually, Su Ye handed a glass of wine to Chen Yu, took a sip of himself with a glass, and didn't look at the surrounding bodies at all. Su Bai calmly infected Chen Yu, who gradually calmed down after taking a few sips of wine, and his hands did not stop shaking like he just did.

Simon stepped out in silence and dragged the body in the living room expressionlessly.

"I'm so useless." Compared with the calmness of Simon and Su Bai, Chen Yu felt really useless.

"Don't deny yourself this way, if the first shot and killing can be calm enough, it's not normal." Thinking of this, Su Su suddenly found that none of himself and the people around him were normal. A bunch of extremely dangerous elements.

"Su Mo, you ... have killed someone before?" Another way to relieve tension besides drinking is to talk and distract. Chen Yu now has a mess in his head.

Su Ye smoked, drank again, glanced at Simon who dragged the last body away, and finally looked at the man sitting next to him: "Yeah, but I don't like killing people."

Chen Yu nodded vigorously, no one would like to kill.

"The blood is too dirty." Not many people are worthy of his own hands. Su Ye added, "Little fish, remember to wash your hands when you go back."

Chen Yu nodded hard again. After experiencing such things, Su Bai is now his idol.

"Su Mo, what shall we do now?" Mr. Simon killed so many people, and Chen Tianhe died.

"Are they better?"

"Much better," answered truthfully.

"Then let's go." Su Bai stood up from the sofa.

Chen Yu asked for a moment, hesitantly: "These ..."

"Nothing happened. We watched Tom Cruise's" Disc 4 "together in the afternoon. Now we go to eat, and then you come to my house to chat, and stay with me overnight."

As for this, Simon will handle it.

Chapter 36

At night, Su Bai and Chen Yu talked to each other and left the room. After closing the door, they turned around and saw a tall and handsome sculpture pestle outside.

"he has slept?"

"Well." After drinking a glass of milk with sleeping pills.

"Chen Tianhe is dead." Not a question, but an affirmative.

Although Su Bai returned with the same calmness as when he went out in the morning, Chen Yu, who was obviously unwilling to live beside him, had betrayed Su Ye.

Suddenly go shopping in the mall, and bring Chen Yu on purpose. There is no bodyguard around. If it is not too stupid or arrogant, it is a trap that makes you jump down. Chen Tianhe, who was forced to the cliff by the critical form, would not care about whether It is the trap that will be dispatched immediately, not to mention that a "Su Mo" and a Chen Yu don't seem to have any lethality from the outside.

Everyone knows that one of the most dangerous men in the world is this very gentle teacher Su.

Because everyone knows that Su Bai Su Ye is not easy to deal with, like a sharp blade, people will automatically retreat, but if an ordinary scabbard is set outside the sharp blade, once you mistakenly think that the sharp blade under the scabbard will not The wounded can only be brutally cut.

"He will die in a family struggle, and two days later, Chen San will be pushed to Chen Yu's position." One of the grandfathers admitted directly, and by the way gave an order.

"So fast?" Chen Tianhe's death was expected by Tang Yan. Confirming this fact with his own ears won't surprise him much, but how much strength did Su Bai hide, and Chen Tianhe resolved without a word. Send a round of fighting within the Chen family.

"For omnipotent T, this should be a trivial matter." With a beautiful smile.

"It's just for you, absolutely do it." When does the decision need to be thoughtful, T will also be full of blood for a man's word, this kind of animal world male shakes beautiful feathers in order to gain female favor What is the psychology of demonstrating ability?

From the first day of contact with Su Bai, Tang Yue found himself more and more obsessed with this man. The jade face Yan Luo has too many colors, smart, proud, cunning, ruthless, cruel, Sometimes it was a little bit ugly ... Every time he peeled off one side of the other side, he found that there was another layer that made him more curious and enamored.

Want to get this man's attachment to expand day by day, even at all costs, want to get Su Bai.

"See you tomorrow." With a wave of his hand, Su Ye was ready to go to bed.

Tang Yan strode up and grabbed the man's arm, his voice was low: "Su Bai, you can actually trust me more."

"Tang Yun, don't you think your request has passed?" The man turned to the pressing gaze from Tang Tang, his lips narrowed, and sneered, "Don't think that we have happened so intimately. Relationship, you can try to control me. Even without your help, I can still get everything I want. Don't take yourself too seriously and don't try to challenge my bottom line. "

The bottom of the eyes was dense and gloomy. Tang Huan held Su Bai's arm tightly, and took a little bit of anger with seriousness: "Then I will return this sentence to you too, Lord Su, I never see myself It ’s too heavy, and you do n’t think you can do everything. In the same way, you are also a person, a person who can be injured, make mistakes, and even die. If you can live once, it doesn't mean you can live next time! "


Without giving the other party any room for rebuttal, Tang Yan immediately sternly said, "Have anyone ever said that you are simply a man of willful arrogance to the extreme. If you have me as your collaborator, please ask you to implement Tell me before you plan! You've been betrayed once, can't you trust anyone? "

"Have you taken gunpowder?" A slight glance at the man.

"Do you know that when Chen Tianhe's people took you away, they were seen by Chen Yuan's people. Once Chen Yuan notices your plan, you think that lunatic will worry about Ye Ziwu or me. Touch you? "Tang Yan sometimes really wanted to take a bite at Su Bai's face.

"Thank you for helping me solve the problem." With a slight smile, he quickly patted Tang Yan's strong back, his eyes darkened a bit, and Su Bai was forced into Tang Wei's arms by force, and his chest bumped Chest, bringing great heart vibration.

Holding the feverish body in his arms tightly, Tang Yan sighed in a deep voice: "I now understand why Chen Yuan is holding you on an island, and dangerous people like you who are heartless and liverless are really Makes me want to lock you up. "

Keep it in a safe place where only he can go.

"Don't be as bad-tempered as a child. Chen Yuan has people around me. I'm not so careless in doing things." That being said, Tang Ye's help kept his danger to a minimum.

In the face of this intrepid and strong and aggressive offensive man, Su Bai knew in his heart that he was somewhat resistant to each other. He had never met a man like Tang Yan, his confession and enthusiasm, and his eyes on him His vision will make him feel uneasy, his pulse will be disturbed, and his heart rate will increase.