MTL - Remarry, No Way!-Chapter 486 Still not eating you clean (2)

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Chapter 486 does not eat you clean (2)

Xihe went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out the strawberry roll from the inside, put a fork on it, and walked out to the warmth of the warmth: "Come here to eat cake, and, slowly, eat..."

"I will, mother!"

Xihe didn't want her to see the wound on the arm of Muchucheng. After she explained it, she went to the medicine box.

When I took the medicine box out, I saw that Muchucheng was still standing. She sat on the sofa: "Come on."

Mu Chucheng’s mouth smirked and walked quietly, sitting down beside her.

"Give me the left arm."

Mu Chucheng obeyed his arms and hoped to help him deal with the wounds. He was quick and arrogant.

She lowered her eyes, her eyelashes were long, her nose was high, and she was pleasing to see her side.

"Xihe, it is really a waste to not be a doctor."

"I thought about being a doctor before."

"Why didn't you be wrong later? Run to give someone a secretary?"

Xihe licked his lips: "I wanted to be a doctor because the people I care about were seriously injured several times. When I felt anxious, I thought about being a doctor in the future..."

"Who is that person?"

Xihe looked up at him and did not speak.

"The man is a warm father? The warm father is not the surname Shen, Xihe, I am right?"

Xi He still didn't speak.

"You have been waiting for him? Where did he go?"

Xi He had already helped him with the wound and released his hand: "Well, remember not to touch the water within three days."

"Don't shift the topic." Mu Chucheng grabbed her hand.

Xi He glanced at him: "Mr. Mu, you have too much control, this is my private matter."

She finished, took his hand and stood up with a medicine chest.

She could feel that the burning gaze that belongs to Mu Chucheng behind her has never left, and the man has been staring at her.

Xi and his predecessor calmed down the medicine box. After going to the kitchen, she gasped hard.

Her heart is far from calm on the surface.

She didn't know how Mu Qicheng suddenly asked this question. Did she inadvertently reveal something? She even began to wonder if she was in the hospital that night, she dreamed of nonsense?

She pressed her forehead.

No matter how calm or calm, in the face of Mu Chucheng, she is always the most easily disrupted.

Mu Chucheng said that he had a job in Ancheng, so even the house was bought, and the one that he bought was able to stay in the bag.

Xihe did not know what his work was in Ancheng. When he was busy, he was very busy. He couldn’t see the figure for a few days, but when he appeared, he was silent, or when she was going to pick up the warmth. Appeared, or when she went to the supermarket, or appeared at her door. In short, when did he want to appear when he appeared, how to appear when he wanted to appear, he was happy.

Xihe really wants to move!

She was in the office at the moment, put down her pen, and stunned her eyes.

Chen Xiaolin came over and knocked on her desk: "What happened to you? I see you have been in a long time."

Xihe shook his head.

"Is it not to harass you again?"

"No." After the mother and son were driven out that day, Xihe really called the locksmith to change the lock. Now if they don't have them at home, Shen Xianfei and Zhou Zhen did not appear these days. She thought they could It’s been a pure day, but she ignored a man named Mu Chucheng.

"What are you upset about?"

Xi He looked at Chen Xiaolin, sighing in her heart, and she did not know how to open her mouth. She always felt that these things were not clear to others.

"It's a bit of a thing, right, are you looking for me?"

Chen Xiaolin looked around and whispered her head in Xia’s ear: "It’s Huo always looking for you."

Xihe stunned, does Hoscher find her not to call directly? How can Chen Xiaolin tell her?

"What is he looking for?"

Chen Xiaolin spread her hand and the voice was still small: "How do I know, you have to look at it in the past, anyway, I don't think it is a work thing..."

For Hoscher's feelings about Xihe, Chen Xiaolin still knows a little bit. She finally took a shot of Xihe's shoulder: "You are careful."

Xihe laughed: "Can he still eat me?"

"Hey, don't say, I think he always wants to eat you, but he hasn't found a chance yet. Look at it, wait for him to find the opportunity, and don't eat it clean!"

Xihe is not so easy to be taken advantage of, she stood up: "Don't talk to you, I used to look."

"Be careful, little white rabbit." Chen Xiaolin pinched her chin.


Xihe walked out of the office and took the elevator to the top floor of Hoscher's office. Originally she was the exclusive secretary of Hoscher. The office should be outside the office of Hoscher. He was always ready to work for her, but Hoscher This man has heard of special quirks. He likes absolute silence when he works. He can't have a sound, so he has to go all the way.

In this way, Xihe's office was moved to the bottom, and the company's group of secretaries and assistants stayed together.

Xihe knocked at the door: "Huo, you look for me."

Hoscher put down the pen and looked at her: "You come in."

Xihe nodded and walked in, standing in front of Hoscher: "Huo, please tell me something."

"Participate in a party at night."

Xi and smile refused: "Huo, this is the responsibility of the company's public relations."

Hoscher looked at her: "The company's public relations were sent to follow up on another project these days."

"Huo is not Mrs. Huo? It is also the responsibility of Mrs. Huo to accompany Huo in some necessary occasions."

"Xihe, my wife, she doesn't like that occasion." Hoscher's voice was a little cold: "And, this is a work order. What is wrong with you as my secretary, accompanying me to a commercial occasion? Part of your job!"

Xihe bit his teeth and silence.

She is very clear about herself. She is very afraid of losing her job. Now she is hard to find a job. She has been here for so many years. She has finally gained a firm foothold. She lost her job and she does not know where to go.

However, she did not want to accompany Hoscher on those occasions.

But today, Hoscher’s attitude is very determined, and she knows she can’t get rid of it.

"What else is there?"

Xihe shook his head: "No."

"Let's go out, get ready before work, take my car."

"I know."