MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 128 Damn X I want it! (2 in 1)

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Cang Lan picked up the egg in her hand and sighed regretfully.

"The dead egg has been taken out of its belly, it is no longer a problem, the rest is yours, take good care of Yundi cat, I will go out first, thank you."

Cang Lan looked at Chen Qiyue who was looking happy outside the glass wall, her eyes softened.

The little girl followed Cang Lan, changed the sterile clothes, and walked out.

Chen Qiyue was still lying on the wall looking at the Yundi cat inside, and then suddenly felt someone pat on the shoulder.

"Still worried about Yundi cat?" came a deep voice.

Chen Qiyue nodded, and replied subconsciously, "Yes, I don't know what happened to the egg that was born."

The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here..】

"The egg is dead." There was a hint of sadness in that voice.


Chen Qiyue was startled suddenly, and when he turned around, he saw the middle-aged man wearing the blue crown, and the familiar little girl standing beside him.

"The egg is dead? It shouldn't be. That Yundi cat should have good strength and aptitude. How could the egg that was pregnant die in such a short time?" Chen Qiyue replied in astonishment.

"Oh? How do you see the strength and aptitude of that Yundi cat?" the middle-aged man asked slightly surprised.

"The common method is written in the books of intermediate breeders. It is nothing more than looking at the smoothness of coat color, body size, paw size, and the brightness of the child's hole."

As Chen Qiyue spoke, he moved to the egg in Cang Lan's hand.

"Another way is to gather the energy of the phantom beast in the eyes and observe the ripples around its body. All powerful phantom beasts will have phantom beast energy scattered around."

"The fluctuations of those ripples can clearly tell the true strength of the phantom beast. The fluctuations around this Yundi cat are particularly strong, although part of it is because it is in production."

"But it can also be seen that it is very strong and has good aptitude. Its ability to survive until now also proves its tenacious vitality. So logically speaking, the eggs it lays will not die so easily."

The middle-aged man listened to Chen Qiyue's words, and a look of admiration flashed in his eyes, "Indeed, what you said is right, but this Yundi cat was injured before it became pregnant, so the fetus is not stable."

Chen Qiyue took a breath and stopped talking, but his eyes were still fixed on the egg.

Jun Chenyun and the others also came towards this side when they heard the conversation here. The moment they saw the middle-aged man, they were all overjoyed. They quickly stepped forward and bowed violently to him.

"Master Canglan, hello!"

Cang Lan nodded at them, "You're welcome."

"Master Canglan?" Chen Qiyue was a little surprised. Although he guessed that this person might be Canglan, he was still a little nervous after confirming it.

After all, Cang Lan is a truly top-notch breeder, and no one has revealed what level he has reached.

So everyone only knows that Canglan founded the Canglan Breeding House, and all the phantom beast eggs in it are above B-level, but they don't know Canglan's actual level.

Surprised, Chen Qiyue quickly came to his senses, and also bowed to Cang Lan. "Master Canglan, hello!"

Cang Lan raised her hand to support him, and said with a smile,

"You don't have to be polite, you are all here to pick the Eudemons eggs, are there any you like outside? If not, go inside and have a look."

Chen Qiyue's eyes flickered for a moment, and he said suddenly, "I don't need to choose any more, I want this one in the Master's hand."

What Chen Qiyue was referring to was, of course, the Yundi cat's egg that Cang Lan brought out from the glass room.

Jun Chenyun and the others didn't see Yundimao's dystocia, and didn't listen carefully to Cang Lan and Chen Qiyue's words. Naturally, they didn't know the condition of the egg, so they didn't respond.

But Cang Lan was extremely surprised, "You saw the whole process, you should know that this is a dead egg."

"What, dead bastard? You can't ask for that." Huang Tao was startled when he heard Cang Lan say that, and subconsciously pulled Chen Qiyue's sleeve.

Jun Chenyun and Zhou Leng also looked at Chen Qiyue, frowning tightly.

What kind of tricks is this kid playing? Such a good opportunity, choose a dead egg?

Cang Lan sighed, looked at Chen Qiyue, "I know, you want an egg with good qualifications, indeed, this egg is the best egg in my breeding house so far."

"If the baby in the egg is still alive, it must have good qualifications, because its mother is very strong, no, very strong."

"But, you know, it's dead."

Deep sorrow was revealed from the blue face, "You can change it, this egg, we need to hold a funeral for it."

Chen Qiyue shook his head, "No, I want it!"

His eyes were firm.

Because when he said that he wanted this egg, he had already seen the recurring text box next to this egg.

Yundi cat lays eggs]

Qualification: S-level]

Potential value: 138]

Below these three lines of familiar text, there is also a special text description.

Status: Dying]

Solution steps: to be unlocked]

Seeing the words "to be unlocked", Chen Qiyue understood that this Yundi cat could still be saved.

If he is rescued, he will be able to get a powerful s-level phantom beast, which according to Canglan himself, is the strongest phantom beast egg in his breeding house.

So he will definitely not choose anything else.

Seeing Chen Qiyue's expression, Cang Lan frowned slightly, "What do you want to do with this phantom beast egg?"

When Chen Qiyue heard Cang Lan say this, he immediately understood what the other party was worried about, so he quickly said,

"It's not what you think. I have a way to restore it. It's not dead yet, it's just on the verge of death, and it still has a breath."

Cang Lan was slightly stunned, then smiled and shook her head, "I've already detected it with instruments, and there is no heartbeat in the egg."

The others didn't speak, even the little girl stared at Chen Qiyue with her eyes wide open.

Ever since Chen Qiyue said that he wanted to choose the Yundi cat's egg, she had been staring at him.

Chen Qiyue shook his head, "It's not that I don't believe in the instrument, but I think it has just been born from my mother's womb, so there must be salvation, I want to try it!"

"Try it with a blood contract!"

The last sentence directly shocked everyone present.

Jun Chenyun stepped forward, pinched Chen Qiyue's shoulder, and growled, "Xiao Cheng, are you crazy? Do you know what a blood contract is?!"

Zhou Leng and Huang Tao looked at Chen Qiyue in shock, they never thought that there would be such a thing as a blood contract just following the boss to choose a phantom beast egg.

Cang Lan didn't expect that Chen Qiyue's solution turned out to be this.

Including the little girl who was still on the side. Originally, that little girl was quite wary of Chen Qiyue, and she was still hostile to him when he said that he wanted this phantom beast egg.

But when Chen Qiyue said that Yundimao's eggs could still be saved, she was also stunned, her eyes full of curiosity and appreciation for Chen Qiyue.

And now, it's shocking.

Someone actually sacrificed his life in order to save a phantom beast egg.

Chen Qiyue stretched out his hand, and gently patted Jun Chenyun's arm, "Boss, I know, but I can't just sit and watch, an S-level phantom beast egg dies like this in front of my face."

"If possible, I would like to share my life so that it can see the sky. It also has the right to survive."

"Are you sure?" Cang Lan looked at Chen Qiyue with a complicated expression, "The blood contract is an extremely domineering signing ceremony."

"It's the natal summoning circle used by the Beastmaster to make a blood contract with the Eudemons. It can be said that they are connected by blood and share life."

"If the phantom beast of the blood contract dies, the beast master will also die, and vice versa."

Chen Qiyue nodded seriously, "I'm sure."

"Sure a thread, you're sure." Huang Tao scolded directly beside him, "If the blood pact can save this egg, you don't have to do it, other people can too. Like me."

Zhou Leng nodded, "Yes, and me."

Chen Qiyue laughed lightly, "It's fine, if someone can make a blood contract with this egg right now, I won't stop it."

"I just want to remind you that if the person who signed the contract has not reached the guardian level, then a contracted Eudemons position will inevitably be wasted."

"After all, trainers need to fight. If the phantom beast dies, the beast master will burp. It's tantamount to using the life of the beast master to fight, which is not realistic."

"Even if the strength has reached the guardian level and above, you can sign a lot of Eudemons, but after all, you are a trainer, right, and fighting is essential."

"Or another breeder can sign the contract."

Chen Qiyue looked at Cang Lan, "Can you guys find someone who is willing to sign a contract immediately, this dying egg?"

"You know, once the blood contract is made with this egg, if the egg is still not rescued, the Beastmaster will die along with it."

Originally, listening to what Chen Qiyue said before, many people who came out of the production room one after another were also moved.

But when they heard Chen Qiyue's last words, no one dared to respond.

Because Chen Qiyue was just trying, if he didn't succeed, he would really die.

This is to gamble with your own name.

However, when Chen Qiyue finished speaking, he subconsciously glanced at the phantom beast egg in Cang Lan's hand.

When he saw the Eudemons egg was lowered and the words "unlock" slowly appeared, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, I guessed right!

The original solution steps: to be unlocked], has become:

Solution steps:

The first step is to inject Eudemons energy; points to note: the injected Eudemons energy is extremely large, and the characteristics will change with the injected Eudemons energy.

The second step is to use the evolutionary thing; points to note: the evolutionary thing can activate the blood of the phantom beast egg itself, so as to stimulate the vitality of the phantom beast itself, and it can only be done with 1 at the same time.

The third step is to carry out the blood contract; important points to note: the blood contract is the natal summoning circle used by the beast master. If the phantom beast that performs the blood contract dies, the beast master will also die, and vice versa. 】

The detailed solution steps have been released, which means that the Yundi cat's young egg can be saved.

Chen Qiyue is also bound to win.

"But, if this is the case, you..." Jun Chenyun was worried and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Chen Qiyue.

"Boss, there is no need to persuade me. This is the way for me to become a breeder. The reason why I choose to become a breeder is because I like Eudemons, I like to watch them be born, and I like to watch them grow."

Chen Qiyue smiled slightly and said, "Being able to own them is the best memory in my life."

"I don't want this little life that hasn't seen this world to just disappear like this."

Chen Qiyue took a deep breath, cast the phantom beast magic circle, and summoned the giant ugly fish and You Huang.

He touched the giant ugly fish's head, looked at Jun Chenyun and the others, "If something really happens to me, then please, please help me take good care of Zai Zai and You Huang."

The little girl's tears fell again, this time she was moved by Chen Qiyue.

Cang Lan's hand holding Yundimao also trembled slightly, he took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, "It's been so many years, I've never seen anyone pay for a phantom beast egg that isn't me. so much."

"Okay, it's yours."

Cang Lan looked at Chen Qiyue with complicated eyes, "If you can really save it, in half a year, I will give you another chance to come to my place to pick a phantom beast egg."

Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, he bowed deeply to Cang Lan, "Thank you Master Cang Lan!"

Afterwards, Chen Qiyue respectfully took the phantom beast egg from Cang Lan's hand.

He gently reached out and touched the shell of the phantom beast egg.

Maybe it's because it just came out of the mother's womb, and the shell of the phantom beast egg is still slightly But Chen Qiyue knows that this egg, as Cang Lan said, is considered a dead egg, or Said, really only one breath left.

Now the breath is almost gone.

The nature of Yundi cat is hot, and the newly laid eggs should be hot to the touch, but now, there is only a trace of warmth.

If you don't treat him quickly, I'm afraid he will really burp.

Chen Qiyue didn't hesitate any longer when he got the egg, and sat down cross-legged, put the egg in his arms, and then turned to look at the giant ugly fish and You Huang.

"Now, I can only rely on you two."

"Ugly?" The giant ugly fish tilted its head suspiciously, looking at Chen Qiyue.

Why did the Beastmaster say he can only rely on us?

"My phantom beasts, only the phantom beasts I signed myself, injected with phantom beast energy, will not be rejected."

"Also, you both have a water system, so it's okay to input energy together, but in this way, its attributes will change."

Chen Qiyue touched the egg in his bosom, and the corner of his mouth slightly hooked, "I don't know what kind of attributes you will have after hatching."

The giant ugly fish stared at a pair of big dead fish eyes, looked at the phantom beast egg in Chen Qiyue's arms, and whispered, "Ugly?"

Is this a new partner?

Chen Qiyue nodded, "Now, I need you to infuse the energy of the phantom beast, and then, Zai Zai, I need to use the inverse scale that the giant Mei Linglong gave you first, and I will return you a slice later."

The "ugly" giant ugly fish lifted its scales and took out the colorful reverse scale hidden under its own scales.

Beastmaster, you can take it, even if I don't have Nilin, I can still evolve into Linglong.

Chen Qiyue gently touched the giant ugly fish's head, put the exquisite inverse scale on the top of the phantom beast egg, then took a deep breath,

"Wait a minute, I said start, you are inputting the energy of the Eudemons."