MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 1 1 [Marriage System of the Heavens]

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  Chapter 1 1 [Marriage System of the Heavens]

  In the restaurant, there are five people and six people in Xiang Nan's clothes, suits, ties and vests, they seem to be quite talented.

  Before he arrived, he also specially took a bath, cut his hair, shaved his beard, cut his nails, and trimmed his nose hair. From the inside to the outside, he was completely groomed.

  The reason why he is so serious is because today, his cousin arranged a blind date for him.

  It's pitiful, Xiang Nan is already thirty-two years old this year, and he still hasn't found a partner, let alone marry a wife and have children.

  The reasons are, one is poverty.

  Xiang Nan's family background is ordinary, and his parents are both farmers. It is already very difficult for him to finish college. As for things like buying a house or a car, you basically don’t need to count on it.

  Xiang Nan's own job is also very ordinary, and he doesn't make much money. For this reason, he still writes online articles part-time after get off work, but he probably has no talent, and few people read the novels he writes, so he can't make up a lot of money.

   This also made him graduate for several years without buying a car or a house. But now people are very realistic, without a certain material foundation, they can't attract girls at all.

  The second is ugly.

   To be honest, Xiang Nan is not too ugly, but he is not handsome either.

  In general, he is just an ordinary person, with an ordinary appearance, an ordinary height, and an ordinary figure, and he can't be distinguished among other people.

  But now is the age of food and sex, not only men openly pursue beautiful women, but women also like handsome men unabashedly.

   Therefore, it is the original sin for a man not to be handsome.

   Coupled with the lack of money, it is even more heinous.

   Because of this, Xiang Nan started dating at the age of 27, and has been dating for five years now. Although he has dated more than forty girls, until now none of them have succeeded.

  After meeting for the first time, most girls know that he has no car, no house, and ordinary job, so they never give him a second chance.

  Originally, he also hoped to find a girl who is smart, beautiful, understanding, agreeable, and guarded like a jade to accompany him for life. After so many realistic beatings, his heart is almost shattered into powder now, and the condition has been reduced to as long as he is a woman.

  The person introduced today, according to his cousin, is a divorced woman, 35 years old, with two children. Without a stable job, I make a living by doing odd jobs.

  Although the conditions are a bit poor, it is said that this woman hates marriage very much, and really wants to find a down-to-earth man to live with as a partner. Therefore, his cousin thought that this blind date would definitely succeed.

  Although Xiang Nan doesn't want to be a father, he doesn't want to be alone for the rest of his life either. Thinking of being old with nowhere to rely on, no one to take care of, no one to comfort, and no one knowing that he died of old age in his room, he felt blocked.

  So he still came today, and to show his sincerity, he arrived fifteen minutes earlier.


   Time passed by every minute and every second. I saw that the agreed time had passed, but the lady hadn't arrived yet.

  Xiang Nan was not angry.

  He has had more than forty blind dates, and none of the girls arrived on time. The latest one was more than four hours late. The lunch appointment was originally changed to dinner, which caused his two movie tickets to expire.

  So he was patient and continued to wait.

   Waited for another nearly an hour, and the lady still hadn't come.

  Xiang Nan couldn't help picking up the phone, and called his cousin, "Cousin, the person you introduced to me hasn't come yet, please call her for me and ask her, is she lost or something happened?"

   "Okay." The cousin immediately agreed, "Xiao Nan, don't worry, it's normal for girls to be late for a blind date."

   "I know." Xiang Nan nodded, then hung up the phone.

   A moment later, the phone rang.

  Xiang Nan hurriedly answered.

   "Xiao Nan, people said that we won't be going today." The cousin said dejectedly.

   "Why?" Xiang Nan asked suspiciously, "Is it something temporary, or..."

   "Well, people say that you don't have a house or a car, and you don't earn much. The conditions are so poor that you can't support her and the two children, so you don't plan to come." The cousin sighed.

  Xiang Nan froze when he heard it.

  Even women who are divorced, have two children, and do not have a formal job think that his conditions are too poor and they look down on him.

  His dignity, his face, was really trampled into the mud.

  For a moment, Xiang Nan lost all thoughts.

   "Xiao Nan, don't think too much, my cousin will help you find it. You are honest, hardworking, and filial, and God will not treat you badly." The cousin was afraid that he would be overwhelmed, so she quickly persuaded him.

   At this moment, outside the Nine Heavens, a beam of light invisible to the naked eye passed through layers of obstacles and hit Xiang Nan's sky cap.

   Immediately, Xiang Nan heard a crisp sound in his mind.

   "Ding! The marriage system of the heavens and the world is bound! This system is dedicated to matching the marriages of the heavens and the world, helping lovers get married!"

  Xiang Nan was taken aback and almost thought he was hallucinating.

  But then he realized that there was a light curtain in his mind, and the writing on the light curtain kept flickering.

Xiang Nan looked carefully, and saw the scrolling display on the light curtain: "Rajesh Kusapari hopes to find a lifelong companion; Xie Yongqiang hopes to be with Wang Xiaomeng for a lifetime; Ji Xiaolan does not want to disappoint Du Xiaoyue's love; Yuan Hua doesn't want to hand over Qiuya to others..."

  In addition, a lot of information flooded Xiang Nan's mind.

   It turns out that this marriage system was created by Eros. Because there are too many people in the heavens and the world who are eager for marriage, and He himself is too weak, so he created this system.

  The system will automatically find the host and help him receive the task. Once the host accepts the mission of the help-seeker, it will possess the body of the help-seeker until the wish is fulfilled for him before leaving.

   During the period, in case of danger, illness, injury or death, the host will bear it in a general way and bear it alone, which has nothing to do with the system. If the task is completed, the host will receive a certain reward. If the task is overfulfilled, the excess reward will be obtained.


  After receiving these messages, Xiang Nan's heart was pounding.

   As a part-time web writer, how could he not have read those system articles.

It can be said that every person who has been blessed by the system, no matter how destitute or incompetent he was before, can turn himself over immediately. If he wants talent, power, power, money, and women How many women.

   "Okay, it's finally time for me to stand up." Xiang Nan clenched his fists and said.

  He realized that this marriage system was his chance to change his fate.

   "Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan, don't scare your cousin, don't be overwhelmed." At this time, my cousin's eager cry sounded in my ear.

  Xiang Nan came back to his senses, "Cousin, I'm fine, don't worry. She didn't like me, it's her loss, I won't feel sorry for her."

   "Well, it's good if you figure it out." Seeing him say that, my cousin breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, don't worry, my cousin will help you find it."

   "Thank you, cousin." Xiang Nan smiled, "I'll treat you to dinner another day."

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  (end of this chapter)