MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2561 2563【Price starting from sitting on the ground】

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  Chapter 2561 2563 [Sitting on the ground and starting price]

   "I have a heart murmur now. The doctor suspects it is rheumatoid heart disease, and I need to rest for a long time." Xiang Nan said to his manager, "If you don't believe it, I have a hospital examination certificate."

  The reason why he refused to come back was mainly because he wanted to control the company. He wants to fight for greater rights and a higher degree of freedom for himself.

   Otherwise, he can make money in whatever he does, and there is no need to be a cow or a horse.

   "You really have a heart attack, why didn't I hear it from you before?" the agent asked in surprise. Although there is a test report from the hospital, he still suspects that Xiang Nan is pretending to be sick.

   "I was also unwell a few days ago, so I went to the hospital for an examination. If you don't believe me, you can find another hospital." Xiang Nan said calmly.

  By relying on his martial arts, he is able to control all internal organs, bones and tendons, not to mention heart murmurs during the examination, he can pretend no matter how serious the illness is, and he guarantees that no one will see through his hands and feet.

   "Naturally, we need to retest." The agent nodded, he didn't believe Xiang Nan's side story.

   You must know that after an artist becomes popular, he often uses various excuses to bargain with the company and apply for termination of the contract. Xiang Nan is not the first, and certainly not the last.

   Afterwards, he took Xiang Nan to the hospital for a physical examination.

   The final result, naturally no surprise, was indeed rheumatoid heart disease.

  Looking at the test report, the manager couldn't help but turn dark.

  Xiang Nan really has this disease, then they can't force him to arrange a job, let alone sue Xiang Nan for all losses of the company.

"Well, I really have this disease, and I need long-term treatment." Xiang Nan said to the manager, "When I recover from the disease, I will contact you again. Don't take the initiative to contact me, so as not to affect me illness."

  He then took a taxi by himself and left, leaving the manager in a mess in the wind.


  The boss of Flying Fish Records saw that his manager was not sure about Xiang Nan, so he had to go out in person to persuade Xiang Nan to come back.

  He checked and found that rheumatoid heart disease can be big or small.

  If it is serious, there is indeed a fatal danger. But there are also patients who have lived for decades and are safe and sound.

  So Xiang Nan's illness is true, but it may not be as serious as he said. He is most likely taking this opportunity to sit on the ground and raise the price in order to strive for more benefits.

   This kind of thing is not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

  The so-called big shop bullies customers, and big customers also bully the shop.

  The company is strong, and big-name artists can also manage it submissively. On the contrary, if the artist is strong, small companies have to respect and coax them, lest the God of Wealth will quit.

  When Xiang Nan first debuted, Flying Fish Records was far stronger than him, so it was the shop boss who bullied the customer, and gave Xue Zang the one who said it.

   Now, Xiang Nan's popularity has risen. On the contrary, Flying Fish Records seemed to be weak, so they could only let Xiang Nan set the price.

   Seeing that the boss was on the move, Xiang Nan was no longer polite, and directly asked to change the contract and change the agent.

  After some bargaining, the contract was re-signed, Xiang Nan's share ratio was greatly increased, and the previous agent was changed, and then he officially announced his comeback.


  During the Spring Festival, it is the time when the performance market is most active.

  Xiang Nan has just become popular again, and his momentum is booming, so he is very popular in the performance market. Immediately after his comeback, there were endless performances.

  From mid-January to mid-February, in just one month, Xiang Nan participated in more than a hundred performances, with an average of four performances a day.

  Based on 150,000 RMB per performance, Xiang Nan earned nearly 20 million RMB in one month. In addition to the company's commission and taxes, Xiang Nan himself has nearly 7 million yuan.

  Combined with the money earned from stock trading, his accumulation has reached tens of millions.

   "It's no wonder that so many rich second-generation and celebrity second-generations don't want to enjoy the good life, but they want to enter the entertainment circle with their heads squeezed." Xiang Nan couldn't help but sighed, "Because it's really hard to make money."

  He is at most a first-tier singer, and a second-tier singer can earn so much. If it were top singers such as Jay Chou, JJ Lin, SHE, etc., their annual income could reach hundreds of millions of RMB.

   Not to mention anything else, Jay Chou has earned tens of millions of RMB just for one endorsement. And what he has to do is to shoot a few advertisements and take a few photos.


  In mid-February, before school started, the performance market began to cool down. Xiang Nan also put off some work and returned to the mountain city.

On the one hand, he didn't spend time with Li Anran during the Spring Festival, so he planned to accompany her again before school started; on the other hand, he knew that according to the timeline, something might happen to Tu Jun's father, so he wanted to save he.

  Tu Jun's life experience is already very pitiful. His parents divorced when he was very young, so he has never been able to receive maternal love. Now that he loses his father again, I really don't know what will happen to him.

  In the play, after Tu Jun lost his father, he once dropped out of school to sell pork. It was after Li Anran's encouragement that he finally decided to return to campus.

  But now that Li Anran is his girlfriend, it is impossible to be as considerate and thoughtful as in the play, so Tu Jun may not be able to get out of the shadows.

   In that case, he has almost no future. After all, there are not many rich people in China who made their fortunes by butchering pigs.

  If Lu Buxuan hadn’t gained the attention of the media and the support of his alumni under the title of [Peking University Talent], he would still be just a pig killer until now.

  So if you want to save Tu Jun, the best way is to save Tu Fu's life. As long as he's okay, Tu Jun will be fine.


   "I'll give you a present~" After returning to the mountain city, Xiang Nan made an appointment with Li Anran, smiled and handed over a box.

   "What is it?" Li Anran asked in amazement, then opened it and was startled for a moment, seeing that it was a CD.

   "This is the demo of my new album, the only one in the world." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Are you going to release a new song? It's so fast!" Li Anran said in surprise when he heard it.

  As far as she knows, many singers only release an album in one or two years. Xiang Nan's first album was released in November last year, less than half a year away.

   "The company just wants to take advantage of the current popularity, so hurry up and release the record, and want to make more money." Xiang Nan explained, "The recording will officially start in March, and it is estimated that it will be listed, and it will be May or June."

   "I see." Li Anran nodded, "Then I wish your new record a big hit."

   "Okay." Xiang Nan laughed, and then started playing with Li Anran.

   But being famous is not good.

  Xiang Nan is well-known now, so when he goes shopping with Li Anran, he will inevitably be recognized by passers-by.

   Those who are courageous, come up directly to ask for an autograph. Those who are timid stare at it from a distance, and some people even take pictures.

  Thanks to Xiang Nan's eyes watching all directions and his ears listening to all directions, he didn't expose himself. Otherwise, he doesn't care, but Li Anran is still in school.

  Once a relationship breaks out, it will be very bad for her.

  (end of this chapter)