MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2573 2575【Small stutter】

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  Chapter 2573 2575【Little stammer】

   "Also, don't blame me for not reminding you, don't come to Saigon again in the future, our brothers in Saigon don't want to see you Hong Xingzi!" Dasha said arrogantly again, poking Xiang Nan's chest while talking.

  Xiang Nan stopped talking nonsense, and directly punched Dasha, knocking Dasha to the ground on his back, with several teeth knocked out, causing him to roll to the ground in pain.

  Dasha's two younger brothers still wanted to resist, but were knocked down by Pheasant, Nestpi, Baopi, and Datianer, and then they were all pushed into the sea.

   "Can we Hong Xingzai come to Saigon to play in the future?" Xiang Nan grabbed Dasha by the collar and asked.

   "Yes, yes, you can eat seafood." Dasha was almost beaten to death by his punch, but he didn't have the courage to resist, and immediately became extremely well-behaved.

   "Then my car is not scratched?" Xiang Nan asked again.

   "No, no." Dasha hurriedly said, and then gave out the information about the car thief.

  The person who stole the car was Xixili, formerly known as Xiaojieba, who was a subordinate of Feihong, the leader of the Changle Gang.

"If we cooperate so early, it will be over. You see how embarrassing it is now." Xiang Nan patted Dasha's face and said, "I'm sorry, silly brother, our Hong Xingzi's shots are too heavy, and I, Chen Haonan, are even more serious." gone."

   "It's okay, it's okay." Dasha waved his hands repeatedly.

  Xiang Nan smiled, then took Pheasant and others away.

   "Cut, I thought it was powerful, but it turned out to be a three-legged cat." Pheasant said disdainfully.

   "I was so flattered just now." Baopi laughed.


  In the evening, Xiang Nan came to a bar in Wan Chai, where Xixi Grain often had activities.

  Xiang Nan walked around the bar and saw a pretty **** the phone.

   "I don't care if you are... Chen Haonan or Chen Haodong. Anyway, no... no 30,000 yuan, you don't want to take... take back your MR2." The pretty girl stammered.

  Xiang Nan recognized at a glance that this person was Xiao Jieba.

  Wearing a pink coat on the upper body, a short sequined skirt on the lower body, a pair of high boots, heavy makeup, and cheap perfume on her body, she looks like the most typical bewitching girl.

   "What, are you threatening me? Do you think I'm frightened by my small grains?" Xiao stammered again, "In short, pay the money with one hand and the car with the other, and that's it."

  Xiang Nan walked over immediately.

  Little stammer saw him, thought he was going to make a call, and hurriedly asked, "Handsome guy, let me make another call."

  Xiang Nan nodded.

   "Thank you." Xiao stammered and immediately made another call.

   At this moment, three big men walked in, and shouted loudly as soon as they entered, "Small! Small! Small!"

   "Brother, what's the matter?" Seeing this, the foreman hurried forward.

   "Have you seen the fine grains?" The big man asked with a shout.

   "Small grains?! Who is it?" The foreman shook his head.

   "Su Xiaoxiao, she owes me money, and she hasn't paid it back yet. Have you seen her?" The big man asked again.

   "No." The foreman shook his head.

   "Then get out of here." The big man cursed, and then walked over while shouting, "Small, small, Ma De, dare to owe me money, if you catch her, you will break her legs."


   At this time, Xiao Jieba had already dialed the phone, "Hey, big brother, wait a minute... can you accompany me to negotiate?"

   "I'm playing mahjong, I don't have time." The person on the other end of the phone replied coldly, and then hung up the phone.

   "Hello, hello, hello?" Little stuttered, suddenly disappointed.

   At this time, three big men have also come over.

  When Xiao stammered, he hurriedly handed the microphone to Xiang Nan, and hid it in his arms at the same time.

  Her figure is petite and lovely, just blocked by Xiang Nanquan.

   "Hey, grandma, I'm not going home for dinner." Xiang Nan pretended to make a phone call.

  Three big men passed by him without noticing anything unusual.

  After the three of them left, Xiao Jieba came out of Xiang Nan's arms, glanced at him and smiled, "Handsome guy, you are quite smart."

   "It's an emergency, you're welcome." Xiang Nan waved his hands.

   "Help me one more favor, okay?" Xiao stammered, his eyes lit up, and he immediately asked with a smile.

   "What do you want?" Xiang Nan asked.

   "Anyway, it's good for you." Xiaojie pulled Xiang Nan's hand and said, "Come with me, I'll give you a gift, and help you find a beautiful woman with both front and back, how about it?"

  Xiang Nan smiled and left the bar with her.

"Later, you will pretend to be my eldest brother Feihong to negotiate with them." Xiao stammered and explained, "Don't be afraid, those are... courageous little bastards, you just need to speak louder, and I will give them all to the town. Stay here. When things are done, I will definitely give you a big red envelope."

  Xiang Nan nodded, secretly smiling in his heart, and then came to Causeway Bay with her.


  The car stops at the entrance of Mirador.

  Xiang Nan got off the car and winked at the pheasant at the door.

   Pheasant nodded understandingly.

   "Hey, you are Hong Xingchen...Chen Haonan?" After getting off the car, Xiao Jieba came to Pheasant and pointed at him.

   "It's easy to say, little sister." Pheasant nodded.

   "Did you bring the 30,000 to 30,000 yuan?" Xiao stammered and asked.

   "Three, three, three, thirty thousand, add it up, that's 90,000 yuan." Baopi teased.

   "He stutters, why don't you learn it." Da Tian Er laughed.

   "Then go see a doctor." Bao Pi continued to laugh.

"Hey, that's enough. Do you know that my elder brother is... very famous in Ciyun Mountain. There are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine subordinates, each of whom kills without blinking..." Xiao stammered. Seeing that they were making fun of him, he immediately threatened and at the same time gave Xiang Nan a wink.

   "Yes, I remember all of you boys, do you want to court death?" Xiang Nan immediately stepped forward.

   "Little stammer, do you know who I am?" Pheasant said with a smile upon seeing this.

"You treat me as a fake, I've already figured out your details, Hong Xing handsome Nan, scare me!" Xiao stammered arrogantly, "Hurry up and get the money out, sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, do things Just a little bit."

   "30,000 yuan will be gone. I will give you 10,000 yuan at most, and I will treat it as if I accidentally dropped it." Pheasant laughed.

"10,000 yuan?! Do you treat yourself as a vegetable... do you buy vegetables at the vegetable market?" Xiao Jie got angry when he heard it, "I tell you, I hate people calling me 'little stammer' the most. I will attack you Vice Chancellor, 30,000 yuan, even a penny...not less."

   "Brother, it's scratched here." At this moment, Da Tianer, who was in charge of the car inspection, suddenly pointed to a missing paint track on the car body.

   "Huh?!" Pheasant stepped forward to take a look, and sure enough, he saw a piece of paint falling off, and immediately turned his head to look at Xiao Jieba, "Okay, I'll give you five thousand yuan at most."

   "Five thousand?! You're dreaming!" Xiao stammered furiously, and then asked Xiang Nan for help, "Brother, big brother, help me crush him!"

   "Fool, I am Chen Haonan." Xiang Nan laughed, and suddenly picked her up and threw her on the roof of the car.

   Pheasant tied her up with ropes, and then the group drove to Kowloon.

  (end of this chapter)