MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2579 2581【Black eat black】

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  Xiang Nan had already prepared the tape recorder, and recorded all Fat Dog's words.

   "You said that you and Liangkun are partners, so give me your current accounts." Xiang Nan said again.

  Just Fat Dog’s words are not credible. After all, Liangkun can deny it in every possible way, and Xiang Nan forced him to say these things. At that time, it's all talking to yourself.

   Only the current accounts cannot be faked, and every pen is clearly remembered. No matter how stubborn Liang Kun was, he still couldn't deny it in front of the evidence.

  The fat dog was about to hesitate.

  He worried that after handing over the accounts, he himself would die.

   "Do you still want to try again?" Xiang Nan stretched out two fingers.

  Fat Dog had no choice but to take orders, and then took Xiang Nan to a private house.

   It turns out that the cunning rabbit has three caves. He was worried that he would be arrested one day, and that Liang Kun would turn his back on him ruthlessly, so he kept all the accounts here.

   "You're so smart, you actually know how to guard against Liangkun." Xiang Nan laughed.

"That's natural. He even betrayed his own club. Isn't it normal to betray me." Fat Dog curled his lips and said, "And, in the past year, I can feel that he has considered getting rid of me and directly controlling Macau market."

   "You bastards, you have taken so much poison, and you don't know how many people have been harmed." Xiang Nan flipped through the account books, and then cursed at Fat Dog.

  The goods they transport are not measured in grams, but in kilograms. God knows how many families have been ruined by them, and their families have been ruined. It's really bad.

   In comparison, although Big Boss B and Chen Haonan also mess with the society and kill people, they are determined not to touch such things.

"Yes, I was wrong. I won't dare again." Fat Dog repeatedly begged for mercy, "I told you the truth and gave you all the account books. From now on, I will change my mind and start a new life. Brother Nan, please forgive me." I'll do it this time."

   "I'll consider letting you go after you finish the last thing." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "Tell me." Fat Dog said immediately.

   "Tell me your bank card password." Xiang Nan said immediately.

   It turned out that together with the account book, there was also a bank card of Huifeng. Xiang Nan guessed that what was saved in it should be the stolen money obtained by Fat Dog from drug trafficking over the years.

   It is estimated that there are at least 100 million Hong Kong dollars in it. He swallowed this black gold without any psychological burden.

   In addition, he wants to be promoted to a fit person, open bars, dance halls, and massage parlors, and support a bunch of younger brothers so that they have something to do and make money. Without money, it is absolutely impossible.

   "Then you should kill me." Fat Dog said resolutely when he heard it.

  He knew that if the money was given to Xiang Nan, he might really have no way out. Moreover, he worked so hard for so long and saved up all his wealth, just to make his family live more comfortably. If it was all given to Xiang Nan, what would their family do?

   "Don't think that if you don't tell me, I won't know." Xiang Nan smiled, and suddenly resorted to the soul-shifting method.

  The fat dog has been frightened for a long time, and it is time to be frightened. Therefore, it was easy for Xiang Nan to control him, and then asked for the bank card password.

   "What did you do to me?" Fat Dog asked Xiang Nandao with a look of horror after he woke up.

  He just felt dizzy, and then said the bank card password out of nowhere. The whole process seems to be hit by evil.

  So he looked at Xiang Nan with a natural look of horror, as if seeing a ghost, "You could have this ability, why are you a dwarf mule..."

  He couldn't believe it, but he couldn't believe it. Xiang Nan seemed to have supernatural powers, just like those supernatural powers and qigong masters mentioned in magazines, movies, and TV. But if that's the case, why should he be a dwarf mule.

   "That's not what you should care about." Xiang Nan smiled, and suddenly twisted hard, and with a click, the fat dog's neck was twisted.

  Xiang Nan then threw him into a public toilet, and it was estimated that his body would be found after waking up in the morning.

  Then, Xiang Nan crawled back to the hotel room to rest.


  At five o'clock in the morning, Xiang Nan received a call from Sha Qiang, got up and went downstairs to the hotel.

   "Brother Nan, I received the news that Fat Dog drank with someone yesterday and brought a horse to the stage. He won't go for a morning run today." Sha Qiang said to Xiang Nan.

   "Really?" Xiang Nan smiled.

  Of course the fat dog can't run in the morning, but he is not with the horse, but with the toilet.

   "However, I know where his home is. This is my brother's plane. He knows the way and will take you there." Sha Qiang pointed to a man with an expressionless face and fierce eyes.

   "Okay." Xiang Nan nodded, and got into the car immediately.

  He already knew it was a trap. Liangkun has already arranged a team to kill him at the Taipa Bridge. However, with Xiang Nan's martial arts, even if a hundred people came to chop him, they would never hurt a hair of him.

  But he can take this opportunity to make a name for himself.

  If you want to succeed in the arena, you must be brave, ruthless, and smart enough.

  The so-called one will be successful, and if you want to succeed, you have to step on other people's bones to climb up.

  Looks like Liangkun, it's not in vain to be able to become a fit person.

  In 1978, he chopped up the big ring boy in Lantian and became famous in one fell swoop; in 1983, he killed Shapi and took back the fish ball stall in Hong Kong;

  If Xiang Nan wants to show off his prestige, he must be able to do what others cannot.

   For example, one person singled out a hundred people, which has never happened before in Jianghu.

  Once successful, the prestige gained will be immeasurable.

  Xiang Nanzheng was worried that he was not powerful enough, and that the person in charge of the fit couldn't hold the field.

   Therefore, Liang Kun sent someone to kill him not to harm him, but to give him the opportunity to become famous with both hands.


   "Brother Airplane, please." After Xiang Nan got into the car, he smiled at the airplane.

  The plane didn't say a word, just driving.

  Xiang Nan knew that he was trying to hurt himself, so he naturally felt bad for himself.

  I saw the plane driving the car onto the Taipa Bridge.

  It was five o'clock at this time, the sky was just dawn, and there were not many cars on the bridge, so it was a good place to start.

   Sure enough, a moment later, two cars came forward and back, flanking each other, blocking Xiang Nan's van at once.

   Immediately, nearly a hundred people rushed down from the two cars, all of them had tools in their hands, such as steel pipes, bats, beef knives... and rushed towards Xiang Nan.

   And as soon as the car stops, the plane will open the door and run.

  Xiang Nan turned him into an idiot with one punch.

  At this time, Xiang Nan's car was surrounded by people, and they smashed the car with ping-pong-pong. In a short while, the doors, roof, and glass of the car were all smashed into a mess.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan took a deep breath and kicked his right leg vigorously.

  The car door was kicked out by him with a bang sound, and several people in front of the car door were hit by this, and they also flew out involuntarily.

  However, the remaining younger brothers were still not afraid of death, and they still stepped forward one after another.

Xiang Nan practiced the invincible magic of King Kong, got out of the car against the steel pipe and bat, and then went into the sword empty-handed. After grabbing the two machetes, he used Lingbo micro-steps to drill back and forth among the gangsters, and at the same time swung The machete cut left and right.