MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2617 2619【The Hero Saves the Beauty】

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   Chapter 2617 2619 [Heroes save the beauty]

   "Why, don't I look the same?" Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Not quite." The beauty shook her head.

   In her mind, the general manager of a real estate company should be a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties with a fat head and a big belly.

   Xiang Nan is less than 30 years old by visual inspection, so where does he get the money to start a real estate business.

   "Then what do you think I do?" Xiang Nan asked curiously.

   "I think you look like a lawyer or a doctor." The beauty guessed.

  Xiang Nan's clothes are neat, personable, gentle and handsome, very similar to that kind of gold-collared elite.

   "Thank you." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Then what is your occupation?"

   "I am a teacher in the middle school here." The beauty introduced herself.

   "Teaching here is not easy. I think the environment here is very bad, not suitable for a teacher like you." Xiang Nan nodded.

  Among the people who surrounded him just now, 80% of them were seventeen or eighteen-year-old children. It was time to go to school, but now they all joined the club. It can be seen that the style of writing here is not strong, and it must be tiring to be a teacher for them.

   "No way, I can't just resign from the teaching position I was admitted to so easily." The beauty shook her head.

  In Xiangjiang, teachers are also quite popular professions, not only with high monthly salary, good benefits, but also a solid job, so once admitted, few people will voluntarily resign.

   "That's true." Xiang Nan nodded, "My name is Chen Haonan, what's your name?"

   "My name is Li Jiaxin." The beauty introduced.

   "The name is really nice." Xiang Nan smiled, "Thank you, Ms. Li, for your generous help just now. I would like to treat you to a meal as a thank you, okay?"

   "No need, it's easy to do." Li Jiaxin waved his hand, "I'll go first, bye."

   "Bye bye." Seeing this, Xiang Nan didn't force him to stay.


  Xiang Nan then left Tuen Mun and returned to Yau Ma Tei.

  Although he was almost killed by Shengban, he didn't want revenge.

  Because for him, the most important thing now is to cleanse the whites, and the next thing is to take over the leadership.

   And no matter whether it's whitewashing or taking over as the leader, he shouldn't fight Shengfan.

  On the one hand, there will be casualties if you do it. It's almost July 1st, and the higher ups are watching, whoever makes trouble will be stared to death, Xiang Nan doesn't want to cause trouble at this time;

  On the one hand, since he wants to take over as the leader, he has to maintain the superficial justice so that everyone can see it.

  Nowadays, Shengfan competes with Pheasant for Tuen Mun's fit people. If he sends someone to fight Shengfan, others will not think that he is out for revenge, but will only think that he is helping his little brother Pheasant.

  So, he could only bear with it temporarily, and he didn't even say anything about it. Even the confidantes of Pheasant, Chaopi, and Datian Er didn't know that he had been besieged by Shengpan.


  A week later, when Xiang Nan was working, he suddenly received a phone call.

   "Hey, are you Chen Haonan, I'm in trouble, please help me~"

  Xiang Nan rushed over immediately after putting down the phone.

  I came to a residential building in Yau Ma Tei. After I went up to the third floor, I saw the words "Stinky", "Dead 38", and "Shovel" written on the wall of the corridor in red paint.

   There were a few yellow hairs in front of them, kicking the iron gate, making clanking and clanging noises, which made the neighbors uneasy. They looked at each other, but they dared not mind their own business.

   "Die 38, come out~"

   "Skunk, you dare to call the police, why don't you come out?"

   "Die Sanba, you ruined my elder brother's good deeds, I must teach you a lesson~"

   they shouted loudly.

   "Stop it!" Xiang Nan shouted loudly when he saw this.

  When Huang Mao saw Xiang Nan, he was startled and recognized his identity.

  If they were with the eldest brother, they would not be afraid if there were a lot of people. But now there were only the three of them, and they didn't dare to be arrogant.

   Hastily put down a cruel sentence, "Stinky bastard, I will settle the score with you later." Then, with his tail between his legs, he escaped from another exit.


  Xiang Nan then came to the door and knocked three times, "Miss Li, it's me~"

  The door opened quickly, and when Xiang Nan saw Miss Cheng, he was taken aback.

   It's only been a week since I saw her, and she is almost haggard and out of shape.

   His face was pale, his eyes were dim, and his spirit was listless. It seemed that he was really tortured.

   It turned out that after Shengfan escaped that day, he felt resentful because he failed to get Xiang Nan, but he didn't dare to go to Yau Ma Tei to continue provoking, so he took his anger out on Li Jiaxin.

  Thought that if she hadn't called the police, they would have dealt with Xiang Nan. Therefore, Shengfan then sent some gangsters to trouble Li Jiaxin.

  They stopped her at school, on the road, and even harassed her at home. In just a few days, Li Jiaxin was tortured almost to the point of madness by them.

   "Follow me." Seeing this, Xiang Nan grabbed her hand and took her to the Four Seasons Hotel.

   After opening the room, put the hot water on and let Li Jiaxin take a bath first. She spent several days in panic, and she didn't have the heart to clean up the housework, and her body was about to rot.


  While Li Jiaxin was taking a bath, Xiang Nan ordered room service to eat.

  She hasn't eaten well these days, so she must be hungry.

  Li Jiaxin soaked in the hot bath for half an hour, finally relaxed, and then left the bathroom.

   "Let's eat something first." Xiang Nan persuaded, "Have a good night's sleep when you're full. I assure you, you won't have any troubles in the future."

   "Really?!" Li Jiaxin was dubious.

  Xiang Nan nodded, "I pledge my life."

   "Why are you being so nice to me?" Li Jiaxin asked in surprise, never expecting Xiang Nan to make such a solemn promise.

   "One is that you were injured because of it; the other is that you are a good person. I don't want this world to become a world where the wicked are arrogant and the good are silent." Xiang Nan explained.

  Li Jiaxin was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

  Xiang Nan then poured wine for her, "Eat some food, drink some wine, and then sleep comfortably."

  Li Jiaxin no longer refused, and started eating with Xiang Nan.

   She hasn't eaten for several days, and she is indeed hungry.


   The two chatted while eating.

  Xiang Nan was worried that she would have a psychological shadow, so he made her happy in various ways, which greatly improved her mood.

  Seeing that Xiang Nan is so considerate, Li Jiaxin couldn't help but have a good impression of him.

  After drinking half a bottle of red wine, she couldn't help hugging Xiang Nan, and the two immediately rolled together.

   I don't know how long it has passed, but when she woke up again, she saw Xiang Nan sleeping beside her.

  Li Jiaxin couldn't help blushing, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  When she came out, Xiang Nan was already awake, looking at her with his eyes open.

  Li Jiaxin was a little embarrassed, hesitated for a moment and said, "I just wanted to release it, I hope you don't get me wrong, I already have a boyfriend, but he is not in Xiangjiang right now."

  Xiang Nan nodded, "It's okay, I know, after a person has experienced too much, he always wants to vent. For the sake of your beauty, I don't mind being a tool."

  (end of this chapter)