MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2637 2639 [The world is like chess]

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  In 1998, the Asian financial crisis continued to roar, but for Xiang Nan, it was a great opportunity to make money.

  He took advantage of the current market conditions and kept buying and selling short to make a fortune.

  Compared to other associations in Xiangjiang, life is getting worse and worse.

  Especially for Dongxing, although Chen Jianan was arrested, he was very pushy about the fake real estate and refused to admit his crime at all.

   And if he refuses to admit his crime, Situ Haonan will not be able to escape.

  After all, there are hundreds of families behind hundreds of people who have been deceived, and the funds involved are as high as hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars. With so many victims and such a high amount of money, the Hong Kong government has to pay attention.

  Besides, Dongxing’s drug business has been closely watched by the superiors. Now that this kind of thing happens again, Pulsatilla is also very depressed. For this reason, he specially sent someone to pass a message to Chen Jianan, telling him to take responsibility for the fake real estate, and to spit out all the stolen money.

   Otherwise, even if Xiangjiang does not have the death penalty, his life will not be easy after he goes to jail.

   But unexpectedly, just two days after the word spread, Chen Jianan died suddenly.

  Although the forensic medical examination showed acute cerebral hemorrhage and died of illness, Dongxing still aroused suspicion because of the timing of his death.

   What's more troublesome is that when Chen Jianan died, the truth about the fake real estate was buried, and Situ Haonan was completely unable to escape. In the end, he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for commercial fraud. Dongxing was once the fiercest fit person, and he overturned.

  Pulsatilla also had to use the funds of the association to compensate Situ Haonan, which also aroused the dissatisfaction of other fitters. In the end, Pulsatilla was forced to resign as the leader of the East Star and return to Nanyang to spend the rest of his life.

  The other Dongxing fitters fought each other for the top spot, and they fought hard.

  However, times have changed after all.

  After the reunification, the police's crackdown on associations has never been stronger, almost hitting anyone who dares to stand up.

  Hong Xing escaped a catastrophe because he abandoned his side business and changed to a regular one. But everyone in Dongxing still had old ideas, old ideas, and they were naturally hit hard with an iron fist.

   Several fitters who danced happily were arrested by the police and sentenced to prison terms, while the rest were much more honest. Don't dare to make waves anymore.

  Thinking back then, Xiangjiang’s second-ranked society was lonely. Since then, no one has the ability and courage to wrestle with Hong Xing.


  At the beginning of 1998, Xiang Nan also broke up with Zhong Liti amicably, and then contacted the little beauty Zhu Yun.

  Zhu Tang was admitted to the Xiangjiang Academy for Performing Arts in 1990, and was selected to act in a movie in 1992. Since then, he has made his mark in the Hong Kong film and television industry.

  "Play Back To School 2", "A Chinese Journey To The West", "Legend Of The Condor Heroes", "Tears From Heaven", "Days With Love In The Entertainment Circle", etc.

   Since her debut, her love history is also very rich. Stephen Chow, Julian Cheung, Aaron Kwok, Ni Zhen... Even every time a movie is filmed, there will be a scandal.

  Xiang Nan got acquainted with her because of "Super Tricky Overlord", produced by Wang Jing and directed by Zhang Xuan. This movie was also invested by Duzun Films, and Xiang Nan went to visit the set, and because of this, he met Zhu Qi.

   After coming and going, the two got tired of being together.


  In mid-1998, Da Tianer and Da Fei's younger sister KK were officially married.

   "Brother Nan, I'm already married, when will you marry Xiao Jieba?" Da Tianer asked curiously.

   "Mind your own business." Xiang Nan laughed.

  He won't marry Xiao stammer for the time being.


  In the middle of 1998, "Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes" was released, and the box office in the first week was as high as 8 million Hong Kong dollars, which was quite good. The final box office was 18 million Hong Kong dollars, ranking fourth in the annual box office list.

  The entrepreneurial work of Duzun Films has such good results, which can be regarded as making Xiang Nanda come back in the limelight.

In August, "Super Tricky Overlord" was released. Although it is a work that is not popular, it is still the same as "Tricky Expert" seven years ago. In the end, it won more than 6 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office, ranking No. 1 in the annual box office list nineteen.

"The Beast Detective" launched in September, although it has an excellent reputation and has been praised by the media and the industry as the most exciting police film in recent years, and it ranked fourteenth in the annual box office list, but the box office only made 800. More than ten thousand Hong Kong dollars.

In comparison, in 1994, the fourth place in the annual box office list had a box office of 37 million Hong Kong dollars; the 14th place in the annual box office list had a box office of 15 million Hong Kong dollars; The 19th place on the list has a box office of more than 11 million Hong Kong dollars.

   It can be seen that after four years of development, the Hong Kong film market has not only not expanded, but has shrunk sharply, almost falling by 50%. However, since production costs, actors' salaries, and venue rents have not been reduced, the revenue of the film company has naturally dropped sharply.

  Supreme Films produced these three films, although each of them was among the best in the box office, but in the end, they hardly made much money.

   It made Xiang Nan regret that he didn't catch up with the good times. If he traveled back to the golden age of Hong Kong movies in the 1980s, he could make a lot of money just by making movies.

   Fortunately, although making movies did not make any money, the frequent exposure allowed Xiang Nan to successfully transform into a movie tycoon, greatly increasing his social popularity and whitewashing his social image.


  At the end of 1998, Xiang Nan and Zhu Yun broke up, and then dated Yang Gongru.

  Yang Gongru is currently starring in the new work "Hua Heroes" of Solo Films. This is a movie adapted from Ma Rongcheng's comic of the same name, with an investment of more than 50 million Hong Kong dollars.

  Yang Gongru plays Hua Yingxiong's wife Jieyu, which is a very important role. When Xiang Nan went to visit the class, he was attracted by her, and then the two began dating.

   At the beginning of 1999, under the promotion of Xiang Nan, Hong Xing and the Baodao Sanlian Gang began to cooperate to jointly develop the real estate in Baodao.

  The Sanlian gang is deeply rooted in Baodao, rich and powerful, and the key is still covered by people, so the development is much stronger than Hongxing.

  In the past two years, the real estate market in Formosa has fallen sharply due to the impact of the financial crisis. Xiang Nan just took advantage of the low price, and when the housing price rises, it will be several times or ten times the profit.

  In fact, if Ding Yi hadn't been controlled by Xiang Nan, it would be absolutely impossible for Hong Xing to go to Baodao to develop. Because the strength of the Sanlian Gang is much stronger than that of Hong Xing.

  Hong Xing's core disciples, at most no more than two thousand. As for the Sanlian Gang, there are tens of thousands of people.

   Moreover, Hong Xing needs to kneel and lick to seek shelter. The Sanlian Gang directly sent people to infiltrate, and all levels of management have their people.

   Therefore, the rank of the Sanlian Gang is much higher than that of Hong Xing. If it weren't for Xiang Nan's vigorous promotion, people would not bring it to play at all.

   Entering the Baodao market is a qualitative leap for Hongxing.

   After all, Xiangjiang is really too small, and there are so many clubs crowded. For a street, a bar, a parking space. A court can be played.

  In comparison, Baodao is huge, with more resources, more business opportunities, and more oil and water.

   Coupled with the protection of the Sanlian Gang, Hong Xing's business is safer and more secure.

  With the cooperation between the Sanlian Gang and Hong Xing, the Yamada Group in Dongying also intends to form an alliance with Hong Xing.