MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2647 2649【Cooking characters to cure hunger】

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  For Xiang Nan, there are many ways to make money.

   But writing a book is the most convenient and fast, and it can kill two birds with one stone.

   On the one hand, you can make money, on the other hand, you can become famous.

  During the period of the Republic of China, writing books was very profitable. Like Mr. Lu Xun, the manuscript fee can reach six yuan per thousand characters. In the eighteenth year of the Republic of China (1929), he earned more than 14,000 yuan in manuscript fees just by writing articles, with an average monthly income of more than 1,200 yuan.

  Mr. Zhang Henshui, the number one writer in the Republic of China, is even more remarkable. His manuscript fee is as high as ten yuan per thousand words. Relying on the two novels "The New Legend of Slaying Ghosts" and "The Cause of Laughter", he directly bought a palace in Yanjing.

  And both of them have achieved quite high popularity and social status by virtue of their books. So far, Mr. Lu Xun's articles still frequently appear in textbooks of middle and high schools.

  The warlords of the Republic of China fought together, the political situation was turbulent, and the society was chaotic. Not to mention that the people of the Li people are often oppressed, even if they are high-ranking officials, they may not be safe.

  At this time, if Xiang Nan has reputation and status, then even if Jin Quan falls, he will still be able to protect the Jin family.

   On the contrary, once Jin Quan falls, those corrupt officials, local hooligans, and even family members of the Jin family will take the opportunity to come to **** blood, and take advantage of the remaining heat to cut off a few more pieces of fat.

  For example, in the play, after Jin Quan’s downfall, Jin Fengju was arrested and imprisoned, Jin Hesun was expelled from the department, the two accountants stole themselves, and even the third concubine fled with money.

  Really obeyed that sentence, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and the wall fell and everyone pushed!


  Xiang Nan took out the pen and paper, and wrote five large characters on the paper—"Legend of the Condor Heroes".

  The reason why he writes martial arts novels is that, on the one hand, this kind of novel is easy to understand and has a strong storyline, which is the most popular among readers.

  Xiang Kairan, whose pen name is Ping Jiang Bu Xiao Sheng, was contracted by World Book Company in 1922 to write the martial arts novels "Legend of Heroes of Jianghu" and "Legend of Modern Chivalrous Heroes", which became very popular and became famous all over the country.

  At the same time, Zhao Huanting wrote "The Complete Biography of Qi Xia Jing Zhong Zhong", which was also very popular. He was very bright with Xiang Kairan for a while, and was called "South to North Zhao".

As for the owner of Huanzhu Li Shoumin ("Swordsman of Shushan"), Bai Yu ("Twelve Money Darts"), Zheng Zhengyin ("Eagle Claw King"), Wang Dulu ("Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"), Zhu Zhenmu ("Seven Killing Monument") 》) and so on, they all started to create in the 1930s, and they already belong to the younger generation.

   On the one hand, writing martial arts novels is not easily taboo. If you write commentary articles on current events or novels on realistic themes, it is easy to touch the red line.

  Xiang Nan only writes books to make money and become famous, there is really no need to run into trouble.

   Moreover, Xiang Nan has long been familiar with the story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", so the writing is really smooth, without adding points, relying on a thousand words. In less than half a day, I wrote more than 10,000 words.

   At this time, it was getting dark, and the personal servant Jin Rong walked in and said, "Qiye, Young Master Wang called and invited you to the Central Hotel for dinner."

   "I'm a little unwell, please help me go back." Xiang Nan put down his pen and waved his hand.

  Young Master Wang, Wang Youchun, is the younger brother of the third sister-in-law Wang Yufen. Together with Liu Baoshan, Kong Xueni, and Meng Jizu, they are always by Jin Yanxi's side, eating, drinking and having fun with him.

  Jin Yanxi has nothing to do, spends money loosely and spends money like water, and more than half of the three hundred yuan a month is spent on them.

   But these people are all white-eyed wolves who cannot be kept. After Jin Quan collapsed and the Jin family lost power, these people all cut off their contacts. Jin Yanxi wanted to ask them to help find an errand, but they all pushed back and refused, and no one was willing to help.

   It can be seen that associating with these people is really harmful but not beneficial. Naturally, Xiang Nan is too lazy to socialize with them.

   "Master Qi, are you feeling unwell?! Do you want to call a doctor?" Jin Rong asked quickly after hearing this.

   "Stupid! I just don't want to go out to socialize." Xiang Nan rolled his eyes at him and said.

  Jin Rong immediately understood, "Yes, Qi Ye, I understand." Then he backed out.


  After rejecting Wang Youchun, Xiang Nan came to the dining room to eat with his mother.

The Jin family is a big family, with the old man, wife, two concubines, four sons, four daughters and three sisters-in-law. Unite.

  So Mrs. Jin simply split it up, so she doesn't have to gather in the dining room to eat, she can eat wherever she wants, and she can eat whatever she wants.

  Anyway, with the wealth of the Jin family, no matter how much they eat, they can't eat enough. It's also to avoid being difficult to adjust, and scolding the cook after eating.

   "Hey, Seventh Brother, you didn't go out tonight?" Jin Meili was sitting with his wife, and immediately smiled when she saw Xiang Nan.

   "Father's matter is not settled, how can I have the mood to go out." Xiang Nan sighed.

Hearing what her son said, Mrs. Jin knew that she loved her family, worried about family affairs, and benefited. She couldn't help being very happy, and smiled and persuaded, "You don't have to worry too much about your father. You are still a child, and you can't help if you worry about it." .”

   "Yes." Xiang Nan responded, "Mother should also relax. There must be a way for a car to go to the mountain, and a boat to go straight to the bridge. There is always a way."

   "Yanxi is really old, and she knows how to love her." Second Aunt said jokingly.

   "Okay, okay." Mrs. Jin was very happy to be relieved by her son, and added half a bowl of rice for dinner.


   After eating, Xiang Nan went back to his room and continued writing.

   This was the case for two consecutive days.

  Reject all social activities.

  This afternoon, he was leaning over the table, writing vigorously, but he heard someone joking outside the door.

   "Jin Rong, I heard that Yanxi hasn't gone out for three days, what's wrong with being stuck in the house?" But a female voice laughed.

   "Hey, Fifth Miss, you really misunderstood. Our Seventh Master has been writing for the past few days." Jin Rong replied with a smile.

   "Yanxi writes, this is an anecdote." Another female voice laughed, "Then we have to take a look."

   "Miss Six, please stay a little longer. Master Qi has ordered you not to disturb her." Jin Rong hastily stopped her.

   "Then I'm even more curious. What exactly is it doing is so mysterious." Miss Six laughed.

   Immediately, as soon as the door opened, a gust of fragrant wind came, and three modern girls walked into the room.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan quickly put away the manuscript.

   "Fifth Sister, Sixth Sister, Eighth Sister, why are you here?" He stood up and greeted him.

  The three are Jin Yanxi's fifth sister Jin Minzhi, sixth sister Jin Runzhi, and eighth sister Jin Meili.

   "Let's take a look at you, what are you doing when you're bored in the house for so many days." Jin Minzhi smiled.

   "Don't hide it, what you were writing just now, take it out and have a look." Jin Runzhi stretched out his hand directly.

  Xiang Nan pretended to stop her, and seeing that she had already got the manuscript, he smiled embarrassedly, "It's just for fun, it's not finished yet, I don't want you to read it."

   "Hey, I've written so much." Jin Minzhi couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw that there were hundreds of pages of manuscripts.

Jin Runzhi looked at it directly, "The vast river water of the Qiantang River bypasses Niujia Village in Lin'an endlessly day and night, and flows eastward into the sea. There are dozens of black cypress trees in a row beside the river, and the leaves are like fire. red…"