MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 17 The paper was published! (Additional to the lord Eddy1414!)

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What are you doing now?

That is naturally sleeping.

After a whole night, the mobile phone had no power. When I returned to the dormitory, it was 7:00 in the morning. When I entered the door, I put the phone into the charging line and climbed onto the bed and fell asleep.

When Lu Zhou woke up, it was already afternoon, and there was no one in the bedroom.

Feeling the hunger in the abdomen, he licked his sleepy eyes, hit Hatch and climbed the ladder, went to the balcony to wash it, then put on his clothes and went downstairs, going straight to the cafeteria.

Ordered a bowl of fried rice and soy milk, sitting in a remote corner to eat, Lu Zhou took out the phone, is preparing to brush friends circle.

As a result, the mobile phone was opened and it was discovered that Professor Tang used his office landline to call him more than a dozen calls.

"Is the paper finished? This... don't have to make so many calls."

In the heart of the move, Lu Zhou three times and five to solve the dinner, quickly took the dishes to the car, and rushed to the direction of the experimental building.


"I can't get through the call of your day. What is your kid doing all day and night?" Sitting behind the desk, Professor Tang first criticized Lu Zhou.

"That, the phone has no electricity, and forgot to turn it on." Lu Zhou scratched his head.

Part-time work, he did not intend to tell the professor. First, the school did not allow the freshman to stay in the night. Second, he did not want to pass the matter to the counselor, and finally passed to his father’s ear. The family is worried about themselves.

Fortunately, Lao Tang did not ask the roots, took off the reading glasses on the bridge of the nose, unplugged the USB flash drive from the notebook, and placed it on the table: "Your paper is good, there are not many parts that need to be modified, I will not be thick. The cheeks let you put my name on the title."

"What about it? Without your guidance -"

Tang Zhiwei raised his hand and interrupted Lu Zhou’s words: "I can’t do it. I have read your paper. If the academic discussion can also get the standard of co-signing, then I have a paper on the name of Tang Zhiwei. It’s my duty, other professors are a habit, I don’t care, but this bad atmosphere can’t start with me. If you really think that I have helped you a lot, it’s not necessary. In this way, I will return to this person and help me with things."

To be honest, an SCI has only reached the level of Tang Zhiwei, and it has long been rare. For Lu Zhou, an independently published paper is precious. The name of the department may allow his manuscript to enjoy certain benefits in the review, but it may not be a good thing for him.

Lu Zhoucheng said: "If there is anything that can help you, please let me know."

"Oh, it's not a big deal. Don't worry, there is no harm to you." Tang Zhiwei said slowly, "September National Mathematical Modeling Competition for University Students, our hospital is ready to join the software institute to pull out a regular army, I and you Lu When the director discussed it, he decided that it was you."

National Mathematical Modeling Competition?

Lu Zhou’s heart is slightly different.

He has heard of this stuff. It is said that the gold content of the national award is quite high. It is high that some companies' HR has got your resume, and even because of this award, you can look at your resume more.


For the legendary mathematical modeling contest, he has only heard of it.

It is now in mid-June, with only three months left at the end of September.

Three months of preparation, is it really ok?

Lu Zhou whispered: "Can I go back and think about it?"

Professor Tang’s eyebrows slammed his hand and pressed it on the U disk: “What else to consider? You have to think about such a good opportunity? That line, you should go back and think about it now. This U disk will put me here first. Wait until you think about it and come back!"

Looking at Lao Tang’s unreasonable appearance, Lu Zhou couldn’t help but laugh: “But Professor Tang, I have never participated in this kind of competition. You asked me to participate in the competition on behalf of the hospital. If this is a pit for you...”

It’s okay to enter the competition...

I can lose, I don't want to back the pot!

"I don't worry, what are you afraid of?" Tang Zhiwei snorted, paused for a while, and continued in a modest tone. "You don't think too hard about this game. Just be bold and bold." Your ability is absolutely enough, I can be sure of this."

Professor Tang has said this to himself. If he does not agree again, it is too unreasonable.

In fact, think about it carefully. Participating in such a competition is definitely beneficial to you. The only factor that makes Lu Zhou hesitate is nothing more than one. It is worried that the competition training may delay the time of working and the progress of completing the system task.

In the summer vacation, he has already planned to stay in school and brush up the level of the system as soon as possible. At least he has to brush the mathematics to LV1. If other disciplines are followed by zero eggs, it is really uncomfortable. In addition to the brush task, the rest of the time is part-time, after all, not only the expenses during the summer vacation, but also the living expenses after the start of the next semester.

As if to see through the minds of Lu Zhou’s financial fans, Professor Tang smiled and said slowly: “The Mathematical Modeling Competition does not have a bonus, but the school is rewarded. You can get the group of Guoyi, not only one. Ten thousand dollars in bonuses, and scholarships are given priority."

"Professor Tang, I think clearly, please let me play on behalf of the department!" Lu Zhou said with a serious face.

Professor Tang smiled and put the thermos on the table and waved his hand. "I will report it to you. I will come here on Saturday and meet your teammates. Just like this, don't forget. It is."

"Yes!" Lu Zhou said with a high spirit.

Ten thousand dollars in bonuses! The three people are equally divided into three thousand! Together with 8,000 national scholarships, this adds up to 10,000.

For students with good family conditions, it may not be a big deal. For a boat with only 3,000 pieces on the card, it is definitely a huge sum!

After thanking Professor Tang again, Lu Zhou returned to the dormitory with a USB flash drive.

This time, it is already a bit dark. In addition to Liu Rui’s review of the number in the classroom, Shi Shang and Huang Guangming have already returned. At this moment, they are sitting in front of the computer and playing in a thrilling manner.

Although I also want to join them to relax and relax, I can think of myself having the right thing to do, and finally give up the thought of passing away, hold the notebook to the bed, and connect to the wifi in the bedroom, ready to upload the paper.

After some entanglement, he finally chose the "Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics", the official publication of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, as a target for submission.

As for the reason, it is natural because it can save a lot of expensive page fees.

However, he may have to queue for a while.

Open the webpage, fill in the author information and email address, and spent about ten minutes to get these miscellaneous things. Lu Zhou finally got to the final step, click to upload the paper.

The status shows "Submitted-to-Editoria-Office", which means that the manuscript has been sent to the editorial office. The next step is a long wait, waiting for an audit editor to see his small transparent manuscript...

Stretched a lazy waist, Lu Zhou was preparing to lie on the bed for a while, and suddenly, the phone shook slightly.

I thought that the school sister named Chen Yushan had a math problem to ask herself. I could unlock the screen and open it, but it was an email.

When I saw the title of the mail, Lu Zhou lived.

He almost suspected that he was wrong and couldn't help but whisper.

"……How can it be?"

It is a copyright authorization agreement issued on the other side of the Pacific!

In other words, his contribution has entered the so-called "proof" process!

Although the rules of each journal are different, most of them send the license agreement after accepting the manuscript, and the process takes one to two weeks.

In other words, his manuscript was completed in a flash and was directly presented in the computer of the journal editor...

Is this also the power of the system?

Lu Zhou swallowed his mouth, opened the mailbox on the computer, downloaded the agreement in the mail, signed the authorization agreement as required, and sent the electronic file back to the address given in the mail.

After waiting for about five minutes, he refreshed the submitted page.


Lu Zhou felt that his heart was jumping a bit.

This means that his article has passed the format review of the technical editor, and will be reviewed by a professional academic editor, that is, the so-called external audit!

The average person will submit a number of times in the technical editor's place for the first time, but because Lao Tang helped him to modify the paper, he seems to pass it once. As for the next external review, it will be the most rigorous and longest process in the entire SCI submission.

Because in general, the academic editor itself is also a busy researcher, and the review is a free work and requires a lot of energy. Therefore, when the academic community contributes its own power without compensation, it depends on the auditor's mood. When it comes to being more tempered or busy, the "UR" link is not exaggerating for a month or two!

Waiting for about five minutes, Lu Zhou refreshed the page again.

This time, the state of the manuscript has not changed.

I don't know why, seeing this scene, Lu Zhou is relieved.

Although the power of the system destroyed his common sense within a certain limit, it seems to return to the category of common sense in the most critical places. Academic editors can't always stare at their mailboxes for this kind of unpaid work.

It seems that the system can't manipulate a person's behavior, although it seems to have some mysterious power to make his manuscripts complete the queue within the rules, and perhaps make his manuscript always appear first in the academic editor's email address. OK, but this force is still subject to certain constraints.

As for this factor, Lu Zhou is still uncertain, but in any case, this is a good thing.

If the system is really strong enough to dominate a person's behavior, it would be horrible.

Although he enjoys the knowledge and various conveniences that the system brings to him, he does not want to become a system of paralysis one day. Freedom is priceless, even when it is tight, he thinks so.

Of course, if the final link of UR can be completed before the number of exams...


(Thanks to Eddy1414's lord for rewarding!!!)