MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 223 Under the red story of Mr. Zheng and the eldest sister

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Xie Tian saw the "poof" Yile, the third master was confused, who would know that it was Renze with such a gesture!

But the reaction of the ticket inspector made him stunned.

I saw that the ticket inspector said without thinking: "You said Mr. Zheng Renze Zheng, he went in an hour ago."

Xie Tian: "......"

How did you know that this is Renze?

Concubine Zhang turned around and made a gesture to Xie Tian, ​​then tilted her neck to signal him to enter the park.

After entering the park, Concubine Zhang asked someone for a walk: Did you see this?

Those who see it will tell her where she has seen Zheng Renze, and those who have not seen it will also say that they have not seen Teacher Zheng.

Thank goodness is stupid, how do you know this!

What kind of image is Ren Ze in your hearts!


The maple leaves will slowly turn red in September of the lunar calendar every year, and when it comes to the scenic spots to see the maple leaves, the first thing people think of is the Fragrant Hills in the capital.

Every year from the end of October to the middle of November, thousands of tourists from all over the country come here to view the maple leaves.

Large swaths of maple trees stand on Xiangshan Mountain, and the red maple leaves are like clusters of flames that will not burn.

Under this "flame", everything becomes beautiful, not like the world,


Like a lively girl, Li Feifei shouted, ran and laughed under the maple tree.

Facing Zheng Renze who was following behind him, he showed a sweet smile and said, "Mr. Zheng, this place is so beautiful~~"

"After coming to Beijing for so many years, this is the first time I have come to Xiangshan to see the maple leaves."

Zheng Renze asked, "Why haven't you been here?"

"One is the reason for work. You also know that there are no specific working hours in the film and television city. When the maple leaves are red, they may be working."

"At one point, no one accompanies me. It's very pitiful to come alone."

Zheng Renze blinked: "Big sister, you didn't have any friends before, did you! It's not good, you have to learn from me, look at me, there are friends everywhere."

Li Feifei rolled her eyes when she heard the words, "Bah" and said, "Who has no friends!"

"Why don't you have friends with you?"

"My female friends all have boyfriends. They must be bringing boyfriends here. I'll be a light bulb!"

"Men? Everyone is looking at me, no one is safe. How dare I come with them."

Hearing this Zheng Renze asked casually, "But I'm also a man! You're not afraid of me!"

Li Feifei held a maple leaf in her hand, tilted her head to look at Zheng Renze, and said with a mischievous smile like a girl.

"Don't be afraid! You are different from others!"

It turned out that in her heart, I was different from others. Thinking of this, Zheng Renze felt inexplicably happy, and felt that these maple leaves were even more moving.

After walking around for a while, I found a place with few people. Li Feifei put on the drawing board and started to draw.

She originally had some painting skills, but during this period of time, she was able to draw under the influence of Qian Xueliang.

Of course, it's just a meeting, and it's a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from being a painter.

She didn't plan to be a painter either. She came here today to collect the wind, but she actually came to play.

When Li Feifei was painting, Zheng Renze sat down against a maple tree, obviously just sitting casually, but it looked like a tiger on a dragon board, with a different kind of mighty might.

Because of the existence of Zheng Renze, this beautiful scenery seems a bit chilling!

Li Feifei, who was sketching on the drawing board, shook her head speechlessly when she saw this scene.

It is always the environment that affects a person's temperament, and it is the first time that a person who can in turn affect the atmosphere of the environment has seen Dao.

Mr. Zheng's face... not right! This temperament is also invincible, too pure!

Thinking so, the brush in his hand simply sketched Zheng Renze's figure on the drawing paper.

Finding something strange on her drawing paper, Li Feifei scratched her head, then adjusted her posture to face Zheng Renze, and simply drew him.

"Don't move, Mr. Zheng, you are my model now."

Seeing that Li Feifei was going to paint herself, Zheng Renze was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Don't worry, eldest sister, I have experience in being my model!"

Although Mr. Zheng's clothes are quite good, he always feels that it does not match his temperament.

Hmm~ By the way, armor, Mr. Zheng should be wearing armor, golden armor!

Wow! He is so majestic!

After finishing the painting, Li Feifei looked at it again, and a few drops of sweat could not help shedding on her forehead.

This... is Dian Wei!

Seeing that she finished painting, Zheng Renze got up and walked over: "Eldest sister, how is the painting? Show me."

Li Feifei hurriedly closed the album and protected her behind him: "No! Don't look at it, you haven't painted well."

"Look..." Before Zheng Renze finished speaking, he saw Li Feifei staring at him, and then he held back the rest of the words.

After painting, the two continued to admire the maple leaves, wandering aimlessly

Li Feifei was afraid of Zheng Renze peeping, so she took the album off the drawing board and held it in her arms.

Zheng Renze followed behind him with a drawing board and tools.

As soon as the two of them left, two red leaves of Fragrant Mountain came here, Xie Tian looked around, frowned and said, "Someone saw them painting here just now, so why not? It's a mistake. ?"

Concubine Zhang looked around while sniffing like a hound.

After checking around, there was a deep expression like a detective and a hint of disgust on his face: "It's right here, didn't you ask about the smell?"

"Taste? What taste!"

Concubine Zhang's eyes flashed with raging fire, and she said in a hoarse voice, "The sour smell of love!"

Xie Tian took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "As expected of the third master, this place is really full of the sour smell of love!"

Concubine Zhang continued to say with deep eyes: "Judging from the concentration of taste, these two must not have gone far!"


Said, the two of them chased in the direction of Zheng Renze's departure with raging flames.

Sure enough, after a while, people saw Zheng Renze and Li Feifei.

Xie Tian and Concubine Zhang glared at the two of them maliciously. It was these two **** who made them wait outside for two hours in vain.

Dog men and women.

By the way, why are these two here?

Zheng Renze suddenly felt a hint of malice, and suddenly looked in the direction of Xie Tian and the others.


Xie Tian quickly pressed Concubine Zhang, and the two of them lay on the ground together, instantly turning into two red leaves in the Fragrant Mountain.

Zheng Renze looked at it for a while and saw that there was nothing unusual, so he just regarded it as his own illusion and turned his eyes away.

Seeing this, Xie Tian also let go of Concubine Zhang's hand, Concubine Zhang shook the maple leaf on her head and whispered to Xie Tian, ​​"What's wrong, Teacher Xie?"

Xie Tian said sternly: "Third Master, you also know that we are martial arts practitioners, with eyes and ears listening to all directions, and six senses being sensitive..."

"speak English!"

"We were almost discovered by Ren Ze just now."

Concubine Zhang, who realized it later, immediately patted her chest with a lingering expression on her face: "It's dangerous! It's dangerous!"

"Next, we have to be more careful."


Zheng Renze and Li Feifei didn't know that there were two red leaves of Xiangshan following them in the distance.

The two were walking, and they came across a huge maple tree with luxuriant branches.

"Wow!" Li Feifei looked up at the lush maple leaves on the tree and said with emotion: "This tree is so big!"

"If these maple leaves can float down like snowflakes, they must be beautiful."

Zheng Renze's expression changed, he walked over and said, "Sister, stand still."

"Huh?" Li Feifei looked at Zheng Renze suspiciously.

Then he saw Zheng Renze come under the tree, exhaled, and slapped the tree with his kick.

"Yeah!" Li Feifei just screamed when she saw the maple leaves falling from the tree like snowflakes.

"Mr. Zheng, you are amazing!"

"So beautiful!"


Li Feifei smiled and circled among the maple leaves in the sky. Zheng Renze saw this, and the corner of his mouth also twitched, and then he continued to beat the tree trunk with one foot after another.

The two red leaves in the distance, their eyes are bloodshot, these two shameless, dare to play romance!

Enough for you two to be disgusting!

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in the woods: "What are you doing, a good maple tree kicks the maple leaves down for what?"

I saw an old man wearing an armband and hurried over in anger: "How can you be so incompetent at such a young age, how can such a beautiful scenery destroy it."

After waiting under the aisle tree, the uncle became even more angry: "It's a good tree, the maple leaves are all kicked out by the two of you. Today, I have to fine you."

That's right, Zheng Renze kicked all the maple leaves off a tree, leaving only the branches bare. This tree has passed the winter ahead of schedule.

Xie Tian and Concubine Zhang are very happy, sir, you are here at the right time.

Punish them quickly, punish them severely, you're welcome.

Zheng Renze smirked and was about to admit punishment, but Li Feifei grabbed him and said, "Mr. Zheng! Let's run!"

"Dare to run, I'll see where you're going!" The uncle hurriedly chased after him.

After running for two steps, Li Feifei discovered a fact that terrified her.

She... seems to be unable to outrun that uncle!

I couldn't help crying in my heart: "Isn't it saying that people don't rely on their muscles and bones! How can this uncle run so fast!"

Zheng Renze also saw that he slowed down and picked up Li Feifei, then quickened his pace to get rid of the uncle.

The atmosphere of the two red leaves not far away has solidified at this moment.

Concubine Zhang said without emotion: "Yo! I'm still holding hands!"

Xie Tian also said without emotion: " not only holding hands but also hugging!"

Concubine Zhang: "Are we still chasing?"

Xie Tian said with a dull expression: "No! No more chasing!"

The atmosphere froze again.

After a while, Xie Tian asked hesitantly, "Third Master! What are we doing here?"


Li Feifei, who was picked up, could clearly feel the movement of Zheng Renze's muscles when he ran and the hot temperature on his body.

The strong male hormones made her body feel hot and soft.

Zheng Renze ran for a while, ready to put Li Feifei down, but Li Feifei said, "Mr. Zheng, don't put me down, that uncle is still behind him!"

Zheng Renze was stunned for a moment, then he didn't look back and continued to hold Li Feifei in his arms.

Zheng Renze felt as if he was holding a ball of cotton, so soft!

The full peaks and peaks were on his chest. He used to disdain such weak muscles, but this time it made him feel strange.

The warm breath hit his neck, making his body feel like an electric current was passing through it.

The body is getting hotter and the heart is beating faster.

Listening to the heartbeat like a drum, Li Feifei's face turned even redder.

In the evening, Zheng Renze sent Li Feifei back to the apartment.

Downstairs, Li Feifei looked at Zheng Renze and said, "I had a good time today, thank you Mr. Zheng."

"You're welcome, ma'am."

"Then...bye Mr. Zheng."

"Goodbye ma'am."

Watching Li Feifei go upstairs, Zheng Renze leaned on the car and couldn't help thinking of Xie Tian's words.

"Ugly wives are treasures..."

"Well! It makes sense!"


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