MTL - Secret Service Princess: The Cold Prince’s Black Belly Wife-Chapter 19 Snake out of the hole

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"Go and invite Doctor Jiang, and let him come and see how Miss 2 is doing." Leng Yuan rushed into Xingchen Pavilion fiercely, put Leng Yetong on the bed, put a quilt on her, and hurriedly ordered the girl to go Invite the doctor.

"Master, what's wrong with Hitomi?" After hearing the news, Mrs. Prime Minister hurried to Xingchen Pavilion, and when she came in, she saw Leng Yetong's bloodless face, and her closed eyes stimulated her even more, His eyes were filled with tears at once, and he cried to Leng Yuan, "Master, how good is this, if there is something about Tonger, I won't live."

"Mrs. Mo is sad, the doctor will be here soon, and Hitomi will be fine. If Hitomi has a length of three or two, I want their mother and daughter to pay for their lives." Leng Yuan held his wife in his arms and calmed him, speaking of Aunt Liu When mother and daughter, a pair of eagle eyes could hardly hide the anger, said gritted teeth.

"Salvation? What's the use of salvation !? Will my pupils return to life?" Mrs. Prime Minister was anxious, pushed the Prime Minister aside, tears could not stop flowing, and at this moment the grievances that had been suffered for more than a decade to the Prime Minister Indictment, said, "At that time, you promised me that you didn't do it. The heart gave you an innocent body, and I couldn't bear to let you accept her, and I didn't go to her daughter. But what happened? They did it. What's going on? What did they do to my Hitomi !? If Hitomi has something, I will never forgive you. Huh. "

"Mrs., I ......." Leng Yuan was speechless by his wife. It was true. Yu Jiao's temperament was not clear enough. Didn't he fall in love with her like this? After he was drunk and made a mistake, then Sheng Nu nearly killed Liu Suxin. She stopped her and asked him to accept her. After all, it was him who had taken away the innocent people. It was just that he did not expect that the difference in thoughts of that year would cause today's disaster.

"Master, Madam, Doctor Jiang is here." Just as Mrs. Prime Minister wanted to continue to sue, Xiaoya's voice passed in hastily.

"Let Doctor Jiang come in quickly, and see how my pupil is doing." Mrs. Wang wiped her tears and walked to the door to welcome Doctor Jiang in. Doctor Jiang was a white-haired man in his fifties. The air of demeanor and self-confidence gave people a sense of bones and immortals. He first saluted his wife and wife, and then went straight to the bed, looking at the bed with pale faces and closed eyes, slightly stunned. Frown.

"Miss is okay, but she was frightened. The old man will heal with a few pressure medications, but she will not be so frightened again in the future. I am afraid I can't take the body." Dr. Jiang took the pulse for Leng Yetong. With a long beard, Youyou said.

"Doctor Lao Jiang." Xiang Xiang was relieved, and then told his subordinates, "Leave the order down. Before the second lady gets married, the people in Mingyue Pavilion and Xuening Pavilion are not allowed to take a step out of the yard, otherwise they will be held accountable. , Expelled from Prime Minister's House. "

"Yes, sir." The servants took the order and went down. Even if I didn't know it before, it's a little clear now. Aunt Liu was down, but it's unknown if there is any chance to stand up.

"Ma'am, let's go back first and wait for Tonger to wake up before we visit her." Leng Yuan said to his wife softly. Mrs. Prime Minister reluctantly looked at the people on the bed, nodded, and was embraced by the Prime Minister and left the Star Pavilion.

"Hey, girl, get up, don't pretend." After the uncle and his wife left, Doctor Jiang felt like he was 800 before he swept away. The old naughty boy turned into a puppet, poked at Leng Yetong's forehead and said with a smile, "You The girl just acted. When I first saw you, I thought you were really wrong. "

"Yifu, can you please just poke my head like this every time? It will become stupid." Leng Yetong sat up from the bed and swept away the look of Xi Shi just now. She smiled sweetly, mumbled her mouth, and complained. .

"Your girl! Let's talk, what are you going to do this time?" Doctor Jiang, the strange doctor Jianghuai who is on the rivers and lakes, the righteous father of Leng Yetong, the former landlord of Xinglou. The reason why he stayed here as Leng Yetong's exclusive doctor was to facilitate the detoxification of his wife.

"Yifu, you don't know what I'm going to do. How do you know that my symptoms are excessive fright?" Leng Yetong got up and got out of bed, poured a cup of tea for Jianghuai, a pair of phoenix eyes looked at him with a smile, shallow With a smile, he said, "The righteous father still understands me. Really, our father and daughter have a spirit."

"Go and go, whoever has a rhinoceros in your heart, you ghost girl, if I have a rhinoceros in your heart, I will not be counted here by you for a full seven years." Jianghuai gave Leng Yetong a harsh look and took her. The tea handed over, drinking it, said, "I heard some wind on the way, so I have a countermeasure."

"Yiyi still understands me." Leng Yetong smiled slightly, raised the tea cup and made a "toast" to Jianghuai, poured the tea into his throat elegantly, and issued a sigh of admiration. There is news from Jin Feng, and they should do something tonight. "

"Oh? After years of searching, I finally found clues? Great, my freedom is not far away from me, hahaha." Jianghuai laughed, and then he was counted by Leng Yetong and owed a **** debt, thinking Back to Xinglou, she repaid her debts, but was calculated by the girl. She wrote down what I was saying, and later she told him that if he helped her detoxify her mother, she would n’t have to pay her back. Who knows This poison, he was trapped in this prime minister's house for seven years, alas.

"I will lead the snake out of the hole tonight, and when I get something, I will bring it to you, Yifu, don't let me down to you." Leng Yetong smiled slightly, there was obvious mockery in the words, what was he saying then The poison can be resolved in three days, but now there are still no solutions after seven years.

"Just rest assured, leave it to me." Jianghuai wasn't convinced, but the pair of smirkful eyes of Shang Leng Yetong lost his anger and answered weakly. Leng Yetong raised her eyebrows, and the two were speechless.