MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 157 brazen

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The two gods of the perilla and the scorpion, Shu Huan, have already gone out.

Xu keeps up, and the low-pressure screams: "White raises you as a disappointing thing, and is bent on the family. Even if you are too poor to pass the family, you are not willing to give money. How is it now? It is not being taken out by others. You don’t want the goods, you know that you have to be taken off. You should give this good thing to your sister in the first place. Look at your virtues now, but I’m so embarrassed...”

She became more and more energetic, and her fingers quickly poked on Shu Huan's face.

Shu Huan raised his hand and picked up the road: "I was crying and crying to marry?"

Xu was asked by her, and Shu Fu came up and said: "Don't make a noise, don't make a noise... This is not a blame..."

"Let your mother's fart" Xu's husband is more vocal: "Don't blame her who blames? You see which niece is going to go out and go to the door for less than half a year. It's natural that she is not good, earlier. When I was still at home, I came out. At the root, it was a mud that couldn’t be put on the wall. You gave her face, and she could shame herself."

It’s just a drop in price with this kind of person.

Shu Huan turned a deaf ear to her, and even stopped, and identified the direction. He planned to go to Ji Danqing first, and then smashed the original master and then did other calculations.

The three cicadas are also interesting. Seeing that she pretended not to hear, naturally she did not hear it as pretending, but she couldn’t help but bring out two uneven colors.

Xu’s cockroach was so strong that he didn’t feel the sound, and he came back to discover that Shu Huan had gone far, and the pedestrians on the road cast a strange look on her, and quickly shut up and chased him, and happened to catch up with the beauty. Shu Huan: "Where are we going? If I am far away, will I hire a car?"

"Car hire" Shu Huan did not answer, Xu first inserted: "I really don't know if I don't know Chai Migui, hired a car to give you money? Strange said that the rich people in the family are all sturdy, just like this. Walking, are you afraid of getting your feet up?"

The beauty was taken back by her, and she was so angry that she could not speak.

Once the woman rushed, she wouldn’t be able to speak out. She seemed to have never succumbed to Shu Huan before, and turned to ask her: "Is these three shackles coming out with you?"

Not waiting for Shu Huan to respond, her eyes turned to the three scorpions, and Ba La Ba La said: "The appearance is not bad, that is, younger, turn back and call a woman to estimate the valuation, perhaps Can also sell a good price."

When you are afraid of being sold, as soon as you hear this, the faces of the three cockroaches are all white, and the eyes are straight and happy.

Shu Huan didn’t say anything, she didn’t want to argue with her on the street. At this moment, she was more and more ignorant of her. She had to marry her: “I’m free, my embarrassment will arrange for me, I don’t need to worry about you”

Before the appointment of Shu Huan, Lao Taijun shouted Xu to the front of Gujiamen. She stood for a long time and was tired and thirsty. She wanted to break into the theory of Gujia. No mercy, soft words or malicious threats are also invalid, so she has long been full of anger, only when she swears, Shu Huan does not respond to her, teach her that she feels so good, this will be poked by this cold words The anger suddenly blew up again: "Your cockroaches are so light and light, you are now the identity of the abandoned woman, not to go home to eat your aging mother, you are doing nothing, how can you catch three 丫鬟? Naturally want to sell"

There are such people who are not ignorant in the world, and it’s really an eye-opener.

Shu Huan raised an eyebrow: "Reassure, you won't be tired of you, you can go back now, I won't find you in the future, don't bother me."

Xu didn't think she was so arrogant, and the arrogance of the sky suddenly collapsed. She looked down and thought about it. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she went up and asked, "Are you bringing some money from your family?"

Look at this face, it’s almost instantaneous

Shu Huan is too lazy to care for her: "Is it related to you?"

"How it doesn't matter." Xu directly stopped her way: "I am your mother."

She is not too tired in this sentence.

Shu Huan grinned at her, sweetly shouted: "Niang"

Xu was shocked by her unusual attitude.

Shu Huan immediately smiled: "Okay, know that you are my mother, can you give way? Thank you."

Xu has not recovered, and the three monks have been unable to sneer and laugh. This is really close to the Zhu, and the near-ink is black. This milk has been waiting for a long time, saying The words have become a taste, often teaching people to be speechless.

"You..." If Shu Huan used to treat her like an iceberg, people couldn't help but want to burn up the fire, and then beat it with an ice chisel, then she would give a kind of ability to stretch, Seeing how you can resist me, Xu really didn't know what to say, and he was completely defeated. He could only quietly pick up a husband and let him speak.

"Xiaohuan, go back with us?" Shu Fu was forced to help, and went forward to persuade.

Shu Huan’s strange eyebrows: "Hey? Is this not afraid of me going home to eat you?"

Shu Fu is kind, and she doesn't know what to say when she asks this question.

Xu was busy grabbing the words: "But only four mouths are added, and they are all little girls. How much can you eat? Besides, Xiaohua, you will get some money to raise a family?"

Shu Huan looked at her and wrote four big characters on her face.


It’s totally unreasonable to talk to such people. Shu Huan is too lazy to say that he has gone two steps to the side: “No need to go back, you will die this heart”

Xu Shi picked up: "You don't listen to you if you are a mother, this is to be rebellious."

"Don't take this rebellion to suppress me." Shu Huan also said: "I am married to the pro, then marry from the body, from the moment the sedan chair is first carried into the Gujiamen, I don't have to listen to you."

After being stalked by Xu for two she naturally grew her mind and inquired about the customs here. She knows that her daughter is married and she has no big relationship with her family. Of course, the deep mutual help is a person. The usual feelings, not because of marrying a person, will be born to their parents for ten years, but her situation is obviously different, there is nothing wrong with wanting to sever the exchange with her family, just pass it out The reputation is ugly, and people will be mistakenly recognized for their losses. In the future, they will want to marry again.

However, Shu Huan did not find a man other than Gu Xiran to marry again. Second, the relatives and friends who did not get along well with each other came to her with a bitter heart, so the reputation is not good for her, even if it is related to itching, it is more than a compromise. The compromise of such a person who is as blood-sucking as a mosquito ant is stronger.

Seeing her decision so much, it is more difficult to cope with the last time. Xu is also anxious. She stretches her hand and grabs her clothes. She wants to show her tricks.

Who knows that the hand just touched the sleeves of Shu Huan, and first listened: "What are you doing?"

Immediately afterwards, I rushed over to a figure. I didn’t say anything. I lifted my leg and dumped Xu on the ground. Then I turned around and asked Shu Huan: "I am late, are you okay?"
