MTL - Shadow Hack-v2 Chapter 949 All staff

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Chapter 949: All Out

In the ancient ruins of Xunshou, the children of Yinfu stood on both sides and held the nine palace lights to illuminate the cave. The cloudy sky child stood in the center, gloomily looking at the dark liquid and the extinguished bronze lamp.

After a long time, between the waves of Yin Qi, a ghost was flying out of the underworld surrounding him, standing like a dog, and the manifested head sniffed on the ground. After staying beside a pool of black liquid for a long time, the ghost ran back to Yin Qi, vomiting black mist and condensing a picture in the air.

There are flashes in the picture, among which are the figures of Jiugong and Yinfu, as well as Leng Yan and Xi Qingzi. Then the picture turned around, and everyone in Jiugongyinfu left with a fragment of the key. In the last picture, Leng Yan and others deal with the recovering corpse corpse demon.

After looking back several times, Yin Qi retracted the ghost into the underworld realm, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the front and said, "The people in Jiugong first retreated, there is no doubt. The most likely one is the group of Xuanjiange children."

Having said that, Yin Qi turned his head and looked at the children of Yinfu on both sides, and Shen Sheng said, "Have the three children of Yinfu sent to catch the group of Xuanjiange children now?"

The head of the Yinfu children took out a piece of translucent jade pendant and shone a little light, and it faded randomly.

"The contact has been lost."

"Sure enough, I guess!" Yin Qi laughed without hearing anger, this Xuanjiange's child really had a problem. As a result of the search of the ghost in the cave just now, one of the pictures is that the children of Xuan Jiange touched the corpse demon to activate it. At that time, my father emperor once said that it would take 10,000 years for the harvest to become a corpse demon.

It is still hundreds of years away. Without external stimulus, the corpse demon wo n’t wake up. The monks during the robbery period need only be careful how the forces used can stimulate the corpse demon.

Only the monks who may be on the robbery, the strong men of the true immortal level.

Xuan Jian Ge must have learned the ruins of the divine house from Leng Yan's mouth, and then sent a true immortal hidden practice from the gate, entered the small world of the pearl, wanted to help **** the godhead, and found that the body of the divine house became The corpse demon greeted the ancient gods and robbed them.

Corpses such as corpses are the favorite of the children of Yinfu, which can enhance their strength. Not to mention this is an ancient god-level corpse demon. After waking up, the strength can reach Jinxian. For such forces as Xuan Jian Ge, how can a Jinxian corpse demon be impressed. It's just that Xuan Jiange probably doesn't know that the corpse devil they value is the thing of Yinfu, but also the thing of his Yinzi.

A golden corpse demon, how could Yin Qi let out.

Yin Qi took many of the children of Yinfu out of the site of the divine residence and appeared on the platform on the mountainside. He looked at the distant landscape and slowly said, "Children of Xuanjiange are wanted in this small pearl world. If this group of people return to the real world of Jumang, they will issue a decree to Xuanjiange and see if they dare Dare to hide and collect corpses. "

The words fell, and Yin Qi's face appeared lazily, and went into the bronze carriage.

Rainbows across the sky and headed southwest. The quantity is like falling stars.

The children of the Yinfu who stood on both sides of the bronze carriage looked up at the sky, and there was a shock in their faces hidden in the dark mist. They have never seen such a spectacular scene in a small world, with so many monks crossing the robbery.

All the monks who entered the small world during the robbery period were in order to explore the ruins of the divine residence, in which they obtained the gods to condense the law of the avenue, so as to return to the real world and become immortals.

The divine sites in the small world are scattered, and it is impossible for such a large number of monks to cross the robbery to go in the other direction.

Yin Qi, who had just lay down on the bronze carriage, felt the fluctuations in the surrounding space, and asked in confusion: "What happened outside?"

"Yin Tianzi, there are a large number of monks who have crossed over to the southwest. What seems to have happened?" A Yinfu disciple said truthfully.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Yin Qi opened the curtain of the bronze carriage and looked towards the sky. Daohonghong light source kept going in the southwest direction. After taking a look, he said, "Go to a monk during the robbery period and ask what happened."

Two Yinfu children responded and flew into the black mist toward the sky to intercept the next monk. After a while, the children of Yinfu let the monks leave and came to the bronze carriage and said, "Yin Tianzi, the monk Nadu said that some people found the ruins of the divine house in the southwest direction. I thought of calling some familiar friends. In search of the godhead, no one knows that it is spreading.

"It's just a ruin of a divine house. What good are they to go there bravely. There is only one deity in each divine house ruins. Will this deity or the main deity fail?"

Most of the divine sites in the small world are the divine body, and the godhead is also the first level. At most, it can help three people to understand the rules and become immortals. In a small number of ancient **** ruins, producing ancient **** deities can help twenty people understand the rules. And the main deity, no one knows how many monks can help the comprehension rule.

It has been rumored that the main deity can help thousands of people become immortals.

Of course, this is just a rumor, after all, the only five gods in the real world are still there. Even if it falls, the corpse and godhead are obtained by the alliance, and they will not be taken out in a small world.

The children of Yinfu paused and said, "It's not the main godhead, but there are hundreds of godheads, and many of them are ancient godheads. I heard that when the monk crossing through a dense forest passed into the outer array Fa entered, and found an ancient tree in the cave, full of gods. "

I heard that when Yin Tianzi's face changed, the first thought in his heart was that he didn't believe it was true. The next moment, Yin Qi looked at the monks who kept heading southwest in the sky, thinking that if this disappearance was false, there would not be a continuous stream of monks.

"Go and follow the group of monks crossing the robbery."

Yin Qi lowered the curtain with a smile on the corner of her mouth. The news is true, that can get at least half of the godhead. He was a Yintianzi at the beginning. His foundation in Yinfu is not stable. He needs to buy things with people's hearts. This goddess can't be more suitable. During this small world trip, I got this ancient **** corpse demon and many gods. ,

The white-faced groom sitting in front of him waved his whip, and the yin and phoenix of the two carts turned into a residual image heading southwest. Two rows of Yinfu children turned into clouds and fog, followed closely.

Yinfu travels in one vein, and the rainbow in the sky also highlights the difference.

(End of this chapter)