MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 53

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I don't know what father and Cheng Shicheng talked about, the two of them agreed to ask themselves to stay away temporarily.

Tao Xinhe was in Jichangbo Mansion, apart from feeling Cheng Shicheng's sticky eyes, he didn't suffer from his other promiscuous words and deeds. Most of the time he spent playing with eight-year-old Cheng Meng, waiting for two civil and military officials who were both third grade. After the secret talk, before they had time to ask anything, they were called by Tao Cheng to go back home together.

"This dynasty builds the country by military force. Although your father has the same official rank as the Cheng family boy, the military commander is more respected in reason. Besides, his whole family died for the country, and he was injured. He deserves more respect. Who would have thought that he When I visited our mansion, your father was very polite, and today the feng shui took turns, so he treated me with respect. Hahahaha, I have palm beads at home, so why would he ask me for anything!"

It could be seen that Tao Cheng was very satisfied with the result of the secret meeting, and he twirled his beard to show off Cheng Shicheng's humility to his eldest daughter.

What Tao Xinhe cares most about is: "Father, have you made it clear to him not to get my idea?"

Tao Cheng waved his hand, and asked another question: "He Niang, Cheng Shicheng and Gu Ningxi, what do you think of these two people?"

"I don't think so much. To me, it's all annoying dust." Tao Xinhe felt that this question was awkward, but Tao Cheng had the leading role in the conversation, so she could only bow her head for a moment and answer angrily.

"Hey...You are too self-sufficient." Tao Cheng expressed pity, and stroked the top of the eldest daughter's hair, but the cuff clumsily caught Tao Xinhe's hair ornament. A golden hairpin was taken off and handed to Tao Xinhe, repeatedly apologizing.

Tao Cheng continued to talk about his thoughts: "He Niang, life is too short. You and Gu Ningxi have been together for more than three years, and it is inevitable that you will leave a deep impression, and it is also possible that you can't forget it for a while. Don't think that your father is really indiscriminate. How many times have you been in a daze, how many times have you sighed, how many times have you laughed, and how many times have you been angry after returning home for many days, dad knows it by heart."

With one hand, Tao Xinhe caressed the back of her head where her father had torn off a few black hairs, and with the other hand, she held the hair that her father handed her. She was so dazed that she didn't even listen to Tao Cheng's words behind her.

The magpie climbed the branch, lifelike, shining brightly in her palm. This haircut has a good pattern and a good idea. It is the first time Gu Ningxi gave her a hair accessory as her husband. It was accompanied by what he confessed about Mo Qiqi.

Qingfang was too busy this morning, and someone else combed her hair. How did she find this little thing and put it on the back of her head?

Tao Xinhe interrupted Tao Cheng's words of regret: "Father, please help me to see the other side of my hair. Is there another hair like this? If so, help me take it off."

"It really is. It turns out that the two sides come symmetrically. The hair buns of your female relatives seem to be able to fill an entire jewelry store. The hair is not conspicuous at all. Daddy dare not move your hair anymore. This side is already messed up. .He Niang, I'm in my house now, after Dad finishes speaking, you can go back to your room and reorganize."

Tao Xinhe took a deep breath, and reached into the back of her head to search, but she couldn't find a bronze mirror. She wasn't sure which haircut was sent by Gu Ningxi. Hearing Tao Cheng start talking again, she bit her lower lip and put her hands down. He thought about clarifying Cheng Shicheng's matter with his father first.

"Ah, what did daddy say? Gu Ningxi... yes, this kid talks sweetly and is a couple for life. To be honest, your daddy feels touched and has a lot of face, so after you get married, I'll scold him like a joker. Who Thinking that he only persisted for more than three years before revealing his secrets, hmph! Don't be too wronged, He Niang, it's enough to be sad for a while. Cheng Shicheng, an old boy, he shouldn't have this kind of problem. Although he is not face blind, but What's wrong with me is even worse..."

However, ever since she knew that the other magpie was still in her bun, Tao Xinhe felt as if Gu Ningxi's ghost was still there, right beside her, and she felt very uncomfortable. She unconsciously tightened her bare hands, and felt a dull pain from being pricked by the sharp edge in her hand, as if there were ants and insects biting and messing around in her heart.

Tao Xinhe couldn't help interrupting: "Father, don't mention the past. Uncle Ji Chang...I don't like it even more."

Tao Cheng shook his head and shook his head: "Don't worry, you and Gu Ningxi have never met before marriage, and after marriage, they are as sweet as sugar and honey. Cheng Shicheng, in my opinion, has some sincerity towards you, take it easy, say no Sure, you can discover his goodness. Just in case, everywhere, you find that Gu Ningxi is more suitable, and it is also a harvest."

"Father, you are talking nonsense." Tao Xinhe didn't quite understand, what kind of ecstasy drug the frivolous Uncle Ji gave his father, and after a whole morning, his father was on his side.

It doesn't seem to be completely true, what is "if you find that Gu Ningxi is more desirable, it is also a harvest"? Tao Xinhe thought to herself, in this life, she will avoid that person, like an old scar on her body, who would go up to pick it up, could it be that someone is really addicted to scabs?

"So, He Niang, what Dad means is that if you really want to let go of your arms, give yourself and him a chance if you like any man. As far as Dad is concerned, it doesn't matter if this person is Gu Ningxi or Cheng Shicheng, or other men The most important thing is that my mother-in-law smiled again."

Tao Xinhe was quite shocked, can she really do it?

Holding her tight fist and gently raising it to her chest, pressing down on her heart that was throbbing because of her father's unexpected words, she lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Father, but Gu Ningxi hurt me like a knife in the back. Unprepared, painful and cold, I dare not try again."

Tao Cheng has never heard the eldest daughter show weakness like this, half of Cheng Shicheng's teaching and half of his own understanding of what he said just now. Then he said from the bottom of his heart: "Mother He. Father understands how you feel at this moment. Your second sister's mother, Aunt Zhang, you should remember. Back then, Father was designed by your mother to pollute an innocent girl. You What do you think dad is in? If it weren't for you, I would have divorced my wife."

Tao Xinhe nodded, still couldn't help but argue for her mother: "But, father, mother is for the heirs..."

"Don't talk about this, Mother He. Father and your mother used to have a strong relationship like you and Gu Ningxi. Your mother is similar to Gu Ningxi. They both made their own decisions and inserted a third person into the couple. The difference is the name and banner. In short, in their minds, conjugal friendship gave way to the secular pressure of heirs, or the moral pressure of sheltering orphans."

"Moral pressure?"

"Oh, speaking of which, these days, Gu Ningxi drinks away her sorrows every night, do you know? Someone in the Ministry of Rites is dissatisfied, and the sour words have spread to the Ministry of Industry and your father's ears. This is why they avoid talking about Gu Ningxi. In my case, Dad naturally supports your reconciliation, or any decision, but he also went to get to know the Mo family, and from a man's point of view, I think Gu Ningxi's affection for the girl of the Mo family should be far less than for you. "

Tao Xinhe shook her head, feeling desolate and disgusted with herself: "Father, what are you coaxing me for? What kind of affection does Gu Ningxi have for me? Is it the affection for a concubine to call my sister?"

Tao Cheng hit the nail on the head: "He Niang, when I was talking to Cheng Shicheng just now, you didn't answer the conversation, and when you mentioned Gu Ningxi, you just asked the bottom line. Like this, you said you let go, and you said that the sky is vast, the sea and the sky, and the clouds disappear. ? Sigh... You know how you feel, He Niang."

Tao Xinhe bowed her head deeply, a string of tears dripped on the skirt of her clothes, and they were quickly absorbed. She felt extremely embarrassed that her elders saw through the most subtle concerns.

"Your mother and I, you can see it. I have never been able to pass the hurdle of Aunt Zhang, and I was awkward with your mother until she died. He Niang, I regret it. If I do it all over again, I will ask your mother to propose a divorce. Let's leave, let's separate decently, lest she be depressed to death, because I can't change my mind. What about you? You are divorced, more courageous than your father, but you don't let go, and you are more self-suffering than your mother. Dad wants to see , What kind of life do you follow your heart? Just like the life that father would live if he was braver. "

That's all Tao Cheng said.

Tao Xinhe sat quietly in Tao Cheng's study for a while, like a puppet.

When she returned to the room, Qingfang who was greeted asked softly: "Layman, why is your hair loose? Do you want to comb it again?" Tao Xinhe seemed to be unable to bear anything, and fixedly looked at the maid who was close to her. Tears welled up in my eyes.

Qingfang thoughtfully helped Tao Xinhe clean her face and make up. After she was done, she was about to gather up the hair accessories that had been spread across the table. I'm going to look at it and think about something."

The wound will be covered badly, if the sun never sees it. Only by asking and understanding the grudges in my heart can I really let go.

So, when the moon was in the sky, Qingfang was about to serve the layman to bed, when Tao Xinhe took a deep breath and said, "Qingfang, on the morning of the seventh day, you followed Gu the small courtyard of Mo's house, what happened before he came back?" The government just told me to take a concubine?"

Yes, no matter what the truth is, when Gu Ningxi mentioned taking a concubine, it was a betrayal of "a couple for a lifetime", which Tao Xinhe could never forgive and tolerate. She hadn't listened or asked before, because she felt that it didn't matter what the reason was.

However, the four words her father said "to drown her sorrows with wine" did leave a mark on her heart.

Gu Ningxi's cheeks would turn red and she would feel dizzy and uncomfortable when she drank alcohol. Tao Xinhe blocked him from persuading him to drink at the banquet, and heard him complain that alcohol hurts people deeply, so she never associated this person with alcohol.

Tao Xinhe thought that Gu Ningxi might be habitually reluctant to let go of her, so it was expected that she would come to Tao Mansion to pick up someone and ask for a meeting. However, Mo Qiqi has a clear face to him, he is a destined person, Gu Ningxi should be happy to dodge and fulfill them, why would he disregard his dignity and gossip about his colleagues drunk?

It was the dead of night, and she wanted to hear it so that she could actually do it—open her arms and welcome the new life.


On the twentieth night of the first lunar month, at the same time, Gu Ningxi was at Xiangyang Restaurant again, inviting the shopkeeper to drink.

"You are in a small store, and you spent money to buy a drink for the young one. The young one is extremely ashamed. Our boss knows it, so we should say that the young one is not doing his duty." Despite what the shopkeeper said, the drink was not short, and he thanked Gu Ningxi happily. .

Gu Ningxi hadn't even touched a drop of wine, she held a cup of faint Kuding tea to smell the taste, and smiled at the shopkeeper.

The reason for Kuding tea can be traced back to a certain night, when he came back drunk and vomited on the bed, a maid who seemed to be named Liu Guang brought him a cup of Kuding tea and asked him to rinse his mouth, saying that although it was bitter, it was refreshing. Madam explained the benefits of this thing that day.

Gu Ningxi suddenly remembered the scene where the lady ordered the maid to observe him swallowing bitter tea with difficulty. How great would it be if he could win back his wife's heart by drinking a pot of bitter tea?

However, Gu Ningxi fell in love with the taste of Kudingcha. Sometimes she sips it to moisten her throat, and sometimes she just immerses herself in the fragrance of the bitter tea.

He said to the shopkeeper: "I am willing. The shopkeeper's kind words persuade me that I have made great progress today. I am here to thank you."

"That girl outside, stop pestering Gu Sicheng? You said something cruel, can you listen?"

Gu Ningxi waved her hand and said in a sentence: "It's just to express my feelings directly, but some words are really presumptuous for a woman, and I have lost my gentleman's heart. Shopkeeper, drink more, and I may have to borrow money from your shop some other day. Use it, ask someone to talk about things."

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